Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 568 Demon Portal, Enemies from Outside the World

With the emergence of evil energy, the power of the curse completely lost control, pulling the heart-eating and corrupted soul towards the humanoid chaos slime monster.

"Jiang Chen, do you need help?"

Seeing that Bai Ban showed signs of losing control, Baili Honglian asked immediately.

"No, don't get close."

Jiang Chen shook his head, signaling Fa Cai and Jiu Tong to continue suppressing the actions of other humanoid chaos slimes, while he stared at the humanoid chaos slime monster that had begun to emit evil energy.

Unlike the last process of transforming from holy light to demon, this time the humanoid slime monster seemed to be deliberately suppressing the evil energy.

At least except for Bai Ban, no matter how Fa Cai and Jiu Tong attacked the humanoid chaos slime monster, even if they broke their bodies, the demon would not appear.

This problem naturally would not appear on Bai Ban, at least before Demon Island, Bai Ban had no intersection with the demon.

"Could this curse strengthen the demon's evil energy?"

Jiang Chen had a vague guess in his heart, but still did not stop Bai Ban from contacting the humanoid chaos slime monster.

Strictly speaking, this is an experiment, and the relationship between the whiteboard curse and the devil will determine whether he will explore Devil Island again.


On the other side, the whiteboard also aroused his ferocity in the process of devouring the humanoid chaos slime. He didn't care how much of his body was devoured, and just kept attacking the humanoid chaos slime's head.

This posture is just like a street fight, but it must be said that it is indeed very effective.

Although the humanoid chaos slime looks the same from head to toe, and even no internal organs are exposed, every time the head is smashed, the recovery speed will be half a minute slower.

But even so, the humanoid chaos slime's fighting method is still as steady as before, and each attack follows the best route, as precise as a machine.

Yes, it is a machine.

The humanoid chaos slime's fighting skills are perfect, but the more it entangles with the whiteboard, the more weird it gives people.

It's as if the creatures in front of them are not living things, but machines controlled by precision instruments.

"Machinery... Absolutely forbidden land... It seems that what Mu Sensen said is true."

Jiang Chen recalled what Mu Sensen had told him about [Rooster]. As a symbiont, Mu Sensen could talk to the forbidden land, but never talked about the other party's life form.

Combining the six worlds and some other clues, Jiang Chen has every reason to suspect that all the absolutely forbidden lands and even the forbidden lands are controlled by a huge system.

To put it simply, these forbidden lands are like copies, which will constantly refresh monsters. As long as the monsters are defeated, resources can be obtained.

The forbidden lands created by the Avalanche Organization are private servers. Although the content is similar, the most basic control core is missing.

As for the demons...

Jiang Chen looked at the humanoid chaos slime monster that exposed evil energy from time to time, and he had already positioned it in his mind.


These demons are like foreign viruses that will destroy the system that controls these forbidden lands, but if the demons forcibly invade, it will be similar to the previous demon will coming, which will trigger the firewall (the hand of nothingness) to come out and forcibly kill the virus.

As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Chen's thoughts suddenly became clear, and the forbidden land was no longer as mysterious as before.

"But if this is true, then wouldn't the stone gate be the biggest bug? No, it should be the GM authority?"

Jiang Chen tilted his head and suddenly felt in a good mood.

Is this considered another trump card?


At this moment, the white board suddenly screamed in pain and flew backwards into the distance. Before everyone could react, an evil breath attracted everyone's attention.

The chaotic body of the humanoid chaos slime monster gradually peeled off, revealing pieces of green scales.

The evil flames burned on it, dyeing this chaotic space green, and the figure of the humanoid chaos slime monster also grew a little bit.

When the chaos shell was completely peeled off, a huge demon more than ten meters tall appeared in front of everyone.


Unlike the last demon that attacked as soon as it appeared, this demon actually showed considerable wisdom. After glancing at Jiang Chen and his party, he actually took the initiative to speak.

It's just that the language the other party spoke did not belong to any of the Federation's languages, and none of Jiang Chen and his party could understand it.

But there is one thing they can confirm, that is, this demon is very strong!

Although it is different from the creatures in the main world, they can still feel the power of the other party that is not weaker than Yuehui.

"Jiang Chen, is this the...demon you are talking about?"

Seeing the other party's hideous appearance, Li Tianqi couldn't help but feel a little scared in his heart, and subconsciously wanted to open the exit.

"Yes, this is the demon."

Jiang Chen exhaled heavily, and a thought was transmitted. Fa Cai and Jiu Tong immediately solved the others.

A few more chaos cores emerged, but no more demons were born.

"Sure enough, it was attracted by the power of the curse."

Jiang Chen was more and more certain about the relationship between the curse and the devil, and waved his hand, signaling others to leave first.

"I can't be sure what the next battle will turn out to be, so you guys hurry up and leave, I will find a way to evacuate myself."

"I refuse, my mission is to protect you, so the task of guarding the rear should be given to me."

Bai Li Hong Lian was the first to refuse, and the Red Lotus Demon Tiger was even more direct, opening up the star field and rushing towards the demon.

Facing such a creature, the demon didn't care at all, and waved his hand lightly, slapping the Red Lotus Demon Tiger like hitting a fly.

In his eyes, such a creature can be killed with a wave of his hand.

But just when it was about to hit the Red Lotus Demon Tiger, the Red Lotus Demon Tiger avoided it at a strange angle, and then grabbed the demon's arm with one claw.

In an instant, green blood spurted out, and the contempt on the demon's face disappeared, replaced by the anger of being insulted.

It was actually scratched by such a creature in the small world?

And it seems that it can't heal itself?

Feeling the heat from the wound, the demon finally noticed the abnormality, and the evil energy flames all over his body burned to prevent the next attack of the Red Lotus Demon Tiger.

But before the evil energy flames ignited, the Red Lotus Demon Tiger waved its claws and forcibly opened the demon's arm, and at the same time summoned the law projection of the fire red lotus, which was directly imprinted on the demon's chest.

Instantly, the raging fire gushed out and directly pierced through the demon's body. Through the wound, the demon's charred heart could be vaguely seen.

"Senior Honglian... so strong!"

Although he had seen Baili Honglian fight before, Jiang Chen still didn't expect that the other party would be so strong and could still deal such fatal damage to the mysterious demon.

"Don't be surprised. When you completely complete the Eternal Pagoda of Fortune, you will also have the same power."

Baili Honglian did not get complacent about this, but became serious.

"Besides, this demon has not been solved yet."

"It's not dead yet?"

Lin Mu was a little surprised. Although the wound caused by the Red Lotus Demon Tiger was not big compared to the huge size of the demon, the charred heart could not be faked.

With a wounded heart, even an indestructible animal like Baiban would find it difficult to survive. How could this demon be fine?

In the stunned eyes of the group, the wound on the demon's chest actually began to recover little by little. Although the speed was very slow, it was indeed not as fatal as they imagined.

It was also at this time that the demon finally released the evil flames to cover himself completely, and the Red Lotus Demon Tiger could no longer easily cause damage to the demon as before.


The demon roared at the Red Lotus Demon Tiger. Although they still couldn't understand the language, everyone could feel the fighting spirit in it.

Then, a green light flashed, and the Red Lotus Demon Tiger flew backwards directly. Before it landed, the demon appeared on its head and smashed it heavily to the ground.

Without any fancy skills or energy, the demon defeated the Red Lotus Demon Tiger with pure physical strength.

"What a strong body!"

At this time, Jiang Chen also realized that the demon and their cultivation system were different, and the powerful and terrifying body was the best evidence.

But it was precisely because of this that Fa Cai's interest was completely aroused.

Da Da ~

Feeling the terrible power contained in the other party's burly body, Fa Cai rushed up quickly, and did not take shortcuts, and also fought with his body.

This kind of opponent should be able to temper his Fa Tian Xiang Di to the extreme, right?

The demon was not afraid of fighting, and waved his fist full of bone spurs to meet the attack head-on.

Although Fa Cai's aura was much weaker than that of the Red Lotus Demon Tiger, he could feel a little threat.

This enemy is worth fighting!

With the same idea, the two creatures who were also tempering their bodies fought together. The strong shock wave instantly swept the entire chaotic space, blowing the white board that had just climbed up away again.

And the weakest Yunwu boy on the scene was almost blown away by the shock wave.

"These two are monsters..."

Li Tianqi murmured for a while, especially when he saw Fa Cai who did not retreat after fighting with the demon, he was speechless.

He was very sure that the demon's power had exceeded that of the Titan Dragon Lizard, at least it was the combat power of the Moonlight Level.

But Fa Cai could actually be on par with the other party, which was really a bit too much.

"No, the power of this demon seems to be beyond our normal thinking. He is only competing in physical training, and..."

Jiang Chen looked at Fa Cai and the demon who were still in a stalemate, and he always felt something was wrong.

The demon's aura was very strong, and there was no sign of being suppressed, but for some reason, Jiang Chen always felt that something was missing from the demon.

But before Jiang Chen could figure out the reason, new changes appeared again.

Just behind the demon, the chaotic space suddenly shattered, as if a fragile mirror broke under unbearable force.

In the broken space, a green flame quietly emerged, swaying, mysterious and weird. This flame was not as hot and wild as ordinary flames, but revealed a deep and cold breath.

The flame expanded rapidly, as if it was injected with life, and turned into a huge green portal. This portal seemed to connect to another world, and the green halo flowed through it, emitting a weird and charming light.

Jiang Chen and his party stared at this sudden change, their eyes full of solemnity. They knew that the appearance of this green portal must indicate that something unusual was about to happen.

As expected, as the green portal stabilized, green ghosts ran out one after another. These ghosts were short, with green skin, and their eyes flashed with cunning and evil light. They chirped and cried, as if cheering for the arrival of the new world.

Jiang Chen and his group were on high alert. They knew that the appearance of these green ghosts was just the beginning of a series of challenges that might happen next.

These ghosts were not strong, but Jiang Chen felt a strong malice from them.

A kind of malice that comes from an enemy outside the world! (End of this chapter)

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