Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 569 Demon-killing Curse, Devouring Demons and Souls

"Portal... When!"

Seeing that someone else had opened the portal before him, Li Tianqi was stunned and fiddled with the Chaos Wings in a panic.

As the controller of the [Rat] key, although he could not completely control [Rat], he had the right to enter and exit.

But right under his nose, someone else actually opened the portal, which really made him panic.

"It should be that devil."

Bai Li Hong Lian looked solemn and said, "Jiang Chen, how long can Fa Cai hold off that devil?"

"Not sure, but it should be fine for a short time."

Jiang Chen glanced at Fa Cai. Although his body was trembling and his steps were a little unstable, Fa Cai did not show any signs of decline and would not have any problems for the time being.

"Then you hold on here first, I will find a way to solve this portal."

Bai Li Hong Lian pointed at the portal. In just a short while, more than a dozen demons had come out of the portal, and more were still running out from behind.

And as the demons kept running out, the speed of the portal expansion was gradually increasing.

If this continued, there might be stronger demons coming out.

Invasion... This is the invasion of the demons on the main world!

For no reason, this thought came to everyone's mind, and they immediately put aside other thoughts and launched an attack on the demons together.

As for Baili Honglian, he called the Red Lotus Demon Tiger back to his side, and sat in concentration, as if he was in meditation.

Obviously, Baili Honglian was ready to use his best skills to break the portal.

"In this case, we can't just watch."

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and Jiutong immediately joined the team to strangle the demons. Although Dongfeng was still afraid and dared not show his head, he still consciously flew the sword to help Jiang Chen resist some attacks.

Seeing this, Titan Dragon Lizard and Yunwu Boy also joined the battle.

Without the attribute suppression of the Chaos Slime, they were able to fight to their full potential, and all kinds of skills were poured out without cost, killing these little demons and making them cry for their parents.

However, with the death of these little demons, the speed of the green portal's expansion became faster and faster.

Obviously, these little demons were swallowed by the demon portal after death and became the energy for expansion.

"Killing demons will speed up the expansion of the portal, and if they are not killed, there will be more and more. It's an unsolvable problem."

Jiang Chen frowned slightly. The portal could not appear for no reason, especially for teleporting such alien creatures, there must be some kind of coordinates.

Among the creatures present, the only one who could do this was the demon.

"Fa Cai, go all out and kill the demon!"

Da Da!

Jiang Chen gave an order, and Fa Cai suddenly jumped up, and the Tree of Truth appeared behind him, infusing the power of the four world runes into Fa Cai's body.

At the same time, the Eternal Pagoda also appeared above Fa Cai's head, carrying the eternal artistic conception of indestructibility and indestructibility, and smashed heavily on the demon's head.

As for Fa Cai's original body, he launched the Great Prison Claw and attacked the wound on the demon's chest directly.

The demon's self-repair speed is very fast, but facing the law damage of the Red Lotus Karma Fire, it is still difficult to repair in a short time.

That is to say, the demon is a race with unparalleled flesh and has mastered the power of fire. If it were other races, it would be difficult to even exert their strength.

But it was just this wound that put the demon at an absolute disadvantage when facing Fa Cai.

Obviously, his energy and flesh are stronger than Fa Cai, but with the blessing of a number of skills, Fa Cai raised his strength to the same level as the demon.

Even with the weakening effect of the Great Prison Claw and the power of Guixu, the demon gradually fell into a disadvantage.

But even so, the demon had no intention of giving in. Instead, he became more and more excited as he fought, constantly stimulating the potential in his body.

"This feeling... is very similar to the teacher's way of practicing."

Jiang Chen did not doubt Cao Xiong, but the demon and Yanyan Lingyuan looked very strong. They both attributed their power to themselves and created invincible flesh.

With such a strong body, it is difficult for ordinary energy attacks to cause damage to it, which is also the main reason why Fa Cai can crush many opponents.

Unless it is an existence of the same type, it is difficult to fight against it.

"Teacher is so obsessed with tempering the body, could it be that he also knows the existence of demons?"

The teacher is also the owner of the forbidden treasure, and has entered the forbidden land, perhaps there are clues related to demons there.

If this is true, the threat hidden behind these demons may be higher than avalanche!

Jiang Chen shook his head. This matter has not been resolved yet, and new things have appeared. It is really a headache.


Just then, Bai Ban finally climbed back, and the Heart-Erosion Corrupted Soul was suspended above his head.

The Heart-Erosion Corrupted Soul was still burning with green evil energy flames, which seemed to be the reason why it did not chase the demon.

The sand that was originally half green and half black has now mostly turned black, like a crystal of curse, which is daunting.

"Bai Ban, are you okay?"

Jiang Chen patted Bai Ban's much smaller body and asked.


Hearing Jiang Chen's question, Bai Ban immediately raised his chest and patted it vigorously.

Although his body was broken into pieces, he must not be a coward in front of his master. After all, I am going to be the boss's right-hand man!

"It's good that you're okay."

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed, and he immediately grasped the state of Baiban.

Just now, Baiban was knocked away by the demon, and the desolate poison body was also broken up a lot, but Baiban was not injured. Instead, a lot of dross was eliminated.

The desolate poison body is the integration of all poisons, but Baiban has eaten too many messy toxins and impurities.

Previously, many impurities were dissolved by the evil energy curse, but there are still some stubborn elements.

Now, relying on the power of chaos and the attacks of demons, the desolate poison body has obviously become purer.

It is also closer to the breath of the curse power.

"Will Baiban become a curse system in the future?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but think of the scene of Baiban dressed as a wizard, cursing the enemy, and suddenly felt a chill.

Although the curse system is very strong, it always feels a bit dangerous if it falls on Baiban.


Baiban didn't understand Jiang Chen's tangled expression, but after seeing the demon who was getting more and more angry, he turned his eyes and quietly moved to the back of the demon with his heart-eating and corrupted soul.

You dared to attack me, let's see how I will retaliate.

"Jiang Chen, don't you take care of your pet spirit?"

Lin Mu couldn't help but worry when he saw this.

Although the battle between Fa Cai and the demon did not cause any substantial environmental damage due to the chaotic space, he could still feel the impact of the aftermath of the battle between the two.

In this evenly matched situation, Baiban would most likely interfere with Fa Cai if he went up now.

"It's okay, Baiban knows, and Fa Cai is not so easily disturbed."

Although Fa Cai was obsessed with exercise all day and rarely interacted with others, Jiang Chen never doubted Fa Cai's fighting ability.

After all, this was the first partner who followed him all the way to fight.

"That's fine."

Lin Mu nodded slightly, looking at the portal that was still growing, and said, "But the problem here seems to have become more serious."

In just a short while, the demon portal became larger, and the number of ghosts coming out of it was increasing.

If this rhythm continues, the portal will soon be out of control.

"Senior Baili, is it okay?"

"Give me a little more time."

Bai Li Hong Lian closed her eyes tightly, and the rune between her eyebrows gradually emerged, and began to resonate with the red lotus on the top of the Red Lotus Demon Tiger's head.

And as the resonance continued, the power of the Karma Fire Red Lotus began to increase unlimitedly.


On the other side, perhaps because of the strange breath on Bai Li Hong Lian, the attention of the demons was also attracted, and they actually wanted to leave Fa Cai and rush to the portal.

"It seems that Senior Hong Lian did pose a threat to him."

Jiang Chen became more and more certain that Bai Li Hong Lian's move would cause heavy damage to the portal. With a thought, the Nine-Barrel Infinite Power was released, and those demon ghosts actually changed direction and rushed towards the demons.

After so much trouble, the power of Wujian has eroded the souls of the demons, and Jiutong can even transform them into shadow beasts at any time.

If it weren't for the fact that the demons have better effects with the same attributes as the demons, Jiutong would have done so.


The demons suddenly roared, and the demons stopped moving forward and turned around again to attack Jiang Chen and his party.

Compared with before, the demons seemed more violent this time, and they didn't even feel that they trampled on their companions, and attacked randomly without any rules.


Faced with such changes, Jiutong's eyes became a little deep.

Just after the demons roared, the souls of these demons suddenly became chaotic, which directly caused the power of Wujian to be disrupted.

This kind of soul is worth studying...

"Dongfeng, take action."

Facing these chaotic demons, Jiang Chen finally couldn't help but throw Dongfeng out.

Although he was still afraid, Dongfeng still managed to control the nine flying swords to kill the enemy through a layer of sunglasses.

Compared with the precise control of the White Mask in the state of Heaven's Unkindness, Dongfeng in this state is obviously a bit rough in operation.

However, under the blessing of the Lord of Arms and the strong mind power, each flying sword showed considerable destructive power, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Under the stimulation of blood and flesh, the demons became more crazy, and each of them was fearless. On the contrary, Dongfeng was frightened by these little ghosts and dared not open his eyes.

However, Dongfeng's combat effectiveness did not weaken because of this, but became more sharp.

Any creature will show stronger power after being frightened, and Dongfeng is obviously the best among them.

But this also made the big demon feel the crisis. With a roar, he forced Fa Cai to retreat and rushed towards the direction of the portal.

But at this moment, Baiban quietly touched behind the demon, and the black heart-eating corrupt soul slammed into the back of the demon's head.

The demon was attacked by surprise and was immediately furious. Just as he was about to fight back, he saw that the dark curse power had already broken through his body and attacked his soul.

Subconsciously, the demon felt like he was being targeted by a hunter, trying to eat his soul.

This curse was born to destroy the demon!

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