Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 570 The Great Devil Arrives

As the power of the curse fell on the demon, the Corrupted Heart and Corrupted Soul completely lost control and crazily burrowed into the demon's body.

Although the demon tried its best to resist, the power of the curse itself was invisible and without substance. It was not interfered by external forces at all and was directly integrated into the demon's body.

Suddenly, the devil's aura suddenly became chaotic, and the evil flames burned fiercely, sometimes becoming extremely strong, and sometimes becoming extremely weak.

Correspondingly, the devil's destructive desire was also enhanced to the extreme, completely forgetting its original purpose, and launched revenge on everything around it.

The first one to bear the brunt was the whiteboard that had just attacked him.


It's just that Bai Ban is well versed in the principle of giving up when he is ready, and the distance between him and the devil was widened the moment the sneak attack was successful.

But the devil obviously didn't care about this and rushed towards the whiteboard regardless.

Da da!

But how could Fa Cai let such a good opponent go? The Eternal Pagoda fell from the sky and directly blocked the devil's path, while he caught up from behind and took the opportunity to entangle the devil.

The attack was blocked, the devil became more and more violent, and the backhand started fighting with Fa Cai again.

Due to the interference of the curse, the devil's aura and power became ups and downs. This time, Fa Cai was unable to evenly compete with him and suffered many attacks.

But it was these attacks that caused Fa Cai's size to shrink again, and the golden color on his body became darker.

The Dharma, Heaven and Earth are finally about to cross the threshold of the immortal golden body.

Thinking of this, Fa Cai simply gave up his defense and chose to fight the devil in an attack-on-attack manner.

If you can’t beat Shushu to death, then let Shushu beat him to death!

"I really can't believe that someone of Fa Cai's size would launch such a violent attack."

Li Tianqi shrank his neck when he saw this, and couldn't help but glance at his own Titanosaurus lizard.

Obviously the titanosaur lizard is dozens of times larger than Fa Cai, but its fighting style seems a bit petty compared to Fa Cai.

"Just get used to it. If you see how you performed in the judging competition before you got rich, you won't find it strange."

Lin Mu shook his head. Although he did not participate in the evaluation competition, he had still watched the video of the competition.

The scene where Fa Cai instantly killed the Ghost Fire Beast with one strike was still fresh in his memory. He doubted that after Fa Cai was promoted to the Star Level, only Sun Yao creatures would be able to suppress it.

"It's so...perverted."

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly, no longer knowing how to evaluate this animal.

Jiang Chen didn't notice the whispers between the two, he just stared at the devil and getting rich.

The tempering of getting rich is naturally important, but what he is more concerned about right now is the devil.

In other words, it is a curse that has been cast into the devil's body.

The current demon's state is very similar to the demonized Spiny Hammer Shark he saw on Alcatraz Island, just as violent and as powerful.

Next, it depends on whether the power of the curse can destroy this demon.

Sure enough, as the battle continued, the demon's violent state also came to an end.

The originally strong body quickly shriveled up, and his eyes became a little hollow. On the contrary, the evil flames on his body became hotter and hotter.

This is not the devil's resistance, but a flash in the pan before death.

"Everyone, stay away from the portal!"

At this moment, Baili Honglian suddenly opened his eyes, and the red lotus on the head of the red lotus demon tiger also suddenly released a bright red light.

"Senior, are you ready?"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen and his party immediately ordered the pet spirits to disperse. On the contrary, the little devils were still unclear about the specific situation and rushed towards them noisily.

In this regard, the Red Lotus Demon Tiger did not panic at all, and just controlled the Karma Red Lotus to fly slowly towards the portal.

There was no explosion, no burning, it was just that wherever the Karma Fire Red Lotus touched, it was burned into nothingness.

Even from Jiutong's soul perspective, the souls of these imps were burned out.

This is the powerful combustion power brought about by the extreme high temperature!

Faced with such a terrifying attack, the little ghosts were finally shrouded in fear. They fled in panic, and some even tried to escape back through the portal in panic.

It’s just that the Karma Red Lotus didn’t care about this and floated all the way to the devil’s portal.

Although there was no direct contact, as the Red Lotus of Karma Fire continued to approach, the flames on the portal showed signs of extinguishing.

The Karmic Fire Red Lotus seems to use the evil flame as fuel and burns it without discrimination.

It is conceivable that once the portal is touched by the Karma Red Lotus, the portal will eventually be destroyed.

Roar! ! !

Perhaps he was aware of the destructive power of the Karma Red Lotus, and the demon, which was already at the end of its strength, suddenly arose. Regardless of the obstacles of getting rich, it rushed towards the Karma Red Lotus desperately.

"Jiang Chen, find a way to stop him."

Baili Honglian's face was pale, and the Red Lotus Demon Tiger was obviously a little weak.

"My amplification talent cannot last for too long. Once the time expires, the amplification effect will be gone."

"I see."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, and Fa Cai on the other side had already blocked the devil with a flash.

But the devil seemed determined to die with the Karma Red Lotus, and even dragged Fa Cai into the Karma Red Lotus.

Fa Cai noticed something was wrong and tried to break away but was tightly held by the other party, and his body was burned red by the evil flames.

"Damn it, Dongfeng, wear a mask!"

Seeing the devil's crazy behavior, Jiang Chen's expression also changed.

The trapped beast still fights. This demon is so weak and can still make such a counterattack. I still underestimated the demon race.

But at this moment, the demon's forward movement suddenly stopped, and its withered body suddenly turned into ashes, leaving only a dim and twisted soul.

And in that dim soul, black fine sand was shuttled back and forth, rapidly corroding the soul.

In an instant, the last traces of this demon were swallowed up by the curse, and the red lotus of karma fell into the center of the portal.

This expected but unexpected battle finally came to an end.


Before Jiang Chen could take a breath, Baiban screamed.

It's not that new enemies appeared, but that after devouring the demon, the fine black sand returned to the whiteboard.

And, little by little, it merges into the soul of the whiteboard.

At the same time, a strange piece of data also appeared in Jiang Chen's mind.

[Racial Skills]: Demon-killing and Spirit-Swallowing

[Skill Attribute]: Curse

[Skill Introduction]: High-level coercion skills, curse system, move when encountering demons, and devour demons when encountering them.

"After swallowing a demon, it merged with the Corrupted Heart and Corrupted Soul?"

Jiang Chen's face was full of surprise. Although the curse on Alcatraz Island showed signs of merging with the corroding heart and soul, Jiang Chen was still prepared for a long-term battle.

But he didn't expect that thanks to the mysterious curse of a demon, he would merge with Heart Corruption and Soul Corruption.

"No, it's not completely integrated yet."

But soon, Jiang Chen noticed something unusual.

Although the Demon Swallowing Soul Slayer has been able to receive the soul, it still has not completely integrated with the soul. Instead, it is temporarily living in it like a tenant.

"It seems like we need to spend some more time fiddling with it."

Jiang Chen felt relieved and didn't find it troublesome.

Although there is no one step to success, the transformation of whiteboard projection skills is already a good start.

Jiang Chen firmly believes that as long as the whiteboard completes the fusion of the projections of the two laws of Desolate Sky Poison Body and Demon-Destroying Spirit Swallowing, there will definitely be a qualitative change.

It's a pity that Fa Cai, because of the intervention of the curse, the demon's power was weakened and failed to help Fa Cai take the final step.

Da da……

Feeling that Fa Tian Xiang Di was only one step away from transformation, his wealth was obviously a little low, and he didn't even bother to care about the burning on his body.

"Don't worry, your combat power level is not at full level yet. There is room for improvement in the proficiency of several other skills. Just practice slowly."

Jiang Chen patted Fa Cai's head and comforted him.

Not counting the Tree of Truth, only Dazhen Prison Claw is left to make a fortune. It has not yet reached the state of transcendence, and it is not far away from it.

When Facai is promoted from Gold 5-star to Gold 9-star, he will definitely be able to max out the Dazhen Prison Claw proficiency.

At that time, if you make a fortune and then advance to the Star Level, you will definitely get the greatest improvement.

As for the filling of the ten elements...

Jiang Chen pinched his eyebrows. Although he had clues about the Open Sky Cone, it was still a bit difficult to collect the ten elements in a short time. He could only take one step at a time.

Jiang Chen was there calculating the harvest, while Li Tianqi and the others quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Jiang Chen, let's go back and rest for a while. There's no rush anyway. If something happens again..."

Li Tianqi took the initiative to speak and said.

The appearance of the demon consumed too much of their energy, especially Baili Honglian, and the physical exertion was even greater.

"That's fine."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly and put away the things he had held in his hands.

His main purpose here is not only to help the sweet baby dragon upgrade, but also to detect the relationship between the curse and the devil.

Now that the curse has been adopted by Bai Ban for his own use, he no longer needs to waste time.

It's a pity that after being so tormented by the devil, he no longer has the energy to study the situation in the third dimension.

But just when Li Tianqi was about to open the portal, the palms on Jiang Chen's hands suddenly trembled.

"No, the portal is not closed yet!"

Following Zhang Qiankun's spatial perception, Jiang Chen suddenly discovered a problem.

Just where the space portal originally stayed, there is still a small green dot.

This small dot was not big at first, and Jiang Chen wouldn't have noticed it if it weren't for Zhang Qiankun, but it soon swelled up in the wind and returned to its original size in an instant.

Not only that, after returning to its original state, the space gate actually expanded again, becoming more than twice its previous size.

And behind the portal, a huge demon slowly walked out.

It was obviously the same appearance as the demon just now, but it gave people an unprecedented pressure.

Chaos, evil.

It's as if the one just now was just a low-end version.


The moment this demon appeared, Demon Slayer Devouring Spirit became restless again, apparently smelling a stronger demon aura.

"It seems we are still a step late."

Jiang Chen's eyes widened. It was obvious that when they closed the portal, the big demon had already locked the coordinates here, so that he could reopen the portal and come.

But this time, they might not be able to easily defeat the enemy.

Good things never come in pairs, and bad things never come alone.

Before Jiang Chen and the others could respond, another big demon walked out, guarding the left and right sides of the portal, staring at Jiang Chen and his party with eager eyes.

Obviously, they are just the vanguard, and their purpose is just to protect the portal from being destroyed.

"Why does something like this happen every time we come here?"

Jiang Chen was a little speechless. It was like this last time, and it is still like this this time. Did this [Zi Mouse] really stab the devil in his lair?

"Fa Cai, Bai Ban, Jiu Tong, Dong Feng, stop them!" (End of this chapter)

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