Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 571: All members have second skills, no limit to cross-level!

When two big demons suddenly appeared in the portal, Fa Cai stepped forward instantly and guarded in front of everyone without hesitation.

It could keenly perceive that these two demons were significantly different from the one it had encountered before. Although they exuded the same aura and even had the same energy, Fa Cai instinctively realized that the demon it had fought before was incomplete in comparison, like a castrated version.

Before the battle, Fa Cai could already feel the surging, chaotic and disorderly power of the two big demons. Their pure destructive instinct was chilling, and any living being had only two choices when facing them: either succumb and join, or face death.

This was Fa Cai's intuition, and although there was no conclusive evidence, it firmly believed in it.

It was for this reason that Fa Cai grabbed the golden bowl without any hesitation!

Golden Bowl - Eat the grain of the next year in the year of Yin!

Three colorful liquids emerged in the golden bowl and were swallowed by Fa Cai in one gulp, and Fa Cai once again showed an immortal state of mind.

Even the Eternal Pagoda beside him showed a similar state of mind, except that one of them contained immortality in his body, and his body was immortal and indestructible, while the other was displayed outside. Wherever the light of the Eternal Pagoda shone, all energy and even laws tended to be still.

The explosion of these two forces, one inside and one outside, immediately attracted the attention of the two big demons.

However, after noticing the "pitiful" energy in Fa Cai, the two big demons actually showed a disdainful smile, and only sent one big demon to fight, while the other big demon still guarded in front of the portal.

Although they looked down on these so-called enemies, they did not forget their duties and had no intention of staying away from the portal.

And Jiang Chen and his party could also see that there were more demons rushing towards them through the portal.

Da Da!

Seeing this scene, Fa Cai did not mean to waste any time, and rushed directly to the portal, completely ignoring the big demon that was heading towards him.

The big demon was displeased when he saw this. He waved his hand and took out a flaming giant sword from nowhere and slashed at Fa Cai.

But Fa Cai didn't even bother to turn his head and threw the golden bowl away.

Suddenly, the golden bowl turned into falling treasure money and flew lightly to the flaming giant sword. The big demon suddenly felt that his hand was empty, and the flaming giant sword flew out of his hand uncontrollably and fell to the ground.

At this time, Fa Cai had already arrived in front of the big demon guarding the portal.


Seeing that Fa Cai was so bold, the big demon also became interested and gave up his weapon directly, choosing to fight with his body.

And this was the result that Fa Cai wanted.

I saw that Fa Cai's body swelled up in the wind and instantly became the same size as the big demon. He waved his claws and firmly grasped the demon's hands.

Taking advantage of this gap, the Eternal Pagoda flew out quietly and landed upright on the demon portal.

Suddenly, an eternal and immortal state of mind fell on the portal, and the portal that was originally fluctuating and growing suddenly stopped, as if someone had pressed the pause button.

It was precisely because of this that the silent exit and the transmission channel were misaligned and could be disconnected at any time.

Of course, Jiang Chen and his party were not clear about all this, but they saw that after Fa Cai did this, the two big demons all became angry.

The two demons abandoned all their enemies and rushed towards the Eternal Pagoda on the portal regardless of everything, determined to restore the portal to operation.

But Fa Cai would not let them do as they wished, and he held the demon in his hand tightly and did not let it leave.

But Fa Cai was powerless to stop the other end.

"Bai Ban, this one is up to you!"

However, because of Fa Cai's timely stop, Jiang Chen had already prepared a response plan.

Just as the big demon's attention was attracted by the Eternal Pagoda, Bai Ban had already waved the brick transformed by the Demon-Slayer and Devouring Soul to hit the back of the big demon's head.

Although the big demon sensed the danger, he was tightly entangled by the Wusheng Quicksand before he turned around.

Not only that, the Jiutong, which had been prepared for a long time, also spread out the net to forcibly plunder the shadow of the big demon and interfere with its movements.


The Demon-Slayer Devouring Soul hit the big demon's head straight, and the big demon's movements also stagnated.

The power of the white board was not enough to threaten its body, but the curse contained in it made him extremely afraid.

This curse was developed for them demons!

However, this big demon was obviously not comparable to the previous one. Although the curse weakened his strength a lot, he resumed normal actions after a short pause.

Even Jiutong's skills did not play much role on the big demon.

The demon's soul was full of chaos and aggression, like a mass of magma, and the power of Wujian could not stir it at all.

The Shadow Prison was also disturbed by this soul, and the effect was greatly reduced. Coupled with the big demon's terrifying body, it could only affect the big demon's actions for a short time.

This was the first time that Jiutong had behaved so badly after his bloodline had transformed into a legendary level, which deeply stimulated Jiutong's self-esteem.

As a qualified butler, it must not behave so badly in front of its master.

With this in mind, Jiutong tore off his tuxedo without any hesitation.

Tuxedo - How can you say you have no clothes!


Suddenly, a cold breath escaped from Jiutong, and the elegant spider steward transformed into a giant demon spider again and blocked the big demon.

Because the bloodline had been promoted once, Jiutong used the bloodline promoted by Qi Yue Wuyi this time, no longer the Purgatory Demon Spider, but the more evil and terrifying World-Destroying Spider Emperor!

The same skill Shadow Prison, but the effect was completely different when used by the World-Destroying Spider Emperor.

With almost no resistance, a big demon shadow beast emerged in the hands of the World-Destroying Spider Emperor and forcibly blocked the way of the big demon.

Not only that, the originally gray chaotic space suddenly seemed to be covered with a layer of shadow, and everyone's vision became dark.

And in these darkness, two black scalpels quietly hovered near the big demon, and every time they appeared, they could take away a large piece of flesh and blood of the big demon.

Although it was still gold level, the power of the legendary bloodline gave Jiutong a great increase.

At this point, the big demon finally began to face the opponent in front of him, and ignored the big sword that was still suppressed by the falling treasure money, but swung his fist full of bone spurs and smashed at the enemy in front of him.

But Jiutong still had no intention of confronting the big demon head-on, but relied on the bloodline bonus to activate Shadow Prison and Wujian to interfere with the big demon's actions.

As a qualified housekeeper, you can't lose your mind due to the interference of bloodline, and you still have to make the most correct choice.

Facing an enemy whose combat power is only close to the Moonlight level, the frontal battle must be handed over to the most suitable person.

For example, a guy who can't be killed.

Just when the big demon attacked the demon shadow beast, Baiban also caught up, and regardless of whether the multiple attacks had any effect, he swung the Demon-Slaying Devouring Spirit and smashed it hard.

The big demon naturally would not let Baiban stack the curse like this, and he would attack Baiban in return.

But Baiban was well versed in gangster martial arts, and he didn't bother to care whether he would be beaten to death, and smashed the demon's head hard.

But when the demon's fist landed on it, Bai Ban separated his body from the wild poison body, allowing the poison body to be broken up by the big demon and drenched all over the big demon.

Being harassed by Bai Ban, the big demon's anger reached its peak, and the evil flames all over his body burned violently, completely blocking Bai Ban's possibility of sneak attack.

But at this moment, Bai Ban took a few sips from the wine gourd, and an ominous smoke suddenly emerged from his body, grabbing the big demon like a tentacle.

Wine gourd - drinking poison to quench thirst!

The wild poison body was completely transformed into a law-level toxin, and Bai Ban also had the capital to confront the big demon head-on.

Under the strengthening of drinking poison to quench thirst, the toxicity of the wild poison body is terrible, and coupled with the little curse power contained in it, the big demon only beat Bai Ban a few times, and the flesh showed signs of decay.

Not only that, with Bai Ban's attack, the curse in the big demon's soul also began to become active, devouring the demon's soul bit by bit.

The two pets worked together, relying on the enhanced skills of their exclusive treasures, and fought the big demon comparable to Yuehui to a draw.

"My goodness, Jiang Chen doesn't even take Yuehui creatures seriously?"

Li Tianqi was shocked when he saw this. It was okay to fight against Yuehui, but it was a bit too much to jump two levels.

"Although the combat power of the big demon is comparable to Yuehui, it is still very different from Yuehui creatures."

Baili Honglian recovered some physical strength and explained reluctantly.

In terms of combat power alone, the big demon can definitely compete with Yuehui creatures, but their growth paths are not the same.

In simple terms, it is like two different professions. There is an absolute class nature between different professions and different classes. It is difficult to challenge across levels, but if you challenge other professions, you may achieve greater success.

Jiutong and Baiban are now like two cheating mages. Although they seem powerless when facing Yuehui-level mages, they can play an excessive role when facing Yuehui-level warriors.

But that being said, regardless of what profession it is, the Moonlight Level is the Moonlight Level, and the performance of the Nine-barrel and the white board is really a bit too much.

"But why do I feel that the other side is even more excessive."

Lin Mu pointed in the direction of Fa Cai, his eyes were a bit complicated.

Unlike the two-on-one situation here, Fa Cai was always facing the big demon alone, and even had to divide some of his mind to control the Eternal Pagoda.

But even so, Fa Cai never showed a decline, but instead had the upper hand.

After the other big demon was controlled, Fa Cai also freed up his hands and attacked his opponent with all his strength.

Although the big demon's fighting skills were very skilled, and it was definitely the level of a hundred battles, Fa Cai still relied on the attributes without any shortcomings to suppress it.

The three pets activated the second skill at the same time, and actually beat the two big demons into a mess.

On Jiang Chen's side, he had not even sent out all the pet spirits.

"Why do I feel that if Jiang Chen sends out the remaining two pet spirits, these two big demons might be dead?"

Li Tianqi murmured for a while and said something extremely crazy, but no one present thought it was exaggerated.

This guy, there is really no limit to cross-level combat... (End of this chapter)

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