Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 67 Destroy what you can’t get?

This ridiculous thought flashed through Jiang Chen's mind, and Jiang Chen observed the surrounding environment.

The body of the crown wood snake is too big to be transferred to Zhang Qiankun, let alone transferred to the farm.

Therefore, the top priority is to quickly remove all the valuable parts of the crown wood snake.

"Hongzhong, go help Facai find the life core...Hongzhong?"

Jiang Chen shouted for a long time, but couldn't get a response, and he felt confused.

This crowned wood snake was found by Hongzhong, but Hongzhong did not appear in the whole battle just now, which was really abnormal.

Are there other evil spirits? !

Jiang Chen felt a shiver in his heart, and immediately used the contract to sense it, only to find that Hongzhong was suddenly on the big tree where the crown wood snake lived.

"What was this guy doing up in the tree? Did he dig out snake eggs?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows. The crown wood snake is a rare blue species. If you can bring some snake eggs back, you will definitely be able to sell them for a good price!

Meow! ! !

At this moment, a shrill cat meow suddenly came from the tree crown, and then Jiang Chen saw a water ball falling from the tree crown, followed by a broken rose.


Where did the roses come from in this damn place?

Jiang Chen became more and more puzzled. He didn't react until he saw the black cat evil spirit exposed on the tree crown.

This guy is not going to confess his feelings...

Meow meow~

The water ball fell to the ground and turned back to its red appearance, but Jiang Chen did not manage his finances, but looked at the tree crown with a cold look.

That looks like a proper husband-looking stone, ah no, a cat-looking stone!

It really is!

Jiang Chen covered his face and sighed. He thought Hongzhong was so excited because he discovered the crown wood snake, but after a long time, he actually discovered the black cat?

Despite all precautions, Hongzhong turned out to be the same model as Xiao Yan.

Could it really be the true nature of cats in the beginning?

Meow! ! !

However, although Hongzhong was affectionate, the black cat evil spirit on the canopy didn't have so many thoughts. After seeing Jiang Chen, he even took the initiative to attack!

At the same time as the black cat attacked, several white snake eggs fell from the crown of the tree, hitting the branches and completely shattering.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen seemed to hear the sound of his heart breaking.

That’s all money!

Thinking that he had lost a large amount of money for no reason, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold when he looked at the black cat.

This black cat already has a way to kill himself!

"Hongzhong...forget it, it's up to you to make a fortune."

Facing the black cat's surprise attack, Jiang Chen didn't panic at all and immediately summoned Fa Cai to fight.

But Fa Cai was busy looking for the life core. Just when he was about to take action, he saw that Hong Zhong had already taken the lead and stopped in front of the black cat.

But this time it’s not a confession.

At this time, Hongzhong's eyes no longer had the previous admiration, replaced by endless coldness. Black Cat just looked at it and felt as if his soul was frozen.

Then, Hongzhong's whole body was filled with cold air, and his body gradually turned into ice. When the black cat approached, Hongzhong had completely turned into an ice cat.

"Full of ice? Hongzhong, can you still fight like this?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised to see Hongzhong looking like this.

Using hydration to create water sources and freezing to increase damage, Hongzhong can adjust his body's condition according to combat needs.

But there has never been such a situation where the whole body is frozen.

Meow! ! !

Seeing the changes in Hong Zhong, the black cat instinctively sensed something was wrong, but it was too late to leave and could only bite the bullet and attack.

The black cat was not slow. As soon as he landed on the ground, he swung out a claw and hit Hongzhong in an instant.

However, under such an attack, Hongzhong was as steady as a mountain and did not retreat at all. On the contrary, the black cat's claws froze the moment they touched Hongzhong.

Not only that, after freezing the claws, the frost continued to spread, freezing the black cat completely in just a few breaths.

Hongzhong, on the other hand, had an indifferent expression on his face. His tail lightly swept over the black cat, which fell to the ground and broke into countless pieces.

"You were still confessing your feelings earlier, but here you kill them immediately? With such a cruel attack, could it be that the legendary thing is to destroy it if you don't get it?"

Jiang Chen clicked his tongue when he saw this. Originally, he was worried that Hongzhong would turn into a scumbag like Xiao Yan, but it seems that Hongzhong has developed in another, more extreme direction?

And the black cat suddenly became so brittle, how low is the cold temperature in the red...

Jiang Chen leaned down to check Hongzhong's condition, but Hongzhong's attitude was unusually cold, and he turned sideways to avoid Jiang Chen. Apparently, he didn't even want to pay attention to him as the imperial envoy.

"Why do you feel that Hongzhong's entire personality has changed?"

Jiang Chen was a little confused. Could Bingjie still affect Hongzhong's character?

But this was too exaggerated, and his heart was frozen into stone.

"Huh? The ice on Hongzhong's ears seems to have gotten smaller?"

Jiang Chen observed carefully and finally discovered something unusual.

These two icicles appeared after Hongzhong ate ten buds of catnip. Jiang Chen originally thought that they would be like the golden thread behind getting rich, and would decrease with the consumption of ice energy.

But later it was discovered that no matter how Hong Zhong used the ice crystals, the two ice crystals would not change, so Jiang Chen gradually stopped caring about them.

But now it seems that this ice will also be consumed?

As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Chen immediately concentrated his energy and checked Hongzhong's condition.

[Race Name]: Water Moon Cat (Red Medium)

[Attribute]: Ice

[Bloodline Level]: Rare

[Combat Power Level]: Bronze 5 stars

[Natural skill]: Ice formation (first glimpse into the door)

[Racial skill]: Hydration (entering the room)

[General skill]: Entanglement (entering the room)

"Huh? After using Bing Ling, the attribute changed to ice, and even the level increased by a big level?"

Jiang Chen was a little stunned. He originally thought that the golden glow of getting rich was already too much, but it turned out that the red ice was even more excessive!

It’s just that there are no clues, so why is it triggered? Is it because the mood changes are too intense after being rejected, so I need to calm down?

Just when Jiang Chen was thinking wildly, Hongzhong climbed up the big tree again, rummaged around for a while, and finally found a vine with white flowers behind a leaf.

"Picking flowers? Is Master Yan's poison so strong?"

The corners of Jiang Chen's eyes twitched. He thought Hongzhong was going to do something, but it turned out that he was going to pick flowers?

No, Hongzhong will never be summoned in the future where Master Yan is present!

On the other side, after finding these white flowers, fluctuations finally appeared in the red and ice-blue eyes, and he suddenly bit off a white flower and swallowed it directly.

Tsk tsk...

Suddenly, a burst of heat came out of Hongzhong's body, melting away the frost all over his body. The originally frozen body also rehydrated, and then changed back to its original appearance.

Meow meow~

Hongzhong, who was freed from the ice, seemed to have returned to his usual appearance. He looked around suspiciously, wondering whether he was looking for the black cat or wondering why he ended up here.

But after seeing the white flowers in front of him, a flash of red suddenly appeared in Hongzhong's eyes.

Da da!

But at this moment, Facai suddenly rushed up, tore off all the white flowers and threw them aside, then crossed his hands on his chest and shouted at Hongzhong.

The majestic rat father trains his children online!

As if he was afraid of Fa Cai's appearance, Hongzhong immediately lowered his head and listened obediently to Fa Cai's scolding.

Jiang Chen, who was under the tree, steadily caught the white flowers and looked at them curiously.

How does he feel that Hongzhong came here for these white flowers in the first place?

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