Bankruptcy beast

Chapter 68 How can a skill that doesn’t require krypton gold be so powerful!

Jiang Chen looked at these white flowers for a long time but couldn't find any clues, so he simply called out Facai and Hongzhong.

"Fa Cai, how do you feel when you see this white flower?"

Jiang Chen took the lead in bringing Bai Hua to Fa Cai, but what he got in return was a look of extreme disgust on Fa Cai.

On the other hand, Hongzhong, after seeing Bai Hua, pounced directly on her, her eyes full of desire.

"It's really because of this white flower."

Jiang Chen put away the white flowers. He knew that cats like to eat flowers, but he didn't expect Hongzhong to be so obsessed with them.

But considering what happened to Hongzhong's body after eating the white flower just now, Jiang Chen always felt that there was something wrong with the white flower.

"Put it away first, and ask Wen Quan to take a look later."

Jiang Chen took the white flowers into his hands, and Hong Zhong suddenly felt like he was mourning for his heir, his head drooping listlessly.

Da da!

Fa Cai was immediately displeased when he saw this, and he put his hands on his hips and taught Hong Zhong a lesson again.

Isn't it just two flowers? Why can't I eat them? Can you learn from the rat father?

"Okay, I'll give it to you after the research is clear and there's no problem."

Jiang Chen knelt down and rubbed Hongzhong's head. Hongzhong also nodded obediently and stopped entangled.

"This change in personality is too big."

Looking at Bing Ling, whose ears were about a third smaller than Hong Zhong's, Jiang Chen seemed to understand something.

"Hongzhong, can you mobilize the energy in these ices?"

Meow meow?

Hongzhong tilted his head, as if he didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant, and he couldn't help but be speechless when he looked at the fortune with that stupid look.

Shushu has been famous all his life, how could he accept such a silly cat's son!

Finally, under the "patient" training of Facai, an expert in energy consumption, Hongzhong finally learned to use the energy in the ice and transformed into the ice state just now.

"I was just wondering why the farm suddenly changed its nature and gave it a skill that doesn't require charging."

Looking at the gradually frozen vegetation around Hongzhong, Jiang Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Although Hongzhong's ice crystal is very strong, its effect is obviously inferior to that of Fortune's golden glow, at least not for Hongzhong's status as a rare bloodline.

But now, it is enough to meet Jiang Chen's expectations.

How can a skill that doesn’t require krypton gold be strong!

"It's just that you can't pet the cat after activating the ice..."

Looking at Hongzhong, who had a terrifying chill all over his body and looked like he would not disturb strangers, Jiang Chen scratched his head and said, "Hongzhong, can you get rid of this state by yourself?"

After the ice melted, Hongzhong's personality became much colder. He did not answer Jiang Chen's questions, but walked toward the depths of the woods alone with steps that he did not recognize his relatives.

"This change in personality is a bit too big..."

Jiang Chen scratched his head and looked at Facai, who also shrugged, saying that there was nothing he could do.

"Forget it, it's not like there aren't skills that can affect emotions. It's better than crazy skills that don't recognize your relatives."

Seeing Hongzhong walking away, Jiang Chen no longer hesitated, put away the Guanmu Snake's life core and quickly followed him.

Zone 2 woods.

A green-eared fox cautiously poked its head out from behind a big tree. It only poked its head out after making sure it was safe.

Recently, a group of terrifying humans suddenly appeared in the woods. They killed the beasts on sight. If it hadn't run so fast, it would have died long ago.

But before the green-eared fox could take a few steps, it felt the temperature around it drop sharply, and frost even appeared on its soft fur.

The green-eared fox's ears twitched and it instinctively dodged sideways. A few ice arrows grazed its fur and hit the big tree nearby.


Before the green-eared fox could find its enemy, it heard a cat meowing from behind, and then a bone-chilling chill spread along its soles to its whole body, and its consciousness began to gradually dissipate.

When the green-eared fox completely lost its life, a blue ice cat came out and stretched out its claws to push the green-eared fox down.

"Don't push!"

At this moment, Jiang Chen panted and ran over from a distance and stopped Hong Zhong's behavior.

After the ice melted, Hong Zhong's combat power soared. He almost killed one by one along the way, and all the corpses of evil spirits killed by Hong Zhong were beaten into pieces.

Although the life core inside was not broken, Jiang Chen was still distressed by Hongzhong's prodigal behavior.

Fortunately, this time it was saved.


At this moment, a breeze blew by, and the green-eared fox's body suddenly fell to the ground and fell into pieces, and its originally intact fur became in pieces.


In Jiang Chen's stunned eyes, Hongzhong shook his tail slightly and turned his head, as if to explain that this had nothing to do with the cat.

"What evil have I done..."

Jiang Chen sighed helplessly. Although the corpse of an evil spirit may not be sold for much, it is the corpse of a bronze-level evil spirit after all. It is definitely not a problem to exchange the corpses of evil spirits wasted along the way for fifty or sixty cents.

"When I go back this time, it is necessary to instill the traditional virtue of diligence and thrift in these two little guys."

Jiang Chen secretly made up his mind, and suddenly felt a cold feeling at his feet. When he looked down, he suddenly found that Hongzhong had squatted at his feet at some point.

"Hongzhong, don't come here!"

When Jiang Chen saw this, he quickly dodged. With Hongzhong's current temperature, he would basically freeze to death if he touched anyone. He didn't think his physique was stronger than the evil spirit.

Meow meow?

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, Hongzhong tilted his head in confusion, but still took a step back obediently.

"You are so obedient, have you changed back?"

When Jiang Chen saw this, he immediately looked at Hongzhong's ears, but the two ice lings had indeed disappeared.

"In addition to eating those weird white flowers, can we only return to our original state after Bing Ling disappears?"

Jiang Chen rubbed Hong Zhong's still cold body, thoughtfully.

Hongzhong can now use his own will to mobilize Bing Ling's energy to enter the ice state, but he still cannot exit independently and can only wait until the energy is exhausted.

The white flowers can be removed voluntarily, but judging from the situation just now, the consumption is only high but not low.

Moreover, Jiang Chen was still a little worried about such unknown things.

"It seems that I have to wait until I need it in the future to eat it. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is better than wasting energy."

In this second area, evil spirits will appear within a few steps, so Hongzhong didn't waste much before.

But when they leave here, there won't be so many evil spirits for them to kill. Jiang Chen has every reason to suspect that even if he eats them one by one, it will still be a waste.

"Although it is said that krypton money is king, but everyone is burning so much money, how to make a living..."

Jiang Chen felt that his future was dark when he thought that he would have to feed two "krypton gold" beasts in the future, no, maybe many krypton gold beasts.

"How about you go mining with your fortune..."

Chongzi admitted that he was heartbroken after Chongzi was resurrected. Chongzi would read it more, especially on Tuesday. Chongzi wanted to bet on the fourth round. If he won the bet, Chongzi promised to update 30,000 words on the day it was released!

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