Barrier of Light

Chapter 101 Heavy Fog

on Monday.

At 7:30 in the morning, most office workers have just set off from home. This is the most crowded time on the subway, and everyone is still on the way.

Although most of the cities are prosperous, the business of most commercial streets does not start until nine o'clock. Therefore, at this time, there are usually only scattered pedestrians on the streets and it is not crowded because most shops have not opened yet.

However, today, there was already a long queue in front of a certain shop on Lipu Street.

Zhou Yexin was startled when she arrived at Sleeping Whisperer at eight o'clock. She confirmed twice... These people were queuing up in front of her house, and they came in a group. A minibus was parked not far away. .

"Everyone, get in order."

A woman seriously urged beside the team: "Don't jump in line."

Several people in the queue looked sleepy, tired and numb, but surprisingly obedient.

Zhou Yesin frowned. She thought this woman looked familiar...

I remembered!

It was the lady who came to give Gu Shen a banner before. Now she had changed her outfit, wearing a khaki trench coat and dress. She now looked several years younger, only in her mid-twenties.

If I remember correctly... this woman's name is Jiang Wan?

"Hello Dr. Zhou, will Dr. Gu go to work soon?"

Jiang Wan smiled and said, "We have been waiting here for almost half an hour."

Are you here to see Gu Shen?

Zhou Yexin was stunned and quickly opened the door.

After Jiang Wan waved, the people in line slowly entered the door.

"These are...did you bring them?"

"Because of work, I can get in touch with some patients." Jiang Wan nodded and said with a smile: "Dr. Xiao Gu has superb medical skills, so I just wanted to help him introduce clients and make some extra money... By the way, you are paid on a commission basis, right? ?”

Introduce customers?

Zhou Yexin looked at Jiang Wan suspiciously, and the more he looked at him, the more he felt something was wrong...

Why did she feel that this woman's motives were not pure?

"Don't get me wrong, I just admire Dr. Xiao Gu's ability." Jiang Wan sighed and smiled helplessly: "I'm a whole round older than Xiao Gu, what bad intentions can I have?"

When Gu Shen arrived, he looked at the patients crowding the clinic in surprise.

This business is a bit... much better than I imagined.

"Xiao Gu."

Sister Xiaoxin pulled Gu Shen aside and whispered, "These people were introduced by Jiang Wan. I suspect she is interested in you, so you should pay attention."

Hearing this, Gu Shen was startled.

Sure enough, he saw a familiar face among these people.

It was Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan looked at herself with a smile... Being reminded by the new sister, this kind of look made Gu Shen feel a little scared.

The last person to look at him with such eyes was Qu Shui.

However, Gu Shen personally checked Jiang Wan's dream.

This is just an ordinary person, without extraordinary abilities... Don't worry about becoming the second Riverside Murderer.

"There's something wrong with these people... There seems to be something wrong with them mentally."

Gu Shen glanced at the patients in the clinic again. These seven or eight patients were all wearing old clothes and looking depressed, but this depression was not caused by sleeplessness.

His expression became solemn, and he said softly to Sister Xiaoxin: "No matter what... let's start work first."

He came to the cubicle with his youngest child.

The child was in a daze, with confusion written all over his face. After he came to the cubicle and sat down, no matter how he asked questions, he never said a word. He was as slow as a piece of wood... Seeing this, Gu Shen directly summoned Blazing Fire. .

The second layer of the deep sea, little hypnosis.

Gu Shen directly entered the child's dream.

It's a pity that Tang Qingquan was not present, otherwise he would have been deeply moved... Mr. Shu, this old guy, is getting older and has a vicious eye.

Very accurate at reading people.

In terms of extraordinary abilities, Gu Shen is a player that cannot be judged by common sense.

His blazing fire is not one of those high-risk abilities that are born with unparalleled power...but it has a huge room for growth and an extremely fast growth rate. Of course, this is related to Gu Shen's own understanding.

The length of time it takes for different babies to learn to walk varies.

And Gu Shen is definitely the fastest among them.

Today, there is only a wisp of the blazing fire, which can only wander in the mental space, but in Gu Shen's hands, it can already sweep through most dreams.

"woke up."

This dip was extremely quick.

Gu Shen regained consciousness only for a moment. He looked at the phantom fog in all directions. In this child's dream, there seemed to be an invisible wall blocking it. All the scenery was covered with a layer of smoke, and his vision was extremely thin.

"Is this...fog?"

I can't see my fingers.

This dream was extremely the ocean was ten thousand miles deep, and all sounds had died.

The moment Gu Shen raised his hand, the silence was broken.


The fog is as fragmented as a mirror.

The blazing fire turned into a lantern, suspended above the dream, illuminating the dream that was corroded by the spirit of the sealed object.

"These streets, old alleys, are a bit familiar..."

Gu Shen stared at the mottled walls, which were painted with graffiti of children running, as well as patterns of balloons, birds, and clouds. The walls were like a maze, and the courtyard walls surrounded the mansions. They would not appear in the new urban areas of the capital. Such an old building.

"This is the old town."

He understood the identity of the child.

I also understand why these patients are all wearing old clothes.

These people should all be residents of the old city...

After the fog was broken, there was still an area. In the fog, Gu Shen controlled the body in the dream and wanted to go deeper. However, this dream seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall of air.

" the end. We can't go any further."

Gu Shen stopped, holding the lantern, and murmured: "The spiritual imprint left this time... is stronger than the solemn stone sculpture."

Forcibly removing it would be no problem.

After all, it's just a trace of branding.

But what really caught Gu Shen's attention... was the foggy area on the other side of the air wall.

"In this child's dream... there was a fog that was a hundred times more intense. This can only be explained by sealed objects. But if this scene is true, it is impossible that it has not attracted the attention of the tribunal..." Gu Shen thought deeply. : "At least it's as powerful as a B-level sealed object, right?"

"First remove this child's mental imprint, and then look at other people's dreams."

The thought settled.

Gu Shen flicked his fingers and tapped lightly on the surface of the lantern. The floating lantern flew up with a snap of his fingers and turned into thousands of streams of light, striking in all directions in this foggy dream... and Gu Shen As expected, there are air walls blocking every direction here, and the child's dream space is limited.

Wherever the blazing fire passed, the mist quickly dissipated.

This process of removing the brand is actually a kind of practice for Gu Shen.

Although the extraordinary source of energy is thin, it can be strengthened if swallowed!

After a few breaths, all the dream mist in the air wall was swallowed up.

Gu Shen exited the dream.

The numbness in the eyes of the child with a bewildered expression slowly faded away, and his pupils seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, but now they finally showed aura...but they were soon replaced by fatigue.

Gu Shen pushed the door open and left the cubicle.

"How is it?" Seeing Gu Shen come out, Jiang Wan quickly stood up, looking a little nervous. When she saw the child inside who was sleeping soundly at the desk, she breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was cured.

Gu Shen saw this reaction.

"You brought these people...all here?" He said softly, "Put the child in the car."

Jiang Wan quickly agreed.

At this moment, the other door of the compartment was also pushed open. Zhou Yexin looked distressed and said: "This man is so strange, he looks like a piece of wood... He doesn't react no matter what..."

It seemed she was at her wits' end.


Pocket watches have limited hypnotic power.

It was only born to protect Zhou Yexin, and the last ray of extraordinary power could only guarantee the protection of its master.

"Leave it to me. Miss Xin, just go about your business."

Gu Shen smiled, using the hypnotic power of Blazing Fire in these words, and whispered: "The rest... come with me."

There were seven people left. After hearing this, they all stood up slowly and came to Gu Shen's compartment.

"The second level of the deep sea is a small hypnosis, which can hypnotize individuals."

"The third the great hypnosis, which spreads the spirit and radiates it to an area."

Gu Shen closed the cubicle door and looked at the patients standing in a row. He recalled the scene when Han Dang hypnotized him.

The realm of mantra.

In that spiritual realm, no matter how many people enter, they can only be reduced to fish on Han's chopping board... Gu Shen has already felt that when the spiritual power is strong enough to be condensed and released, a tower will be formed. "area".

Small hypnosis is to master the hypnotic power of Blazing Fire itself.

Great hypnosis is about releasing mental power and spreading it in the direction of the field.

"Let me try it... hypnotize multiple people at once."

Take a gentle breath.

Gu Shen released the blazing fire, half of Qu Shui's extraordinary essence was digested, and the blazing fire was more than twice as strong as when it was first born, but the light that spread could barely cover the room.




A voice echoed in the ears of these people at the same time.

The blazing fire solidified, gathering a room of glow.

Gu Shen came to a dreamland built by his own mental power. He successfully used the Great Hypnosis and came to the foggy dreamland of the old city. This time he carried a lantern and walked very far. The dreams of these people were like a piece of The puzzle pieces each represent an unlocked area. After being connected, there is still an air wall, but the movement distance is much larger.

"Fu Lin Lane."

"Lion Lane."

"Ryan Alley."

Gu Shen carried a lantern to disperse the mist. He walked and walked, identifying the landscape in the dream, and finally recognized several streets and alleys in the old city... A specific map immediately appeared in his mind, and through these few pieces of clear Through the exposed streets and alleys, he determined his location.

Then, he looked into the misty depths of the dream in the distance...

Reach out.

An invisible and solid wall blocked his progress.

The deepest fog.

Insurmountable, inaccessible, inaccessible.

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