Barrier of Light

Chapter 100 Mud

When Zhao Qi woke up from the hospital, it was already noon the next day.

Three of his teeth were knocked out, and half of his cheek was so swollen that he couldn't speak. After waking up, thinking about everything last night, the thing that made him most angry was not the young man who punched, his hand was too dark... but the person who had done it last night. At the most critical moment, none of the thugs he spent a lot of money to recruit dared to stand up to him.

"Mr. Zhao...what happened last night?"

Liu Yi was standing guard in front of the hospital bed. She sighed and said, "How could you ever think of going to the old city? It's such a mess there and there's no surveillance. If something happens now... it's very difficult to trace it."

Zhao Qi opened his mouth, and a tearing pain suddenly came from his cheek.

He looked gloomy and gritted his teeth, "I met two drunkards."

Liu Yi was silent. She looked at Zhao Qi with a complicated expression... thinking that this must be the most outrageous lie this year. How could two drunkards beat the future heir of the Zhao family to this?

She went to see the scene last night, and all the extraordinary people traveling with Zhao Qi were knocked down. This was not something a drunkard could do.

This incident was probably premeditated.

"Is it possible that Chengxin would do it?" Liu Yi thought for a long time and asked: "There was a conflict before... Will Chen San put this debt on your head?"


Zhao Qi shook his head. His voice was weak and slurred, but every word contained a murderous intent, "Did you check the scene last night? The drunkard lay in the corner and vomited for a while..."

"There is nothing in the corner." Liu Yi sighed and said, "I used profiling, and the scene last night was processed with special means... The retrospective image is also blurry, without any useful information."

How can it be?

Zhao Qi's eyes widened and he asked again: "I was punched. Is there any residual skin tissue on my face?"

"There's nothing... Master, your face is covered with blood, your own blood."

Liu Yi still shook his head, "But do you still remember the appearance of the assailant last night? As long as we remember the appearance, we can find clues."

"A man wearing a motorcycle helmet..."

Zhao Qi murmured: "The other one... is the one who hit me... he is a..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly froze.

He clearly remembered that when the punch hit his face, he saw the guy's appearance clearly... But now his mind was empty and blank, and the image of the punch in his memory became extremely blurry.

Nameless anger emerged in Zhao Qi's chest. He sat up while holding back his anger, and his whole body began to tremble.

His own memory was erased.

"It seems... it's a spiritual supernatural being..."

When Liu Yi saw Mr. Zhao's reaction, he knew very well that this case was most likely carefully designed.

With the current clues, it is impossible to investigate at all, so we can only leave it alone.

"In one month, it will be the year-end dance. Your current physical condition may require you to rest for a while. Can you still participate in the dance?" Liu Yi hesitated and asked: "Also, this matter...needs Tell the lady?"

"The dance is no problem, I can attend."

Zhao Qi covered his chin and hissed with difficulty, "When Lu Nanzhi asked...she said that I was sick. Don't mention what happened last night to anyone."

It was also noon when the crow woke up.

He found himself lying on a strange bed.

"woke up?"

Gu Shen was holding the cat and enjoying the breeze on the balcony. He glanced at the crow and said, "Don't you remember what happened last night?"

"What happened last night?"

Song Ci opened the bed in great horror and checked her body... Fortunately, she didn't feel any discomfort and her clothes were all in order.

He hissed and frowned, his mind empty.

No matter how I think about it, my memory is blank.

The spiritual elements contained in lion sobering wine can make people feel like they are dreaming and forget their troubles. This is indeed an incredible wine-making technology. Even extraordinary people will fall into the trap if they are not prepared.

Gu Shen said: "You dragged me to drink. After drinking too much, I met an unlucky man. That man had several extraordinary followers, and he looked like a big shot in the metropolitan area."

"Where's the back?" Song Ci scratched his head.

"He called us dogs." Gu Shen said seriously, "I was ready to leave, but you were very angry."

"Damn... I suspect you are making up a story." Song Ci pulled the quilt to prevent the love affair from leaking out, and said seriously: "But if you are making this up, I can only say that you understand me very well. I have always treated those who accuse me of being... Dog people are intolerable.”

"And then, I hit him?" Song Ci thought hard and could only think of this possibility.


Gu Shen grinned, "I beat him. You beat them."

As Crow listened, he carefully and slowly moved his body under the quilt until he faced Gu Shen. He clapped his hands and said, "It would be great if the story only ended here... It was just a slap in the face of a rich young man with no eyesight." .”

"I hope so, but the story... is obviously not that simple."

Gu Shen paused and said, "What we are fighting is not an ordinary rich man."

The crow was startled.

"You drank too much last night. Didn't you see that guy's face clearly?" Gu Shen was a little helpless. He said softly: "I just used the deep sea to search for the appearance of the victim... I have to say that you didn't see the appearance of that guy last night. It would be a shame to punch him in the face.”

"Wait a minute, could it be that..." Song Ci had already vaguely had an ominous premonition.

"We punched Zhao Qi last night." Gu Shen wrote lightly: "You gave up that punch to me."


Song Ci was shocked at first, then angry, and finally regretful.

"Should this be called... God's will to trick people? Maybe to him it's called escaping a catastrophe." Gu Shen sighed softly and said: "Judging from your strength, if it was you who punched last night, the Zhao family would have been eliminated." ”

"That's better!" Song Ci sighed sadly, "Drinking will make things worse, drinking will make things worse..."

He suddenly thought of something, frowned, and said seriously: "Gu Shen, you can't stay in Dadu anymore. I'll help you contact Madam... You pack up and leave here today."

After drinking the wine, I hit the Zhaoqi, sounding free and unrestrained.

But in fact, no one knows better than Crow, the Zhao family's status in Dadu... and its methods.

If he was caught, he would be fine. With his wife protecting him, he would be able to withstand this kind of disaster and lose a layer of skin. But Gu Shen was different. Zhao Qi was famous for being ruthless and it would hurt him if he was caught. The guy who did this is determined to torture the other person to death.

Thinking of this, Crow started flipping through his phone.

"As long as you and I don't talk about the beating... there will be no follow-up." Gu Shen said softly: "I erased Zhao Qi's relevant memories, the biological traces at the scene, and the traces that can be traced through extraordinary means. Backtracking the clues...the route we took in the old town last night was not monitored, so he couldn't find anything."

The crow was stunned.

He thought hard and found that it was indeed the case.

What on earth has this kid experienced? How can you be so cautious in doing things?

"Are you sure?" Song Ci asked suspiciously, "Is there something missing?"

"If I didn't have these assurances, how could I have dared to take action last night?" Gu Shen said with a helpless smile: "With Zhao's operational efficiency, if clues were left at the scene, you could still sleep peacefully until noon?"

Crow scratched his head again, "Damn are such a talent."

"That's not what's important..."

Gu Shen said softly: "Have you ever thought about why Zhao Qi appeared there?"

Song Ci was a little confused.

"The old city is a deserted area that has been eliminated and forgotten by most cities. It is technologically backward and impoverished. Does a big man like Zhao Qi, who is so pampered and pampered, need to go to the old city to solve something? And he still has to do it late at night?" Gu Shen caressed him. Looking at the orange cat, "He even brought a group of extraordinary people... The most likely explanation is that he took a fancy to the backward conditions of the old city."

"The old city is Shenhai's only blind spot in Dadu. If you want to discuss some shady business or sales, it's best to be here."

Gu Shen said calmly: "The Zhao family has a great business and has always had a lot of business. There is nothing to avoid. He, Zhao Qi, can safely talk about it, but he chose to meet in the old city. This can only be explained by avoiding people's eyes... I guess the person he is meeting this time is a certain person who cannot be seen in the light. If Mr. Zhao finds out, it will cause a lot of trouble."

"So...even if he was beaten, he would not dare to use too many resources, at least not the resources of the Zhao family. There was Cui Zhongcheng in front of him, and Mrs. Lu in the back. Every move was watched. If the old man last night Things in the city caught the attention of these two, and he really got into big trouble.”

"To sum up, after receiving this severe beating...he could only hold it in and swallow it."

The conversation was over.

Song Ci's expression changed from stunned to convinced.

He clapped seriously and said: "I understand now that what Lao Lu said before is right... The gangsters are not to be feared, only the gangsters are educated. Brother Gu should think twice before he hits someone. He is really a role model for our generation." .”

"I'm not a real gangster, Brother Gu, you are" written on Crow's face.


Gu Shen changed the topic and said softly: "You put yourself in the role of Zhao Qi, what if you think about it again? A playboy with nothing to do, who has only been active in the urban area, happened to go to the old city for a date last night. A man who cannot see the light...what does he do?"

Song Ci immediately became alert.

He fell silently into meditation and thought of two things.

The first thing was that he beat up Chen Jingtan, causing Zhao Qi to lose half of the business he had negotiated. Zhao Qi is a real villain who must retaliate. Even if this matter is suppressed by his wife, it is only a temporary appearance. He will definitely Make trouble for yourself.

The second thing... is the spiritual imprint that Mrs. Lin was planted by the people around her. After thinking about it, only Zhao Qi is most likely to be able to do this.

"The life of Mr. Zhao is very simple. A piece of mud like him who can't support the wall has no privacy at all."

Gu Shen was also thinking, this time his eyes were a little confused, and he asked himself softly: "But if Mu Mu wants to get on the wall, someone has to help him. Who can that person be?"

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