Barrier of Light

Chapter 99 Mad Dog

Gu Shen was not drunk.

Throughout, he was sober.

Therefore, from the moment they appeared to when they stopped, he could hear every word and even every word spoken by the group of people on the street.

The man who was surrounded by people could tell from his bright clothes that he was definitely not someone living in the old city... He must be a dignified man living in the heart of the metropolis, because he read between the lines and looked at his eyebrows. , all reveal contempt, belittlement, and contempt for the people at the bottom.

It's just that this kind of person is not the first one Gu Shen has seen.

What is this... humiliation, abuse, ridicule?

If you care, then forget it.

But Gu Shen never cared. He had no time, no energy, and no capital to care.

So just think of it as someone passing shit next to your ears for a while, and it will automatically disperse when the wind blows.

He patted the crow's back calmly and said, "Let's go."


Song Ci, who was wearing a heavy motorcycle helmet, finally took a breath. The alcohol from the sobering up spread all over his body and went straight to Tianling. He was dizzy. He held on to the wall before he managed to straighten up: "This hanging man just What did you say? Did you scold us?"

The crow's voice is loud and rough.

This sound immediately attracted the attention of the other party.


The old cowboy man narrowed his eyes and exhaled a puff of smoke.

Just now in the abandoned factory, he was always suppressed by higher-level extraordinary powers, which made him feel angry in his heart. Now he happened to see a drunkard who spoke rudely to him...

He silently shouldered the shotgun and walked towards the drunken duo over there.

Zhao Qi smiled and did not stop him.

Now he is no longer in a hurry. He folds his arms and leans against the wall leisurely. With a faint smile on his face, he quietly waits for the next good show to happen... Cleaning up garbage and beating up wild dogs, this kind of thing is something he doesn't despise. Don't do it just because it will get your hands dirty.

Gu Shen frowned and looked calmly at the figure approaching from the far end of the alley.

As expected of Dadu, everyone has everyone. This cowboy man with a pipe in his mouth makes no secret of the big shotgun he carries on his shoulder... That big gun gives him an extremely powerful sense of oppression, and the blazing fire between his eyebrows even There is a strong urge to emerge.

Got into trouble.

"Tsk tsk...a transcendent person..."

Even in a drunken state, the deepest fighting consciousness in Crow's heart is still clear. He is a common man at heart. Even if he is drunk and unconscious, he will not forget the instinct of fighting and fighting.

The cowboy frowned. In his opinion, the image of himself carrying a shotgun was enough to deter most drunkards.

I believe that when the barrel of your gun is pressed against the opponent's head, even a drunkard who has drunk a ton of wine will wake up instantly.

He raised his gun.

The silent muzzle of the gun pressed against the stiff motorcycle helmet.

"'t point this thing at me..."

Unexpectedly, even with a shotgun pressed against his head, the drunk man opposite remained calm. Instead, he reminded in a friendly voice: "The Dongzhou Federation has clear regulations that good citizens are not allowed to wear guns on the streets."

The cowboy said coldly: "Do you think I am a good citizen?"

"Hmm...that makes sense."

Crow stretched out his hand to hold the barrel of the gun, slowly moved it to the side, and whispered in a lazy tone, "This is filled with 12-gauge red and silver bullets, right? Be sure not to misfire. If this shot goes down, I won't do it." I’m kidding you... someone will die.”

The cowboy was startled.

From the moment Crow's fingers touched the barrel of the gun, a huge pressure spread inch by inch, spreading from the barrel to his whole body.

It was as if a pair of big hands were holding down his shoulders. The heavy pressure made him feel like he was stuck in a quagmire. The finger on the trigger could not move even a millimeter... No, not only could he not pull the trigger, he felt that he Even breathing becomes difficult.

Damn it!

He looked at the man in front of him in horror, but he could only see the drunken but smiling eyes in the motorcycle helmet.

This is an extraordinary person... and an extremely powerful extraordinary person!

In the eyes of his accomplices across the alley, the cowboy's actions were nothing unusual.

The big gun is already pressed against the drunk man's head, what else can happen?

The crow tremblingly stretched out a finger and pointed at the man who was surrounded by people in the distance. Drinking too much wine was indeed not good. The image of that guy was blurry in his eyes. He pointed it several times, but he didn’t know if it was there. Point to right.

Song Ci muttered vaguely: "Do you remember what I just said? That guy must be a big shot, and it will definitely feel good to punch him in the face."

Gu Shen looked at him with a complicated expression.

"Want to fight?" Crow grinned, and he suggested in a low voice with a guilty conscience, "The kind that runs away after the fight."

There is an inexplicable charm about people like Crow. He will wear flip-flops and run like an ostrich in the old city, and he will smash the teeth of the person who slanders him with his fists.

He lives in a well-ordered metropolis, but what he does deviates from these rules and regulations.

Since this environment cannot be changed, then simply use your actual actions to raise a big middle finger to the people at the top of the Dadu pyramid.

Punch the big shot in the face.

It wasn't just a few teeth that were shattered.

It's a rule from above.

Gu Shen was silent for a moment. When the old cowboy walked over, perhaps only ten steps away, he asked himself this question.

Have you ever had the same impulse as Crow at a certain moment, wanting to smash your fist into the face of a big shot that you deeply hate?

Perhaps it is not useless for a lion to sober up.

At least at this moment, Gu Shen felt that a pair of eyes that had never been opened opened in his body, his blood became hot and boiling, and it was like a lion had woken up in his body.

So the young man asked softly: "Can you beat me?"

The crow responded cheerfully: "Of course."

Gu Shen asked again: "Can you run away?"

Crow smiled heartily and said, "Of course!"


Gu Shen said honestly: "I want to give it a try."

The moment the words fell.

Crow suddenly squatted down and punched the cowboy man on the chin hard. At this moment, the trigger of the shotgun clicked with great difficulty. A loud noise broke the silence of the long night, and the large bullet roared out of the barrel. It moved its original trajectory and whizzed past Song Ci's motorcycle helmet, directly blasting the street lamp beside the alley into pieces. The fragments of the lamp cover were flying in the sky. A man flew up like a sandbag, blood and teeth spurted out, and connected with the cover. Pieces of debris fell one after another.

This scene shocked Zhao Qi and the accompanying extraordinary beings.


Crow sat astride the motorcycle, screwed the accelerator, and the off-road tires roared angrily on the ground, like a wild horse that could run away at any time. Gu Shen reacted very quickly, and turned over and sat down the moment Crow opened his mouth. In the back seat, with the broken and scattered lights, the front half of the huge horsepower red motorcycle was raised high and hit the small wall at the corner of the alley——

"Quick - protect -"

Zhao Qi's voice just spoke.

The word "I" has not been spoken yet.

All that was left in front of him was a huge black shadow.

It was a huge heavy motorcycle, covering almost all of Zhao Qi's field of vision.

All this happened so fast. No one would have thought that a drunkard could plan such a precise course of action after clearly finding the direction. Someone pulled out a long knife from his waist and prepared to fight back, but The next moment, he was kicked backwards by a drunkard on a motorcycle. The power of this kick was even greater than the red and silver bullets of a shotgun. The entire wall on one side of the alley was blown down. He drew his knife. The man had lost consciousness and half of his body was embedded in the broken wall.

Recalling the fate of the cowboy earlier, everyone was shocked. Mr. Zhao said that the drunkard was a wild dog, but now it seems that he is an out-and-out mad dog.

Then a funny and ironic scene appeared——

Mr. Zhao, who was traveling at night in the old city, brought with him "loyal" guards. At the critical moment, almost no one dared to risk his life to stop the motorcycle. The high-pitched roar of the motorcycle was advancing in a destructive manner.

One after another figures were thrown flying.

When we meet in a narrow alley, the brave wins. If you want to retreat, you are not worthy of winning this duel in a narrow alley!

In the end, only the lonely and helpless Zhao Qi was left, looking at the huge black shadow pressing down with anger, horror and fear...

In front of his eyes, a fist finally appeared.

What made him feel lucky was that this was not the punch the size of a punch bag from that drunkard and mad dog, but the young man from the back seat of the motorcycle...the young man whose face was filled with simplicity, kindness, and eagerness to try.

Some things are irresistible, so you can only choose to accept them...

This young man's fist doesn't look very big, so it shouldn't hurt that much, right?

There was a "boom"!

Zhao Qi felt as if his cheek had been hit by a heavy hammer, and all his consciousness had been ripped out of his body. He seemed to be able to feel the trembling of his bones and the twitching of his facial muscles.

The fist is not big.

But very hard.

He seemed to be flying, at least his feet were off the ground.

Flying lightly.

Falling hard.

The noisy long street ushered in a long silence with the last blast of the accelerator. Amid the angry condemnations of the residents of the old city, the two mad dogs galloped away.

"how do you feel?!"

Song Ci twisted the accelerator and twisted his body. He whistled happily to celebrate the victory of this carnival.

The old city in the middle of the night has been left far behind. The broken alley lights and old mottled walls are all hidden in the dark night. The motorcycle is driving towards the deserted suburbs. The silence here seems like paradise.

The young man sitting in the back seat did not respond for a long time.

Gu Shen just looked at his fists silently. There were some blood stains on them... These were not his own, but those of the rich young man.

He used the blazing fire to wrap his fist.

Before taking action, he considered the trouble that punching might cause. The fire burned the biological scent, crow vomit, and inadvertently left fingerprints at the scene.

Hit, ran, never seen again.

"You are right..."

Gu Shen let out a breath and said with a smile: "It's really nice to beat up powerful people."

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