Barrier of Light

Chapter 1055. Who is in favor and who is against?

"There is actually a strong person in charge of the origin within the church?"

Meng Xizhou's eyes flashed with a strange light.

In her knowledge, the most powerful extraordinary person in Xizhou in recent years should be the Holy Inquisitor Jia Wei.

There are also several retired old men in the temple in Sunset Mountain. These people are all church leaders who have fought for the Western Continent. They contributed during the Beizhou War, and they should also have title-level combat capabilities... It's just that they are far away. Contact with the source is too different.

"There is one."

The old man in the wooden house chuckled softly: "He is not a member of the church, but...if he needs to take action, he will take action."

Meng Xizhou fell into deep thought.

Not counted as a member of the church?

Although Meng Xizhou is still young, she knows that back to thirty years ago, Guangming City once spread its blessings and helped many extraordinary geniuses for free. At that time, the Guangming Throne was still at its peak, and it often personally gave guidance to those with outstanding talents. Young genius.

The most famous among them is Gu Changzhi.

Besides Gu Changzhi... there is actually another very famous figure who studied in Guangming City.

"Rusty Bones?"

Meng Xizhou tentatively pronounced the name.


The old man in the wooden house did not respond directly. He comforted softly: "In short, you don't need to worry about this matter."

"You came at the right time this time."

The God of Light paused for a moment and said slowly: "I have a question."

"Question? Ask me?"

Meng Xizhou was stunned.

"A grand but realistic question..."

A low voice came from the wooden house: "In my heart, you are the first successor to the Fire. It's just that I have been thinking these days, if I really hand over the temple to you, will you be absolutely rational?" What?"

Meng Xizhou was a little confused.


There was a sudden vibration in the light barrier that enveloped the wooden house, and a mighty beam of light burst out from the side of Meng Xizhou. This beam of light was composed of nearly one hundred thousand tiny rays of light.

This time, Meng Xizhou saw it clearly.

These pure lights seem to be mixed together, but each ray is very independent.

To outsiders, this is a beam of light.

But in her eyes, she could clearly distinguish the difference between every tiny ray of brilliance in the light beam.

"What if... every ray of light here is a person."

"Then if you control the light fire and the temple, you are in charge of the lives of these people."

The voice of the God of Light became coercive: "If one day, you need to give up a small part of people's lives in order to save a large part of them, what will you do?"

Tens of thousands of shimmering rays of light intertwined.

Meng Xizhou looked at the light beam in front of her, and she saw the change of the "small part" of the shimmer. A ray of impurities was filled in it. If it was not removed as soon as possible, these impurities would spread, and these shimmers would no longer be pure...


She didn't hesitate, she put her two fingers together and aimed at the light beam in front of her and slashed down.

Because they are born close to light.

She could see every gleam in the light column clearly, so she cut it off with extremely precise positions, and the gleams contaminated with impurities were chopped into pieces in an instant.

Part of the light beam was cut off.

Dark ash and the smell of charcoal remained in the air.

"I understand what you mean."

Meng Xizhou said calmly: "For me, this issue is not a problem... I have always believed that if you want to save the majority, you are destined to sacrifice the minority."


Satisfied laughter came from the wooden house.

It was already dark when Meng Xizhou left the Red Lake. Today's Guangming City is accustomed to welcoming the long night when the old sun sets and the new sun does not rise.

The lake surface is a bit cold.

The small courtyard outside the temple was crowded with "big people".

Batu summoned the elders at the elders' table and the reserve elders transferred from various counties and cities in Xizhou to one place.

These people wait from dusk until sunset.

Although the wait was not long.

But some people have already shown impatience in their eyes... On the night of the Red Lake, the Great Elder Gao Yu of Guangming City and the Holy Inquisitor Jia Wei died, and Meng Xizhou took charge of the temple. Everything seemed to be logical and as it should be, but at that time the elder Several of Xi's elders were away on missions. When they returned to Guangming City, they found that everything had changed.

This is hard to accept.

But they had to accept it.

The only thing that makes people happy is that Xihaidu is still there.

Although the Goddess of Light made drastic reforms to the temple, she did not touch the limits of Xihaidu's power at that time.

It’s just that the good times didn’t last long…

The recent ban means that this goddess is not satisfied with just being in charge of the temple.

Through Batu's message, they basically guessed that the goddess called everyone here today just for the "Western Sea Crossing" matter.


The door of the small courtyard was gently blown open by the wind.

The elders who had been waiting for a long time, as well as the candidates for the elder seat, raised their heads and looked in the direction of the mansion door.

The rays of light in the dark night converged and intertwined, making them extremely eye-catching.

"Everyone, please wait."

Meng Xizhou put her hands behind her back, her long skirt swaying in the wind. She slowly stepped into the small courtyard and looked around. In addition to Batu and the eleven temple elder candidates, there were five elders in the small courtyard.

Today's Xihaidu is divided and controlled by these five people.

"My Lady Goddess, why did you summon us today?"

The person who spoke was Russo, the fifth-ranked elder in the temple.

Now in the small courtyard, everyone is vaguely divided into two groups. One part is the candidates for the elder seat who have not yet finalized the list... Most of these people came from various counties and cities under Meng Xizhou's recruitment order. They just settled in Guangming City not long ago. Before the Red Lake Incident, they had already cooperated with the Meng family. In a sense, they were considered Meng Xizhou's confidants.

Now Guangming City is in urgent need of manpower.

So Meng Xizhou transferred them... The only regret was that the strength of these candidates was a bit weak.

Another group.

They are the official elders who have lived in the temple for quite some time.

"Everyone should know what I am going to do."

Meng Xizhou smiled and came to the banyan tree in the small courtyard.

She deliberately asked Batu to choose this mansion... Gu Nanfeng lived in this small courtyard when he traveled west.

She lifted her skirt and sat down, smiling and saying: "Who is in favor of the ban on Xihaidu and who is against it?"

There was silence in the small courtyard.

Everyone looked at each other.

Even those candidates for the elder seat who were recruited by Meng Xizhou did not expect that the goddess's acting style was so direct, decisive and indifferent.

The storm over the ban on crossing the West Sea has been raging underground in Guangming City for this period of time.

Gather everyone today.

They thought that the goddess would solve the problem in a gentle way.


He actually asked the question directly?

This is what to do, this is to put the problem on the table!

"I object."

Russo, the fifth elder who had greeted Meng Xizhou with a smile before, now the smile on his face had disappeared. He looked at the young woman in front of him expressionlessly.

Russo is a staunch supporter of Gao Yi.

At the same time, he was also the behind-the-scenes supporter who put Meng Xizhou into a secret prison.

After the Red Lake Incident, Meng Xizhou had too many things to be busy with. Regarding those people who had taken refuge with Gao Yu, she did not immediately deal with them... If all these people were killed, there would be no one available in Guangming City, so she gave This gave the elders of the temple a time to buffer and think.

Today, the time has come.

"You object?"

Meng Xizhou stared at the fifth elder of the temple.

“The significance of Xihaidu’s existence is to spread the faith of Guangming City to every corner of the world.”

Russo asked word by word: "The spread of doctrines is the clear law encouraged by the God of Light. Are you issuing the ban to go against the God of God?"

"I just met Mr. God Seat."

Meng Xizhou said calmly: "He supports all my decisions."

Russo smiled: "If this is the case, let the Lord God issue an order, and we will cooperate unconditionally."

Meng Xizhou lowered his eyes and smiled silently.


Of course not.

In the conversation on the other side of the Red Lake, the meaning expressed by the God of Light was actually very clear. Regarding the chaos in the temple, he unconditionally supported Meng Xizhou, but the specific details needed to be settled by Meng Xizhou himself. If he can't even handle this small matter , then how is she qualified to be the successor of the Light Fire?

"There is no edict. From today on, every word I say represents the will of the God of Light."

Meng Xizhou raised his head and spoke calmly.

The small courtyard is quiet and you can hear the needle drop.

Russo smiled again and asked: "Why?"

The words fell to the ground.

Meng Xizhou stretched out two fingers and gently tapped the man across the small courtyard.

The dark night was torn apart by the stream of light in an instant. Countless fireflies rose from the ground. Thousands of branches and leaves of the banyan tree and billions of debris on the grass turned into light at this moment.

And these lights turned into swords.

A moment.

The entire small courtyard was engulfed in overwhelming blazing light, and the elders and candidates exclaimed in surprise.

In their understanding, Meng Xizhou was just a goddess who was favored by the gods and was locked in a secret prison for six years.

To put it nicely, Goddess.

To put it harshly... After being trapped in a secret prison for six years, no matter how genius you are, you will become a useless person.

But such a useless person can take action at will, which is two superimposed Dacheng realms. This kind of terrifying lethality is simply not something that the fourth level can emit!


The crisp sound of tearing paper and silk rang out in the long night.

Faced with this endless holy light, Russo only had time to raise his arms to block, and he also summoned his own title field...


This majestic holy light connected into a sword, directly smashing his domain into pieces, and then hundreds of lightsabers penetrated his body.

Finally, Meng Xizhou waved his sleeves.

This vast glow dissipated in the small courtyard.

Russo kept standing with his arms folded, and blood began to ooze from his eyebrows, his seven orifices, and everywhere on his skin.

He stared blankly at the gentle woman shrouded in soft light, his eyes full of disbelief.

There was no trouble in Meng Xizhou's eyes.

It was as if killing an elder was just a trivial matter, not worthy of a second glance from her, nor worthy of any pity from her.

The strong wind blew through the courtyard, and the grass clippings were blown up by the strong wind.

The figure standing stiffly in the wind fell heavily, and pools of blood spread all over the ground, eventually gathering at Meng Xizhou's feet. She did not lower her head, and strands of light condensed into a barrier to isolate the blood.

"Everyone, you might as well say it clearly. A few days ago, I asked you to stop the transport of shadows from Xihaidu to the outside world. After a while, I will thoroughly investigate the shadow spies in Guangming City."

Meng Xizhou said calmly: "I want this Guangming City to return to its former purity and tranquility, and I also want every church citizen to live under the sun."

"Who among you is in favor and who is against?"

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