Barrier of Light

Chapter 1056 Alarm! Extraordinary life! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

The three generals of Beizhou were stationed at the three border defense lines in the northwest, due north, and northeast.

Although it is covered by an umbrella protective line, the huge wall of the fortress still needs to be kept vigilant all year round. In addition to the source of storms in the mighty [Old World], there may also be unknown extraordinary beings.

Didn't appear before.

It doesn't mean it won't happen in the future.

Therefore, every important border city will be equipped with the highest level of security equipment. In the past, the Survey Corps was responsible for dispatching garrison personnel and conducting regular patrols to ensure that there was no abnormality outside the Umbrella Defense Line.

Now with [Deep Sea], the monitoring work can be handed over to artificial intelligence.

Beizhou has launched a large number of "electronic eyes" overseas.

Due to the chaotic origin and harsh environment of the [Old World], the "electronic eye" is damaged very frequently... But it doesn't matter. The production cost of the electronic eye is not high. Every year, Central City allocates sufficient budget to ensure the "vision of the border". "It's open and clear enough. As the deep-sea main system continues to be upgraded, the number of compatible electronic eyes is increasing, and the visual pressure outside the border is greatly reduced.

Once upon a time, a large number of extraordinary sentinels were trained in the frontier, and they had to risk their lives to explore the safety of the [Old World].

Now these people are in positions where they are needed more.

As for the supervision work, it has become indoors.

[Deep Sea] will transmit the vision of the [Old World] to the main city through the spiritual network. It only needs a second-level spiritual transcendent or above to connect, and the pictures and information can be stably absorbed and adopted.

The latest version of the main system can already write reports by itself.

Perhaps after some time, the inspection room will no longer be necessary.

Of course, this kind of situation will never happen in Cicada Wing City——

Silver Fox has never allowed [Deep Sea] to take over the monitoring work outside Jubi's borders. He believes that the subordinates he has cultivated are more trustworthy than AI. They are flesh and blood who are part of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Therefore, in the inspection room of Cicada Wing City, there are sentries on duty 24 hours a day.

Because the amount of information transmitted from [Deep Sea] is too large.

Therefore, this inspection room usually arranges more than twenty inspectors. These extraordinary spiritual people supervise and control the scene outside the Umbrella defense line in the northwest border through the spiritual network.

"Alarm, alarm!"

A shrill alarm sounded in the monitoring room.

Alerts like this are actually not uncommon.

The borderland encounters accidents all year round, either floating black holes reaching the Umbrella Defense Line, or floating [Old World] land fragments. According to incomplete statistics... there are more than ten alarms in Cicada Wing City every year.

But this time, it's different.

"In Area 11, a large amount of ordered source matter was detected..."

"Repeat again, in Area 11, a large amount of ordered source matter was detected..."

This voice sounded, instantly attracting the attention of the entire Supervisory Room.

A large amount of ordered sefirot?

In the surveillance of the [Old World], a large amount of disordered source matter is often detected. These disordered source matter will form a storm. If Mithril weapons are not used to strike, it will cause a huge impact on the giant wall.

Therefore, the inspectors are accustomed to the warnings of the "Essence Storm" coming.

But the alarm about the ordered source of matter... this was the first time they had encountered it in so many years.

The entire inspection room was silent for a second.

Then, the hairs on the backs of those extraordinary beings who realized the true meaning behind this alarm stood up instantly.

The orderly source of matter can only be controlled by extraordinary beings!

Detecting the ordered source of matter...doesn't it mean that the active aura of extraordinary beings has been detected?

The Cicada Wing City Dojo was packed with seats.

Gu Shen was giving pointers to the low-level extraordinary people who came here.

This sermon is almost over.

This is the final Q\u0026A session.

Of course... the one who really answered the questions was not Gu Shen, but Chu Ling who took over his spirit. Gu Shen's original soul submerged into the pure land world.

During this period, 70% of the filling of the Fire Spirit with flesh and blood has been completed.

This second area is already quite full.

Just as Gu Shen stood under the hanging tree and looked at his fire spirit domain, an ethereal figure condensed out.

"Gu Shen, something bad is happening."

Chu Ling looked solemn and spoke in a deep voice: "An unknown ordered source of matter was detected outside the umbrella defense line of Cicada Wing City."

"Ordered Sefirah?!"

Gu Shen instantly understood what Chu Ling meant: "There are extraordinary beings outside Cicada Wing City?"


Chu Ling whispered: "I connected to the spiritual network of Cicada Wing City... and captured the 'eye of the sky' picture outside the Great Wall."

Countless pitch-black sources of energy flowed like snakes in the collapsed land of the [Old World].

These smells are very eye-catching, even dazzling!

"These source materials are not like the 'black hole' emitting by itself..."

Gu Shen squinted his eyes for a moment and said solemnly: "Did your heavenly eye capture the image of an extraordinary creature?"

"not at all."

Chu Ling shook his head: "This jet-black source of matter only disappeared in a flash... The news will probably reach you soon."

The words just fell to the ground.

Gu Shen's mental state was slightly shaken.

General Silver Fox's mellow voice spread across miles and reached the dojo.

"Xiao Gu, there is something I need you to come to."

Gu Shen's consciousness withdrew from the Pure Land, leaving behind a ray of flow power to continue carving the fire spirit. He ended the sermon early and left in a hurry.

Gu Shen and Bai Xiu rushed to the giant wall of Cicada Wing City at the speed of light. When they arrived, Silver Fox had already arrived first.

He was standing on the wall, overlooking the scene outside the Umbrella Defense Line.

The [Old World] land linked to the northwest border is extremely cold, and the light outside the big umbrella is very dazzling, so even if the God's Throne comes in person, there will be no useful information... But Gu Shen knows that Silver Fox is confirming the umbrella The position outside the defense line.

"Mr. Silver Fox, what's going on?"

Xiaoxiu hurried here after receiving the spiritual message. He still didn't know what happened.

"Just now, the Cicada Wing City Inspection Office captured a very important message."

Silver Fox looked solemn and said word by word: "On the northwest side of Cicada Wing City's umbrella defense line, sixty miles away, a powerful ordered source of matter appeared."

The specific information was conveyed into the hearts of the two of them through his spirit.


Baixiu frowned after reading it, and his expression became a little stunned.

Gu Shen also looked at it again. These were the pictures and images that Chu Ling had just passed on to him.

"You should know what this means."

Silver Fox said in a deep voice: "At the coordinates of the Sky Eye where the incident occurred, there is a high probability that a living extraordinary creature passed by... This Sky Eye was immediately destroyed after capturing the message."

"Intelligent beings from five continents are spying on Cicada Wing City...have they found the exact coordinates?"

Baixiu murmured.


Silver Fox nodded.

During the Battle of the Dolu River, humans in the Five Continents have determined that there is an extraordinary life form from outside the world called the "Traveler"... If the [Old World] is compared to a dark forest, then if the Traveler appears, others may appear. extraordinary tribe.

"We currently have too little information, but one thing is beyond doubt. Any extraordinary fluctuation at any point should not be missed."

Silver Fox whispered: "If there is really a group of extraordinary people who send beings like 'vanguards' or 'sentinels' to spy on the five continents...then we must kill them and we must not let this information be passed back. .”

"I have already reported this matter to Your Majesty."

Silver Fox took a breath and said, "But the incident happened suddenly, and every minute and every second now is very precious."

The Queen lives in Central City.

Even if he sets out now and rushes with authority, it will take a long time to reach Cicada Wing City.

"So...are you ready to attack immediately?"

Gu Shen raised his eyebrows.


Silver Fox said: "According to the source of energy transmitted back by the 'Celestial Eye', the strength of this extraordinary creature should not be very strong. It may only be at the fourth level at most. Of course, no matter what level of extraordinary existence it is... it cannot be taken lightly. , I am ready to attack immediately to intercept the breath master of the extraordinary source."


Before the words could even reach the ground, there was a magnificent wave of air coming out.

A medium-sized energy boat slowly hovered above the giant wall and opened its belly compartment.

In fact, when Silver Fox sent out the mental signal, Gu Shen and Bai Xiu had already guessed what the general wanted to say.

"Theoretically, this operation is not dangerous, but after all, it is impossible to leave Beizhou without any risk."

"So, I want to ask you..."

Silver Fox was not in a hurry to board the ship. He looked at Gu Shen and Bai Xiu seriously and said, "Will you come with me on this mission?"

He had been with Gu Shen in Baixiu for three months.

During this time, we are together day and night.

Silver Fox regarded these two young men as his disciples, taught them carefully and taught them everything they had.

He admired these two young geniuses from Dongzhou from the bottom of his heart, but after all, Gu and Bai were not extraordinary people within the Beizhou Legion system. Even if Yinhu was a general, he could not be transferred at will.

He had to ask Gu Shen and Bai Xiu for their opinions.

"Of course I do."

Baixiu didn't hesitate at all. He hurriedly agreed before Yinhu finished speaking.

"You're still out of touch."

Gu Shen smiled and said: "If something like this happens next time... you should call us on board first and start driving. Will the time we have wasted now cause us to be unable to catch up with the owner of the source of energy? "

"of course not."

Silver Fox was stunned for a second, then smiled and shook his head. He stretched out his hands to embrace the two young men, and his body flashed. Under the urging of the original power, Gu Shen did not even see the changes in the surrounding environment. , already appeared in the spacious cabin.

"Don't worry about not being able to catch up with the enemy... Are you ready to speed up?"

Silver Fox spoke while squatting down and pressing his palms on the floor of the energy boat.

Gu Shen and Bai Xiu both felt that something was wrong.


The bottom hatch of the energy boat closed, and a stream of air suddenly spurted out.

A huge pushing feeling erupted in the void.

Even Gu Shenbaixiu could barely stand firm.


Silver Fox directly used his original power to connect the source energy boat and his arm. The next moment, the huge airship disappeared from the top of Cicada Wing City. It soared for nearly twenty miles like a meteor, almost teleporting, and appeared on the second floor. Ten miles away!

The next moment!

This source energy boat broke out of the umbrella defense line and crashed directly into the dazzling snow-white cold sun outside the [Old World]!

(PS: Please give me a monthly pass~ Some time ago, due to too many and too dense updates, the outline was somewhat unable to keep up. I have completely revised it in the past few days. I personally feel that it is in good condition. The next step is to step on the accelerator to the bottom~)

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