Barrier of Light

Chapter 1057 From Pluto (please vote for me!)

In the void outside Cicada Wing City, there were countless bright lights flashing, mixed with a biting chill.

The moment the energy boat sailed out of the umbrella defense line, a huge amount of light gathered and shone. At this moment, Gu Shen even suspected that he had crashed into the sun.

But unusually, the light here is not warm.

It was like crashing into the sun, but also like falling into the depths of an ice cave.

"At the exit of Cicada Wing City's defense line, there is an iceberg standing all year round."

General Silver Fox's voice echoed in the energy boat.

"This iceberg is huge and grows every year... The source of chaos from the outside world will be absorbed by the iceberg. This is why the Second Legion has not dealt with it."

Gu Shen used breathing techniques to quickly resolve the chill.

To him, this was nothing.

There was a "whoosh" sound.

Gu Shen sent the blazing fire to leave his eyebrows and condense above the source energy boat.

The next moment, Fire Spirit Realm stood on the top of the ship, hands on hips, looking directly at the dazzling light source.

Billions of light beams were refracted through the icebergs, forming the sun.

This round...the cold sun.

Standing on top of the source energy boat with Gu Shen Huo Ling was the white-sleeved Thunder World Walker.

The living environment in the [Old World] is extremely bad and oxygen is scarce, but for strong people who have a domain, they can walk easily as long as they open the domain...

But if the essence is exhausted and the extraordinary person cannot expand his domain, then it will be no different from ordinary mortals.

However, Gu Shen and Baixiu's essence foundation is extremely rich.

The consumption of the two people observing the [Old World] from the anthropomorphic realm is almost negligible.

"The target location is not far away."

Silver Fox took out two pieces of source armor from the cabin and said: "To ensure safety, you should replace this source armor... It is equipped with spare compressed oxygen and enough nutrient solution to survive for thirty days."

"Fifth level source armor?"

Gu Shen took a look and smiled.

According to Beizhou's specification system, if extraordinary beings like himself and Bai Xiu want to use the source armor to exert its due combat power, they should be equipped with at least level seven.

"Going in a hurry."

Silver Fox knew that Gu Shen knew Beizhou very well, so he said helplessly: "Even if I have enough time to prepare, I can't give you two pieces of seventh-level source armor."

"There is no need for this Source Armor."

Baixiu politely declined, and he explained softly: "Six years ago, the frozen lake joint law enforcement, Her Majesty the Queen gave me a fifth-level source armor."

"After so many years, you still keep it?" Gu Shen asked in surprise.

"It's a good thing and can be used."

Baixiu's answer was concise and to the point.

He's had a lot of fights over the years...

However, no opponent can hurt him.

Therefore, this fifth-level source armor has been well preserved.

Then Bai Xiu looked at Gu Shen: "Don't you keep it too?"

"Although my source armor is level six."

Gu Shen took the fifth-level Source Armor unceremoniously and said with a smile: "It's just that it's too old and has been repaired once. Is this the latest model from the Underground Research Institute? Six years have passed. , Beizhou’s technology seems to have improved again!”

Say so.

But Gu Shen did not put it on, but received it into the domain. Even after six years, the performance of the fifth-order source armor has improved a lot, but it is still incomparable with the old sixth-order source armor on his body. compared to.

Gu Shen never intended to return the things he got.

He planned to keep this source armor and give it to Xie Zheng later.


Seeing this, Silver Fox couldn't help but laugh, shook his head, but said nothing.

Since mastering the origin, he no longer wears the origin armor.

The original power, even if it is only a little bit, is far from being comparable to the ordinary and extraordinary...

The three generals are all ruthless men who can walk in the [Old World] with only their physical bodies.

On a certain level, they can do everything the [Apostles] can do, paying less and more easily.

Because they have their own original power.

After pushing the source energy boat into the [Old World], Silver Fox withdrew the part of his source power that was attached to the bottom of the cabin.

The source of matter in the [Old World] is chaotic and much more stressful than within the defense line.

It’s not that he is stingy with his original power…

But sailing too fast in the [Old World] may cause the cabin to rupture. Currently, Beizhou's technology has not reached the level of starship civilization.

"The reason why I am sure I can catch up with my target is thanks to you."

Silver Fox turned his attention to Gu Shen.

Gu Shen was surprised: "Me?"

"The surface of this energy boat is coated with a layer of black silver."

Silver Fox smiled and said: "Otherwise, the moment I exert my original power, the cabin may burst... But now it seems that the tolerance of black silver materials is far beyond my imagination. Maybe in the [Old World], It can still bear my origins.”

Say so.

He didn't dare to try.

The next forty miles are not too far for a source energy boat sailing at full speed.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that after sailing out of the umbrella defense line, the spiritual network of [Deep Sea] no longer exists, and the airship needs to be manually driven by an extraordinary person. Silver Fox separated a ray of heart flow power and followed the electronic eye of [Deep Sea] The disappearing coordinates flew away.

Soon, the airship stopped in the void.

"Is this where the extraordinary aura disappears?"

Baixiu appeared in the void as a thunder world traveler. He stretched out two fingers and twisted a broken mechanical component.

It was the Sky Eye that was shattered by the unknown source of matter.

"How do I feel that this broken component is contaminated with the aura of ominousness and disaster..."

Xiaoxiu subconsciously spoke.

Gu Shen's fire spirit also appeared in the void.

Hearing the ominousness and disaster, his heart trembled subconsciously.

Previously, he could not determine the source of the extraordinary aura based on the images sent back by the Sky Eye. Now he took over and lightly crushed it, but there was indeed some disaster left.

However, this extraordinary creature is not Golden Spike Flower.

Gu Shen and Da Shen have always maintained "spiritual" communication.

If Golden Spike Flower misses her and wants to see her, she will definitely send a message in advance, and it is impossible to cause such an error.

Besides, Gu Shen can determine the location of Golden Spike Flower at any time.

Now this big guy is thousands of miles away from Cicada Wing City, and is diligently exploring unknown boundaries.

"Could this disaster be left behind by the former Pluto?"

Gu Shen's heart trembled, and he subconsciously spoke in his heart, but received no response.

Leaving the umbrella defense line meant that he and Chu Ling were also disconnected.

He has never dared to smelt Pluto's fire because he suspected that the former Pluto had hidden some dirty tricks in that fire.

The location where the Eye of Heaven is broken.

In addition to the Thunder World Walker and the Fire Spirit, there is another figure.

Silver Fox left the source energy boat directly in his physical form. He neither wore the source armor nor expanded his domain, and just walked in the void.

"For some reason, the disaster attached to this extraordinary aura... reminds me of Hades back then."

The silver fox's eyes were very vicious.

He just glanced at it and reported the source of the disaster.

"Back then Pluto left the Five Continents and lived in seclusion in the [Old World] for a long time... No one knows what he did in the [Old World]."

Speaking of this, Yin Hu looked at Gu Shen and Bai Xiu.

"We all thought he was dead, but no one thought that he could come back alive... Speaking of which, didn't this god return to Dongzhou? What did he do afterwards?"

"...My level is not enough."

Bai Xiu was silent for a while, then asked Gu Shen the question: "Gu Shen often goes to the cemetery where Mr. Bai Shu is, he should know."

What a scapegoat.

Gu Shen quickly shrugged and said, "Actually, I'm the same as Xiaoxiu, I'm not at a high level, so I don't know anything."

Seeing Yin's suspicious eyes.

Gu Shen added: "Every time I go to the cemetery, I can only see Mr. Bai Shu... Maybe Hades is dead?"

"If the owner of the source of energy is related to Pluto, then the biggest alarm may be lifted." Silver Fox murmured.

"You mean that the suspicious supernatural beings captured in [Deep Sea] may come from Pluto's creations?"

Bai Xiu frowned and asked: "But after so many years, if there are such extraordinary creatures, why have they only arrived at the border now?"

This is indeed a difficult question to explain.

Silver Fox fell into deep thought, and after a moment he raised a possibility: "Maybe it's because the coordinates of Pluto's escape were too far away from the Five Continents?"

There was silence.

Silver Fox said with a headache: "I know what you are thinking. Pluto created extraordinary beings... This conjecture sounds nonsense."

not at all.

Gu Shen silently cursed in his heart.

Hades actually created one, and it survived in the [Old World].

After the topic of "Pluto" came up, he didn't dare to answer the question easily.

Silver Fox and Baixiu both had keen senses of smell, and they soon connected this source of essence breath with Pluto...

There is no need to say more.

If you talk too much, you will be more susceptible to suspicion.

Silver Fox said solemnly: "According to unreliable news, Pluto has been studying the 'Forbidden Art of Life' thirty years ago. He wants to make the dead alive..."

"The dead come to life?"

After hearing this, Bai Xiu remained skeptical, frowned and asked: "Even Mr. Bai Shu's [reverse flow] can't do this kind of thing, how can Pluto do it?"

"Don't forget, Pluto's authority is not only disaster and ominous... it is also directly related to 'death'."

Silver Fox said slowly: "So this kind of thing that touches the extraordinary iron law may really be realized in the [Old World]. We might as well make a bold guess. Perhaps Pluto is somewhere unknown in the [Old World]. , cultivated a huge army of the dead."

"This is indeed... very bold."

At this point, Gu Shen had to echo a few words.

The expression on Huo Ling's face is very wonderful.

Because General Silver Fox’s unreliable information is very reliable…

Because according to what he, the successor of Pluto, knew, the previous Pluto really thought so!

"No matter what, let's follow the breath of the extraordinary source and take a look..."

Silver Fox said calmly: "At present, this aura has just escaped, so it is not difficult to track it."

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