Barrier of Light

Chapter 1058 Disaster Barrier (please vote for me!)

At the top of the Tower of Source, countless lights condensed, finally converging into an aging figure.

The deep sea descends.

"My preparations... are almost complete."

He looked at the man in red robe sitting on the throne.


There are countless chessboards floating in front of Qinghu, and in addition, there are thousands of clouds and mirrors.

There is a mirror in it, which is reflecting the scene of Guangming City.

He has seen everything that happened in Guangming City in the past few days.

"Are you sure your preparations are complete?"

Qinglong smiled and said: "The spiritual beliefs of the Bright Church have not been recycled yet..."

Shen Hai said softly: "These beliefs are not important."

Qinglong narrowed his eyes.

The biggest dilemma that humans and AI face when playing chess is that the thinking and computing power of both parties are not at the same level.

All you see is just a corner of the other person's field of vision.

The reason why Qinglong proposed that Shenhai should solve the mental computing power required for the eleventh upgrade by himself was that on the one hand, he could not fully trust the main system in front of him, and on the other hand... he wanted to see how it would work under harsh conditions. Under the extreme environment, what kind of operations can be done in the deep sea with permission.

"As far as I know, the chess pieces sent by Chen Cang from the Light Church, and the beliefs that have been secretly converted... are not a small amount."

Qinglong said: "You now need to recruit every computing power scattered in the world as much as possible... The Church of Light is your biggest trump card."


Shen Hai raised his head and said sincerely: "But even if I recycle these beliefs, the computing power is still not enough, right?"

"So you just don't recycle it?"

Qinglong frowned.


These people stay in various parts of the five continents and can continue to provide more computing power to the deep sea in the future. These people have formed a network, but isn't it time to close the network now?

Even he didn't quite understand what Deep Sea was going to do.

"It's your freedom whether to reclaim those beliefs or not."

Qinglong said calmly: "I only care about the final result. If you cannot complete the eleventh upgrade, I will not consider implementing the Awakening Act... One thing I must remind you is that the successor you are interested in is currently Uproot Xihaidu’s long-established power, and that directly affects the foundation of your beliefs.”

Meng Xizhou has issued an explicit order, requiring the Temple of Light not to send dark men outside, at least not during this period of time.

"The things she did are actually not important."

Shen Hai smiled and said: "The task of these dark men in Xizhou is to develop faith... But if one day the Awakening Act can be fully implemented and promulgated, to me, they will lose the meaning of existence, whether they continue to develop or withdraw, None of it matters."

The deep sea is not the throne of light.

He doesn't care how far the light faith has developed.

All he cares about is whether he can gather the mental computing power he needs to upgrade...

And whether the future awakening bill can be implemented smoothly.

In the eyes of AI, the chess game only has the end point.

The middle way is not that important.

That's why he deliberately found Gu Nanfeng, hoping that the latter could consider marriage. The proposal at the bottom of the Red Lake was just a foreshadowing. If Xizhou only needed to recover all the secrets, it could lead to the promulgation of the Awakening Act.

Then there are ten thousand joys in the deep sea.

Why go round and round when you can reach the destination directly?

"It's really interesting... If you do this, where does the mental computing power needed to upgrade come from?"

Qinglong narrowed his eyes, and the countless cloud mirrors in front of him reflected the light.

The entire five continents are under the supervision of [Deep Sea] and [Yunjing].

This is the chess game.

But now the fog is rising, and he can't see clearly where the deep sea falls and where it will go next.

"Please allow me to keep it a secret."

Shenhai sat opposite Qinglong. He stretched out his old and decaying fingers, pinched the chess piece, and gently dropped it to continue the unfinished showdown between the two.

"It won't be long before... you'll know."

"We have sailed two thousand miles from the Umbrella Line."

"The breath of the source of disaster...seems to be endless and has no source."

Fire Spirit was sitting cross-legged on top of the cabin, and Thunder World Walker was on the side with his hands on his knees. The two anthropomorphic realms looked solemn, monitoring the "dangers" that the airship might encounter on its way forward.

But because Silver Fox is in charge.

This energy boat sailed extremely smoothly in the [Old World].

Occasionally encountering some small black spots or black holes, the airship will notice it immediately and slightly change its route to avoid it. If it encounters something really difficult, the silver fox will take action to crush it.

A black line extends from outside the umbrella's defense line.

It’s not that the airship isn’t fast enough…

Rather, this breath of disaster really extends too long.

"This kind of behavior does not look like an accident, but like careful planning."

Bai Xiu squinted at the black line and said, "It seems like someone stretched out his arm early, spotted the time, tapped the 'eyes' outside the fortress, and then waited for us to chase them out."

"Two thousand miles is nothing."

Silver Fox said calmly: "White Lizard and Rusty Bone are on their way. We will just pursue them and ensure we get first-hand information. As for the work behind the scenes... they will be responsible for it. If there is an accident that they cannot handle, we will still There is Her Majesty the Queen.”

Two thousand miles is really nothing.

In Wuzhou, Gu Shen would only need a cup of tea to arrive on the basis of [Truth].


Now this is the [Old World]. After leaving the Umbrella Defense Line, every mile is full of dangers. Only those who have mastered the origin can not take this distance lightly.

Gu Shen, who had been silent all this time, now spoke.

"I feel... we're almost there."

After saying that, the fire spirit sitting on top of the source energy boat raised his neck, and the breath of disaster was like a long shrinking line. After the source energy boat pursued for nearly two thousand three hundred miles, he finally caught a glimpse of the source.

It was a huge black spherical field with a diameter of nearly 10,000 meters.

A large amount of ordered source matter comes from here.

The energy boat hovers at the outer edge of the black spherical field.

"Is this the source of the disaster?"

The expressions of Fire Spirit and Thunder World Walker were very shocked.

The closer you get to the spherical realm, the more palpitating and shocking it becomes.

The huge black ball in front of him was like a dying sun, emitting no light at all, only endless coldness.


Just getting a little closer, the surface of the black silver-plated airship was covered with a thick layer of hard green frost. Fortunately, the structure and materials of the airship were solid enough, so the frost was nothing.

"Two thousand three hundred miles away, this place is already far away from the human defense line."

Silver Fox said in a deep voice: "If it is to avoid the pursuit of the highest seat, it is reasonable for Pluto to create a domain in a place like this..."

The [Old World] is in chaos.

Because of the guidance of this breath of disaster, the airship could reach the "end" so smoothly.

But if there is no such breath.

This long straight-line distance of 2,300 miles... is probably the end point that the Survey Corps will not be able to reach even after hundreds of years.

"Want to go in?"

Silver Fox turned back and looked at the two young men.

"I want to go in and take a look."

Baixiu held his breath, his eyes fixed on the black ball full of death.

That black ball seemed to have infinite temptation, making it impossible for him to look away.

In all senses, Bai Xiu has reached the pinnacle of ordinary cultivation. The two great realms are integrated into one. Physical skills and mental will are both at the top. The weakest mental state cultivation has also reached the second level of flow realm.

The only achievement he has not achieved is to touch the origin.

After hearing about the deeds of the three generals who successfully came into contact with the origin after surviving the disaster... Bai Xiu also began to waver in his heart.

Who doesn’t want to go one step further?

He also wants to get in touch with his roots.

Perhaps, the secret to touching the origin lies in the black ball field in front of you?

Judging from the power emanating from this black ball realm, even if it has been extinct for a long time... it can still easily destroy a city in Dongzhou. Only the God Throne can create such a huge disaster barrier.

"And you?"

Silver Fox looked at Gu Shen.


Gu Shen was actually the one who wanted to go in and watch the most.

After arriving in the black ball realm, he was already sure that this was what the former Pluto left behind... The surface of this huge black ball was filled with the aura of disaster left by the Pluto!

It's just that he can't understand what's going on with that wisp of disaster with "autonomous consciousness"?

Hades has been dead for a long time!

If a life form like "Golden Spike Flower" is really cultivated, it must have been instilled by the spirit of Pluto, believing that all living beings should be slaughtered and burned. Once the coordinates of Cicada Wing City are found in the void, they will definitely It will launch a direct attack instead of breaking the Sky Eye and tempting pursuit.

After a battle between heaven and man, Gu Shen finally made up his mind.

"I want to go in and have a look too."

He said solemnly: "It's just that this place is really weird."

"I will be careful not to leave the cabin."

Silver Fox said calmly: "If an accident occurs, I will immediately use the power of the source to send the source energy boat out of the spherical field."

Gu Shen and Bai Xiu have already seen the original power of Silver Fox.

Having such a layer of protection is really reassuring.

"Rumble, rumble..."

The hovering energy boat started up again and slowly sailed into this spherical realm of silence.

The dark colors flashed by in an instant, and the world in front of Gu Shen seemed to be only black and white.

He did not expect that inside this huge disaster barrier, there was actually a barren and barren suspended land. The stone pillars were broken, and countless debris lost gravity and floated with the wind... This continent was filled with high mountains and source energy boats. The high-precision thermometer inside showed that the temperature at this moment was about minus one hundred degrees.

Fire Spirits and Thunder World Walkers can still move freely...

But both Gu Shen and Bai Xiu summoned another realm to avoid the invasion of the severe cold.

When the energy boat started to fall.

The strong wind blows, and the broken snow on the land is flying.

Corpses embedded in the ground and buried for countless years were revealed.

The faces of these corpses were extremely distorted and ferocious. The Thunder World Walker frowned. Baixiu had never seen such a creature... This was obviously not a human being. It had slender limbs and huge wings that were folded like a bat.

But Gu Shen was no stranger to this.

These corpses...are travelers. He killed many of them with his own hands in the Dolu River disaster!

The ones buried in the snow on the land at this moment are the uncivilized creatures with the lowest level of intelligence and the largest number among the travelers.

(PS: I will be on a business trip for a while. In order to keep updating, I will write more manuscripts in the past few days. I really can’t update quickly. I hope everyone will forgive me.)

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