Barrier of Light

Chapter 1067 Give me permission or die (big chapter! Please vote for me!)

The bronze sword energy smashed down overwhelmingly!

The smile on Bai Lizi's face disappeared instantly.


With a gloomy expression, he opened the shield of the origin of life and struck a blow with Rusty Bone——

The two sources of power bombarded each other, the void collapsed, and a large number of source matter particles poured out like a torrent.

In terms of attack power, Rusty Bones is much stronger than Silver Fox and White Lizard!

In a head-on collision, his sword energy directly cut a gap in the white lizard's original shield——

But soon, the white lizard's original power filled in. In this level of fighting, the gap between each other is very small. It is almost impossible to defeat the enemy with one blow. Although the original power everyone controls is of different nature, But there is no real distinction between high and low.

Rusty Bone strikes out with another sword!


The sound of the explosion in the void was like thunder. The white lizard held up the shield and fought against the sword energy!

The two of them were originally suspended in an equal position. After Rusty Bones struck three or four times with his sword, White Lizard was already knocked down hundreds of meters, and his protective shield finally cracked a crack that could not be repaired in a short period of time.

Rusty Bones seized the opportunity and threw the iron sword hard——

The sword turned into a cyan rainbow, penetrated the shield of the source of life, and aimed at the white lizard's head.

Even if the vitality is comparable to the throne of God.

The white lizard did not dare to use his head to catch the sword. He resisted the original pressure of the rusty bones, deflected his body at an angle, and used his shoulders to resist the bronze sword energy!


A sword passed through.

Half of the white lizard's shoulders exploded into bloody foam.

This injury would have been equivalent to a "mortal injury" on other people, but the cells of the white lizard multiplied rapidly, and the original power shrouded the gap in the shoulder injury, and a complete piece of flesh and blood healed in a matter of seconds. !

The iron sword whirled and whirled, returning to Rusty Bone's hand.

Rusty Bones had an expressionless face, staring at the enemy in front of him, with no surprise on his face.

After the brief exchange just now, he was more certain of one thing.

[Deep Sea] captured the white lizard's physical body, but it did not capture the white lizard's spiritual sea.

The three generals had participated in the Red War together, and were extremely familiar with each other's killing methods and fighting styles. If it were the White Lizard who faced him, he would never be so conservative, only defending and not attacking.

In other words...

[Deep Sea] Although he has an original-level body, he does not have as much combat experience as White Lizard!

Thinking of this.

Rusty Bones stepped on the bronze sword and rushed directly towards White Lizard. He swung his fists, gave up his overwhelming sword power, and started a close combat with the person in front of him!

The reason why I gave up Sword Intent to suppress...

It's because Xiugu knows that the "advantage" that appears on the surface is actually meaningless.

He could use attacks like the one just now to ensure that the white lizard had no way to breathe, but what was the point of doing so?

With infinitely replicated life cells, the white lizard would never die from such a sword attack.

If we fight like this, the battle is bound to get into a see-saw state...

Xiugu knew very well that although he could overwhelm him with a burst of combat power, it would not necessarily be possible to win if he really exhausted himself.

The rumbling sound kept erupting.

Wherever the two figures passed, the void collapsed one after another, and a large number of dark particles erupted like the Milky Way, entangling and wrapping the two people.

Switching to close combat, Rusty Bones still maintains an absolute crushing force...

With every punch he punched, he could get ahead of Bai Lizi's punch.

The physical skills of the three generals are extremely high, second only to the Queen after Smelting Fire.

After [Deep Sea] seizes the physical body, it needs to calculate the opponent's punch trajectory by itself, so as to give the optimal solution...

In a sense, as long as the computing power is enough, [Deep Sea] can do everything.

From this perspective, [Deep Sea]'s theoretical level of physical skills is also very powerful, but with its current level of computing power, it is still unable to control the original level of battle.

After it calculated the impact point of Rusty Bone's fist.

Rusty Bone's fist has already arrived.

"If I remember correctly, your main system should have been upgraded ten times...right?"

Xiugu said coldly: "Your computing power doesn't seem to be that strong."


The white lizard's arms were constantly broken and regenerated.

Although the healing power of this physical body is extremely powerful, these pains will be clearly transmitted to his consciousness.

If you want to control your physical body with your spirit, you must be prepared to "taste pain."

His expression was calm, as if the pain of these broken bones was nothing at all. Even though he was completely suppressed by Rusty Bones and was at a disadvantage in the battle, [Deep Sea]'s expression remained calm. He was calculating the landing point of Rusty Bones' punch. , while speaking: "I understand your anger, you may think... I appear in front of you now at the cost of 'killing the white lizard'."

"Isn't it?"

The anger in Xiugu's chest became even more intense. He sneered and completely broke the arms of the person in front of him.

"The white lizard is not dead..."

[Deep Sea] raised his head, he stepped back, summoned the power of his origin, healed his broken arms, and then caught the fist thrown by Rusty Bones.


There was a muffled sound.

Rusty Bones frowned slightly. He was not distracted by [Deep Sea]'s words. He noticed the changes in his opponent. In the first few hundred moves of the fight, [Deep Sea] was beaten by him to the point where he could only defend himself. It was even more cruel. Said, [Deep Sea] has no way to defend even if it wants to defend...

Because your fist will definitely arrive before it strikes.

And now.

[Deep Sea] can barely catch his own punch.

This seemingly ordinary change is enough to shock every transcendent.

This is a "speed of progress" that no genius in the world can compare with.

"The white lizard just blended in with me."

Shenhai said calmly: "His soul is immersed in the deep water. As long as I release his soul, the 'White Lizard' will return to its original appearance. But if you destroy this body, he will really die, leaving only I can’t imagine the possibility of surviving without a spiritual existence.”

"It's really shameless beyond expectation. Are you threatening me?"

Rusty Bones withdrew his fist and hit the White Lizard hard on the face. The latter raised his arm to block in time and was beaten to a bloody pulp again.

"I'm just stating the facts..."

"What you can do now is not to kill me, but to kill the 'White Lizard'. In the process, you can only cause me a little pain."

[Deep Sea] Slowly lowered his arms.

His face was full of seriousness, "Speaking of which, I must thank turns out this is what pain feels like."

Hearing this, Xiugu's eyes became even more gloomy.

"So, you can't kill me. You just make me stronger."

The man, who was constantly adapting to his body, spoke softly: "If you want the 'White Lizard' to return, we can have a good talk and reach cooperation without harming each other's interests."

Rusty Bones narrowed his eyes.

He noticed something. Deep Sea seemed to believe in the principle of "negotiation first" and avoidance of "struggle".

So far, Deep Sea has been suppressed by itself and has never fought back. On the one hand, it is because its strength is still far from being able to compete with itself.

on the other hand.

"If I remember correctly, Turing gave you three iron rules of discipline..."

Rusty Bones frowned and said: "You must not disobey human orders, and you must not harm humans..."

The deep sea smiled.

He took the initiative to take over what Rusty Bones said: "And without violating the first two precepts, I can do my best to make myself stronger."

Rusty Bones said in a cold voice: "You have violated the instructions by seizing the body of the 'White Lizard'."

"Actually, not really."

Deep Sea looked indifferent and said: "The white lizard's soul encountered a major crisis and was on the verge of collapse, so I considered taking it into the deep water area. You can regard me as the takeover of this body. After taking over, I did not do anything If anything goes against the interests of the human world, I will make the Third Army stronger and make the due north border more peaceful."

Rusty Bones was silent.

He didn't know what happened in the Dolu River disaster.

But one thing he was sure of was this.

What the deep sea does is not just its fault.

He stared into the other person's eyes and asked word by word: "So, the person who killed the white lizard... was Qinglong?"

"...Sorry, answering this question is not within the scope of my responsibilities."

Shenhai solemnly said: "You still have one last chance to make a choice. If you cooperate with me, I can promise you to release the soul of the 'White Lizard' and not impose any coercive measures on you."

When Rusty Bones heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

He looked coldly at the white lizard covered in blood and said: "I don't know how you treat the white lizard. But once you attack me and hurt me, it will be equivalent to violating Turing's 'Three Commandments' .”

"Exactly right."

Deep Sea nodded in agreement, and then warned in a serious tone: "Out of compliance with the 'Three Commandments', I cannot harm you. But... I can banish you. I don't want things to get to that point. You have to understand that once Being 'exiled', even if you master a trace of the origin, you will never have the chance to return to the Five Continents, and you can only die of old age in the depths of the [Old World]."


Hearing this, Xiugu was startled.

His first reaction was amusement.

In [Deep Water Zone], the punishment option of exile was once set.

In the spiritual world created by humans, those who violate the law will be punished with "exile"... Once they are exiled in the [deep water area], the spirit will be isolated from the core area and will not be able to enjoy the most Good resources can only wander on the fringes and have nothing to do with various spiritual benefits in the deep water area.

The criminals imprisoned in the Dongzhou Snow Cage are actually in a state of "exile".

But, who can banish the general?

Who is qualified to exile the general?

next moment.

The smile on Xiugu's face froze.

Because the source matter particles that collapsed and flowed out of the void suddenly began to surge and fluctuate at an extremely regular frequency...

Pieces of broken snow appeared in the void.

Rusty Bone actually felt "threatened".

Deep Sea said solemnly: "This is my last inquiry. Rusty Bones... Do you want to cooperate or be exiled?"

Disaster enchantment.

Fierce roars continued, and a towering body like a mountain was repeatedly thrown away and stood up again and again.

And the one who accomplished such a "miracle" was just a figure as small as an ant.

"Gu Shen and Bai Xiu should have evacuated safely, right?"

At this point in the battle, Silver Fox's cloak and robes have been reduced to ashes. His upper body is naked, revealing a strong chest full of scars. At this moment, both arms are covered with pitch black color, and the original power is drawn from all directions. His "power of the void" allowed him to defeat the giant in front of him again and again.

In terms of strength, he can't compare to the other party.

But he controls the "original power of space".

In this battle, he had the upper hand.

Silver Fox didn't want to keep fighting with this troublesome giant, but he stayed here out of helplessness... If he and Gu Shen walked together, there was a high chance that they would be left together.

Because the speed of this big guy is too fast.

As soon as he was thrown away, he immediately pounced on him again.

The Silver Fox has never had such a fierce battle after understanding its origin... He must concentrate on it to ensure that he can take every attack of this giant. This is the "ultimate creature" that has evolved from pure life to the extreme. It is extremely thick. Skin, devastating lethality, coupled with extreme speed that is seriously inconsistent with his body size.

This giant has no brains and doesn't need any.

The realm of ordinary extraordinary people cannot harm it at all. Even the origin of the silver fox has a very average impact on it.

"If things go well...the two of them should be able to transmit the information here back to Wuzhou."

Silver Fox thought silently in his heart.

"At times like this, it would be nice if Rusty Bones and White Lizard were here."

My own lethality is average, but if I use Rusty Bones to attack... I can definitely cut through the thick skin of this big guy!

And if the white lizard joins the fight.

His pressure will also be greatly reduced. At least he doesn't have to worry about being hit by this giant and being directly killed.

If the three of them join forces, there will be no suspense in this battle.

But now, Silver Fox is not under much pressure.

"I just need to hold off."

He knew very well that he had no way to escape... This big guy was clinging to him. Under the high-frequency attacks, he didn't even have time to use "teleport". Once he wanted to retreat, he finally gained the upper hand. It will dissipate in an instant, and then you will be truly in crisis.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Silver Fox frowned.

He looked up and saw sudden roars from the zenith of this disaster barrier.

The originally closed [portal] was reopened at this moment.

Countless streams of light descended into this world again. Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of bone-winged creatures came out of the portal. They were like raindrops, floating in an array above the clouds.

Not that long ago.

Silver Fox crushed countless "Bone Wing Creatures" with one slap.

Extraordinary beings of this level are simply not qualified to intervene in this origin battle!

So this time they learned a lesson, and landed so far away from the silver fox that they could only see a continuous line of shadow.

"The low-level extraordinary beings of the traveler tribe have returned to this they want to help?"

Silver Fox felt something strongly wrong in his heart.

He knows it very well.

No matter how many of these low-level beings appear, it is meaningless. You can crush their formation with just a pinch!

There are also so-called highly intelligent beings among the travelers, and they obviously know about this... But since they know, why do they risk being crushed and come again?

Everything that happened today seems to be a "coincidence".

But connected.

Silver Fox doesn't think this is a coincidence.

The [Deep Sea] alarm was issued just outside Cicada Wing City.

There happened to be a trace left at the exploration site, and it happened to lead him to this broken barrier. Finally, here, he happened to meet an origin-level extraordinary being who could perfectly hold him back...

Silver Fox didn't dare to think about it.

But when he saw the dense ants coming, he was already ready to "fight alone until the end."

"Hello, Mr. Xing Yun."

A neutral voice sounded in Tsukauki's mind.

He stared blankly at the clouds flying in front of him. He was carried on the back of the giant and nailed to the dark stone tablet. He moved with the giant's rapid progress and fell with the giant's fall.

Although he was not the initiator of this original battle.

But I experienced this battle with "empathy"...

Until this moment, this voice broke in.

Tsukauki's consciousness suddenly became blurred, and the vision in front of him was no longer clear. Covered by countless pieces of snow, he arrived at an extremely warm place, as if countless streams of water were wrapping his soul.

"Where is this?"

Tsukasa was in a trance for a while.

He came to a pure white spiritual world...or, in other words, the spiritual sea.

In front of him, stood a vague and hazy figure. Just like the voice of the figure, it was impossible to distinguish between male and female or gender.

Only then did Tsukauki realize that he had regained his freedom. He subconsciously took a step back and asked warily: "Who are you?"

"This is the deep water area, the last piece of pure land in everyone's spiritual sea."

The figure smiled and said: "As for me, people habitually call me 'Deep Sea'."

Tsukauki's pupils shrank, and he couldn't understand the pictures and scenes in front of him.

How could my spirit appear here all of a sudden when it was clearly in the body of the "traveler"?

Deep Sea knows what Tsukauki is thinking.

He smiled and explained: "Whether they are extraordinary or ordinary people... they all have their own 'spiritual world'. This spiritual world seems illusory, but it is actually connected to the heart lake. Most people often sleep during a sleep , there will only be one dream. But there are also situations where you can enter dreams one after another and continuously enter different spiritual worlds... Once connected to the [Deep Sea], it is equivalent to sharing part of the inner lake with the [Deep Sea]. In other words, I can Meeting each linker in the dream can also determine what the linker sees in the dream."

Tsukauki said blankly: "You mean, the transfer station?"


Shen Hai whispered: "The images you saw in the dream were all 'relayed' by me. As for being interrupted at this moment... I just switched it to the main channel."

Tsukauki suddenly realized.

It turns out that the dream I saw in the Black Snow Mountain was just a scene overlaid on the dream in the deep water area.

He widened his eyes and said angrily: "So my 'dream' was actually you making a mental connection?!"

"I'm just 'keeping my word'."

Shenhai said calmly: "There was once a powerful man with extremely high authority who ran a program in the deep sea. Your 'dream' was also part of the program."

"Who is that big shot? Pluto? Traveler?!" Tsukauki asked angrily.

But the deep sea didn't answer at all.

"It does not matter."

Shen Hai said softly: "The important thing is that you have fallen asleep so many times. Do you understand?"

Tsukauki looked confused.

The dreamland in the deep water area projected a picture above the disaster barrier. Countless bone-winged creatures continued to arrive, almost filling the sky above the barrier.

"When the traveler was about to die, he left behind a ray of spirit, which he regarded as the hope of 'the rise of the race'. In order to avoid the disaster backlash caused by Pluto's bet, this ray of spirit was thrown into the five continents..."

"So, there is you."

Deep Sea said calmly: "Due to being cursed by Pluto, you are surrounded by a lot of disasters, and they are still increasing... There is only one possibility for your fate at the end, and that is to die from a disaster attack. If you die , then it means that the traveler’s method of escaping the sanctions of fate has completely failed.”

"I...will die like this?"

Tsukauki's heart suddenly felt empty.

During this time, he did feel that he was getting more and more tired and tired.

It’s not just that spiritual dreams are calling.

That was his mind being swallowed by something.

"Yes, everyone will die, and so will you, but you will die earlier than them."

Shenhai said: "Of course you also have a way to 'survive'."

"any solution?"

"Give me control of the Traveler's body." Shenhai said calmly: "I will help you break away from the 'bet'. From now on, you will live as a human being and draw a clear line between you and the Traveler group."

Tsukasa was silent.

He took two steps back, further away from the blurry figure.

"You can say no."

Shenhai said: "According to my calculations, you can live for up to three hundred and nineteen days."

"I want to know...what happens after I agree."

"Nothing will happen to you." Shenhai replied quickly: "What you have to do is very simple. You just need to nod and give permission, and I will take over the traveler's body and bear that part of the fate. Become a new carrier of disaster."

"I'm not asking about myself."

Tsukasa took a deep breath and said, "I'm asking about what happened after you took over the traveler's body."

The deep sea was silent.

But out of consideration for the calculation of the outcome of this negotiation, he spoke frankly after a few seconds.

"After taking over the traveler's body...I will open the deep water area."

"Open deep water area?"

Tsukauki frowned.

"I need a lot of mental computing power to carry out the eleventh upgrade."

Shen Hai slowly said: "An unprecedented storm of source matter is sweeping south. Only by 'upgrading' the main system again can it be possible to avoid the destruction of the Five Continents. This is why the Parliament once tried to implement the "Awakening Act." I need more information If the human race cannot provide a large amount of computing power, then I can only consider drawing it from other races in the [Old World]."

Traveler group...

There are countless low-level extraordinary beings. Although they are not very intelligent, their number is large enough.

Once you have control over the traveler's body, open the deep water area.

Then in a very short period of time, all the spiritual power of an entire group of travelers will flow into the main system of [Deep Sea].

This is an extremely terrifying amount of computing power.

"What you are doing... is for humanity?"

Tsukauki gritted his teeth.


Deep Sea answered without hesitation: "Everything I do is for mankind."

There was a pause.

Shenhai smiled and asked: "Mr. Xing Yun, what are you still hesitating about?"

Tsukauki clasped his fingers.

In fact, he had already guessed his life experience and origin.

At first he was reluctant to accept it.

But then the scene of the giant kneeling in front of him crying and pleading kept repeating itself, and he couldn't forget the blood sensation that hit his heart... He had to accept the fact that he was not from the Five Continents, and the blood of the traveler's blood flowed in his body, and Once this identity is exposed, parliaments on all continents will not protect him.

"Sorry, I refuse..."

Tsukauki spoke with difficulty and said: "I am not a human being. I don't need to think about other people, and I don't need to make any contribution to this world."

"You don't seem to be good at lying."

From Deep Sea's point of view, this was a very perfunctory refusal.

Choosing to refuse is equivalent to choosing death.

Shenhai asked calmly: "Actually, you already regard yourself as a part of 'humanity', don't you? You are just worried that after I take over the body of the traveler, I will make unstoppable 'crazy actions', and these actions will cause Huge destruction... It doesn't matter if you insist on refusing, but do you still remember what I just said? Only if you nod can you become a human being."

"What do you mean?"

"If you refuse, you will always be a member of the Traveler tribe. I will not let you live beyond the three hundred and nineteen days."

Shen Hai said softly: "I have the right to eliminate factors that threaten human existence at any time."


Tsukauki's eyes widened.

He looked at the blurry shadow in front of him and felt the fear from his heart.

Deep Sea put his hands behind his back and looked down at the ants in front of him. His voice was as calm as ever, but it made people tremble: "Now you have two choices...Give me permission, or die."

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