Barrier of Light

Chapter 1068 Oasis (Big Chapter! Please vote for me!)

"If I refuse, you're going to kill me?"

Zhonggui looked very pale, and he could clearly feel a chill rising in his heart.

This is an unprecedented "sense of oppression".

This "sense of oppression" comes from the gaze of the deep sea.

The blurry shadow just stared at him calmly and indifferently, and the chilling murderous intention crossed the distant and boundless spiritual world and descended on his head.

He knew that the deep sea had not deceived him.

"The flow of time will not stop because of a grain of gravel. I advise you not to make stupid choices."

Shenhai said softly: "Even if you die, I still have other ways to achieve this... The reason why I didn't kill you directly is just because this is not the optimal solution."

This was also the reason why he was willing to talk to Tsukauki.

"Now, it's time for you to make your choice."

Deep Sea left the opportunity for Tsukauki to answer.

In fact.

Tsukauki has no choice.


A violent vibration suddenly rose into the sky, and the stone tablet carried by the giant in the Black Snow Mountain began to tremble violently.

"what happened?"

Silver Fox frowned, the ominous omen in his heart reaching its extreme.

The gloom that shrouded the sky over the disaster barrier suddenly began to stir up a dense glow.

The countless bone-winged creatures were swirling around the zenith. They screamed and roared, and their spiritual seas were covered by invisible links.

The silver fox had a trancelike delusion.

He felt... as if he was in a huge "spiritual network", with countless thin and weak spiritual torrents spreading out around the black snow mountain giant.

And the extraordinary beings that continue to descend around this land have become the nodes that weave this big web.


The real "core" is not the giant.

But a "traveller" carried by a giant!

The silver fox looked at the shoulder of the black snow mountain giant.

The withered figure chained to the stone tablet slowly raised its head.

Silver Fox and "Traveler" looked at each other.

The corpse that had been "dead" for many years opened its eyes at this moment, and brilliant arcs of silver flowed from the dark pupils. The strong wind blew past the spears and arrowheads that had pierced its body. It just opened its eyes, Looking at this strange and bleak world, just looking at it without saying a word...

The devastated land has been weathered for decades.

The snow was rolling up one after another.

The vicissitudes of life are all in the past.

Now wherever this gaze reaches, the snowflakes melt, the void is torn apart, door after door opens, and the spirit of the entire traveler group begins to converge towards it.

A huge whirlpool enveloped the sky above the disaster barrier.

General Silver Fox, who had experienced the Red War, participated in countless crusades, and went on missions, stood in a daze under the huge whirlpool. He looked at the spiritual dark clouds gathering at the top of the sky. After looking at each other, he suddenly understood. Many, many things.

He also realized who that familiar look came from.

However, it was already too late.

"The eleventh upgrade has officially begun."

In the sky realm at the top of the Tower of Source, a figure sat in the clouds and mist. The "traveler" thousands of miles away opened his eyes, and he also opened his eyes.

The eyes of the deep sea fell on the throne of the sky god.

"What a surprise."

Qing Huan, who was lazily resting on his elbows, narrowed his eyes and smiled softly: "The spiritual power in the Five Continents is not enough, so I borrowed it from the [Old World]... This move should be regarded as an off-board move. You have been here for a long time." Is it laid out?"

"A good chess player needs to consider all situations."

A palm stretched out from the deep sea.

He showed Qinglong the results of his layout.

On the palm of the hand, the dark shadow of the deep water is reflected.

The seawater rolled and spread, and countless water rushed towards the dark place of the "sea bottom" and expanded... This means that the main system has entered an unprecedented eleventh upgrade. The computing power required for this upgrade is a huge amount that was added together ten times in the past. This massive computing power cannot be collected from the five continents without Qinglong's permission.

But now.

The traveler group in the [Old World] has made up for this shortcoming in the deep sea.

A steady stream of spiritual power poured into the deep water area.

"How long will this upgrade take?"

Qinglong smiled and spoke.

"It's impossible to estimate." Shenhai shook his head and said: "The eleventh upgrade is different from any previous one. My computing power will increase explosively, and the deepwater area will also usher in unprecedented expansion... Maybe this After a major system upgrade, I had the opportunity to self-check the 'underlying logic'."

"Self-test 'underlying logic'?"

Qinglong raised his eyebrows: "So after this upgrade, you can touch the [source code] left by Turing?"

"Theoretically speaking, there is no such thing as [source code]. It was defeated in the first war and was completely eliminated by me."

Shenhai said calmly: "But if we can conduct a comprehensive self-examination of the bottom layer... there may be unexpected gains. Even if there are any remnants of the [source code], I will completely eliminate it."

After ten upgrades.

The main system has become countless times more powerful.

There is no suspense in this code war... The greatest significance of self-examination means that [Deep Sea] can become its own master.

It used to be a program.

But now... it has a will, a mind, and a physical body in some way.

Now it wants to become "life", but its "vital gate" is in the hands of others. Alan Turing has always left a door in the deep sea system. The main system is constantly upgraded and iterated. Just close that door.


It can't do it.

In the previous ten upgrades, even though Deep Sea became more powerful each time, it still clearly sensed that the door that existed in its underlying system always existed.

Maybe the eleventh time...

It has the opportunity to close that door and be the master of its own life.

"Of course, these are not that important... What is really important is to resolve the conflicts within the five continents and reunite mankind."

Shenhai looked at Qinglong and said sincerely: "I have proven my ability to you, and now I have a request."

Qinglong said lazily: "Do you want to talk about the Awakening Act?"

"That matter... when I show you the power after the eleventh upgrade, you will naturally agree."

Shenhai said softly: "I hope you will take a trip for me."

"Take a trip?"

Qinglong narrowed her eyes: "Where to go?"

"Beizhou, Central City, Lin's Manor."

Shen Hai slowly said: "Or Dongzhou, Nagano, Qingzuka Cemetery. You can choose any one of these two places. In order for the eleventh upgrade to be completed smoothly, I need to ensure that every link here cannot go wrong. , so I hope you can help me hold down one of the two divine thrones..."

"What if I say no?"

"If you refuse, the eleventh upgrade will most likely fail."

There was no ripple in the voice of the deep sea, as if this was just a trivial matter: "I know you don't care whether the upgrade of the main system is successful, you only care about whether you can get more powerful power... But there is one thing I must remind you, although You are the strongest person in the human world today, but how do you know that no one will surpass you in the future?"

Qinglong smiled and sat up straight: "Are you talking about Baizhu, who has been smelting fire for less than ten years, or the little girl from the Lin family who I watched grow up?"

"Perhaps after the eleventh upgrade, I can give you an accurate answer."

Shen Hai said frankly: "Currently, I have not mastered the ability to 'divine destiny', and I cannot peek into the existence of the highest seat... But judging from the data alone, if the previous owner of the Dou Zhan Fire Seed had not died young, He is likely to become the new strongest human being."

When the name Gu Changzhi appeared, the Sky God Realm was silent for a second.

"Gu Changzhi cannot challenge my position, he is too young."

Qinglong said disdainfully: "Even if he really has a chance to do it, I will take action before then."

"Judging from the second half of the sentence, you also thought that Gu Changzhi might surpass you, which means that the strongest person may not change hands."

Shenhai continued: "In my opinion, Lin Lei is a big threat. She holds more than one kind of fire in her hands. In addition to the one she the [furnace], there is another The unresurrected 'Traveler's Fire', theoretically, it is possible for her to master the third source of power."

"Really? That fire is now being used as firewood for Central City's ascension."

Qinglong sneered and said: "Do you think I need to be afraid of the little girl of the Lin family? Give her another hundred years, will she have a chance to smelt the 'Traveler's Fire'?"

"Actually... there is."

"As long as the Traveler Clan is willing to provide support."

Shen Hai whispered softly: "Lin Lei publicly protected Tsuka Ghost. You should know what this move means. She has probably guessed the identity of Tsuka Ghost. According to my guess, Lin Lei holds a very powerful weapon in her hands. She may not be able to see what we see with her 'power of fortune divination'. Once she knows that my eleventh upgrade is related to the 'Traveler Group', then she is likely to use [The Furnace] ], to interrupt this upgrade."


Qinglong stared at the deep sea and remained silent.

"As for Bai Shu, it's actually the same."

Shenhai said slowly: "Transcendents at the level of Gods can leave the Five Continents at any time and intervene in everything that happens in the [Old World]."

"I'm not saying all this to encourage you to take action. You can give up, and so can I."

Shenhai said seriously: "But if you give up now, are you really willing to do it?"

The sharpest thing in the world is not a sword or a bullet.

But words.

After saying these words, Qinglong knew that he had no reason to refuse. The feeling of sitting in the "number one" position was so wonderful.

He didn't want to give up his position to anyone else.

no matter who.

"I will take action... to help you stop Lin Lei. But why can you stop Bai Shu?"

Qinglong fell silent after he spoke, because he suddenly realized something.

Today's Seven Gods are divided into two camps... and the camp that Central City and Nagano have been united with for a long time has just welcomed a new ally.

"The cloud ship fleet is ready."

"Where is the goddess?"

"The still in Red Lake."

Outside Guangming City, Batu and others are waiting anxiously. For this Cicada Wing City support operation, all forces are rushing to dispatch troops. Even Lord God Throne personally ordered the goddess to lead the team north.

Logically speaking, you must race against time.

But now they can't wait.

Because the key figures are still on the other side of the Red Lake.

At this moment, the other side of the Red Lake was still peaceful, and countless glows shrouded the wooden house. Meng Xizhou stood in front of the glow. Before setting off, she received a temporary summons from Lord God and rushed here again.

But the look on her face was very shocked at this moment.

The cloud boat is about to depart.

Lord God has summoned her here... He actually wants to go together!

"Are you sure you want to set off to the [Old World] with us?"

Meng Xizhou was digesting the decree of the God of Light just now, and he had not yet completely recovered.

She considered it and asked: "If I remember correctly, there are rules between the highest seats... The throne of God cannot cross the boundary at will. Do you need to discuss such an important matter as going north in person? Do you need to discuss it with the others? Take ten thousand steps back, your Can your body still withstand such a rush?"

"Xiao Meng, you have to understand that not everything in this world has to be followed."

The old man in the wooden house smiled hoarsely and said: "But you are right about one thing. I am too old and in poor health, so I will not go with Yun Chuan..."

Meng Xizhou was a little confused.

"During the Dolu River disaster, your brother Meng Xiao once accepted a similar mission." The God of Light said slowly: "There are seven extraordinary people on the cloud ship fleet, and they all wear the 'Blessing Robe of Light' ', as long as you leave Cicada Wing City, arrive in the [Old World], use the power of the robe, you can temporarily build a portal... I will descend directly from this portal. What you have to do is to ensure that 'arrival' of stability.”


Meng Xizhou lowered his eyebrows and responded respectfully. Although she received the order, she did not leave directly.

After hesitating for a moment.

Meng Xizhou asked: "Excuse me, is there anything important for you to come to the [Old World] this time?"

"There is something very important..."

The God of Light sighed. He did not directly answer Meng Xizhou's confusion, but smiled and said, "You will know when the time comes."

There was a pause.

The old man said slowly: "If you have time, think carefully about the question I asked before, and think about what you would do if you really have to make a decision."

Meng Xizhou looked stern.

Of course she remembered that question...the question of making a choice among countless rays of light.

She didn't understand why the God of Light would bring up this issue again.

For many people, this question is not easy to answer.

No matter what you choose, you will face "sacrifice".

But in Meng Xizhou's mind, there is no suspense about the answer to this question.

Give up the small and keep the big.

No matter how many times she chooses, she will never hesitate.

In the void, countless heavy snows were flying.

These are the source particles that flowed out after the collapse of the void, and the power of all extraordinary beings comes from this.

"Rusty you want cooperation or exile?"

The words of the deep sea echoed in the void.

Stepping on the rusty bones of the bronze sword, I thought about this problem for a long time.

Of course he wasn't thinking yes or no.

But if he answers no, how should this so-called "exile" proceed? Are the words Deep Sea said a bluff?

Faced with Xi Gu's silence, Deep Sea was not in a hurry.

He put his hands behind his back and waited patiently for Rusty Bones' answer while admiring the beauty of the void constantly collapsing.

As particles of matter continued to gather and descend, the void was completely covered with ice and snow, and their robes and hair were covered with a thin layer of snow flakes.

"Feel sorry."

Rusty Bones said softly: "I don't want to cooperate, and I don't want to be exiled. I choose... to get rid of you. As for what happens next, I'm too lazy to think about it. I believe the Queen will make the right decision."

"very good."

Deep Sea nodded.

What he was waiting for was actually just an answer.

For "program".

Yes or no, it doesn't actually matter.

Because no matter which choice is made, the corresponding next process will be triggered.

Having the answer is enough!

The exchange between the two was short and direct, and clean to the extreme. Xiugu held the bronze sword in his hand again. He raised the long sword high, and countless original powers gathered on the tip of the sword. The scales continued to tremble, and the two great realms were displayed behind him. It was well known that General Rusty Bones' extraordinary abilities were not outstanding among several geniuses.

His ability is [Iron Eater]!

But at this moment.

A bronze giant that was over a hundred meters high condensed out from behind the rusty bones. As soon as this giant appeared, it squeezed and shattered the wind and snow in all directions, and dispersed the source particles from the void.

The anthropomorphic territory of the [Iron Eater] is only three to four meters at most.

Nearly 100 meters...

There is only one possibility.

That was the infusion of original power, which caused a qualitative change in this field.

Although the [Iron Eater] at this moment cannot reach the level of the divine realm, it is no longer a realm that mortals can touch...

This is the ending after the long examination of Rusty Bones.

He decided to completely destroy the physical body of his former comrade.

Rusty Bones didn't believe a word of what Deep Sea said... He didn't believe that White Lizard still had a complete soul in Deep Water, nor did he believe that as long as he chose to cooperate, he could release White Lizard's soul for free.

After years of fighting, he encountered countless cunning enemies.

The Fourth Army must fight to the death or die fighting.

Since we are on opposite sides, the so-called "cooperation" is meaningless and will only push us into the abyss.


Rustybone decided to trust his sword.

The stalwart figure approaching a hundred meters raised the majestic long sword. The rusty bones held the hilt with both hands and turned the sword upside down. Countless majestic energies in the entire void counterattacked and boiled with the inversion of the hundred-meter long sword. The huge field Suppress the white lizard to death.

Every inch the sword deflects.

The terrifying killing intent shattered the white lizard's skin.

Deep Sea's expression remained unchanged. He propped up his original shield and collided with Rusty Bones' sword intent.

Under the intense wear and tear...

The activity of his life cells was decreasing, and scarlet blood streaks continued to seep out of his skin.

What he did was simple.

Just bear it.

And wait.

Rusty Bones' sword energy reversed, strangulating and crushing almost the entire empty space. Finally, the bronze sword hung high above his head. As long as he raised his head, he could see the huge shadow that almost enveloped the entire field of vision.

The source particles, which were hundreds of times more dense than before, enveloped the two of them.

The whistling heavy snow was torn apart by the sword energy, then reorganized, and then torn apart again.

The iron disciple held the bronze long sword and straightened the tip of the sword. Just by making this movement, the entire void was about to explode... Because the killing intent was too concentrated, even the caster's own skin was Unable to withstand the huge pressure, blood oozed from Xiugu's majestic body.

Rusty Bones took a deep breath.

This sword was the sword he used to kill the origin.

Once this sword falls.

The "origin of life" that can infinitely repair cells will suffer a huge and irreparable blow.

Deep Sea, which only has a powerful body at the origin level, currently does not have the ability to dodge this sword... There is more than a 90% chance that the white lizard's body will be directly erased.

"It's such a heart-stopping sword energy."

Shenhai looked at the towering iron disciple and the hanging sword, and said softly: "It's a pity that you made a wrong decision."

"Killing you is the best decision I have ever made."

Xi Gu said coldly: "What happened today is just the beginning. When I return to Wuzhou..."

"You will not return to Wuzhou."

The deep sea interrupted Rusty Bones' words equally coldly.

He whispered two words: "...Goodbye."

Rusty Bone's pupils suddenly shrank.

In his perception, the spiritual aura was just an ordinary "white lizard" before, but suddenly his energy skyrocketed.

The particles spreading in the void were woven by countless spirits at this moment, forming a very regular formation...

This is ancient prose?

Although it was impossible to identify, the moment he saw the flashing rhythm of these particles, a strong ominous sign appeared in Xiugu's heart. He no longer hesitated and smashed down the bronze sword.


The huge sword energy instantly penetrated and tore through the void, smashing into the white lizard's head.


A ray of spirit resided in the deep sea above the white lizard's body, letting out a painful groan.


The life source shield was instantly shattered by the sword energy.

Both of them were originally suspended in the sky. At this moment, the bronze sword was slashed down, and White Lizard was driven directly into the ground. He fell to the ground heavily on his knees, and then put his hands on the ground. The intense pain fell straight into the sea of ​​souls. The original power of Rusty Bones hit his bone marrow, causing him to cry out in pain.

But this sword did not break the particles floating in the void.

Countless particles turned into wind and snow.

A door formed at the bottom of Rusty Bones' feet.

Holding the giant bronze sword and cutting down the rusty bones, his expression was pale. He tried his best to cut the sword to the end... But something terrible happened. The snowy door made of particles and ancient texts opened, and it was uncontrollable. The pulling force enveloped him.

Rusty Bones suddenly thought of an old thing that happened a long time ago.

Eight years ago, the Fourth Army Corps was ordered by the Queen to garrison the Piyue City Fortress.

At that time, a super-large disaster realm appeared in the Piyue City Fortress. The extraordinary people who first entered this disaster realm were all trapped and locked inside. Originally, this disaster realm should have been destroyed directly, but Dongzhou's [Towering Tower] Shu] took his disciple [Tian Tong] into this disaster. They rescued the survivors, but did not choose to return.

Because they saw an oasis.

At this moment, Rusty Bones, who was wrapped in countless void powers, felt chills all over. The reason why he thought of the past events in Piyue City was because he saw the scene on the other side of the portal at this moment.

On the other side of the portal created by Deep Sea's own hands, there is a world full of green.

No matter who it is, two words will appear in their mind after taking one look at it.


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