Barrier of Light

Chapter 1069 Probability of Survival (please vote for me!)

The towering giant sword hangs from the ceiling, carrying unparalleled divine power.

This sword shattered the white lizard's origin shield, and the sword tip cut off the white lizard's shoulder. In Rust Bone's calculation... this sword would cut the target in half. In the process, the bronze sword Chi consumes all activity in the cells of the white lizard.

Because General White Lizard's vitality is strong enough, there is a widely circulated saying in Beizhou.

The white lizard has one hundred lives.

But if it is cut in half in this situation, even if the white lizard really has a hundred lives, it will be meaningless.

Without cell activity, he would be unable to repair the injury.

Cut in half.

And then die.

But when the sword fell, the ancient text in the void also condensed and took shape, and the huge portal wrapped the towering mountain-like Iron Disciple Domain behind Rusty Bones.

The sword energy is still domineering and powerful.

Just this sword...

There is still the last bit left, which has not been cut off.

The door opened and closed, the wind and snow slowly dispersed, and the white lizard kneeling on the ground, holding the ground with his hands, panted hard.

The deep sea trembled its lips, enduring the pain that pierced the soul.

At this moment, he was covered in blood... His complete body was cut in two from the middle.

The sword of Rusty Bones was "teleported" away at the last moment, causing only 90% of the complete sword brilliance to be cut off.

As a result, 90% of his body was dismantled...

If the teleportation time had been later or slower, he would be dead by now.

There's just no if.

With the "power of life" possessed by the white lizard's physical body, as long as there is still a breathing machine left, he will not die. The only pity is that the cells that originally reproduced violently have been crushed by the bronze sword energy... …90% of the most powerful "activity" of this physical body was wiped out by that sword.


The deep sea no longer supported this body, and he just fell to the ground, quietly listening to the heartbeat of his body. The broken flesh and blood was slowly healing. According to the previous treatment speed, such an injury would only take tens of seconds. It healed on its own, but now he needs at least half an hour, or even longer.

Even if the flesh and blood are spliced ​​together and he returns to a complete individual, the damage to his cell activity is still irreversible.

It will take him a long, long time to recover from this sword injury.

The wind and snow fell from all directions, and the remaining power of Xiugu's sword slowly dissipated. The void was shattered, the land was riddled with holes, and the temperature of the [Old World] was extremely cold.

Something is coming in the distance.

Deep Sea slowly raised his head, his eyes as cold as ever.

He counted down silently in his mind, and when it reached zero, a broken black silver airship appeared on the far side of the broken void.

The moment you look at the airship.

His eyes changed, and the original indifference was gone, leaving only pain and surprise.

"Gu Shen, how long will it take for us to return to 'Cicada Wing City'?"

Baixiu forced himself into meditation, but he couldn't help but look back frequently.

The airship was already far away from the disaster barrier, but he was still worried about General Silver Fox's safety.

"Already in the middle of the return journey."

Gu Shen was also anxious.

There's no point in just being anxious.

Now the black and silver airship is traveling smoothly in the void, and the Thunder World Walker and the Fire Spirit take turns to provide external assistance. This is already the fastest speed in the [Old World]... From the current perspective, this return journey Very smooth.

But Gu Shen had a vague feeling that things were not that simple.

There was a doubt in his mind.

Logically speaking, the two generals, Rusty Bones and White Lizard, should have arrived at Cicada Wing City at this moment, or even set off.

With the speed of those two generals, they shouldn't have reached the [Old World] yet.

In his calculations, the airship would meet the two generals without completely returning to Cicada Wing City!

We're nearly halfway back, and we haven't encountered the general yet... Has something happened to Beizhou?

The idea just came to me.

A strong omen of danger arose in my heart.

"There is an extremely powerful supernatural aura left!"

Bai Xiu suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes extremely solemn.

Fire Spirit and Thunder World Walker appeared on the airship. Both Gu Shen and Bai Xiu felt this powerful extraordinary aura... It was the aftermath of the sword energy that almost pierced their souls. It had torn the void apart and was spreading in all directions.

"Is this sword energy the original power of Xi Gu?"

Gu Shen guessed the origin of the sword energy almost immediately!

The only thing that can make him feel dangerous now is the original level of power!

Among the three generals of Beizhou, only Xiugu's weapon was a sword, and it contained such fierce killing intent... Just after being exposed to the aftermath of the sword energy for dozens of miles, there was a jolt and violent tremor inside the airship.

It's just from the perspective of breath sensing.

This battle involving the original power seems to be over.

If the battle is still fierce.

An airship is more than just a bump!

"What happened ahead?"

The airship cautiously sailed into the void ahead. Gu Shen and Baixiu looked silently at the torn void. A large number of source particles were still stirring, and the remaining frost and snow were floating in the void. The darkness in the distance was A pale figure lay on the land, and the blood from that figure almost condensed into a lake.

"General White Lizard?!"

Baixiu looked at this scene in disbelief.

Although he had vaguely guessed what was happening here in advance, he still couldn't stop the buzzing in his head when he actually saw that the person lying on the ground was a white lizard.

The two generals started a fierce battle in the [Old World].

But why?

"It is said that the white lizard's cell activity is extremely powerful, and it can heal instantly no matter how many injuries it encounters."

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes and looked at the man lying on the ground.

The moment the airship appears.

The man on the ground also raised his head, his eyes full of anxious pleas for help... It was just because the battle was too fierce and the injuries he suffered were too serious, so he couldn't even send out his spirit at this moment.

A mere ten miles away seemed to span life and death.

"Ruigu's sword energy wiped out all his cell least 90%."

Gu Shen made a judgment in his mind.

He said calmly: "Save him on the boat first and ask what happened."

The airship drove slowly in the void.

The dying man was being helped to sit in the emergency cabin. Beizhou airships often have a life capsule for emergency treatment, which is used to transport nutrient solutions... But for the white lizard, this level of "healing" Meaningless.

His cellular activity was annihilated.

Even if the healing properties of this treatment cabin were increased ten thousand times, there would still be no way to cure his injuries.

However, it is possible to take a breath and make him feel better.

Gu Shen did not let the airship continue to sail towards Cicada Wing City, because the biggest "reinforcement" on the way back, the general who could control the original power, had already met him in advance.

And the bad news is that there seems to be a problem within the general.

The airship hovered in the void. Gu Shen sent the fire spirit to collect the remaining source matter in the void, and silently used the "power of flow" to deduce what happened here in the pure land, but the rusty bones The sword energy was too lethal, and the void was shattered to pieces. The information he could collect was really limited.

"Are you okay?"

Baixiu sat in front of the nutrition cabin. Seeing that Baili's breathing had become even, he must have had the strength to reply, so he quickly spoke with concern.

"Should...not die."

White Lizard smiled weakly.

"what happened?"

Gu Shen didn't say those useless words of comfort. He came to the nutrition cabin and asked the question straight to the point: "I'm curious, did you fight against General Rusty Bones?"


Bai Lizi took a deep breath and closed his eyes, seemingly recalling the previous scene.

After a long silence.

White Lizard smiled hoarsely and said, "To be precise, it was Rusty Bones who took action against me."

"Rusty Bones took action against you?!" Gu Shen frowned.

"Information from Cicada Wing City reached the border. Rusty Bones and I arrived at the same time, taking the airship... The mission goal was originally to find the Silver Fox." The white lizard looked at Gu Shen and said slowly: "However, when the airship was halfway through the voyage, , Rusty Bones suddenly drew his sword at me, and his sword energy was very lethal. I was forced to fight with him, and as for the final result, you have already seen it."

Baixiu murmured: "Did you lose?"

"That's right..."

White Lizard sighed, shook his head and said: "I was stabbed by the first hand, and then my life source was severely damaged. If I had been prepared, this battle would not stop here."

Gu Shen asked: "Since Rusty Bones won, why didn't he kill you? Where did he go after he defeated you?"

"In this battle, I was not the only one injured. He also paid a certain price. The reason why he didn't kill me was probably because of his former comrades."

Bai Lizi responded calmly: "As for where he went, I think he should have gone to the 'coordinates' where Silver Fox is."


Gu Shen denied this speculation: "We are traveling with Mr. Silver Fox, and we just came in the opposite direction."

"Nothing is Impossible."

White Lizard said calmly: "There are too many gates in the [Old World]. If you know this path in advance, you will definitely not follow the farthest route."

Gu Shen asked: "You mean... Rusty Bones already knew this way?"


After a long silence.

The white lizard's voice was hoarse: "I know you can't accept it, but I'm sorry, something has happened. Rusty Bone is a 'sinner' who betrayed mankind. I suspect that he has colluded with the external groups of the [Old World]. This time Cicada The source of fluctuations in Yicheng is his plan. He has designed everything, and seriously injuring me is also a part of this plan."

Gu Shen and Bai Xiu both fell silent upon hearing this.

The two looked at each other.

"I hope to return quickly now... We need to report what happened in the [Old World] to Her Majesty the Queen."

Bai Lizi said: "Only the God Throne has the power to save all this."


Gu Shen spoke.

"I'm going to explore the external environment."

Bai Xiu stood up knowingly. He left the airship, covered his body with the realm of the Thunder World Walker, and sat cross-legged in the void of the [Old World], using his realm to protect the airship and move forward smoothly.

After Bai Xiu left, the interior of the energy boat suddenly became very quiet.

Gu Shen began to outline the formation patterns with his fingertips.

He made no attempt to hide his actions, and blazing flames poured out from his fingertips... The runes flowed in front of him and the white lizard, turning into a solid barrier that blocked out all spirits and consciousness. The white lizard in the nutrition cabin frowned and asked in confusion: "Gu Shen, what are you doing?"

"Deploy the formations to prevent our next conversation from being heard by others."

Gu Shen spoke matter-of-factly, paused slightly, and said, "Although... there is only one person here."

And that person has left consciously.

"is this necessary?"

Bai Lizi lowered his eyebrows and smiled: "If you have anything to say, you can say it now."

"I's still necessary."

Gu Shen ignored Bai Lizi's words.

He silently completed the arrangement of the ancient text pattern. Seeing that the space was completely closed, he continued to speak: "After all, some words can only be spoken when you are 'alone', right?"


Bai Lizi stared at the young man in front of him quietly.

"I don't believe Rustbone would betray humanity."

Gu Shen stood condescendingly in front of the nutrition cabin, not bothering to walk around.

White Lizard sighed: "So you think I'm lying?"

"As the supreme leader of the Fourth Legion, Rusty Bones has no reason to betray humanity." Gu Shen looked directly at the man in the nutrition cabin.

Bai Lizi and Gu Shen looked at each other.

He just asked a question in a soft tone.

"What about me?"

Rusty Bones is the supreme leader of the Fourth Legion, while White Lizard... is the leader of the Third Legion with a similar status.

In terms of identity and status, neither of them has the possibility of betraying humanity.

"Before that sword struck me, I was thinking the same thing as you. Rusty Bones had no reason to betray."

White Lizard said slowly: "It's just that there are many impossible things in this world that happen without warning. If you must find a reason for Rusty Bone's betrayal, I can only say... maybe Rusty Bone is no longer there He’s human, that’s why he betrayed.”

"Rusty Bones, no longer human?"

"When I fought with him... I felt a little strange."

Bai Lizi said in a low voice: "His sword intention is very powerful, and there is also a fierce power of light in it."

As we all know, Rusty Bones once studied in Guangming City.

The strongest "disciple" taught by the God of Light is not actually Jia Wei.

But Gu Changzhi and Xi Gu.

After Bai Yi said these words, Gu Shen's expression suddenly froze.

The four words "the power of light" instantly touched the deepest part of his heart.

Gu Shen trusted his intuition.

After meeting the white lizard, he always felt that something was not right.

And now he seemed to understand why.

After meeting at the Red Lake, he noticed something strange about the God of Light.

If the God of Light is fake...

So is it possible that the rusty bones who are studying in Guangming City are also fake?

If Rusty Bones were not human at all, then it would be reasonable to behave like a back-spined white lizard.

The chaotic thoughts were cleared up after this reminder.

Gu Shen closed his eyes and felt the uneasiness in his heart gradually dissipate.

Open your eyes again.

"Before I met you..."

White Lizard looked downcast and laughed at himself: "I've been thinking, if Rusty Bone is not Rusty Bone, then who else could he be?"

"deep sea."

Gu Shen spoke expressionlessly and gave the answer.

The white lizard raised his head, showing just the right amount of surprise and shock.

"……deep sea?"

"Yeah. Although the main body is a pile of scrap metal, this thing has evolved."

Gu Shen looked at the white lizard and said calmly: "Obviously, it is no longer satisfied with living in the 'virtual cloud disk'. It wants to come to the real world and bark a few times."

White Lizard: "..."

Gu Shen smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

Bai Lizi smiled and replied: "I think you are right."

"Stab it!"

The next moment, the power cord of the life capsule was cut off, arcs exploded, and Gu Shen smashed the pipe conveying the nutrient solution.


Bai Lizi sat up suddenly. He looked pale and looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

"Gu Shen, what are you doing?!"

"Isn't it obvious what I'm doing?"

Gu Shen said coldly: "I cut off the power supply to the life capsule and the nutrient solution pipes... Although these things are useless, I don't want to make you feel any better."

The white lizard was shocked and angry.


As soon as he stood up, he received a sharp slap on the face.

"Lie back."

Gu Shen's words were full of irresistible majesty, especially that slap, which was so crisp!

The origin of life was cut into pieces by the bronze sword energy...

At this moment, Bai Lizi was still seriously injured and he no longer had the ability to fight.

Gu Shen slapped him, and the majestic force slammed the white lizard back into the cabin. The latter coughed up a large mouthful of blood and stared at Gu Shen angrily!

"Gu Shen, do you know what you are doing!"

"I know."

Gu Shen wrote lightly: "I gave you a slap. Although the pain did not affect your physical body, it will be transmitted to your spiritual sea after all... The main system has evolved to this extent, so you should be able to feel it." To 'pain', right? I'm humiliating you, and according to your words, I'm doing the same thing as Rusty Bones - betraying humanity."

Finished speaking.

White Lizard's expression changed instantly.

There was no anger or pain in his face anymore, only coldness and indifference.

"Is this why you arranged the 'Array Barrier'?"

The white lizard allowed his broken body to sit in the cabin.

It accepted it all calmly and calmly...

Including the slap just now.

To humans, this slap is humiliating, but to it, this slap is nothing.

"How did you guess it?"

It tilted its head and looked at Gu Shen, asking this question that it was quite curious about.


Gu Shen looked down at this guy, frowned and said, "Don't you know that humans have something called 'intuition'? From the first moment I saw you... I felt something was wrong, and I really wanted to give you a Slap. Of course I couldn’t do it until I found out the reason. It’s just that you reminded me later——”

"If Rustbone might not be Rustbone, then who might he be?"

Gu Shen sarcastically said: "With the foreshadowing of Guangming City, it is logical for me to think of the 'Throne of Light', thus bringing a perfect end to the logic of all this. You want to lead me into the wrong alley, but unfortunately, this The reminder helped me find the answer, and I am more willing to trust my intuition than to trust Rusty Bones' betrayal."


Bai Lizi grinned and said, "I don't have such a thing as 'intuition'. I only believe in probability."

"Although I don't know what happened in this void, you survived from Rusty Bones..."

Gu Shen said calmly: "You can calculate now, what is the probability of surviving from my hands?"

(PS: 1. I have a business trip tomorrow. I will try my best to keep updating TAT, but I only have one update recently. Please forgive me.

2. Recommend a friend’s book: "The Wind Rises 2001". Introduction: Zhang Yang died suddenly at an important dinner, and the gears of fate began to turn. With a handful of kings across the ages in his hands, he determined to be the king of this era. May you go through thousands of sails and come back still a young man. )

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