Barrier of Light

Chapter 1072 The crime of betrayal of humanity

The golden divine realm covers Qingzhong Cemetery, the wind blows the grass leaves, and the wilderness bends down.

The thin clouds on the zenith flowed slowly, like flowing water.

As a miraculous place in Dongzhou, Qingzhong has accumulated countless extraordinary source materials, and these seemingly thin flowing clouds are actually transformed by the source materials. These sources ensure the tranquility of the entire Nagano area. , it has been more than 20 years since there were no "black spots" or "black holes" in Nagano.

Kiyotsuka is surrounded by old buildings and old buildings in Nagano, but in fact it is the unsullied barrier guarding this ancient region.


If the owner of the cemetery is willing, the essence condensed on the Qing Tomb Zenith can also be turned into weapons.

Today's Qingzhong Cemetery is particularly deserted and quiet, not because there is no one to worship, but because the Security Committee and the five major families have blocked the cemetery. The grassroots executors don't know what is going on, but a very small number of high-level officials know that this is a fight. The meaning of Lord Ares.

The blocking of Qingzhong Cemetery had happened once a few years ago, and that time it was because Baizhu was at a critical stage of smelting the fire of fighting.

The original power is too powerful.

If the cemetery is not sealed off, this tyrannical force is likely to harm other people.

But this time, it's different.

For dozens of miles around the Qing Tomb, there is a faint aura of chilling. The golden glow that had previously subsided has now covered the entire cemetery. From a distance, you can see that the sun on the zenith is covered with gold. Covered by divine clouds, the dome over the entire cemetery was coated with a layer of gold.


The stone gate of the cemetery slowly opened.

Bai Zhu opened his eyes.

He looked at the figure made of countless flowing water outside the cemetery door. In fact, the moment he crossed the continent from the Storm God's Seat to the East Continent, he had already felt the other person's aura.

But he didn't stop him, but let him go all the way, so that the Storm God Seat could reach Qing Tomb smoothly.

"I didn't expect you would dare to come."

Bai Shu chuckled. He stood up, and three golden bodies with blurred outlines appeared behind him! These three bodies correspond to the three major stages of life. However, at the moment when the two divine bodies meet, the old and the young among the three golden bodies slowly dissipate, leaving only the youthful one!

Youth is the peak and most powerful stage of life!

When extraordinary people are in their thirties or forties, their mental and physical powers are in an extremely full state.

It's just that for the gods, they are often no longer young when they master the fire. Even if the divine power of the fire can keep them looking like they were in their twenties and thirties, their mental power has already passed the most powerful peak stage.

But Atractylodes is different!

He controls the [Reverse Time] Divine Realm, which is a true miracle that can restore his body's functions to the peak of his thirties!


Miracles cannot last long.

Atractylodes' [Reverse Flow] acts on oneself, and the time it can stay is limited.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to fight with you."

The God of Storms also smiled. He was very smart and just stood at the entrance of the cemetery without actually stepping in.

He promised the God of Light, but only stopped Bai Shu.

You can do this by standing at the entrance of the cemetery, outside the divine domain.

Going deep into the realm of a god... is actually a very stupid thing.

Storm would never do something stupid like this.

"Then you came to me for tea?"

Bai Zhu sarcastically spoke.

The spiritual network among the highest seats has been abandoned for a long time. In the past, when encountering some major events, several divine seats would hold meetings with each other. However, since Gu Changzhi fell asleep, the cohesion between the highest seats has become worse and worse. Now, The five continents were even more divided and split into two major camps.

Bai Shu knew very well that although the Holy City of Nanzhou had joined his own camp, the Storm God's Throne was not one of his own. The self-destruction of [Ice Sea Ruins] was enough to prove this person's ambition and calculation.

Such an "ally".

Not worthy of his trust.

Storm said calmly: "If you are willing, I would be happy."

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

Bai Shu said calmly: "You should know that people have died in this place. The last guy who came to the cemetery in his true form...sent a fire."


Storm let out a long sigh.


Of course he knew that Dionysus died in Qingzhong Cemetery. Although he was stronger than Dionysus, he still needed to be alert when facing a "fight".

Feng Feng stood at the entrance of the cemetery. He thought for a long time and finally took the step to enter the cemetery.

The current master of Dou Zhan Fire is not Gu Changzhi.

But Atractylodes.

Although Bai Shu is also a genius... But Feng Feng doesn't think Bai Shu has the strength to kill him.

"I'm very curious about the strength of the new 'Dou Zhan'."

Feng Feng stood in the Golden God Realm of Qingzhong Cemetery. He gently flicked his sleeves, and sea water began to flow out of the cemetery grassland covered by the Golden God Realm. The original power of the [Tide] authority gathered in Qingzhong Cemetery. Within a few seconds, The tide surged, and layers of waves piled up like high-rise buildings behind the Storm Seat. He stood at the forefront of the storm waves, staring at the young man with golden light all over his body.

"So, Baizhu...let's learn from each other."

There was a faint thunder light floating in the void, accompanied by a crackling sound.

Baixiu sat on the top of the energy boat.

He put his hands on his knees. The cold wind in the [Old World] was extremely cold and was like scraping bones. However, under the domain of [Thunder World Walker], these cold winds could only blow away the scattered arcs and sparks. .

"So you believe everything I said?"

Gu Shen sat on the airship in the fire spirit posture.

After disposing of the white lizard's body, he told what he had done and the part of the conspiracy involving the [Deep Sea].

It was within Gu Shen's expectation.

Baixiu will believe all of his words, but he will always have doubts about some of the details.

But he didn't expect...

Xiaoxiu just listened quietly the whole time, without even saying a word, and his expression didn't change much after listening.

Gu Shen didn't expect that...such a complicated matter could be explained so smoothly.

Faced with Gu Shen's question.

Baixiu replied calmly: "Why don't you believe it?"

"Why don't you believe it?" Gu Shen was stunned for a second, and then he whispered: "Because the person I killed was White Lizard, the leader of the Third Army, and one of the three generals of Beizhou."

"We are now returning to Beizhou Cicada Wing City."

Baixiu said calmly: "The reason why we are in a hurry to return is because we want to save people. The person we want to save is called 'Silver Fox', who is the leader of the Second Army and one of the three generals. I don't know Baili, but I know what kind of person Silver Fox is."

"You seem to be worried that I misunderstood your motives, and that I don't believe the truth behind [Deep Sea]'s planning of chaos... But in fact, your worries are unnecessary."

"The reason why I took the initiative to leave the airship is to leave you with a space and opportunity to take action."

Baixiu smiled: "Gu Shen, I'm not a fool. I can also feel the things you can feel are wrong. If you don't kill the white lizard, I will do it too."

Gu Shen was silent.

Along the way, he has been blessed by countless fortunes and favored by various big shots... But now, he is only on par with Xiaoxiu, or even worse.

Baixiu is a well-deserved pride of heaven.

Anyone can be a fool, but Bai Xiu is definitely not one.

Gu Shen asked: "You will also kill the white lizard? Why?"

"On the one hand, it's intuition, on the other hand, his appearance is too abnormal."

Baixiu said: "I don't believe there are so many coincidences in this world. The Rusty Bone White Lizard set off together, and after the battle broke out, only the White Lizard was left alive, and we met him... If there is no accident, the final direction of this series of coincidences , that is, we rescue him, and then return to Five Continents to confirm the betrayal of 'Rusty Bones'."


"So if you don't talk to White Lizard, I will go too. I will open up a barrier and let him open his heart... This is the best way to test the 'truth'. If he is really innocent, then I You will see the answer in your heart."

White Lizard's method was extremely simple and crude.

Gu Shen smiled and asked, "What if he doesn't want to?"

Bai Xiu's brain circuit is indeed strange, forcing Bai Lizi to open up his heart... Not to mention the three generals would not do this kind of thing, no one else would do it!

"As long as you don't want to, then there must be a ghost."

Bai Xiu said calmly: "I don't care about the big reasons, dignity or anything else, as long as Bai Lizi refuses the request to 'open the heart lake', I will take action."

There was a pause.

Bai Xiu slowly added: "Considering that the super strong person in charge of the origin has achieved a leap in life level, especially a strong person like Bai Lizi who is famous for his tenacious vitality, once his injury improves, then my situation will be different. He is very passive, so I must kill him quickly, and I will use the entire [Thunder World] to repeatedly crush his life cells until the last trace of his activity is lost."

"Of course, I want to ensure that his mental power is not leaked."

Bai Xiu said seriously: "So during the process of taking action, I will block my spirit to ensure that no information is leaked."


Gu Shen looked at Xiaoxiu with a complicated expression.

What is telepathy?

This is telepathy.

Because that's what he did...continuously burning with blazing fire, ensuring that every cell of the white lizard was completely dead and unable to regenerate, and then completely incinerated the spirit.

Xiaoxiu noticed Gu Shen's expression, and he said helplessly: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Gu Shen smiled and said, "Do you often do this?"

"I can't say often."

Bai Xiu wrote lightly: "Walking around the five continents, you will always encounter some difficult things. You must deal with troubles cleanly and neatly, for your own good and the good of the other party."

He is Bai's most valued genius.

At a young age, he went out to travel... In order to avoid disputes and troubles, Bai Xiu hid his identity during the time he traveled across the five continents. At the beginning, he brought a guardian with him, but in recent years, he has no need for it at all.

Is there any protector in the Bai family who can protect his way?

"In the past few years, I have killed many extraordinary beings from the Tower of Source."

Bai Xiu said softly: "These people are very bad to Xiao Man. Except for people of the level of the God Envoy, I can't do anything... I found opportunities to remove the others without leaving any traces. I used similar ones." Method."

He didn't tell Gu Xiaoman about this matter.

Although they are far apart, Baixiu has always paid attention to the development of Xiaoman. He and the Red Dragon Society have regular contact, and the Bai family has also interacted with some big forces in Central Continent.

Ever since I found out that Gu Xiaoman was being targeted by Qinglong.

Baixiu began to act silently...

Although I am traveling alone.

But with the powerful intelligence network of the Bai family behind Bai Xiu, it was not difficult to get a list... All the "survivors" on that list were those who had participated in the assassination of Gu Xiaoman, and the little guy himself also In revenge, there is always something missing.

Baixiu knew that he could not clear all obstacles for Gu Xiaoman.

But what he can do is not to let go of any bad guy that Gu Xiaoman misses.

"Killing people this way is indeed very safe."

Gu Shen said meaningfully: "Don't ask me how I know..."

The two looked at each other and said nothing.

Of course Bai Xiu also knew... Gu Shen was not a good person.

When the "Grand Duke Zhenyue" of Beizhou disappeared mysteriously, everyone was speculating on Zhenyue's whereabouts, but he did not waste this time at all. He knew that Zhenyue's ashes had most likely been evenly distributed in the Dolu River disaster area. bingo.

Bai Xiu said: "So you have already disposed of the body of the 'White Lizard', why are you still feeling uneasy?"

"have no idea."

Gu Shen shook his head, and his expression became solemn again: "Maybe it's because the opponent is [Deep Sea]?"

Although he told Bai Xiu many secrets.

But there are some things that still cannot be said.

No one understands the power of the deep sea better than Gu Shen...

Chu Ling's [source code] authority is only a small part of Deep Sea's current control power. After ten upgrades, the computing power of the main system has climbed to an extremely terrifying stage. If his guess is true, Deep Sea has even successfully captured The body of the God of Light!

It can differentiate into billions of flow powers.

Alone, it is as powerful as an army of thousands, and it is even more powerful than that.

"Logically speaking, the deep sea will not receive the pictures here, and it does not know what is happening here..."

Gu Shen suddenly realized the source of his uneasiness.

"What if it doesn't care what's going on here?"

When you encounter a white lizard, kill it.

This matter looks like the failure of [Deep Sea]'s plan. It tried to convince itself, but it was unmoved.

But what if... the "death" of the White Lizard is actually part of the [Deep Sea] plan?

The airship has almost arrived at the coordinates of Cicada Wing City. Now, more than ten miles away, the edge of the Umbrella Defense Line can be seen. From the perspective of the [Old World], the Umbrella Defense Line is like a huge shady curtain, with countless [Deep Sea] The floating baffles controlled breathe like fish gills.

The light refracted from the iceberg penetrated the black and silver airship.

Gu Shen and Bai Xiu walked along the light. They could clearly see that the floating board was folding. This was a sign that a large number of energy ships were about to sail into the void of the [Old World]. The Umbrella Defense Line needed to be given permission before these airships could set off.

"Captain, fourteen miles outside the defense line of Cicada Wing City, General Silver Fox's black and silver airship was discovered..."

The inspection room of Cicada Wing City is at full capacity at the moment.

Never before have so many people arrived at the northwest border. After the three generals set off one after another, a large number of extraordinary people from other continents rushed here. Wei Cheng alone summoned the second army in just twenty-four hours. The legion can field nearly a hundred energy boats.

Of course, not all of these source energy boats will be thrown into the void.

Wei Cheng stood still.

He vaguely felt the "weirdness" of this incident. After the three generals went to the [Old World], there was no sound. The corresponding calls from the outside world became more and more intense, and calls for posts in the deep water area continued to be trending. .

Except for those fortress garrisoners who are powerful themselves.

A considerable number of "hot-blooded youths" have also emerged. Their own strength is average, they have just awakened not long ago, and they are basically young extraordinary beings with no background or strength.

But they have one thing in common -

That is, everyone wants to join the Northwest Frontier!

I don’t know who spread the news, but the news that Beizhou Giant Wall is about to face an invasion of extraordinary beings has caused intensification in various parts of the five continents.

This also indirectly increased the burden on Cicada Wing City.

What confuses Wei Cheng the most is... Cicada Wing City has sent news of the inquiry to the attic of Central City. Wei Cheng even used the authority of the legion leader given to him by the general before leaving, but he was the most capable of accessing it. The characters are the legion commander and Duke Zhuxue.

This time the incident has escalated to a level beyond his control.

Wei Cheng used the authority of "Legion Leader" in the hope that Her Majesty the Queen could give correct leadership tips at this critical moment...

But the attic was silent.

The reply given by the legion commander and Archduke Zhuxue was that they were currently unable to contact the Queen and could not obtain any orders from the attic. Before Her Majesty gave the exact order, the Second Legion should not act in a hurry to ensure the safety of the giant wall and the interior of the border. The stability of the company is Wei Cheng's first mission.

Wei Cheng also agreed very much with the views of these two big shots.

If there is really any danger in the [Old World] that even the three generals cannot deal with, then even if their fleets go to support it, it will only be a drop in the bucket, and the probability of playing a key role is not high.

So he just summoned the elite forces of the Legion.

On the one hand, it is used to protect the giant wall, and on the other hand, it is to maintain the stability of Cicada Wing City... "Foreign aid" troops from all major forces will arrive one after another. As the true master of the northwest border, Cicada Wing City must have enough strength. , come and stand at the highest position.

However, just as the Cicada Wing City fleet was convening, news of a discovery came from the inspection room.

General Silver Fox's black and silver airship appeared outside the Umbrella Defense Line!

this is a good news!

But before everyone in the inspection room had time to rejoice, the smiles on their faces froze...

The mental link screen of all of them was suddenly interrupted.

After a brief black screen.

The mental picture of real-time monitoring was forcibly taken over by [Deep Sea]. This kind of scene has never happened before.

Everyone was at a loss at first.

Then came the shock...

Because the Sky Eye captured the blurry image of the black and silver airship.

when it is time to leave.

There were three people in the black and silver airship.

Silver Fox, Gu Shen, White Sleeves.

Now on the return journey... there are only two people left in the airship.

"Where's General Silver Fox?!"

"General Silver Fox, aren't you on the return airship?"

The person in charge of the inspection room felt a thump in his heart and had a premonition that something was not going to happen.

The whole inspection room was so quiet that you could hear the needle drop.

The atmosphere was extremely tense.

The wanted notice that popped up on the home screen immediately made everyone feel uneasy to the extreme.

"Wanted Person: Gu Shen."

"Hazard level: SSS level."

"Wanted for: murder of a general, and crimes against humanity."

(PS: TAT is really busy these days, so there is no way to guarantee the number of updates. I’m really sorry. I will try my best to keep the updates steady and try not to have the same situation as yesterday.)

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