Barrier of Light

Chapter 1073 Escape and Counterattack (please vote for me!)

"The murder of a general and the crime of betrayal of humanity?!"

When the wanted notice of [Deep Sea] appeared in front of everyone in the inspection room, there was only one thought in everyone's mind.


Others may not know what Gu Shen did for Beizhou, but the soldiers in Cicada Wing City know it very well.

However, the images in the energy boat were actually transmitted to the screen. There were only two people in the airship returning this time... Gu Shen and Bai Xiu, and General Silver Fox who went with them were not in the airship. !

"All units please be aware that the 'Umbrella Line of Defense' will be closed within ten seconds and strikes will be carried out."

The cold broadcasting voice echoed in the Cicada Wing City Fortress.

Everyone received the wanted notice from the [Deep Sea]. Along with the sound of a heavily mechanical countdown, the floating panels of the Umbrella Defense Line began to tremble violently. The world outside the giant wall of Cicada Wing City entered a state of war readiness, which was to deal with large-scale attacks. A defensive measure that will only be taken when the source material invades.

Green silver artillery was added to the floating board of the Umbrella Defense Line.

A large amount of firepower can effectively prevent the invasion of the storm... However, at this moment, those floating plates retracted the smooth side, revealing the dark barrel, and the bright green light was already brewing and gathering in the barrel.

"The Qingyin cannonball has been loaded! Who the hell allowed this?!"

Angry voices entered the monitoring room.

Wei Cheng's image appeared on another screen. As the current temporary resident of Cicada Wing City, he was flying over the city wearing a snow-white source armor. After the [Deep Sea] alarm sounded, he quickly connected Inspection Office Network.

This wanted order seemed to him so ridiculous!

Murder the general? Betray humanity? !

Gu Shen held a lecture at the Cicada Wing City Dojo a few days ago. Because of him, many young talents from the northwest border came here!

"Sir Wei Cheng, this is an emergency spontaneous procedure."

The person in charge of the inspection room had a hoarse voice and a pale expression: "[Deep Sea] has the independent right to counterattack with the 'Umbrella Line of Defense'. When it determines that the giant wall on the border may be attacked by the source of matter, it can mobilize the firepower of the defense line to attack on its own."

In the important place on the northwest frontier, [Deep Sea] already has very little authority.

the reason is simple.

Compared with [Deep Sea], Silver Fox is more willing to trust the generals under his command...but some authority must be given away. After all, every corner of the Five Continents is covered by a spiritual network. He wants to build an umbrella of defense. , this lowest level of authority must be granted. From the initial point of view, this so-called 'autonomous counterattack right' was nothing. After all, the only people who arrived at the giant wall of Cicada Wing City from the [Old World] were Seiran Storm and foreigners.

No one expected that this authority would be triggered like this today.


Wei Cheng used his mental power to connect to the main system network of Cicada Wing City. He angrily issued an order to [Deep Sea]: "As the temporary garrison of Cicada Wing City, I order you to stop the attack of green silver artillery now!"

"Sorry. Your permissions are insufficient."

Until this moment, [Deep Sea]'s voice remained calm: "The authority granting agreement clearly stipulates that when the official garrison encounters an 'accident', the main system will only obey higher-level authority instructions. In order to prevent betrayal and cholera... I This action needs to be terminated by a 'stop' order from the Supreme Court."

"What did you say?!"

Wei Cheng's figure flying through the air froze.

The sound of the deep sea sounded again.

"Mr. Wei Cheng, special reminder that what you just did is indirectly helping the 'betrayers', which has exceeded the boundaries of federal law. Please do not issue stop orders again. The main system is being upgraded. This upgrade will focus on investigating suspected cases." Betrayer's existence."

Wei Cheng's face was very ugly.

He wanted to say something more or do something more, but it was already too late.

Countless floating boards slowly opened, and the blue and silver cannonballs were loaded. All this happened too fast. Less than thirty seconds after the wanted order was issued, a roaring sound sounded outside the giant wall, and the [Deep Sea] blocked the incoming waves. The noise of the old world, so in the sight of everyone in the inspection room, the whole world became silent in an instant.

Hundreds of green and silver cannonballs exploded in the void.

The bright green light swallowed up all the blazing light reflected from the iceberg.

The moment he saw the floating board begin to turn, Gu Shen realized the danger.

A strong omen of uneasiness emerged in my heart.

He quickly accessed the cab with his mental power, climbed up, and then reversed 180 degrees in the air. The source energy boat completed the climb and rotation with the bottom of the boat facing upwards, and galloped away in a direction away from the umbrella defense line... Even if he The reaction speed was very fast, but the salvo of green and silver artillery shells still came.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The bright green light flashed for a second in front of the giant wall of the Umbrella Defense Line.

It's like countless stars blinking.

next moment.

They all came to the rear of the energy boat.

Gu Shen and Baixiu stepped on the ground with their feet, and their whole bodies were hanging upside down. Fire Spirit and Thunder World Walker appeared at the tail of the energy boat at the same time. The two fields were opened, and the bombardment of the blue and silver cannonballs was extremely powerful, because from the design Initially, it was used to resist the "Essence Storm".

The scholars at the Beizhou Research Institute never thought that these thousands of blue and silver heavy cannons would be used to kill humans.

At the [Ice Sea Ruins], two source energy boats exchanged firepower to ensure that with full firepower, the "Red Shadow" could be stably suppressed. The highest level of technology in the human world can easily complete the attack on the overwhelming majority. The crushing of some accounts.

The first salvo of these green and silver heavy artillery was enough to kill 90% of the titled Chaorans.

But Gu Shen and Bai Xiu are not within the 90% range.

Xiaoxiu's expression became very ugly. He couldn't believe that the Cicada Wing City military actually opened fire on him like this... What happened inland? Although it is close to land, the spiritual network link of [Deep Sea] is still completely disconnected at this moment, and he has no way to get in touch with the inland.

"They're crazy..."

Baixiu murmured.

Gu Shen, on the other hand, looked very calm.

"They're not crazy."

Gu Shen smiled jokingly, his laughter full of sarcasm: "Deep Sea is crazy."

After the first salvo of Qingyin heavy artillery, the refraction of the umbrella defense line was directly torn apart by the powerful firepower.

Wei Cheng rushed to the giant wall.

He looked nervously at the direction of the heavy artillery fire...

Snowflakes were flying, and against the light, a vague shadow could be seen escaping, speeding away from the umbrella's defense line.

That blurry shadow.

It’s the black and silver airship that came with it!

Seeing that Gu Shen was fine, Wei Cheng was slightly relieved, but the next second he realized that this matter was not that simple.

There are many patrolling sentries on the giant wall.

All the extraordinary beings who are near the edge of the border are now casting their sights on the location of the Umbrella Defense Line...

They were very concerned about the results of the previous round of shelling.

Many of them, like Wei Cheng, had contact with Gu Shen, so they believed there must be misunderstandings.

They hope that Gu Shen is safe and sound and the misunderstanding can be resolved.

But there will always be some people.

They don't think so...

The colors in this world are not just black and white, and the people in this world are not just good people and bad people.

Regarding the extraordinary people stationed in Cicada Wing City during this period, who had actually come into contact with Gu Shen... they had a "preconceived idea" in their minds.

Gu Shen is a good person, this is a misunderstanding.

But there are still many people who have never gotten along with Gu Shen.

Seven years ago, they heard Gu Shen's name.

Not long ago, they watched the battle between Gu Shen and Jia Wei...

Apart from this, their lives have nothing to do with the name "Gu Shen".

Most of the tasks of the three major legions are directly issued by [Deep Sea]. [Deep Sea] has handled millions of extraordinary case files in the three border lands over the years, and each one provides a huge amount of information. For many people in the Beizhou Legion, [Deep Sea] is their third eye and third arm.

They trust the [Deep Sea] just like they trust their own brains.

So the moment the wanted order was issued.

They're shocked, they're stunned, and then... they accept.

Because [Deep Sea] gave not only a notice of wanted persons, but also evidence of wanted persons.

As the Qingyin bombardment started, a video was uploaded to the deep water area.

That was the conversation that took place in the Silver Fox Source Energy Boat.

"Gu Shen, you want to kill me?!"

The sharp and angry trembling voice of General White Lizard echoed in the energy boat.

Gu Shen looked at him coldly.

Then responded to the white lizard.

There is just endless fire.

This is an extremely clear and complete image... After being uploaded, it quickly fermented. Every transcendent in the deep water area received a push from [Deep Sea]. This image became the fuse that ignited the powder keg of public opinion.

The news about Gu Shen's defection spread widely in just a few moments.

As a defender of Cicada Wing City, Wei Cheng's spiritual sea instantly received hundreds of messages.

The Dongzhou Fleet arrived first.

Gu Nanfeng directly dialed Wei Cheng's spiritual link and said bluntly: "Release the authority of the Umbrella Defense Line, and I will lead the fleet directly into the [Old World]."

"This is against the rules."

Wei Cheng is very difficult to deal with. The advice given by Grand Duke Zhuxue is to stabilize Cicada Wing City.

Once the opening is opened, it will be difficult to stop it later.

"You should also know that the so-called wanted order is nonsense!"

Gu Nanfeng said coldly: "We don't know what happened outside, and Gu Shen also doesn't know what happened inside... After the bombardment, Gu Shen could only move deep into the [Old World], and I must bring him back." .”

"I see……"

Wei Cheng said with a headache: "You led the team north, what will happen to the others?"

"Do you know how many energy boats are heading north now?"

Gu Nanfeng said solemnly: "There are more ships than [Ice Sea Ruins]! Can you stop me? If the fortress is destined to open its mouth, then I must go first! Don't forget, my teacher Right in the [Old World]!”

General Rusty Bones is in the void of the [Old World], and he went with the White Lizard.

Gu Nanfeng seemed calm.

But actually he was also anxious——

In that image, only the white lizard has no rusty bones. If the white lizard encounters something unexpected, what about the rusty bones?

Where is your teacher? !

"I see."

Wei Cheng took a deep breath and said, "I'll open the permissions right now."

A biting cold wind blows from the umbrella line of defense.

The Dongzhou airship fleet passed over the zenith. Gu Nanfeng squinted at the fragments of the green and silver cannonballs. The Thunder World Walker and the humanoid Blazing Fire resisted the bombardment. At this moment, the void was still filled with strong logical gunpowder. breath.

Just when the fleet was about to cross the umbrella defense line, Gu Nanfengxinhu suddenly heard a familiar female voice.

"Nanfeng, it's me."

This is Meng Xizhou's voice.

Gu Nanfeng looked back and saw that the second person to arrive at Cicada Wing City was Guangming City's cloud ship fleet, led by the goddess Meng Xizhou.

Once you leave the Umbrella Defense Line, there will no longer be such a stable spiritual network link...

So in the tens of seconds before they were about to leave the defense line, the two had a brief link meeting.

Gu Nanfeng looked at Meng Xizhou across the screen.

Meng Xizhou's eyes were as clear as ever.

After just one second of looking at each other across the screen, Gu Nanfeng remembered the past events with her. These past events were reversed one by one. In the end, the scene he remembered most clearly was the scene in the forbidden library under the Red Lake.

"...I'm sorry, I won't wait for you this time."

Gu Nanfeng said softly: "I'll go first."

Meng Xizhou wanted to say something else, but the spiritual link was severed.

Dongzhou's airship went against the smoke and bright light and crashed into the [Old World] outside the Cicada Wing City's defense line. At the end of the horizon, there was only a dazzling "sun" that was white and dazzling. It was a false image reflected by the iceberg. The glow, although it looks grand and grand, is actually cold to the bone.

"Is [Deep Sea] crazy?"

The black and silver airship turned back and regained stability.

Baixiu's expression was complicated.

The green silver bombardment just now shattered his thoughts of returning to land.

"I thought that killing the 'White Lizard' would make us safer...but I was wrong."

Gu Shen whispered: "Killing the 'White Lizard' will only make us more dangerous."

This encounter was indeed a deliberate arrangement by [Deep Sea].

But the ultimate purpose of this arrangement is not to save the white lizard.

[Deep Sea] What he wanted from the beginning was to kill the White Lizard. If he wanted to mobilize the internal conflicts in Beizhou, he needed to use a sufficiently influential event... What could be more serious than the death of a general? , what about big events that are more likely to stir up emotions?

"The conversation between Deep Sea and me seemed to be leading me to guess the identity of 'Rusty Bones'."

"But in fact, it is preparing for 'suicide'."

Gu Shen sighed softly: "It never wanted to live from the beginning."

"It's just that you killed people perfectly." Bai Xiu frowned: "If you are killed in this situation, you can't even transfer your spirit back... This is still the [Old World], what can it get?"

"That's the myth."

Gu Shen was silent for a moment.

He looked in the direction where he had fled. The umbrella defense line had turned into a small spider web, and the flickering light was barely visible in the dark void.

"You, me, we... all of us believe that [Deep Sea] is a tool of mankind. Everything it does after it is created needs to be done in accordance with authority and rules. Therefore, it is impossible for [Deep Sea] to make An 'extra-legal matter' that violates authority."

Bai Xiu frowned and remained silent.

"Between black and white, there are blurred grays. There are always some things that cannot be clearly defined by authority."

Gu Shen suddenly asked a seemingly unrelated question: "In a secular society, if there is a lunatic who attacks innocent people out of his mind, does Shenhai have the right to stop him?"


Bai Xiu remembered the relevant regulations in the safety committee, and he murmured: "If the situation is particularly serious, Deep Sea is within its capabilities, and even emergency intervention can be carried out."

This is the power given to the deep sea by humans.

The original intention is to make human life more beautiful, stable and peaceful.

Gu Shen continued to ask: "So before he became a madman, the deep sea predicted that he was about to become a madman. Does it have the right to stop it? Does it have the right to intervene urgently?"


Bai Xiu was silent.

He suddenly understood what Gu Shen meant.

"The White Lizard thing is a complete bait, and it's the kind I have to take. It only needs to follow the established trajectory... I will definitely kill the White Lizard. As for the evidence, it even wrote the script. Okay, where else do we need to send back the [Old World]?”

Gu Shen laughed at himself: "The border areas of Cicada Wing City have already opened fire on me. [Deep Sea] must have produced enough heavy evidence. If my guess is correct, there is a high probability that it is the 'crime of betrayal of humanity'" It's a top-level crime, and maybe even an 'SSS level' wanted level."

Seeing Baixiu's silent eyes.

Gu Shen smiled and asked, "Why, do you think it's ridiculous?"

"It's really ridiculous."

Baixiu's voice was hoarse and he said, "I never thought... that one day you would be accused of betraying humanity."

"It's a good thing, and it can be regarded as walking on the path of seniors."

Gu Shen made a joke that only he could understand.

He shook his head, and then said seriously: "But unfortunately, [Deep Sea] miscalculated a bit. It can indeed accuse me of a big crime, but this crime is so big... it can really put it on my head." ?"

Today's ancient literature society is different from the situation back then.

Gu Shen really got help from two gods...

If [Deep Sea] wanted to arrest him.

Dongzhou and Beizhou will not just tolerate it!

Just from the cannon fire in Cicada Wing City, we can infer a very important news...

Bai Shu and Her Majesty the Queen are most likely to be isolated from this "incident". But these are two divine thrones after all. Even if [Deep Sea] has great means, it is impossible to keep them out all the time. These two are Gu Shen's greatest confidence.

"Xiaoxiu, I am now carrying the crime...but you are different."

Gu Shen whispered: "The crime of betrayal of humanity is not something that can be framed casually. There is a high probability that Deep Sea only pinned it on my head."

Bai Xiu's expression became solemn.

"Rather than waiting for God to take action... I want to do something myself."

Gu Shen took a deep breath and said, "I need you to help me."

(That sentence was too much. I didn’t mean to cut it off like that...)

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