Barrier of Light

Chapter 1074 The Second Golden God Realm (please vote for me!)

The snow-white and dazzling sun shines on the far side of Cicada Wing City.

The Xizhou Cloud Ship Fleet arrived at the throat of the Northwest Fortress. Meng Xizhou looked at the screen silently. Her last mental link only lasted for tens of seconds before being disconnected. She just watched Gu Nanfeng's Dongzhou Fleet sail into the void. among.

The wanted order just now has been spread throughout the deep water area.

Xizhou naturally also received it.

"...are you just leaving like that?"

Meng Xizhou sighed softly.

Batu looked at this scene and consoled him: "Goddess, you don't have to force some things. Gu Nanfeng and Gu Shen have a good relationship. He must want to be the first to investigate the case outside the fortress."


Meng Xizhou took a breath, calmed down, and said slowly: "What we did when we left the fortress this time is extremely important... Even if we contact Nanfeng, we can't go together. It's better for them to go first."

Batu silently clenched his fists.

He looked at the sacrificers prepared by Yun Chuan.


What Guangming City has to do when leaving the fortress this time is very important... There must be no mistakes.

The cloud ship fleet stopped its advance above Cicada Wing City.

Wei Cheng stood alone in front of Yun Chuan. Behind him was a full fleet of Second Legion recruitment ships.

"Sorry, Cicada Wing City is in turmoil now, and I can't let you go to the [Old World] like this."

Wei Cheng didn't treat Meng Xizhou the same way he treated Gu Nanfeng... The relationship between the two people was well known to the top leaders of Wuzhou, but what did that have to do with him?

The reason why Gu Nanfeng was released was because Dongzhou was Beizhou's most reliable ally!

Over the years, the merger plan has been implemented smoothly.

The two continents communicate with each other and help each other. Wei Cheng and Gu Nanfeng were comrades who fought together in the legion in the early years... But what about Guangming City? The secret that Guangming City planted in the Beizhou Fortress has not yet been completely exposed. The scandals of the Red War have not been brought to light, but Wei Cheng has heard about them to some extent.

The most hated force of the Beizhou Legion today is not the Tower of Source, but the City of Light!

A former friend, with a knife in his back.

This feeling is not pleasant.

"We are here to help Cicada Wing City."

Meng Xizhou knew that the relationship between Guangming City and Beizhou was not good, and he also knew about the old cases left over from history... There were some things that just apologizing for were useless. She had just ascended to a high position in the temple, and even if she wanted to make amends, it would take time.

So she could only slow down her tone as much as possible at this moment and show her sincerity.

"Cicada Wing City does not need your help."

Wei Cheng said calmly: "We have enough power to protect ourselves."

"The federal law stipulates that the access rights to the [Old World] are only temporarily handed over to the fortress border for control... All humans have the right to leave the Five Continents and go to the [Old World] to explore."

Batu spoke.

He knew that he couldn't argue at this time, but with Meng Xizhou's character, it was very likely that he would be stopped, so he brought up the law.

"...So you just want to leave Wuzhou?"

Wei Cheng said expressionlessly: "If you insist on leaving, Cicada Wing City will not stop you, but the Giant Wall and Umbrella Defense Line will not provide any feedback data or help."

"we do not need."

Batu continued; "We just hope to leave now, the sooner the better."

"Sorry, you have to wait."

Wei Cheng glanced at Guangming City's cloud ship fleet and said calmly: "More and more energy ships are approaching Cicada Wing City. If everyone requests to leave the city, what should Cicada Wing City do? Open it once The 'Umbrella Line of Defense' requires a large amount of source material and resources."

"How long?"

Meng Xizhou spoke silently.

Wei Cheng turned around and was about to leave: "I can't give a clear time answer, but the passage of large cloud ships and fleets is very troublesome and requires special reports and comments."

"If I remember correctly, if a single small or medium-sized energy boat needs to leave the giant wall, there is no need for special reporting and annotation, right..."

The next moment, Meng Xizhou's words made him pause.

Wei Cheng looked at the goddess with a headache.

As the temporary garrison of the fortress, he holds considerable power in his hands, but if the other party follows the procedures...

He's hard to stop.

A few minutes later.

Meng Xizhou took a medium-sized cloud ship carrying less than thirty people and sailed out of the giant wall of Cicada Wing City.

The reason why they were so eager to leave was because they were burdened with an important mission.

That is to summon the God of Light.

In the cabin of this medium-sized cloud ship, there are seven sacrificers sitting quietly on the ground. They are wearing robes infused with the power of light blessing. They have been quietly carrying them inside the ship from the moment it set sail. The cloud ship Whether the fleet can enter the [Old World] immediately is not that important. As long as they can be sent out of the fortress, it is enough.

No one knows why the God of Light came to the [Old World].


This is an order from Lord God.

Knowing this is enough.

This cloud ship, as small as a grain of rice, slowly crossed in the void of the [Old World]. Meng Xizhou and Batu controlled the direction. They did not chase Gu Nanfeng's location immediately. Instead, they chose a place far away. farther heading.

The call of light will cause great movement.

Even though this place is already in the [Old World], they still have to be careful and cautious.

Finally, the cloud ship stopped on a dark piece of broken land, which was far away from the snow-capped mountains that refracted light. It was so far away that no ray of light could shine here. After the cloud ship extinguished the lights, it was completely submerged in darkness.

The seven sacrificers came to the deck of the cloud ship. They cut their wrists and used their own blood as feed in exchange for the coming of light.

"Tick tock!"

The blood fell on the cloud ship, splashing with crisp echoes.

The bright red blood fell and rebounded, turning into a golden color at the moment of leaping up. Blood beads were spinning and spinning in the air. The seven sacrificers wearing robes began to wither at this moment, and their bodies The skin began to dent, and the flesh shrank rapidly, but their eyes became more determined. Just looking at the pupils, you can even feel that their spirits are expanding violently.

That is the consequence of the will of light descending across the void.

For believers.

Being able to see the "true God" with your own eyes once in your life is enough to say that you have no regrets in this life.

Even if you risk your own life in exchange for this meeting... it's still worth it!


Batu looked on, holding his breath nervously.

Light descended in this dark place, and countless lumens rolled up like waterfalls, gushing out from the formations of the cloud ship fleet. These seven sacrificers paid the price of faith and life to communicate the authority of light and guide the call. Out of this holy and majestic towering door.

A pillar of light appears in the [Old World].

at the same time.

This beam of light also appeared on the other side of the Red Lake in Guangming City, in front of the dilapidated old house.

The old man calmly stared at the beam of light in front of him.

Red Lake has never been more peaceful.

The heavy fog obscured the scene on the other side of the Red Lake, and also obscured the holy light that almost reached the sky. For those ordinary people living in Guangming City, there was no change in the city at this moment... It was just the old days at dusk. After sinking, the new sun, which had obviously not risen for a long time, rose again from the other side of the lake.

Miracles returned to Sunset Mountain.

The old man silently shook his fist...

This body is really too old, as old as a ball of cotton wool that will fall apart when you blow on it.

No matter how strong a person is, it is difficult to resist the passage of time.

The old man is about to die and has only one breath left. What can he do even if he is a god?

"Leave aside the 'original power'... this body is not as strong as the white lizard."

Deep Sea stared at his palm. There have been few miracles in Guangming City in the past twenty years. The reason is very simple. After it takes over this body, it can only use an extremely simple part of its original power... It's like It was the same battle where it controlled White Lizard and Rusty Bones.

Although it has a large reserve of theoretical knowledge, it has almost zero combat experience.

There is no problem in using the body of a high-level transcendent to crush low-level ones.

But if they fight against each other at the same level... it will definitely be at a disadvantage.

In the White Lizard's battle, Deep Sea was suppressed by Rusty Bones from beginning to end. Of course, this was because its computing power was not strong enough. Now that the eleventh upgrade is about to be completed, this dilemma will soon come. To end, as long as the computing power is strong enough, there is no battle that cannot be won. With sufficient support from the computing power, it can predict every thought and possibility of the opponent and completely control the direction of the battle.

In order to prevent the God of Light from being exposed.

The deep sea must make its appearance from time to time... in the spiritual world, of course.

Therefore, the "god's arrival" event will never happen, at least not in the five continents. Once the highest authority sees its flaws, the layout it planned will be destroyed.

Looking back, we will find that in fact, the divine arrival of the Dolu River disaster was destined to fail from the beginning.

Even if there is no external interference.

The deep sea will not really let this body perform "divine visit"... This is just a way for it to prove that the God of Light is still alive. Judging from the final result, this method is very successful. After the failure of the Dolu River God's visit, there is no People have doubts about Guangming City.

But now it's different.

It asked Qinglong to come forward and persuade the storm to take action... As long as it ensures that these two people can hold off the Queen and Bai Shu, its divine presence will no longer be risky. There is no one in Wuzhou who can fight against the "Throne of Light".

The new Lord of Wine is still growing and is very immature, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

As for Hades.

There is a lot of news about Pluto from the outside world, and all kinds of speculations are conclusive.

But it's a pity...

From the perspective of the deep sea, Pluto has never been a threat it needs to consider.


Qingzhong Cemetery.

The waves surged into the sky, and two figures were fighting in the cemetery. The inner mausoleum was not that big, but when the Golden God Realm was released, the land was dragged into the void. Under the intrusion of sea water, the Golden God Realm was completely submerged. .

Young Bai Shu's body was surrounded by countless golden lights.

He didn't care at all how much sea water the Storm God's Throne brought. At this moment, the Golden God Realm was carrying a huge weight, but he was still extremely fast, and every punch he punched was accompanied by a sonic boom.

The roaring sound and the tsunami mixed together.

The God of Storms was beaten back and forth, his hair was messed up, and his robe had several holes in it. Bai Shu's fist reminded him of Gu Changzhi thirty years ago.

He has been a god for a long time, although there is no way to compare with the bright sky.

But when Gu Changzhi became a god, he had been sitting on the throne for more than ten years.


The moment he saw Gu Changzhi become a god, the God of Storms knew that he would soon be surpassed by this young man from Dongzhou. That guy exuded fearlessness like the sun and a pure and mighty fighting spirit. Even more dazzling than the God of Light.

Such people are destined to be brave and diligent.

But Bai Shu and Gu Changzhi are different.

Bai Shu's personality is completely opposite to that of Gu Changzhi... He smelted fire and achieved the throne of God. All these things were very low-key and did not make a fuss.

Even if he successfully controls the fire, he has never left the cemetery.

Bai Shu always liked to be alone, so after the battle between the gods in the cemetery, he quietly retreated in the cemetery alone.

Over the years, no one knows how far he has practiced [Reverse Time], and no one knows how much he has controlled the original power of the Dou Zhan Fire... It wasn't until the fight started that Feng Feng realized that this was an unexpected move. A genius inferior to Gu Changzhi.

He brought in the boundless sea water and threw it at Baizhu.

Whenever the sea water is about to fall, [Reverse Flow] will activate——

All the water flow was reversed and returned to the Tide Domain of the Storm. Under the collision of the two original forces, Bai Shu's [Reverse Flow] almost crushed the Storm God's Throne. He forced the people in front of him to fight with him hand to hand. .

But where is Bai Shu's opponent in the Storm God Seat?

He used the power of the divine throne to condense the trident, and used the divine weapon to cut Baizhu, but [backlash] was everywhere. The energy and spirit of the young Baizhu were at their peak. He controlled time in every corner of this divine domain, and fought The storm kept coughing up blood...

But it is extremely difficult to determine the winner and life and death between gods.

Storm's injuries recover extremely quickly.

He tried again and again to break through the boundaries of [Reverse Flow], but failed again and again.

After hitting the back, the trident was broken into pieces!

Finally, Bai Shu stopped his attack.

His whole body was shrouded in golden light, standing on the boundless sea water, like a golden sun.

On the other side, the Storm God was in an extremely embarrassed state. His entire robe was torn into strips of cloth, and he looked like a beggar. Although his flesh and blood body was still intact, the explosive power of Douzhan's attack was too strong.

After the torn flesh healed, scars, bruises, redness and swelling were still left.

Along with the pain, one after another poured into the lake of heart.

The face of the God of Storms was very ugly. He took the initiative to come to visit, and then was beaten like this... In fact, he wanted to leave in the middle of the battle, but how long had it been? Less than half a day!

He promised the God of Light that he would hold Bai Shu back for three days!

Three days! ! !

Now, he was already in a state where seconds seemed like years... If he really had to delay for three days, he would probably be seriously injured.

"The reason why you came to visit me is to delay time and prevent me from leaving the cemetery and Dongzhou...right?"

Bai Zhu spoke.

This was his first sentence since the war broke out.

He never talks nonsense. Since the opponent wants to fight, he will fight with all his strength... But as soon as the fight started, Baizhu knew that Feng Feng didn't really want to separate life and death from him. Every move of the opponent was to drag the battle into a tug-of-war. "middle.

The power of the throne is endless.

Once a tug-of-war enters... it is normal to fight for days and nights.

There is only one reason for the storm to do this.

He is stalling for others.

The highest seats are all very sensitive to each other's fire aura. Just now, the light aura in Xizhou was so strong that it almost burst the ceiling. The moment this strong aura appeared, Baizhu knew the true intention of the Storm God Seat.

The God of Light is borrowing the [Gate] to leave Wuzhou.

This situation is actually a violation.

If it had been normal, he would have chased him out immediately... But now that the storm was in the cemetery, he could only watch helplessly.

Baizhu immediately contacted Lin Lei mentally.

But the spiritual link failed.

Obviously, Lin Lei also encountered an unexpected situation.

The God of Light's departure from the [Old World] was definitely not an impromptu move, but had been planned for a long time. There was also a person in Beizhou who was responsible for preventing the God's throne-level figures from going out. As for who it was, you could figure it out with your toes.

Only hazy.

"Qinglong did this because he controlled the overall situation and could escape unharmed after entering the outer continent's divine realm."

Bai Shu put his hands behind his back and looked at the man in front of him. He asked sarcastically: "As for you... what are the benefits of doing this?"


Feng Feng was silent for a moment and said expressionlessly: "Of course I have my reasons for doing this."

"very good."

Bai Shu said coldly: "Since you are willing to be a pawn for Qinglong, then you must be prepared to die in battle. I haven't settled the account with you at [Ice Sea Ruins] yet. Since you sent it to me, you might as well settle it with me." All old accounts have been settled today!”


The Golden God Realm has arrived again.

The original Golden God Realm was already coercive enough.

But at this moment...

The second golden divine realm was superimposed on the previous one. The majestic divine power roared loudly, the storm's pupils shrank, and he could feel that his sea realm was suppressed by a large amount in an instant.

Baizhu appears as a young man, with long hair flying.

Every strand of hair was wrapped in the power of fire, rendering it a bright golden color.

Bai Shu and Lin Lei are both newly promoted "gods" in the highest seat. Feng Feng never questions the talent of those who achieve the throne. However, after coming into contact with the origin, the factor that determines the strength of both parties is usually only time. Because everyone is a genius, no one will lose to anyone.

Since they are both geniuses, then he practiced thirty or forty years earlier than Bai Shu, so why would he lose?

This is also the real reason why Feng Feng dared to step into Qingzhong Cemetery——

He didn't think he would lose.

Until this time, Feng Feng realized a very important issue, that is, the old man Qinglong seemed to care about nothing, but in fact he was the most cunning and insidious person in the highest seat. This time " "Operation Blocking" was the first choice made by Qinglong.

He chose Lin Lei instead of Baizhu.

Why did Qinglong choose this way?

The answer is right in front of you.

The second level of the Golden God Realm descended, Bai Shu punched out, [Reverse Flow] and the fighting power came out together, the Storm God Throne roared and sacrificed the artifact Trident, the boundless sea rolled up thousands of meters of waves, but at this moment, the Golden Fist was broken.

This punch hit the tip of the trident, causing a deafening sound of gold and iron!


The trident breaks!

This punch went forward, and Bai Shu continued to move forward.

The Boundless Sea Territory was completely suppressed by the Golden God Territory!

The roar of the Storm God Seat echoed on the sea. He used all his strength to fight Bai Shu!

In the end, his fist was punched directly through!

The divine blood splashed out one after another!

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