Barrier of Light

Chapter 1075 Taking over the weight of light (please vote for me!)

Brilliant golden light erupted in the dark void of the [Old World].

The seven sacrificers knelt on the ground. They cut open their chests, dug out the blood from their hearts, and used their blood and life to summon the birth of light. The blood turned into pure gold.

Along with the withering of the seven sacrificers...

Countless rays of light gathered in the void, and a golden portal condensed out.

"Lord God...can he descend successfully?"

Batu held his breath and looked nervously at the formation formed by the seven sacrificers.

The golden portal was slowly pushed open.

A figure shrouded in blazing light walked out of the void. The blazing light was so intense that everyone on the cloud boat could not look directly at it.

Including Mengxizhou.


Meng Xizhou narrowed her phoenix eyes. She stared at the shadow wrapped in blazing light. These blazing lights were the same as those in front of the wooden house. They were all glows that she could not see through no matter how hard she stared... The power of the source of light authority spread. Kaikai, the moment the God's Throne successfully descended, it seemed as if there was a huge hand that grasped the thousand-meter void where the cloud ship was located, and everyone's heartbeats fell into stagnation.

Batu leaned down excitedly, and others also kowtowed.

How lucky they are to witness this miracle!

"...Lord God!"

"Welcome to you, Lord God!"

A series of shouts sounded on the cloud ship. There were not many people who witnessed this miracle, only dozens. However, the light throne that successfully descended did not fall on the cloud ship.

The portal shattered, and the bodies of the seven sacrificers burned in the blazing light...

In the Church of Light, this is called "returning to the land of light." Being able to die in this way is a great honor.

Everyone lowered their heads and fell to their knees.

But only Meng Xizhou is an exception.

She is the leader who is about to take over the Light Fire.

So she was the only one still standing, looking up at the blazing human-shaped sun.

"Xizhou, do you still remember the question I asked you earlier?"

The voice of the God of Light sounded in Mengxizhou Heart Lake.

Meng Xizhou looked stern.

"There's something, it's time to tell you."

"After need to make a decision."

In the Beizhou Pavilion, thousands of rays of sword energy collided together, creating hundreds of thousands of air waves in the [Furnace] God's Domain. In the center of the stacked sword energy, a figure remained motionless.

Qing Hao sits upright.

He looked up at the point where countless sword energies struck down.

The Queen summoned "Big Chill" and condensed it into thousands of swords. The landing point of each sword was exactly the same as the previous sword, so that the killing power would be concentrated on one point.

She didn't do this when she killed "The Traveler" with her sword.

Although that big extraordinary being only came to Beizhou carrying the traveler's fire, and was not a true god... But in terms of life levels, it can be regarded as an existence in the original realm.

In that battle, the Queen dispersed the sword energy.

Every ray of sword energy penetrated the big guy's body.

This shows how sharp these swords are!

But now... Thousands of strands of sword energy gathered together, but it was impossible to break through Qinglong's defense. Moreover, this was still in the Queen's divine domain, and she had absolute dominance.

The Queen's sword energy gathered at one point.

The hazy eyes also focused on one point.

A thin layer of clouds and mist condensed and spread wherever the clear gaze fell, turning into a small white barrier. It was this white barrier that blocked these millions of swords.

The mighty sword energy impact finally... turned into a fine rain.

A crackling sound sounded above Qinglong's head.

The mist transformed by [Cloud Mirror] lingers and opens an umbrella.

After these sword energies hit the [Cloud Mirror] and shattered, they were like raindrops. After bouncing several times, they spread into hazy cold air... The rich cold air penetrated towards Qingwu.

But the mist falling from [Cloud Mirror] turned into barriers.

The cold air has almost solidified, and it is impossible to get close to Qingwu.

In this Queen's domain.

It was as if a vacuum had been opened up that did not belong to her.

All origins, all powers, and all attacks cannot come close——

This outpouring of sword energy did not last long.

When the most powerful penetrating strike was blocked outside the cloud mirror umbrella, Lin Lei raised her hand and removed the rest of the hovering swords, and the two looked at each other again.

Qinglong, who was sitting on the throne, shook his head.

He spoke first, breaking the calm.

The clear tone was very disappointing: "Lin Lei, is this all your strength?"

In the warning given by the deep sea.

Lin Lei is a candidate who may threaten her number one position in the future...


Even the arrogant Qinglong must admit... Lin Lei has the possibility of surpassing herself, because there is a second fire in the [furnace] of Central City.

But now we meet and fight.

He knew it.

If he wanted to surpass himself... Gu Changzhi might have been able to do so back then, but it would have been absolutely impossible for Lin Lei.

Some things cannot be done in a year or two, and will never be done in a lifetime.


Faced with Qinglong's contemptuous provocation, Lin Lei's reaction was very calm.

She smiled and said: "I have already reached this state, do you think these words will have an effect on my Taoist heart?"

Every god-level figure is a genius who astonishes an entire era.

Their determination cannot be shaken by a word or two.

The inability of the Great Cold Sword Qi to break through Qinglong's defense was nothing to the Queen. She already knew the approximate strength of the opponent before Qinglong's visit.

Nowadays, the highest seats in the five continents are ranked according to strength, and the strongest one is Qinglong.

There is no doubt about this.

Because he has lived for too long, and in the throne of God, living long is the greatest advantage.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to suppress your Taoist heart."

Qinglong chuckled and said: "I just think from the bottom of my heart that you are a little too weak. Compared with Gu Changzhi back then, you are far behind."


Never thought about it.

Lin Lei was not angry at all, her expression did not change at all, but there was a look of pride in her eyes.

"Who in the world can compare with Gu Changzhi?"

Lin Lei looked at the man in front of her sarcastically and shook her head: "Of course I know I'm not good, but you... Compared with Gu Changzhi, you are far behind."

The smile on Qinglong's face slowly solidified.

He is still smiling.

But this smile has a different meaning.

"You think I'm not as good as Gu Changzhi?"

"It's not even close."

Lin Lei said calmly: "Gu Changzhi never lost a single match and was the best in the world, but come I heard that before you became a god, you lost once, and you lost miserably?"

Qinglong couldn't laugh anymore.

Because this is a past event that he never wants to mention in his life.

That arrow on a rainy day split his liver and gallbladder.

To this day, he still doesn't want to recall the scene of that arrow. He did lose miserably, but in the end, he ascended to the throne of God, and history is always written by the victors.

"The person who shot me is dead."

Qinglonghan said: "And I became a god."

"But you lost before."

The Queen's answer was simple.

So what if you ascend to the throne of God? If you lose, you lose.

"So what if I lose? I am the master of the Tower of Origin and the God of the Sky in Central Continent!"

The murderous intention lingering between Qinglong's brows became more intense, and his voice was also mixed with anger: "Are those things in the past meaningful? The person who shot me back then is dead, and so is Gu Changzhi! They are all dead, and I'm alive!"

"But everyone dies, including you. So of course the past has meaning."

The smile on the Queen's face became even bigger: "If you lose, it means you are incomparable with Gu Changzhi. You can sit where you are today just because you are lucky and live a long time. If Gu Changzhi is allowed to live longer, How many years?"

"So what if we let him live a few more years!"

Qinglong stood up.

He clasped his fingers together and aimed at the Queen and hit her hard.

This punch!

The impact directly shattered the layers of coldness. Lin Lei used the great cold that Beizhou had accumulated for twenty years as a barrier to isolate the distance between the two. However, in an instant, the layers of coldness barriers were shattered, and the air in the divine realm was directly shaken. Shattered and torn apart, countless layers of cold air barriers exploded!

The queen looked at the man in front of her with a smile.

In this [Melting Furnace] divine realm, there is not only the cold wind and snow, but also the strong aura of death and murder.

And there is a second source of authority!

This source of power is shadowless and invisible, floating in every corner of the void. It is mixed in the frost and snow, covering every corner of the divine realm. It is called [Heart Sea].

[Heart Sea] The function of authority is to... blend into the spiritual sea of ​​every visitor.

For low-level extraordinary beings, the Queen can easily control their life and death. With just one thought, [Heart Sea] is activated, and the visitor will feel the spiritual attack of the throne.

This is a dimensionality reduction blow from a higher level.

But... the Queen has never used it. To crush an ant, there is no need to use [Heart Sea]. The higher function of this original power is not to kill people.

At this moment, facing a transcendent existence of the same level as Qinglong.

[Heart Sea] has taken effect.

An emotion called anger was brewing in the wind and snow the moment Qinglong stepped into the attic. The tens of millions of swords Lin Lei handed out before were not intended to hurt Qinglong.

But to bring [Heart Sea] closer to Qinglong.

But it's a pity.

The power of [Cloud Mirror] is indeed very powerful.

Neither Dahan nor Xinhai can directly affect Qingwu...

But judging from the clear reaction at this moment, [Heart Sea] still worked!

This punch shattered countless layers of wind and snow.

But he finally stopped in front of Lin Lei.

The howling wind died down, and the punch reached the limit it could reach, and Qinglong also returned to an absolutely rational state. He captured the strange moment of fluctuations in his heart, and then frowned at the young woman in front of him. .

The scary thing about [Heart Sea] is that it can interfere with even the thoughts of the God Throne.

The inner lake is calm again.

Just create a ripple.

[Heart Sea] can add fuel to the fire, amplify this thought, and then amplify it.

The reason why the God's Throne is a God's Throne is because he is transcendent enough.

If a god cannot conquer his own heart...

Then he is not far away from falling from the divine position.

"Look, you are nothing more than that."

Lin Lei put her hands behind her back and spoke leisurely.

In front of her was a void that was shattered like a mirror.

Qinglong took action in anger.

But the punch stayed in front of her and did not hurt her.

If the previous "Sword of the Great Cold" was her attack failure... then this punch out of anger was Qinglong's failure.

Now Qinglu has another option.

That is to take action again.

Otherwise... this duel is a balance of power between the two sides. Lin Lei and Qinglong's authority interact with each other, and no one hurts the other.


Qinglong calmed down and looked at his fist silently.

All the time.

He thought he no longer cared about the past, but this time under the influence of [Heart Sea], he realized that the past would never pass.

He still cares and will care forever.

This is really a very sad thing.

Because the person who shot him was already dead. Even if that person's grave was dug out and his ashes were scattered a hundred times... nothing could be changed. He lost a game when he was the youngest, and this was a small Small nails were hammered into the cracks of history. Every time he mentioned this matter, he would inevitably think of the arrow from back then.

"More interesting things are yet to come."

Lin Lei smiled lightly and said: "If I guess correctly, Shenhai asked you to hold me back... How long is this time limit? One week?"

Qinglong was silent.

He shook his head and held out three fingers: "Three days. I only give it three days."

"Given the choice between the two, you chose can't be because I look stronger than Bai Shu."

Lin Lei smiled: "If I guess correctly, you don't want to fight with the Dou Zhan Fire Heir, right?"

Qinglong's face was expressionless: "You...are there any differences?"

Even so.

But Qinglong did have such a thought. Since he just wanted to delay, then why waste more energy? He could even drag one with two, but why should he do this? Why do you have to pay so much for the upgrade of Deep Sea?

"You should know what's going on in the outside world."

Lin Lei said slowly: "The light aura of Xizhou suddenly appeared and disappeared... Now that Baizhu and I are being held back, it is a good opportunity for Shenlin to leave the Five Continents. The deep sea has now gone to [ Old World].”

After Gu Shen escaped from Guangming City.

Bai Shu then told Lin Lei the news about the doubtful identity of the "Light God Throne".

But before the two of them had time to take action, a major change occurred.

"If Gu Shen hadn't reminded me, it might have taken me a while to realize what was happening in the blind spot of Guangming City..."

Lin Lei said: "You bypassed the [source code] and gave it permissions that should not have been given to it."

Qinglong neither admitted nor denied it.

He just listened quietly.

"Giving the body of a god to the deep sea is truly a great gesture."

Lin Lei said: "This plan was seamless, but from the moment it was exposed, there was no turning back."

"I think the world outside is now in chaos..."

"Trapped me in the attic because a wanted warrant has been issued? Does Deep Sea want to repeat the scene thirty years ago?"

Lin Lei's face was full of joking, "Unfortunately, I am no longer the little girl I was back then, and I will not let that period of history happen again."


Qinglong said: "What can you do? You can only sit here, and Shenhai has already gone to the [Old World]... He went to kill Gu Shen."

"That's what I call, the more interesting stuff."

Lin Lei smiled: "Can you kill Gu Shen in the deep sea?"

Qinglong frowned and was startled.

Lin Lei's words made him a little unexpected... Shenhai now controls a god-level body. Even if he has no combat experience, he still has strong enough original power. He also watched the battle of Gu Shen in the Red Lake.

Progress is indeed rapid.

In just six years, he has been able to fight against the top titled warriors.

If you try your best, you can even threaten the safety of the original strong man, just to compete with the throne of God.

Too far off.

Only God can be compared with God.

"You came to the attic just because you wanted me not to leave Beizhou. This is actually good, because I never thought about leaving Beizhou... If you don't come to me, I will go to you."

Lin Lei said faintly: "Because I don't want you to leave either. Now we will sit here all the time... until everything that happens in the outside world is over."

Qinglong seemed to have heard a big joke.

"Do you think Gu Shen won't die?"

Lin Lei shook her head and spoke with great determination: "The deep sea cannot kill him. He will live and live well. This is... the result of divination."

"what did you say?!"

Meng Xizhou stared blankly at the blazing sun in front of him.

The God of Light placed his hands behind his back and nodded slowly.

"Yes... Gu Shen is the King of Hades."

This news set off a storm in Meng Xizhou's heart. She stared blankly at the old man in front of her, wondering why she had to tell such important information at this time.

"Gu Shen is the King of Hades?"

Meng Xizhou murmured: "Where is the evidence?"

"When Dionysus died, Gu Shen was in the cemetery. Since then, Pluto has never appeared again."

Guangming said calmly: "The death of your brother Meng Xiao is inseparable from Gu Shen... and the Dolu River where Meng Xiao's body was buried has a lot of remnants of Pluto's aura."

"If you are careful enough, you will find... Gu Shen acts extremely carefully and cautiously. There is no evidence in the world that can prove his clear identity, but judging from the clues of these events, there is a high probability that he is Pluto."


Meng Xizhou said with a headache: "If you think he is Pluto, why did you go to the Red Lake..."

"Why didn't I kill him when we were at Red Lake?"

The God of Light smiled.

He looked at Meng Xizhou and said softly: "Over the years, I have been thinking about what the temple has done and the enemies we face. The temple has been looking for 'Pluto' and the power of disaster it represents, and has tried its best to Its removal.”

"But, is this right?"

The God of Light said softly: "So I immediately met Gu Shen. I hope he is different from his predecessor Pluto."

No one knows what was discussed in the conversation between Gu Shen and Guangming City on the other side of the Red Lake.

But Meng Xizhou remembered clearly that after leaving Red Lake, Gu Shen refused the invitation to visit the Forbidden Library in front of everyone, and quickly left Guangming City overnight.

The reason given by Gu Shen at that time was that he was overwhelmed with pressing matters and could not shirk it.

But looking back now, the reason why he ran away overnight was because Gu Shen was afraid!

Meng Xizhou stared blankly at the throne in front of him.

"Unfortunately, judging from the current situation, I seem to be wrong."

The God of Light regretted: "I should kill him directly and wipe out all his remnants and remnants together."

"I don't have much life left... I'm afraid I won't be able to finish some things. But fortunately, there are successors to Guangming City."

The old man looked at Meng Xizhou.

He paused for a long time and asked slowly: "If I haven't finished this matter, are you willing to take over the light and complete it?"

Recommend (sacrifice) a book: "A Guide to the Development of Rich Male Gods".

"How can I become a god boy in the eyes of girls?"

Faced with this problem, Lu Yao said that the following two conditions are mainly met.

1: Successfully born from the mother's womb, male.

2: Be 18 years or older and reach the legal age for love.

I don’t know the rest. Anyway, the seniors keep posting it, and I’m also very annoyed!

After all, as a college student, I just want to make a fortune with my golden fingers!

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