Barrier of Light

Chapter 142 After the collapse of order

"Would you like to take a look?"

"About... the tenth underground floor of Huaqi..."

Cui Zhongzhong's voice echoed in the elevator.

Gu Shen didn't respond immediately.

In just a few seconds, he was lost in thought. Tsuka Oni's previous hint was already very obvious. If Hanashi is really doing live experiments...then it is very likely that this project will be placed on the tenth floor.

There was a "clang".

Cui Zhongzhong has already made the decision and made the decision for Gu Shen. He pressed the elevator button to the tenth floor. He is the only one who has this authority in the entire Huazhi Building, except for Mr. Councilor.

By the time Gu Shen realized it, the elevator door had already opened.

Cui Zhongzhong walked forward slowly alone.

Gu Shen could only follow behind.

The tenth floor of the ground is an extremely solid base, the overall color is biased towards dark gold, it seems to be made of bronze, very retro.

"I believe Huaqi will not..."

As soon as Gu Shen opened his mouth, his voice stopped abruptly, because as the bronze doors opened one after another, cylindrical transparent cabins were revealed, in which the nutrient solution flowed, and the babies curled up one by one were sitting in the cabin. sleeping in the body.

This is another toddler.

And their growth patterns are different.

Some looked like they had just reached the full moon, and some were about a year or two old, but the only thing they had in common was that they all had their eyes closed and were currently in a deep sleep.

"What you see before your eyes is the so-called 'experiment' that is against morality in Tsuka Oni's mouth... But unfortunately, there is nothing to hide about this, because it has been a mature bill that passed the parliamentary vote a long time ago. Not just in Dato, but in Nagano City. We call it the 'Gene Change Act'."

"Tsuka Oni is just a pawn. If it wasn't for the gift from the councilor, he would have no identity or status, let alone the authority to know all of this."

Cui Zhongzhong looked calm, stopped, faced Gu Shen, and said indifferently: "Your teacher, Zhou Jiren, already knew what secrets were buried in the tenth floor of Huazhi's underground... As for the little ones, they didn't know All this is necessary."

Gu Shen looked at the sleeping children one by one in the cabin.

Babies soaked in the nutrient solution have their ideology immersed in chaos. Some children who grew up in the nutrient cabin have already grown hair, which moves like seaweed. Everything in the bronze base makes people feel dead. Who would have thought There are actually living beings placed here.

"Should I be happy..." Gu Shen said softly, "You tell me this, obviously you don't think I'm a 'little boy' anymore."

"Don't get me wrong. In terms of your current strength, you are still a small character. The team leaders of the sincere meeting are at least extraordinary people from the fourth layer of the deep sea. You are not even as good as them." Mr. Cui said calmly, "I I just don't want you to do some stupid things because of Tsuka Oni's words in the future... such as exploring the secrets of the tenth floor in private."

This secret is not considered a secret in the eyes of big shots.

"Since you brought me to see it, then you have recognized my...future."

Gu Shen walked slowly, and came to a nutrition cabin, he looked at one of the babies, and suddenly felt some complicated and sad emotions in his heart, "I have a few questions to ask, what is the purpose of the parliament's approval of genetic engineering?" Consider? What will be the fate of these children after they are created?"


Cui Zhongzhong did not answer this question.

He came to Gu Shen's side.

"Last night in Jiangtan's conversation, Zhou Jiren persuaded Mr. Councilor to let you join the 'New World'. He said he wanted you to see the process of implementing the bill, but in fact... what he wanted was to let you know that we are in What is the purpose of all these efforts behind the scenes?"

"The people on the table, including Tsuka Oni, and of course me, are just pawns."

Cui Zhongzhong said softly: "In order to accomplish something, sacrifices are inevitable... Some sacrifices are tangible, such as death, such as destruction, and some sacrifices are intangible, such as concealment, such as deception. In the 'New World' 'In the project, the task I am responsible for is very simple, to ensure that each chess piece can stand where he should stand under my overall planning, and finally complete this layout. In this layout, tangible and intangible Yes, sacrifice is always inevitable."

"So... Tsuka Oni doesn't need to know that much. He just needs to know that during the implementation of this project, I can fulfill all his requirements."

Gu Shen looked at Mr. Cui complicatedly.

Therefore, this also means... During the implementation of the New World project, Xing Yun's authority is likely to be false.

He encountered concealment, and also vaguely felt that he was concealed, so he wanted to explore the secrets of the tenth layer.

"The implementation of the Awakening Act is essentially a response to a huge crisis that is coming to the human world." Cui Zhongzhong touched the children in the nutrition cabin, and said softly: "The emergence of extraordinary source quality caused the world where Wuzhou is located to begin to collapse... …You may not have a concept of what the collapse of order means.”

He slowly walked to the end of the two rows of nutrition cabins. The bronze door opened, and there was a small storage cabinet. Under layers of purple and silver packages, an extremely small black spot was suspended in the storage cabinet.


"The logic is destroyed, the structure ceases to exist...there is such a 'bottomless pit' like existence."

Cui Zhongzhong said dumbly: "The reason why the Huazhi Building was built is actually to cover up the truth. On the tenth floor underground, there was a collapsed 'black spot'. If no measures are taken, this black spot will be destroyed." It will spread endlessly until the entire city is swallowed up... There have already been many black spots like this."

"This is the consequence of the collapse of order."

Mr. Cui looked at Gu Shen, and said softly: "Once the extraordinary source quality starts to collapse from the inside, there is no way to stop it. The purple silver here needs to be replaced regularly to ensure that there will be no accidents. During the construction of the building, this logic The radius of the collapsed black spot will increase at a rate of one millimeter every year."

"One millimeter per year..."

Hearing this, Gu Shen felt a little relieved.

It's not fast.

"You should be thinking that it takes a thousand years to increase one meter. And how big is one meter?" Cui Zhongzhong opened his arms and gestured for a distance. He looked back at Gu Shen and said, "But ... What if I told you that the number of black spots in this world is far more than just one, and there are many places that we haven't discovered, and the number of black spots is increasing every year?"

Gu Shen's expression gradually became serious.

"If I tell you again..."

"What if the world outside the five continents has been destroyed by the black spot where order collapsed?"

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