Barrier of Light

Chapter 143 Gene Act

What is beyond the Five Continents?

Generally, people only think of this question when they look up at the stars, and the answer to the question is like what Cui Zhongcheng said is impossible to explore.

Few people care about what is outside the world.

Because Wuzhou is already big enough, everyone is like a small grain of sand in the deep sea.

It is extremely difficult to take good care of yourself despite the ups and downs.

Therefore, Gu Shen, who came from Wulao Mountain, has always felt that the only people who care about this issue are scientists, or... adventurers who explore the margins.

At least he didn't care before.

But things are different now.

Looking at the pitch-black black spot that collapsed from the outside inward.

Gu Shen murmured and asked, "What is the world outside the Five Continents like?"

"Who knows. Who has been there." Cui Zhongcheng said softly: "I don't know. I haven't been there. But people who have been there say... the world outside the Five Continents is darkness, frost and snow, cold winter, and eternal night. , there’s nothing there.”

"Life dies, order is shattered, logic collapses, and quantum collapses."

"If no action is taken... Wuzhou will become like this." Mr. Xiao Cui closed the last bronze door again. The small black dot, which was no bigger than a fingernail, was wrapped in layers of red and silver. Returning to the embrace of darkness and closing the bronze door, no one knew that there was such a secret hidden on the tenth floor underground, and no one knew what fate the world was about to face.

"I still don't quite understand..."

It took Gu Shen a long time to get his thoughts back to normal. The black spot and the collapse outside the Five Continents were really hard to accept.

"What does fighting Discord have to do with these babies...?"

"The Gene Act is a method of salvation that the Parliament tried before the birth of Deep Sea... The genes of outstanding extraordinary people from five continents were collected, and through artificial technology, the children in these nutritional cabins were cultivated. They should have strong potential. and talents beyond ordinary people.”

Cui Zhongcheng said slowly: "But extraordinary awakening is uncontrollable... The 'excellent product' after the genetic matching of extraordinary people does not directly create the ideal 'son of God's blessing' who is born extraordinary. And as time goes by, Some of the children trained by the council back then became uncontrollable as they grew up and awakened to extraordinary powers, and one after another they became 'out of control'."

"You should know... how much loss and risk the extraordinary loss of control brings to the human world. These children are too unstable. So... the genetic bill was stopped."

"The kids you see in the nutrition pods now are products that were discontinued ten years ago."

Cui Zhongcheng uses such a ruthless word as product to describe these children.

"You asked before... what will be the fate of these babies in the future..."

Cui Zhongcheng stood in front of the cabin and spoke softly, "If the bill is not stopped. Some lucky ones among them will successfully open their eyes and leave the nutrition cabin. The parliament will find suitable families for them and monitor and observe at the same time. If If they had not lost control, they would never know their origins in their lives. But now... these children can only sleep in the cabin. Maybe they will stay until their consciousness wears off and their thinking disappears. No one knows what kind of fate they will face. Maybe The word destiny just doesn’t exist for them.”

"For humanitarian reasons, the nutrition cabin will maintain the energy they need to survive... but their consciousness is also in a period of chaos, and their growth rate is greatly slowed down. If they die in the nutrition cabin, they will reach the end of their lives. .”

"The Genetic Bill... is an attempt by the Parliament to control the 'extraordinary'. Unfortunately, they have failed." Cui Zhongcheng looked at Gu Shen, like an indifferent spectator, with no joy, anger, sorrow or joy on his face. There was no ridicule and contempt, only calmness: "Some big figures in the parliament tried to find a 'savior' who was outstanding enough through this method."


"Tsukagami mentioned a word before... called 'fire'. In ancient mythology, humans first possess fire, and then have hope."

"In the era before the deep sea was created, Wuzhou once had a 'god' that contained the power of disorder."

Cui Zhongcheng said: "In ancient times, the parliament needed to rely on the power of 'gods' to collect disordered extraordinary sources... Later, this 'god' was divided into seven parts and delivered to seven people who were enough to carry them. In the hands of a powerful man. The separated divine object... is called the 'fire' of human hope, and the seven great men who hold the 'fire' are naturally the saviors of mankind."

"This is actually not a big secret, because as long as you join the tribunal, serve for a certain number of years, or reach a certain height, you will know about the existence of 'them'... There is a name that you must have heard of."

"Gu Changzhi."

"Nagano was pushed to unprecedented heights because of Gu Changzhi, and Dongzhou also shines because of his guarding." Cui Zhongcheng said: "He has been sleeping all these years, and no one knows the reason... But the fact is Our current status and right to speak in Dongzhou is largely due to the existence of this man."

"Fire is always there, but fire-wielding people are not always there. The real reason for the passing of the genetic bill is the human world's fear of the lack of heroes... Once we lose 'fire', what else do we have?"

Cui Zhongcheng said meaningfully: "Now you should understand what the significance of the genetic bill is."

The Council wants to use its own means to create a savior who can carry the power of fire.

"Then the 'Deep Sea' appeared, and the parliament invested a huge amount of computing power to find... ways to prevent the Five Continents from being destroyed by the collapse of order." Cui Zhongcheng said lightly: "So, there was the 'Awakening Act'."

"Extraordinary source matter can be artificially absorbed. Once the number of extraordinary people can be controlled, then the extraordinary source matter can be controlled. Under the control of the deep sea, the order of this world will return to peace... But the premise is that a large number of extraordinary people Awakening spontaneously, they will themselves become the melting pot of transcendent essence.”

"And they die..."

"New people will be born."

"It's a cycle."

"Yes. This is a cycle. If we don't want civilization to collapse in a thousand years, this time may be greatly shortened, or it may be much longer than expected, but it will come eventually."

The layers of bronze doors are closed.

The past of Huazhi Underground has been covered up.

Gu Shen looked directly into Cui Zhongcheng's eyes, trying to see the inner emotions in the other person's eyes, but there was nothing. Chihuo told him that the man in front of him was like a doll with his heart hollowed out, and he was Wrapped in layers.

No one knows what Cui Zhongcheng is thinking.

"There are always a few people who see the real way to save the world. Determining the fate of mankind, such an important matter, cannot be handed over to the public." Mr. Xiao Cui suddenly smiled: "No matter what the outcome is, after seeing hope... "

"We have to give it a try, right?"

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