Barrier of Light

Chapter 203 Night Talk (Part 2)

"That conference at risk of exposure at any time."

"Don't worry." Gu Shen said, "I will repair the conference room."

Hearing this, Lu Nanzhi's eyes flashed.

She was very curious... what kind of extraordinary power did the so-called "key" possess, so that Alan Turing had high hopes and designated him as the son of hope to save the world.

From the conversation just now, she roughly concluded... Gu Shen was able to forcefully convene a meeting of the [Ancient Classics Society] and establish a mandatory "spiritual link" with all members of the Ancient Literature Society regardless of spatial distance.

From this point of view, it is special and powerful enough.

Looking at it now... there is one more thing: the key has super computing power to compete with the "deep sea"!

The way she looked at Gu Shen changed.

There is awe and emotion.

In her opinion, Gu Shen is equivalent to a miniature human brain. Even if he does not have extraordinary abilities, he can still rival "gods" with a mortal body by virtue of his authority.

Of course... this conclusion can be drawn because she merged the images of "Chu Ling" and "Gu Shen" into one person.

"My father searched for the 'key' all his life...until he died, he never got what he wanted..."

Lu Nanzhi's expression was a little complicated. She looked at the oil paper lantern hanging on the banyan tree branch and swaying in the wind, and smiled softly, "Now that I have found it for him, I have lived up to his hope."

"My appearance doesn't seem to have a decisive impact."

Gu Shen thought for a while and said: "Renovate a conference room, second the authority of Deep Sea...other than that, there seems to be nothing more."

He put his hand on his forehead and said with a smile: "After I opened the red door, I thought that those members of the Ancient Literature Society have worked hard to find the key for so many years. They may have decided that the key is some kind of killer weapon. Once found, they can Directly overturning the parliament and tearing apart the darkness... Would you be disappointed if you knew the truth?"


Lu Nanzhi shook her head, her tone was firm.

"That's what hope is."

"You don't need much, just a little bit, a little bit is enough."

"Anyone who has groped his way in the dark knows... In absolute darkness, not much is needed. Just a ray of light, one ray, is enough."

Her voice was hoarse and she said: "The deep sea plunges everyone into suffocating darkness. It seems that it brings endless light to mankind, but in fact it is completely opposite... With the huge computing power, the entire world is illuminated. Bright, no secret can escape the 'eye of the sky'. When the world is overexposed, this is the most terrifying thing. We can't see anything, we can only see what the 'deep sea' allows us to see."

"Before you open the red must not understand why I want to prevent the passage of the Awakening Act."

"Maybe you still can't understand it now."

"It's not just a conflict of interest with the Zhao family, nor is it a choice of revenge because of the past tragedy in Lion Lane." Lu Nanzhi said word by word, staring at Gu Shen, "It's because... in such a major decision-making process Before, I couldn't believe 'The Deep'!"

The lantern made a clicking sound.

This lantern is a "disposable sealed object" left by Lu Cheng.

When the light and fire are burning.

There is a disordered spiritual element that slowly spreads and will eventually fill the entire small courtyard... These spiritual elements are harmless to the human body, but can effectively shield electronic signals and prevent eavesdropping.

A complete extraordinary formation was carved inside the lantern. Although it was old, it was useful enough to ensure that no trace of the conversation between the two would be leaked in the small courtyard tonight.

"Because there are more and more 'black spots' where order collapses... the Parliament has long begun to think about the crisis that mankind will eventually face."

“Before the advent of the deep sea, Congress relied on ‘tinder’ to eliminate ‘black spots’.”

"But after the appearance of the Deep Sea...the parliament handed over this problem to the Deep Sea. After many years of calculations, the Deep Sea came to a conclusion. According to the law of absorption of extraordinary elements, if there are too many extraordinary sources in a certain area, it will increase The probability of the birth of a 'black spot'. If we want to fundamentally prevent the crisis of the black spot engulfing the five continents, we must ensure that the concentration of extraordinary source matter floating in the void is lower than the threshold."

"And what is the best way to reduce the concentration of extraordinary source matter?"

Speaking of this, Lu Nanzhi paused.

"Let the extraordinary source... be absorbed directly..." Gu Shen frowned and spoke.

The answer to this question is not difficult to deduce.

And further inferences will inevitably make people feel "scary".

The promulgation of the Awakening Act... In a sense, it is the best way to reduce the concentration of free extraordinary sources. All extraordinary sources will be absorbed by humans.

The deep sea hopes that humans will be the carrier to absorb disorder——

Thus, the Awakening Act came into being.

"As for the bill... the highest seat in charge of the fire finally chose to acquiesce."

"The situation in Dongzhou has been very complicated in the past few years, because the only influential figure in the highest seat has fallen asleep... So after the 'deliberations' of the five continental parliaments, it was decided to make Dongzhou the first venue for the promotion of the bill. If the bill is actually If it is effective, then Dongzhou will be the first blessed place to reap rewards. If there is a negative impact, then Dongzhou is destined to digest it on its own."

"I don't know if Deep Sea is sincere in launching this theory, or if there is another conspiracy..."

"I cannot infer what impact the bill will have after it is actually enacted..."

"But I think that after reading the warnings left by Alan Turing, humans should not unconditionally trust the deep sea, nor should they unconditionally trust the Federal Parliament."

"So...I objected."

Lu Nanzhi finished speaking in one breath and felt that she felt much more relaxed.

Because she was burdened with the Hongmen, she could not tell anyone her father's secret... In recent years, due to the hidden troubles of the [Ancient Literature Society], she and Nan Jin had many gaps.

In the Lu family, it only takes one person to carry a heavy load in the dark.

She would rather her sister never know the truth.

And the same thing...she also faced tremendous pressure by directly speaking out against the Awakening Act during the speech meeting of the alternative members.

After that day, the top leaders of the Huazhi faction exploded.

Most people believed that this was a "direct revenge" against Zhao, and Lu Nanzhi, who stabbed her in the back at the last moment, was a cunning woman who was "treacherous" and "malicious."

In doesn't matter what the truth is.

She doesn't care what others think of herself, nor does she want to flaunt herself as a "great man" who sacrifices for the future of all mankind. There are thousands of truths in the world, and everyone has the right to choose which one they believe in.

"I believe in my father, I believe in Mr. Turing, I believe in the Ancient Chinese Society, and I believe in the key."

Lu Nanzhi said softly: "So, I have to give it a try... to block this Awakening Act at the door of Dongzhou."

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