Barrier of Light

Chapter 204 Lion Awakening Technology

Lu Nanzhi sat under the banyan tree, and the remaining light from the scattered lanterns flickered like fireflies.

She talked for a long time, from her true thoughts against the Awakening Act to her own ideals and ambitions... In fact, she shouldn't have said so much to the boy in front of her, even if he was the "key".

After the Lion Lane massacre, she was left to fight alone.

There were faces shrouded in gloom in the conference room.

The same goes for Huazhi Building, everyone is wearing a mask.

On the pyramid is the throne of power and fame, but the person sitting on the throne is destined to be lonely. It is too high and too cold here, and even saying a few words... seems difficult.


After saying a lot in one breath, Lu Nanzhi finally stopped.

She took a long breath, and after telling the truth she had accumulated over the years, the stone that had been hanging high in her heart seemed to fall to the ground...

Gu Shen, sitting opposite, listened quietly.

He was a good listener in tonight's conversation.

"No one knows what the 'key' is..."

"For so many years, the [Ancient Literature Society] has placed its hope in the 'key', but in fact we don't even know what kind of information the 'key' has." The lady lowered her eyebrows and said: "Now... the 'key' has really appeared, I'm afraid Everyone will be confused.”

Moths fly into the flame.

If it is blocked by the gauze, it will never be exposed to the light of fire throughout its life.

But what if he really threw himself into the fire...?

"So... the decision you made in the [Conference Room] was correct." She said seriously: "There were too many uncertain factors in that conference room. I think the [Ancient Prose Society] at this stage knows the key. It’s enough that it exists.”

Gu Shen smiled.

"Actually, I really don't know what to say."

Those members of the Ancient Literature Society scattered across the five continents, judging from the concealed history of the killings, they are all the embers left by Alan Turing across the five continents. Perhaps some of them live in the alleys of the city in an extremely low-key manner. , and a considerable number of members hold important positions in today's federal parliament. He could not imagine these people willing to regard themselves as leaders - but at least he could feel it from the tone of Chu Ling and Lu Nanzhi, Ai The "key" left by Lun Turing is the final leader of the Ancient Literature Society.

"The main thing is that my current not enough."

The extraordinary trial in the deep water area is a side evaluation of the depth of an extraordinary person's development of his own abilities.

Gu Shen can now... reach the third level of "Grand Hypnosis" in the spiritual system.

Horizontal comparison.

This speed is already extremely fast.

But the real showdown does not depend on the speed of practice, but only on the strength of practice.

"Before a prairie fire started, it was just a small core of fire."

Lu Nanzhi also smiled, "I will hide your identity for you... When the conference room is repaired, if the Ancient Prose Society holds another meeting, you can just sit back and watch without making a comment."

Apart from her, the only person in the conference room who knew the identity of Gu Shenkey should be 031.

Judging from what 031 has done, he will never expose Gu Shen.

As a key, when your own strength is not enough... you need to maintain a sense of mystery.

"By the way, come with me."

Lu Nanzhi stood up. She took the lantern from the branch of the banyan tree and burned it for half a long night. The inner core of the lantern was almost burned out, and the spiritual element in the air was no longer strong... Although the old items were useful, But it also has various shortcomings. After a lantern like this is lit, the time it can last is really short.

She entered the inner room.

Gu Shen followed closely behind. This old house still had many modern least it wasn't gas lights, but all the electrical appliances in the house needed to be turned on manually.

"This place has only the lowest level of connection with the deep sea..." Lu Nanzhi placed the lantern at the entrance counter and said softly: "This was the result of deliberate customization ten years ago. Now the lives of the people of Dongzhou have completely disappeared. Without opening up the deep sea, houses like this would almost disappear in Dadu. And where the network spreads, it is where the deep sea sky can see."

An invisible spiritual network floats over the five continents.

The world has become more connected.

Also become more transparent.

"As far as I know, the parliament can see everything they want to see... as long as they have sufficient authority." Lu Nanzhi said calmly: "It feels uncomfortable to be spied on... What do you think?"


Gu Shen looked at the red lantern that, after burning, could provide privacy under deep-sea surveillance.

Although it is from the old era, it is really useful.

"In my eyes, among the inheritance left by my father, the value of this house is far greater than the tens of millions of cash in Huazhi's account." Lu Nanzhi led Gu Shen to an old password box. The entire body of the password box is made of bronze and consists of six turntables and a keyhole.

The lady knelt down and picked up the bronze box.

"This house is isolated from the deep sea and prevents prying eyes from the outside world. This is why he came to Lion Alley... The old city is the most remote and safest place in Dadu."

"Is it to 'sober up the lion'?" Gu Shen said, "Song Ci invited me to drink this wine."

Lu Nanzhi was startled.

She nodded slowly: "Yes... it's for the 'Lion Sobering Up'. This is an experiment with cross-epochal significance. If extraordinary and disordered spiritual elements can be extracted and embodied in the material world, this technology will shock the world." world."

Having said this, the lady paused and smiled softly: "Let me tell you a secret. This technology was originally developed by Mr. Alan Turing and my father..."

This was a long, long time ago.

As she spoke, the lady's smile became a little sad, "It's just that later, Mr. Turing passed away, and my father also encountered an accident... After that day, the experiment of lion sobering up was discontinued, and this technology was also lost. "

Gu Shen narrowed his eyes.

He vaguely felt something was wrong...

Madam doesn't seem to know that the current link technology of the Awakening Act is actually derived from the experimental research on lion sobering up.

But this is reasonable.

No one except Cui Zhongcheng knew about the "experiments" carried out by the ghosts in Huazhi. The original lion awakening technology has been continuously improved by the council and has been upgraded several times... Except for Chu Ling, the source code can be traced back Originally, even if ordinary people participated in Huazhi Underground's bill experiment throughout the whole process, they would not be able to feel the similarities in principles between the two technologies.

"Actually, the technique of lion sobering up has not been completely lost, it has just been covered in dust."

She patted the password box and said, "Father left the 'Lion Awakening' technology in this bronze box."

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