Barrier of Light

Chapter 205 Malice

Lion Wake's technology is contained in such a small old bronze box.

The composition of this lockbox is very simple.

Six turntables and one copper lock may seem sturdy, but are actually vulnerable.

It is too easy for extraordinary beings to destroy such a lockbox... They do not need to follow the logic of "decryption" to take out the information inside.

Gu Shen stared at the bronze box with some suspicion.

Can such a box protect secrets?

"I know what you're thinking."

The lady said: "The texture of this bronze box is not strong for an extraordinary person and can be easily destroyed...but it is an invention created by my father to protect the lion awakening technology."

"If you want to open the bronze box, the password and the key are indispensable... If you try to dismantle it violently, without the intervention of extraordinary forces, this box is not afraid of fire, heavy pressure, water immersion and other physical means."

"Once an attempt is made to break the box with extraordinary power, the caster will suffer heavy losses... because the internal plating of the box is filled with 'illogical material'."

Gu Shen frowned slightly.

He knew about "strong logic materials", red silver, purple silver... These materials have strict logic and cannot be destroyed by extraordinary power, so they are generally used to contain and imprison out-of-control people, as well as unowned sealed objects.

Of course, it is also used to make weapons to kill "extraordinary beings".

It's illogical material, it's the first time I've heard of it...but it's not difficult to understand.

The internal order and structure of an object is “logic”.

Strong logic means a solid structure that is difficult to be eroded by the extraordinary and restrains the power of the extraordinary.

No logic... It should be the complete opposite, spreading extraordinary power.

"Because of the law of conservation of extraordinary source matter, human beings cannot absorb extraordinary source matter outside their own systems... Once they come into contact with 'illogical materials', the entropy value of the extraordinary source matter will skyrocket."

There is not much deviation from my own understanding.

Illogical material leads to further proliferation of the extraordinary.

Gu Shen had already anticipated what would happen to the person who dismantled the bronze box.

The most direct impact of the disorderly surge is - out of control ability!

"Of course, as a warning, if you touch the illogical material in the plating of the bronze box at the beginning, you will only lose the spilled extraordinary source... If you insist on dismantling it, the illogical material in the plating will be destroyed, and the illogical material in the bronze box will be destroyed. The data will be destroyed instantly, and similarly, the extraordinary person who destroys the box will immediately encounter the extraordinary and out-of-control embezzlement."

Staring at this plain old bronze box, Gu Shen felt some cold sweat break out on his back.

Who dares to look down on the creations of the old times?

Good this the malicious intention from Mr. Lu Cheng?

However, I don't know what will happen if the "blazing fire" burns the bronze box... Gu Shen rubbed his chin. Based on his past experience of devouring the "collapse point of order", the illogical material filled in the coating of this bronze box should be Eaten directly by "blazing fire"?


This bronze box has a high probability of not being able to block its own blazing fire.

"I know the six-digit password, but the key is lost."

Lu Nanzhi gently rubbed the roulette wheel of the bronze box and murmured: "The key was carried by my father. He fell in a pool of blood in Lion Alley, and his belongings were looted... People from the FBI thought it was A robbery.”

She was a little distressed and rubbed her brows, "But I always feel that... the other party may have come here for the Lion Awakening Technique."


Gu Shen spoke: "I'm afraid as you expected, the lion awakening technology has been stolen a long time ago."

This woman's intuition is really sharp.

But even if she didn't notice, Gu Shen decided to inform this matter: "The Awakening Act experiment on the ninth underground floor of Huazhi. I wonder if you have visited it in person. The 'link technology' there is actually derived from the 'Lion' "Awakening"...extracts spiritual elements and displays them concretely in the real world. From a certain perspective, "Lion Awakening" is a kind of awakening."

Lu Nanzhi looked startled.

"I'm afraid this bronze box has been opened once." Gu Shen lowered his eyebrows and said: "I guess it was the person who killed Mr. Lu Cheng... who took the key, opened the box, and stole the information about Shi Xing. .”

"But...where's the password?"

"It's hypnosis."

"No... there is a spiritual lock." Lu Nanzhi murmured: "The password for the Lion Awakening Technology must be closely guarded."

Gu Shen said calmly: "In front of a powerful enough transcendent...those spiritual locks cannot stop you. It's like I invaded your spirit."

The lady fell silent for a moment.

Because she knows... what Gu Shen said is right. The spiritual lock can lock 99% of the people in the world, but the ones who can break the lock are often the 1%.

Lao Lu might have had a premonition that something was going to happen.

He gave himself the most important "spiritual lock", the "red door".

"As the 'Key'... I seconded some of the Deep Sea's authority to compare the 'Lion Awakening Technology' and the 'Link Awakening Technology'." Gu Shen paused and said: "The two technologies are very similar. According to the comparison results, the latter most likely evolved from the former... If it hadn’t been leaked by the late Mr. Turing, then it could only have been leaked from Mr. Lu Cheng.”

Lu Nanzhi stood, holding the bronze box in her hands, looking at the relics she had cherished and kept for ten years, and suddenly felt at a loss.

"I don't know if it has something to do with the exposure of Mr. Lu Cheng's ancient literary society identity, but what is certain is that this 'accident' is definitely not an accident..." Gu Shen whispered: "The council has long been eyeing the 'Lion Awakening Technology' '…One thing that is certain is that the person who handled this matter was very cautious. He did not take away the bronze box directly, which means that he wanted to bury the truth."

Lu Cheng died.

The Lion Wake technology is lost.

What is brand new is the awakening technology of Deep Sea Link... If the source code had not detected the flaw, who could have connected these two technologies?

He doesn't know the truth... he can only think about what happened in Lion Alley with the worst possible malice.

But the truth may be darker than this malice.


Lu Nanzhi took a deep breath.

After lowering her eyes, the sadness in her eyes gradually condensed and gradually turned into anger.

There is no doubt that... Zhao Xilai is an insider. Even if he does not know the murderer in Lion Alley, he should know who is the person who provides technical support to Zhao.

He was a like-minded old friend of his father's.

Regarding the research on "Lion Sobering Up", even if you were not directly involved... you should still be able to see the technical clues provided by the Parliament.

Over the years, her judgment is...the murder in Lion Lane has nothing to do with the Zhao family.

Perhaps Zhao Xilai did not participate in the "assassination".

But he chose to stand by and watch...and conceal it silently.

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