Barrier of Light

Chapter 35 Dream Interpretation

Rumor has it that the review is going to be tough.

The rumors are true, the visitors are all well-known cold-faced pioneers.

But the scene inside the cabin was quite unexpected. The pioneers of the law gathered together to drink and boxing together, more like a sunset red elderly tour group going out on vacation.

If this review team is following Mr. Zhao's intention, does that mean that the next review will be held high and put down gently?

Luo Er, Zhong Wei and the two felt a chill...they didn't dare to ask more questions.

"It's almost time, I have to go." Mr. Shu smiled, raised his head and drank the fine wine in the glass, and patted the judge next to him affectionately, drunk, "Mr. Tang is really good at drinking. Fight again!"

He stood up, staggered out of the cabin, raised his arms, Luo Er and Zhong Wei hurriedly stepped forward to help the teacher, and left the noisy cabin, the cold rain patting on their cheeks made them wake up a little.


Luo Er spoke, she was too puzzled.

"The content of the audit the day after tomorrow is 'dream interpretation'." Mr. Shu's voice suddenly became extremely sober, not like an alcoholic at all, and he said coldly: "The old guys in the audit team are not as simple as you think. Where is Gu Shen? Let's start first, and we'll talk about it on the way."



A black old-fashioned commercial vehicle drives in the rainy night.

Zhou Jiren was leaning on the back seat, his cheeks were still red from alcoholism, he tugged at the lapel around his neck, no matter how he adjusted it, he felt uncomfortable, so he pulled it loose.

From the moment he participated in his own impeachment meeting in the metropolitan area, until now, he has been wearing a well-fitting Zhongshan suit, and the residual alcohol is as cold as a knife. Usually, he has a spring-like warmth all over his body, and when he is serious, he does not speak. At that time, Mr. Shu was like an underground godfather who wrote "Do not disturb the idler" all over his body, which was daunting.

"Because of the 'amnesty order', it has caused a lot of disturbances and made you worry."

He closed his eyes and spread his arms, slowly digesting the alcohol, and then apologized to his two favorite students.

"it's all over!"

Zhou Jiren said with a heroic smile: "You really should go and see the impeachment meeting in Dadu. With a face, the votes overwhelmingly crush the non-impeachment party. Since I hope that I will fall down soon, why don't you dare to stand up and openly express your heart?"

Zhong Wei, who was driving, said: "They dare not."

A lion is old and still a lion.

"Zhao Xilai helped me a lot. Because no one dared to stand up, he used a veto." The teacher recalled the scene in the impeachment parliament, and he imitated in a low voice: "'Since everyone doesn't want Zhou Ji If someone is removed from office, then the result of the vote is not important'—”

"It's a pity that you were not there and didn't see how wonderful the faces of those guys who spoke for me were." He couldn't help laughing, his face was full of jokes: "This old guy Zhao Xilai is not a fuel-efficient lamp." , He doesn’t want me to be impeached because of this, not because he appreciates me and not because of friendship, but simply because of the position of the chief adjudicator of the tribunal, no one is more suitable than me.”

This truth.

Zhong Wei and Luo Er actually understand both.

Since the establishment of the adjudication office, it has attracted a large number of geniuses, a large number of superpowers... These people have solved many troubles for the parliament and settled countless extraordinary incidents, and the person sitting in the highest position is by no means just Look at the strength.

If the grand adjudicator unites all the people in the adjudication office into a monolith, then this person's "right to speak" will be too great to control, and the parliament does not want to see this happen.

The most uncontrollable people get together and are controlled by one person.

Then there is no doubt that the status of parliament will be greatly threatened.

Therefore, the person who holds the position of "Grand Adjudicator" in the Tribunal should preferably be someone with extraordinary abilities and at the same time be isolated by many people.

"Zhao Xilai is clear in his heart. He is in Dongzhou, and he can't find someone like me even with a lantern..."

Zhou Jiren stretched his waist, and laughed at himself with a faint smile: "For decades, those who have fought and killed have devoted themselves to serving the state and the people. I have no friends left in the tribunal. A few students, all five-star model workers who only know how to work hard, dismissed me and replaced me on stage, I don’t know what ups and downs will be caused.”

Luo Er sighed lightly after hearing the words.

She said: "But the adjudication office, isn't that what it's supposed to do?"

"There are too many messy things in Dongzhou, so I won't tell you, so as not to worry." The teacher rubbed his brows and said, "Zhao Xilai vetoed my impeachment with one vote, and at the same time appointed a strict review The group is to balance the grievances of those people."

"I see that on the plane just now... the teacher got along well with them?" Zhong Wei asked cautiously.


Mr. Shu smiled, "The more cunning and cunning, the more calm and cheerful. If they can't be shaken by thunder, it's not necessarily a bad thing. When the time comes, let Gu Shenchong start the battle with real guns and swords, and the matter will be over. It's fair and reasonable. But for the sake of Assistant Zhao Xilai, we took the same plane for six hours, drank three meals, and didn't utter a word of useful words. The only content of the audit that was revealed was 'interpretation of dreams'..."

"But... just knowing that 'dream interpretation' is useful? Who knows what weird dreams they will come up with!" He was a little melancholy: "These people are ruthless people who have studied Gu Shen's files dozens of times. , The rooftop case was taken to Shen Hai for analysis, and Shen Hai believed that Gu Shen was an extraordinary spirit, so the audit team decided to only test Gu Shen's spiritual potential."

Both Luo Er and Zhong Wei frowned.


Things are not as simple as I thought.

This group of people did not follow the routine at all... The results of the special training these days have all failed, but judging from the results of Gu Shen's special training, it may not be a bad thing to fail.

If the audit team really wanted to assess strength and fitness, things would only get worse.

Gu Shen is likely to create an "unprecedented" audit result.

"Among the dead superhumans, one was of the assault type that strengthened the torso. Shen Hai thinks that Gu Shen may have hidden a very strong means of strength." Mr. Shu smiled, "So the audit team only measured the spiritual potential, the original intention was to avoid Gu Shen Shen’s other aspects are overrated.”

"This should be considered good news. However, Xiao Gu's spiritual potential..."

Concern appeared on Zhong Wei's face, he hesitated for a moment, and said tactfully: "Teacher, Xiao Gu may not be as talented as you imagined."

Mr. Shu raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

"I dragged him into the Awakening of Insects dreamland." Luo Er straight to the point, "It took him four hours and thirty-nine minutes to complete the comprehension. This result is not too bad, but it is far from enough for the spiritual department. The S."

Mr. Shu smiled and asked: "This result is really average, what about other aspects?"

"Judging from the special training in the past few days, if I were to give a rating, Xiao Gu's physical fitness is about D+, and his strength speed is about E." Zhong Wei shook his head and said honestly: "Mental strength will be better, probably B+, Overall assessment is a C at best."

Mr. Shu still had that indifferent expression of not being in a hurry, as if none of this was unexpected.

Senior Sister Luo said: "I have a guess... Gu Shen may not be a transcendent of the normal three-line, so it does not apply to the normal rating."

Mr. Tree narrowed his eyes.

He smiled, "You mean... Gu Shen might be a trait type?"

"I can only say... this possibility cannot be ruled out." Luo Er struggled for a while, and said with all his strength: "Isn't that 'Fire Stealer' in Central Continent just able to steal other people's extraordinary power? There is still a blank space in the extraordinary pedigree, which has not been fully explored. This review should not only test the spiritual potential, it is unfair to Gu Shen."

"If we can't win this condition, the old guys in the audit team will only focus on auditing, not on fairness."

Zhou Jiren shook his head with a serious expression, "They came from all regions of Dongzhou to conduct this assessment in the strictest way...Zhao Xilai's attitude is very strange, he sent Cui Zhongcheng to Datang City to inspect, He also specifically told these old fellows not to show mercy. I don't understand whether he wants Gu Shen to pass the review, or whether he wants Gu Shen to fail."

There was a brief silence in the car.

After a long time, Mr. Shu whispered to himself: "Perhaps, he just wanted to see if Gu Shen's ability can reach the legendary 'S' rank?"

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