Barrier of Light

Chapter 36 Miracle

In the rainy night, the black car drifted and stopped at the corner of the street.

Nan Jin glanced at the phone and said, "Brother, they got the situation of the audit team... Gu Shen, your audit content has been finalized, it's 'interpretation of dreams'."

"Dream interpretation?"

Gu Shen was confused: "What is this?"

"In the tribunal, there are a lot of dreams like [Jingzhe] stored."

Nan Jin said: "Humans condense their spiritual power and engrave it on a certain object, so that object has the ability to cast dreams. Once someone reads it, they will fall into a dream. Dream interpretation refers to getting out of the dream on your own. , Just like you comprehended Jing Zhe, it took four hours and thirty-nine minutes to complete Jing Zhe's 'dream interpretation'."

"Is that so..."

Gu Shen suddenly realized, and then asked curiously: "Then these items... are they considered Transcendent Sealed Items?"

"It' doesn't count. It depends on the strength of the dream carried by the item. Some weak ones can only make ordinary people yawn. Strong dream remnants can easily destroy a person's spirit. It's hard to resist." Nan Jin explained, squinting her eyes, carefully observing the street outside, the parking place is not far from Gu Shen's apartment, and she was observing whether there were any suspicious people around.

Han Dang arrived in Dayeng City faster and earlier than himself.

It's just that this guy was extremely cautious and didn't take direct action. With a high probability, he was observing the surrounding environment.

"It seems that the review team has come prepared. Judging from your performance in comprehending Jingzhe, the situation of the review in the day after tomorrow is not optimistic." She said softly, "The teacher has already arrived at Big Vine, and he will come to see you later."

Open the car door.

Nan Jin took out a key and led Gu Shen up to the elevator opposite the apartment. After going straight to the top floor, she swiped her card to open a room. Gu Shen was a little surprised, "Senior Sister... This is your house? The two of us live together so close?"


Nan Jin didn't bother to answer, just dealt with it casually, and went straight to the bathroom after entering the room. Because of the rain, the original clothes were already wet, and the shirt was tightly attached to the body, showing curves.


After closing the door, through the dim light of the washroom, Gu Shen saw a blurry and graceful figure shining out. The senior sister was taking off her shirt. I had seen earlier that the white shirt was really tight, so it seemed a bit laborious to take it off...


The orange cat in his arms scratched angrily, and Gu Shen suddenly woke up, and turned his head away quickly.

See no evil, see no evil.

Gu Shen kept chanting silently in his heart, and asked awkwardly: "Senior Sister...isn't that good?"

"What's wrong?"

The sound of pattering water stopped, and Nan Jin said lightly: "Until the audit results are confirmed, your safety cannot be guaranteed. I must be in a position where I can monitor you all the time. If you accidentally lose control, I will be the first Time to shoot, but also leave you with a whole body."

Gu Shen: "???"

Accidentally asked something out of the ordinary.

Gu Shen walked quickly to the balcony with the cat in his arms, opened the curtains, and was greatly shocked.

It turns out that the location of this house is just opposite to his apartment, and it is condescending, so his sight can easily catch the movement of his room. With Nan Jin's keen eyesight, he should have a clear view of his room.

So... When she was basking in the sun on her balcony that day, was Nan Jin choosing a suitable place to live?


This house was prepared to monitor him.

"Is there a mistake?" Gu Shen turned his head to look in the direction of the bathroom, and said angrily, "Is there any human rights left? From this angle... Didn't I have been watched all over the shower?"

The sound stopped abruptly.

After a brief wash, Nan Jin came out. She was wearing a snow-white bath towel, holding her hair in both hands, and holding a snow-white jade hairpin in her mouth. She glanced at Gu Shen lightly, "If you don't want to be seen , remember to draw the curtains next time."

The snow-white hairpin lifted the long red hair.

She went into the cloakroom on her own, and voices came out of it one after another.

"Now this is the best place to monitor Han Dang. If he wants to 'visit' you, he will be exposed. We just need to wait here."

Gu Shen froze all of a sudden.

He sighed and said, "You're right..."

Half a quarter of an hour later, Nan Jin changed her attire again. She was no longer the intellectual and gentle elder sister, but the familiar windbreaker and saber suit. She looked like a sharp blade ready to be unsheathed at any time. After putting on the handle of the knife, the energy of the whole person became sharp, making it hard to look directly at.

"Senior Sister, you really look like this..." Gu Shen thought for a while, and when he saw Nan Jin's cold gaze, he quickly gave a thumbs up and praised earnestly, "You are really mighty and majestic."

"The teacher will be here soon."

Nan Jin gave an unprecedented explanation, and said: "Besides... even if I don't have a mission, I don't usually have the habit of wearing casual clothes. Today is an exception to accompany you to the orphanage."

Perhaps it was because she read Gu Shen's file, and she felt a little soft-hearted.

Going back to the orphanage this time was very important to Gu Shen in her opinion.

She didn't want to screw this up.

But if you want to pretend to be Gu Shen's senior sister, wearing a battle suit and carrying a knife is too inappropriate.


Gu Shen said very frankly.

Been busy all day.

Hanmao has already fallen asleep lazily in his arms. He must be exhausted from running around all day.

Chu Ling has disconnected.

The orange cat made a low purring sound from its throat.

Gu Shen put the cat down gently, he thought for a long time, and said softly: "Actually...if the review the day after tomorrow is 'interpretation of dreams', maybe my grades will be good."

He confessed very seriously.

"I think I should be able to."

But Nan Jin couldn't understand where Gu Shen's self-confidence came from.

"Dream interpretation as an assessment... it should be regarded as a blessing in misfortune."

She glanced at the sleeping orange cat, lowered her voice, and struggled with a slight headache: "Compared to other aspects... your mental strength is indeed a strong point. But you don't know it at all, and you want to finish it on 'Dream Interpretation'" S''s evaluation is such a difficult thing. Judging from the nearly five hours of dream interpretation time you spent on the last Waking of Insects... It is almost impossible to deal with the difficult problems of the review team."

She glanced at her watch again.

It's past morning.

In another day, it will be reviewed.

"Especially... there is less than one day left now, unless a miracle happens." Nan Jin sighed anxiously on behalf of someone, she looked at Gu Shen, seeing the latter's majestic and peaceful expression, quite It's a bit like hating iron but not steel.

How can you not worry at all?

She doesn't understand.

"Awakening of Insects interpreting dreams, in fact, it only took me fifteen minutes..."

Gu Shen whispered in his heart.

"But the teacher is a very miraculous person, he can always create all kinds of miracles." Nan Jin comforted Gu Shen, saying: "When he comes, there will be a solution."

The voice just fell.

At the end of the field of vision outside the window, a speeding car immediately appeared, galloping in the rainy night, splashing countless water droplets along the way, followed by the same drift and flick, and stopped cleanly downstairs.

The old man in the Chinese tunic immediately raised his head after getting out of the car, and his gaze directly locked on the room where Gu Shen was.

Mr. Shu showed a warm smile like a spring breeze.

But for some reason, the moment he saw him... Gu Shen could really feel something falling down in his heart.

This feeling is called peace of mind.

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