Barrier of Light

Chapter 353 The Head of the House (big chapter, please vote for me)

"Actually, the old man is not as scary as they say."

After dinner, Li Qingsui said goodbye politely and drove away with Uncle Gao. Luo Yu answered the phone and left in a hurry. Lu Nanjin returned to Fenglai to observe and understand the meaning of the sword.

The villa area regained its tranquility.

Gu Nanfeng and Gu Shen were walking on the mountain road, "Uncle Gao is right, some people are born with an aura... The old man is that kind of person."

The young master of the Gu family explained softly: "Perhaps because he has lived for too long, he has a strong murderous aura, which is something left over from the last century. In terms of age, he is older than Mr. Shu An old antique who has personally witnessed and experienced the drastic changes in the history of the Five Continents. Before the birth of [Deep Sea], the old man was already a talker in Nagano. I heard that during the war sixty years ago, he once carried an energy howitzer, a The whole stronghold was defended."

This sentence sounds very powerful.

It's very inconsistent with the current environment.

The mountain breeze blows on my face.

Water flowing into ears.

The stars were dotted, hidden among the swaying leaves of the forest.

Gu Shen imagined the heroic image of the old man with bare chest and arms when he was young, with a barrage of bullets on his body and a howitzer on his shoulder. He clicked his tongue and sighed: "The old man was so strong when he was must hurt to hit someone, right?"

Gu Nanfeng smiled, "I have never been beaten by him. When I was born, it was the best era. At that time, the old and new factions had not yet split. Lord God Throne was already standing on top of the world. He dedicated everything to mankind. You can’t have children without a wife, so the old man has been looking forward to passing on the Gu family’s bloodline.”

And he was born.

You don't need to think about it to know that when Gu Nanfeng lands, he is destined to enjoy thousands of favors.

"When I was very young, I lived a life of fine clothing and food. Whatever I wanted, I would definitely get. Even if it was the moon in the sky, the old man would send someone to pick it off and give it to me."

When he said this, there was no hint of showing off in Gu Nanfeng's tone.

On the contrary, this is the most real thing.

"Actually, I don't think there's anything good about living like this." He shrugged and asked with a smile, "Because you can get everything, life is really boring... isn't it?"

Gu Shen replied sincerely: "To be honest... I really want to say yes, but my experience doesn't allow it."

Gu Nanfeng was startled and realized that Gu Shen's childhood in the file was not wealthy.

"But I can probably understand." Gu Shen said lightly: "Although I live a completely different life from you, I understand the truth you just said from another perspective... When I was very young, I just wanted to eat After I was full, I wanted to wear warm clothes, and then I also wanted to have a big house and a lot of money. But then I had all these, and I still wanted more. There is no limit to human desires. Even for a moment You are born with everything and still want to reach out to places you have never touched.”

"Humans are such creatures. Because they have everything, I once wanted to escape from Nagano." Gu Nanfeng smiled and said: "When I was very young, my father took me to practice swordsmanship. I practiced very seriously because I inherited The Gu family hopes to be the heir, so I have to take first place in everything, and because Lord God is standing on the top of the mountain, I have to reach at least halfway up the mountain. Everything I do symbolizes the face of the Gu family, and I can't do anything I can't do. I can’t give up on things halfway, let alone say that I can’t do it myself.”


Gu Shen's eyes moved slightly.

"You should know what happened next." Gu Nanfeng said calmly: "After Lord Kamzuo fell into a deep sleep, the Gu family split, and I left Nagano 'as I wished'."

"After I went to Beizhou, I gradually began to understand what the old man taught me a long time ago."

He whispered: "Not just for the Gu family... but also for myself. He is teaching me how to become a strong enough person."

The life in the fortress with nothing in Hoizhou is completely different from the luxurious food and clothing provided by Nagano.

I'm afraid no one expected it.

Eight years later.

The eldest son of the Gu family can become CN021, a legend in Beizhou and the most admired young man by General Rusty Bones.


Gu Shen said frankly: "I am not afraid of meeting the old man tomorrow."

"Oh?" Gu Nanfeng was a little surprised now.

He smiled and said, "I wanted to comfort you and ask you to relax and not be so nervous when you see the old man tomorrow."

Perhaps it was because he had met Gu Changzhi in the Golden God Realm.

Gu Shen was not unfamiliar with the Gu family.

Gu Shen asked slowly: "I'm just a little curious, why does the old man suddenly want to see me?"

If it's not because of divination, or because of flower flags, then what else could it be?

Gu Shen didn't believe it.

There were so many people in Nagano, but the old man just picked one at random, and then he picked himself.

"You are a popular person now, and everyone in the Five Groups wants to see you."

Gu Nanfeng said: "'s not surprising that the old man wants to see you."

"No... the five people want to see me, because I am S-class, and I am also the successor of divination appointed by Master Qianye."

Gu Shen smiled, "From what I know about you, if this was the reason, you would have said it bluntly before. There is nothing to hide... Obviously, the old man has other reasons."

Gu Nanfeng sighed softly.

He smiled and said, "Are you really that curious?"

"No, no, no..." Gu Shen realized something was wrong and quickly stopped, smiling: "You'd better stop talking... I'll just go see you tomorrow."

For some things, it is better to understand things from the heart.

Perhaps the reason why the old man wants to see me is very simple, so simple that there is no need to point it out...

Just because my surname is Gu.

The dinner for the next day was booked on the top floor of Jiangbei Hotel, the most luxurious hotel in the Snow Forbidden City.

The Gu family took over a whole floor.

The atmosphere of life in this old city is completely different from that in the metropolitan area. It is low-key and simple, but it does not mean that it is simple... The two banquet guests were led by the waiter to their destination.

Gu Nanfeng changed into formal attire for public occasions. This was the first time he took off the "Misty Hidden Cloak" given by General Rusty Bones. He had not worn such clothing for eight years.

Gu Shen's attire was not very was still the same as before, with a adjudication office windbreaker of the same style worn by Senior Sister Lu.

In today's meeting, the protagonist was Gu Nanfeng, not himself.

He is just an invitee, a guest.

The most important thing is... he has already participated in the meetings of the five families in turn.

The last time I invited myself to dinner, I decided to take it to an alley in the old city.

And this time... after all, it was just that the two of them were having a drink and reminiscing about old times after not seeing each other for many years. Gu Shen did not expect that the standard of the dinner set by the old man would be so high.

It was a winding road all the way to the box.

open the door.

Beautiful and soft lights fell on the round table. As the "dinner host", the old man in black suit arrived early and waited for the arrival of the "guests".

To the left and right of him stood two tall middle-aged men, one with a shaved head and the other wearing a bowler hat, both of whom had a strong aura.

Gu Shen cautiously glanced at it with blazing fire.

These two... are at least fourth-level transcendent beings above the tenth level of the deep sea!

Maybe... stronger!

As for the old man.

I can only say...Uncle Gao and Fatty Luo sincerely do not deceive me.

He had been mentally prepared for a long time, but after seeing Mr. Gu in a black suit, Gu Shen still felt a lot of pressure. His mind became uncontrollably tense and he actually fell into the previous extremely calm state.

The time passed by the hands seemed to slow down.

"Tsk... someone seems very nervous."

Sensed the change in Gu Shen's mental strength.

"Do you need me to plan an escape route?"

Chu Ling seemed to be asking thoughtfully, but in fact it was a touch of ridicule: "Friendly reminder... If you really get to that point, your escape probability is infinitely close to 0."

The truth is...

Gu Shen took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: "Maybe you can change your mind. Starting from the time I came to Nagano, is there any safer time than eating this meal? Even if there are people outside carrying energy cannons, it should be You can’t get in, can you?”

"That makes sense."

Chu Ling used Gu Shen's fiery vision to examine the old man in front of him.

She called up a file and said slowly: "Gu Qilin, the second master of the Gu family who has been in charge of the situation for sixty years, has experienced forty-three wars, large and small. After the establishment of the third institute, he served as the commander of the command post. Officials, the transfer of files on A-level and above extraordinary events in Nagano and the entire Jiangbei must be approved by his authority. Even if the status of the Gu family is aside, he still has one of the best status and voice in the Dongzhou Parliament."

[Source Code] does not have human emotions, so it naturally does not feel fear.

But Chu Ling's tone still became solemn.

She could feel the unique "aura" of this old man.

A man like the old man who has experienced many battles.

Even after taking a bath and putting on new clothes, the aura on his body was like an unsheathed sword, which was terrifying.

"I have an illusion."

Gu Shen sighed: "Even if someone drives an airship and crashes here now, the old man can withstand it."

"Gu Qilin does have a record of destroying airships, and there were three of them." Chu Ling said: "Of course... that was a long time ago, and the current energy airships have undergone changes. But I am sure that if there are really airships, If an attack occurs, it will be shot down before the impact occurs."

The top floors of the hotel were empty though.

But this is Nagano!

The home base of the Gu family!

The old man and Gu Nanfeng are the top experts who have reached the top of the Five Continents... The airship attack by a small group is nothing in the face of the title-level personal force.

"Can you find any information about these two guardians?"

Gu Shen spoke in a low voice.

"...The war between the old and new factions of the Gu family has lasted for eight years, and they are still wary of each other. All the files of important figures have been encrypted." Chu Ling shook his head and said, "But I just made a simple estimate and prediction. They His personal strength is not much worse than Han Dang."

In other words, these two are almost at the eleventh level of strength?

Sure enough... Even if the Gu family is divided into two factions, they still have strong hidden strength!

The old man waved his hand, and the two "guardians" bowed and left.

He gently pressed the dinner bell at the table.

A "ding dong" sound!

A dozen waiters in small suits poured in like a stream, carrying dishes, and filed in. In less than a minute, the dishes were all served on the round table. The waiters did not say a word during the whole process, and left quickly after serving the dishes.


There were only three people left in the huge box.

The old man smiled and stretched out his hand, making a friendly invitation gesture to Gu Shen: "...sit down."

Gu Shen took a deep breath and sat down nearby.

Gu Nanfeng, on the other hand, chose a compromise position... three people, three directions, forming a tripartite posture, quite a solemn atmosphere as if a storm was about to come.

This damn silence.

Gu Shen raised his eyes and looked at Gu Nanfeng, indicating with his eyes that he should say something.

The young master of the Gu family noticed Gu Shen's eyes, but he just smiled without any other expression. He didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with such silence... Gu Nanfeng made the same gesture of raising his hands as the old man, and said a concise and concise sentence Character.


At the same moment, Lan Qie's voice passed through his ears.

Gu Nanfeng said gently: "Eat with confidence... The old man doesn't like to talk about business while eating."

Good guy!

Is this the Gu family's way of hospitality?

It turns out that inviting people to really just inviting people to dinner!

Since neither of the two "rightful masters" were willing to speak first, they had nothing to say.

Gu Shen ate silently.

There was silence on the top floor of Jiangbei Hotel.

If someone is present, the expression will be very wonderful.

This was probably the quietest meal Gu Shen had ever had in his life... Every few bites he would subconsciously raise his head and look at the old man sitting across from him, who was quietly eating the food on his plate.

The old man lowered his eyes and ate in silence, as quiet as a sleeping lion.

"...Do you really don't need to say anything?"

Gu Shen condensed his voice with blazing fire and asked very cautiously.

"I'm done eating."

Gu Nanfeng wiped his lips with a napkin and spoke first, breaking the silence where the needle could be heard.

The old man stopped his knife and fork and looked up at him.

"Tell me...what you call 'business'."

A rich voice sounded on the round table.

Gu Nanfeng said calmly, "It's very simple."

"I hope that within a month, Nagano and Dadu will hold a negotiation. As the representative of the five major families, the Gu family will reach cooperation with Huazhi and reject the implementation of the Awakening Act in Dongzhou. At the same time, the Dongzhou Parliament needs to forcefully demand the intervention of the Central FBI. , conduct an in-depth investigation into Dadu’s ‘Apostle Case’, and hold the Tower of Source accountable and punished.”

These words were said in one breath.

Gu Shen looked at Gu Nanfeng with an expression that could be described as astonishment and admiration.

In fact, he had prepared a lot for tonight's dinner... In the spiritual world, he and Chu Ling simulated some of the troubles that might be encountered in "negotiation", as well as the attitude that the old man might adopt.

But how can there be such a "negotiation" under the sun?

There is no foreshadowing and no room for maneuver.

Let’s get straight to the point.

No... this is deep into the bones!

Open your mouth and it’s Wang Zha.

"……Do you think that's possible?"

The old man narrowed his eyes, leaned back slightly, and leaned on the back of the chair.

He did not show any emotion, but said slowly: "Not to mention that the Gu family is now divided into two factions, even when the Gu family was at its peak ten years ago, I could not agree to your request on behalf of the entire Nagano. If I nod, this I'm lying to you. You should know that I... don't have the ability to agree to your request."

"If you want it, you can have it."

Gu Nanfeng continued: "We only need to win over the five major families to complete all this. Jiangbei Group's voting power is almost entirely under the control of the five major families. Convince the Li family first, and then use this as a springboard to win over Gong Mu. Family, achieving this step is enough to declare victory. If you are afraid of trouble, I can do these things."

Gu Shen finally understood where the something wrong he noticed came from.


How can there be such a negotiation in this world?

Today's dinner is not a negotiation at all.

It is a heart-to-heart conversation between family members.

This is the first collision between the two wills of the Gu family in eight years, and it is also a real showdown between the old and the young after they get to know each other in depth.

No need to beat around the bush.

What Gu Nanfeng was thinking... the old man had actually known for a long time.

And the so-called eating is just a reason.

And the biggest problem is... In such a conversation, all my background and conditions are no longer important. No matter how great my background is, I should just like the two guardians, quietly close the door and wait outside.

But unfortunately, I can sit at the dinner table and be a silent listener.

"As you said...even if we win over the Li family, the Gong family, and the Mu family, is it really enough?"

The old man looked at his grandnephew expressionlessly, "When the balance in Nagano is broken, the other half of the Gu family, and the entire Bai family, will be enough to resist the power you mentioned. By then, war will break out."

Among the five families, there are strong and weak ones.

Today's Gu family is still strong after being separated, but if it is completely separated... the old and new factions will fall into struggle again. After experiencing losses, the Gu family will no longer have "hegemony".

At that time, it was the Bai family that had the ability to reach the top.

"If there are conflicts because of the 'bill'... then war in the capital is inevitable. Either today or tomorrow."

Gu Nanfeng said calmly: "You were once a feared enemy of thousands of people, bathed in blood every day, but now you are afraid of war?"

The old man narrowed his eyes.

This was already considered a provocation, but he remained calm and said softly: "It is precisely because of experiencing countless wars that we know how precious peace is."

"But what if the Gu family can't merge peacefully."

Gu Nanfeng said calmly: "Either, split in two and drift apart from now on...or, unite with force, fight, and eliminate future troubles forever!"

"You are a typical Beizhou military thinking."

The old man said calmly: "Did you learn it from Xi Gu? You have to understand that sometimes big fists are of no use..."

Gu Nanfeng immediately responded: "Think about your nephew."

The old man was indeed silent.

"There are always exceptions to everything, and he is that exception." Gu Qilin said slowly: "If your fist could be as big as his, then there would be no need to eat this meal today... You came from Beizhou When you return to Nagano, the leaders of the new sect will kneel in the snow and lick the tops of your shoes, wagging their tails like dogs."

Gu Shen choked halfway through the meal. He didn't expect the old man's metaphor to be so fresh and refined.


Gu Nanfeng was silent for a second, and he said slowly: "Although my fist is not as hard as Master Shenzuo, I can still punch him."

"On the battlefield, as long as you are strong enough, you are a worthy warrior. You can kill one person, ten people, or a hundred people." The old man lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and said quietly: "But the Snow Forbidden City is not a battlefield. There are tens of millions of people here, and the five families You have your own rules. Before you become Gu cannot violate these rules."

"The man in Qingzhong will probably not wake up."

Gu Nanfeng took a deep breath and revealed the biggest reason, saying: "The 'Apostle War' that broke out in the metropolitan area was not because Mr. Gu Changzhi chose his apostle. That token coat of arms was I asked for it from Xizhou Guangming City."

There are no secrets in Nagano Castle.

There is a wind pupil above, and an earthworm below.

But this news... was still beyond the old man's expectation.

The old man frowned and stared at his grandnephew. Only then did he realize that eight years can really change a person... Before leaving Nagano, everything this child did was within the chessboard.

The first move to return to your hometown is to "take the outside move".

Gu Nanfeng should have concealed this matter from everyone inside and outside the Gu family... probably only the mausoleum guard knew about it.

Gu Shen's expression was a little complicated.

Although he knows everything...but is this what he can listen to?

"How did you get in touch with Guangming City?" The old man asked seriously: "Don't say this is an introduction from Rusty Bones... The God of Guangming City may meet you for this reason, but he will never give the token I'm lending you such an important thing. It's even more impossible to give away my divine power in vain to become an apostle, just to cover Dongzhou's lies."

"Don't forget, I stayed in Beizhou for eight years... During these eight years, the Gu family didn't help me."

Gu Nanfeng said slowly: "I should always have my own secret."

"Really...that's really a big secret..."

Hearing this, the old man smiled happily.

Gu Nanfeng continued to ask: "The Dionysian Seat of the Tower of Origin was defeated, and Dongzhou seemed to be at peace... But in fact, how long can this peace last? Do you think the 'New Sect' is willing to compromise all the time, once they find out? The truth about Kiyotsuka, how will things turn out? You want peace...can Nagano really remain peaceful?"

Question after question.

Every question goes straight to the soul.

Unfortunately, the old man's expression did not fluctuate much.

"It seems you came prepared."

Gu Qilin wrote lightly: "So... just tell me what you think."

Gu Nanfeng stared at the old man and said word by word: "If Lord God cannot wake up, then I will become the head of the Gu family. Officially, in the true sense...the head of the family."

For anyone else, this would be an extremely ambitious statement.

But it happened to come from Gu Nanfeng's mouth.

It feels so...appropriate.

He should have said these words.

Because he was supposed to be... the head of the Gu family.

(It’s a new month, please vote for me!)

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