Barrier of Light

Chapter 354 Family Banquet (please vote for me)

"The head of the family..."

When the old man heard these two words, he fell into a brief thought. Then he smiled and asked easily: "Isn't this your thing?"

Gu Nanfeng said in a deep voice: "You should understand what I mean. What I want is not a false reputation."

"Understood. Of course I understand."

Gu Qilin asked leisurely: "But, do you understand what I mean? I am not the head of the family, and the new Gu Lushen is not the head of the family. Even if there is no head of the family, after the separation, the Gu family is still the first family in Nagano. Why?"

This question.

Gu Nanfeng was stunned.

"Because the head of the family... has always been just a false name."

The old man said calmly, "The reason why Gu Changzhi is the head of the family is just because... he is Gu Changzhi."

"Eight years ago, many people died in Nagano... just to send you to Hokkaido."

The old man's voice was solemn, "If it's not for you to become the 'head of the family', what are the sacrifices of these people for?"

"The name of the head of the family does not require my approval, nor does it require approval from over there... As long as you are strong enough, really strong enough, you will be the head of the Gu family."


"You seem to have some misunderstanding about me... You always think that I chose to retreat because I was afraid of war..."

Gu Qilin narrowed his eyes and flicked the ashes of his cigarette, "On the battlefield, this behavior is called desertion. If there is destined to be such a battle between the old and the new factions, then I must be the one who fights to the end. I will never No compromise, no retreat, let alone... become a deserter."

"The reason why the old and new factions can still have 'peace' is because neither side is sure of winning."

"Sixty years ago, when I went north to the fortress to fight against the disaster, I was still a high-spirited young man. Like you, I had great ambitions and believed that I could change the entire war situation with one person."

Gu Nanfeng was stunned.

"But now I'm old."

The old man spoke softly and said, "If you have the ability to hold the sword of victory and bring true peace to the Gu family... then please do it."

People in the world always believe that a powerful name is a sword that will always win.

But actually, it's just the opposite.

Because he holds a long sword in his hand, he is respected by the world.

Retreating and compromising are just a kind of accumulation of strength... When an explosion means only destruction, then roaring is also an ineffective cry.

Gu Nanfeng suddenly understood the meaning of what the old man had done over the years. Whether he sent himself out of Nagano or refused to let him return... he was all waiting for his own growth.

And speaking of this.

Gu Nanfeng became a little silent instead.

He looked at the old man and said, "Are you... willing to let me give it a try?"

"If you don't want to, will you give up?" The old man said calmly: "If you were me sixty years ago, if the negotiations failed, you would have carried the energy cannon and hit the new faction. Those who get in the way will be blown to pieces."

Gu Nanfeng smiled and said, "Energy cannons are outdated... now Beizhou Military Headquarters has more powerful weapons."

"Back to the topic."

He took a gentle breath and said: "If you are willing to support me, I will plan to regain the scattered power of my hometown... This will not be a short process, and great conflicts may break out."

The wording is very elegant.

In fact, it is "confluence".

The Gu family is no longer divided into the new school and the old school!

The old man put his hands on his elbows and listened quietly, "What are you going to do?"

Gu Nanfeng said: "From the perspective of maximizing success rate... I will start to win over the other three of the five major companies."

The old man narrowed his eyes: "But this will expand the situation of the war. If a conflict breaks out, the entire Nagano will be dragged into the water."

"So... greater force is needed, external force."

Gu Qilin was silent for a while.

"You mean the allies outside Nagano... Huazhi?"

"Perhaps there are more allies." Gu Nanfeng said calmly, "I know your concerns. The five families have maintained a delicate balance for many years... The battle in Nagano does not involve the forces in Nagano. Everyone Each maintains balance and symbiosis, but once external forces are involved, the situation will become more and more complicated, and the rules established by the five families will be broken."

The old man nodded, "This is... a taboo!"

Gu Nanfeng suddenly asked: "If you make an agreement with the enemy to fight with bare hands, and the opponent pulls out a knife before the battle, what should you do?"


The old man narrowed his eyes and understood what his grandnephew meant.

"I will use the energy cannon. Although you just said... this thing is outdated, but it is really useful in one-on-one combat." The old man said in a deep voice, "What do you mean, someone has violated the rules?"

"It's actually not hard to guess."

Gu Nanfeng said seriously: "Just imagine, not long ago, the two [Apostles] joined forces to enter the metropolitan area. Without the instruction of the God's Throne behind could they dare to break the balance between the continents? The Tower of Source is watching Qingzhong already How could they have acted so recklessly if they hadn’t gotten wind of it all these years?”

And the one who has the closest relationship with Qingzuka.

It’s Nagano, the Gu family.

"Before the [Apostle] invasion case broke out, Master Qianye told me...she felt someone was watching Qingzhong, and used divination to predict that something bad would come to the metropolitan area. It was related to the fire from other continents. It might be [ Apostles] are going to take action.”

Gu Nanfeng said slowly: "So... I chose to leave Beizhou and set out to solve the situation."

"And when I actually returned to Dongzhou and learned about the Awakening Bill, I became even more certain... that the advancement of this bill will definitely separate Dongzhou." Gu Nanfeng said in a deep voice: "So... I must stop the bill. passed."

The old man also said in a low voice: "Where is the evidence?"

"No evidence."

Gu Nanfeng shook his head and said, "If you don't believe it...then even if you find evidence, it will be of no use."

"You have to know... On the matter of the bill, Nagano's attitude has always been pertinent. Those people from the Gu family's new faction have never expressed positive opinions in support of the bill in public." Gu Qilin frowned, "If they If you have connections with other continents, then you just need strong support.”

"If you know the outcome is already decided, why do you need to take a stand?"

Gu Nanfeng just chuckled and said, "You know, if Zhao Xilai had not changed his mind at the last moment, the bill would have been implemented. Nagano's silence is the best help."

The old man fell into deep thought.


If those from the new faction showed the slightest interest in the progress of the bill, he would notice it.

And that's when the old school will surely be on guard.

But there was no reaction at all... Either he didn't care at all, or he was sure that the outcome would go in the direction he expected.

"If what you say is true..."

The old man lowered his eyes slightly and said, "Then war is indeed inevitable."

When the new faction of the Gu family colludes with other continents.

So no matter what the situation is with the person in Qingzhong... sooner or later a fight for "fire" will break out.

"That's why I desperately want to see you."

Gu Nanfeng took a deep breath and said: "After eight years in Nagano, no matter which side of the Gu family will recognize my status as the 'head of the family', if I want to advance the negotiations between Nagano and Dadu, with my strength, no matter how much I appeal, I can't." There will be no support.”

"Negotiation... is not as simple as you think."

The old man shook his head again, "Today's old school is only half of the Gu family and cannot represent Nagano."

"Actually I've thought about this..."

Gu Nanfeng said: "If Nagano is willing to negotiate with Dadu, then the problem will most likely be solved. But even if the negotiations cannot advance, I only need the bill to be reviewed and not passed, and Nagano to continue to remain neutral."


The old man looked deeply at his grandnephew.

"Not long ago, before you came back, Gu Lushen had a talk with me."

"The content of the conversation is very simple..."

"He is willing to merge and restore the Gu family as a whole, and then the old and new factions will transfer power... Although it is difficult to reconcile, this formal merger will inevitably have many gaps, but at least it is 'unity in name'." "

Judging from the current situation in Nagano, the divided Gu family has gradually shown signs of decline.

Only by converging can we continue to secure our position as the No. 1 store in Nagano.

And under this situation, even nominal unity is enough to form a "deterrence" to the other four families!

Especially... the Bai family!

For the old school, which has struggled to support itself for eight years, such a proposal is nothing short of a great good thing.

"It's just that Gu Lushen has a request."

The old man smiled and said, "He asked the Gu family to abolish the 'family head system'."

Gu Shen, who was listening, had his pupils slightly contracted.

"And Gu Lushen gave a... very reasonable explanation. Because of the [Apostle] battle in Dadu District, the Central Federation re-confirmed the survival status of Gu Changzhi in the Qing Tomb. If Gu Changzhi is still alive, then the guardian of the tomb has decided The title of 'head of the family' seems ridiculous. Except for Gu Changzhi, no one is qualified to be the real head of the Gu family."

Gu Nanfeng also agreed with this.

Even if he cultivated to an extremely high level in Beizhou... he still couldn't compare with the former.

"And if Mr. Gu Changzhi is not alive as the world expects, then the existence of the 'head of the family' will be meaningless. Because the 'fire' in the Qing Tomb will find its owner again."

Hearing this, Gu Nanfeng lowered his head silently.

He understood what Gu Lushen meant.

There is really no fault with this... reason.

"I turned him down."

The old man looked at his grandnephew's expression and spoke softly.

Rejected... Gu Shen's eyes showed some surprise.

At this juncture... it takes a lot of courage to refuse to merge.

Gu Nanfeng raised his head in confusion: "Why... why?"

"Nodding, shaking your head, it's just a simple thing... Do you need a reason?"

The old man said calmly: "As for the name of 'Family Master', I know you used to not care much about it. You once wanted to throw it away, as far away as possible... But now you really want to hold on to it, wishing that the entire Snow Forbidden City knew that it belonged to you. s things."

"Humans are this kind of species. I used to be just like you."

"So...I'm very happy. You came back this time to take back what belongs to you."

Gu Qilin stood up, patted Gu Nanfeng's shoulder, and said, "There is a 'gift' here...I left it for you. Take a good look."

After getting up, he took out a small document bag and placed it in front of Gu Nanfeng.

The old man left the box.

Before passing by Gu Shen, he spoke softly and asked with a smile: "Are you full?"

Gu Shen was stunned and quickly wiped his mouth.

The old man nodded and said: "Since you are full... come out with me."

The top floor of Jiangbei Hotel.

The wind is a bit strong.

Thin snow is floating in the air, and there are falling ice chips in the wind. If you breathe a little harder, white mist will come out.

The old man was standing on the top floor, looking at the Snow Forbidden City in the distance, with row upon row of old buildings, and the lights outlined a quiet and peaceful picture...

"It's your first meeting, don't be nervous."

Gu Qilin spoke softly, trying to make his voice sound gentle.

It's just the old man's aura and the murderous brows on his face that make it hard not to be nervous.

"Those words just now... I will forget them." Gu Shen sighed softly and said, "The reason why you keep inviting me to this meal... I haven't figured it out yet."

Gu Qilin raised his eyebrows.

He said sincerely: "Actually, when we were eating... I sent a message to Gu Nanfeng and asked him to say something, but he refused, so this meal was very..."

"Serious." Gu Shen thought for a moment and said the word for him.

"Well..." The old man nodded.

The scene became frozen again.

Gu Shen didn't turned out that he was not the only one who wanted to say something at the dinner table.

"Don't forget these words. You can remember them and don't spread them outside."

Gu Qilin spoke again and said: "Actually, it's not a secret. The whole of Nagano knows about the bad things about the Gu family... And when Nanfeng took the initiative to talk about the 'Guangming City' thing, your acting skills were a bit poor."

Gu Shen blinked.

Isn't it?

My acting skills...have never failed so far.

"Brother Nanfeng said to me... you want to see me, not because I have a close relationship with Huazhi, nor because I am the inheritor of divination..." Gu Shen asked seriously: "If it's just an ordinary meal I won’t think too much about the meal. It’s just that after today’s meal, I learned so much news that I really can’t sleep well.”

"Really?" the old man said with a smile, "I see you are enjoying the food, and you were reluctant to leave just now."

Gu Shen felt helpless and asked cautiously: "In other words, you don't care about my identity... you just want to tell the people outside that you and I have met and talked."

It's very windy on the top floor.

There are also many wind pupils.

"How dare you look directly at me with those eyes?" The old man said calmly: "Those are the tricks of the younger generation... Do I need to be so cunning? Compared with the previous genius of the Gu family... you are still worse. Some."

Gu Shen choked suddenly.

"If you have to ask why..."

Gu Qilin smiled gently and said, "Both of us are named Gu. I like you more, so I came to treat you to this family dinner."

(There is another big chapter tonight, please vote for me~)

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