Barrier of Light

Chapter 408 Gong Zi’s Bizarre Adventure


Luo Yincheng Fortress is the third fortress on the west side of the main wing of Beizhou Fortress.

This is actually a very large fortress. Although its geographical location is not as important as the Fort, it is still a large city on the front line... However, this year, the Luoyin City Fortress has begun to be "overloaded."

the reason is simple.

The adjacent "Phiyue City" evacuated all residents in the fortress due to the extremely large disaster, and Luoyin City naturally assumed the task of "diversion".

The legionnaires in this fortress began to be responsible for transporting supplies over long distances and maintaining the transfer of personnel between the two fortresses.

There was only an empty shell left in Piyue City. Because the task of maintaining the disaster situation was too arduous, during the year when the Fourth Army was stationed, Luoyin City was responsible for providing food and military supplies.

The back compartment of a heavy-duty military truck was filled with supplies. A group of people were carrying the goods, and a thin man was among them.

Holding a large box of steel in both hands, he stood up unsteadily before he could move it into the car.

"Zhao... hurry up!"

Suddenly someone called him from behind.

It's urging.

He quickly quickened his pace.

But from somewhere, a fierce kick came, knocking him forward.

Zhao Qi fell hard into the mud.

He was a little dizzy. When he looked back, there were stars in his eyes. There were so many figures that he couldn't see clearly who had kicked him.

Even if I could see it clearly... it would be useless.

The man's bewildered look as he turned around was noticed by everyone, and jeers erupted from the crowd.

A thick scolding voice sounded from behind the crowd.

"Why are you standing still! Why don't you start working quickly!"

The moment this sound rang out, the fortress soldiers who were watching the excitement started to move the goods again. Zhao Qi also quickly stood up, put the steel that had fallen on the floor into a wooden box and picked it up. However, as he moved forward in a panic, he did not know what was going on. Someone stretched out a foot and tripped him.

He fell down hard again. This time he was not so lucky. His chin hit the edge of the truck...and he fainted.

And when I woke up again, I was not in a warm ward.

But on the roadside.

Blood flowed all over his lapel, the cold wind bit his bones, and the wound was so cold that he lost consciousness.

Zhao Qi's mouth kept trembling.

The truck has already driven away.

This is not the first time. In this place, no one cares about him at all... No one would believe that a wealthy young man would be sent to such a place to suffer, and this guy who only talks about lies and cheats , when he first came to the Luoyin City Engineer Corps, he tried to use his prominent life experience in exchange for special treatment.

It's a pity that Beizhou's survival rules don't follow this set of rules.

Now that you are here, you must do your own thing well in your own position.

If you can't help, get out of here!

His comrades in the legion are not willing to partner with him at all. Who wants to be a partner with a useless waste? Who can give their back to such a character? Even if the engineering corps was only responsible for ordinary maintenance and inspection work, no one was willing to work with Zhao Qi... And Zhao Qi, who repeatedly emphasized his outstanding life experience, was eventually spurned and fisted by Sergeant Beizhou.

If it weren't for "Wild Dog"'s order, he would have been expelled from the city long ago.

The Engineer Regiment simply doesn't want to accept this worthless mess... and the captain in charge of this team also acquiesces to the "bullying behavior" within the team. Because of the existence of Zhao Qi, his team will always be ranked at the bottom. If this guy is willing to leave on his own, So good for everyone.


Zhao Qi held his chin in his hands and tremblingly found a remote corner and sat down against the wall.

He turned over and over, but couldn't find a cigarette...

That's when.

There was a figure that blocked the wisps of cold wind. He did not look down at the man squatting in the corner like the others, but silently handed out a cigar.


Zhao Qi didn't dare to pick it up at all.

In a place like this, cigars are a luxury.

He raised his head in confusion and looked at the figure blocking the wind and snow, trying to see the other person's face clearly. He saw that the person was wearing a thin cloak, and his face was difficult to distinguish in the backlight.

He looked at the cigar again and found that it was from Dongzhou...

Zhao Qi's first reaction was to lower his head, hug his knees, and say in a trembling voice: "You admitted your mistake."

He didn't believe that there were kind-hearted people willing to give him alms in a place like this.

The only explanation is... he was recognized.

Zhao Qi would rather fall down in the mud a thousand times and be scratched a hundred times by iron sheets.

I don’t want to be recognized by my former friends.

The man smiled and asked, "Excuse me... who are you?"

The voice sounded unfamiliar.

Zhao Qi lowered his head... He hugged his knees and looked at the dirty face reflected in the mud on the ground. He suddenly realized something and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.


How could any old friend recognize him with his current appearance?

If my father hadn't died.

Standing in front of his father... I'm afraid he won't be recognized, right?

"Smoke it. Good thing, I only have two left, one for you and one for me."

The man spoke calmly.

Zhao Qi slowly took the cigar with trembling hands. With the help of lighting the fire, he saw clearly the face of the donor in front of him. He was a young "adventurer". The reason why he used the word "adventurer" to describe him was because of this. The young man's face was covered with wind and frost, his cloak was ragged, and his bag was worn out. It looked like he had been traveling for a long time.

And those who can reach such a place are not ordinary people.

This is a very powerful transcendent.

"I have seen everything that happened before." The young man said softly with a complicated expression: "No matter how you provoked them, that behavior was still a bit excessive..."

Zhao Qi shook his head.


Those guys don't care about me... It's this young man who moved himself here.

"Are you from... Dongzhou?"

Zhao Qi's voice was hoarse.

The young man became interested and said with a smile: "How can you tell?"

Zhao Qi dusted off his cigar and said with a low smile, "The double pyramid produced exclusively in Yinghai has a ring diameter of 180mm... This is a very good cigar."

The most important thing is that this cigar is only sold in limited quantities in Dongzhou.

This young man is most likely from Dongzhou, and... very rich.

"Are you from Dongzhou too?"

The young man smiled slightly, and he suddenly understood why the guy lowered his head to avoid being seen... If he could recognize this cigar, I'm afraid this guy had a past that he didn't want to be discovered.


Zhao Qi was silent for a while and said with a smile: "It was just a coincidence and I did some research..."

The young man did not inquire about his identity.

He and Zhao Qi squatted by the wall, enjoying the last two cigars together. After a while, he spoke again.

"With all due respect...I'm curious, what are you going to do next?"


Zhao Qi truly fell silent.

His eyes became dim.

This kind of thing happened more than once. If he went by past experience, he would find a place to sleep. These injuries were nothing. There were countless large and small wounds and bruises.

Just take a nap... Just take a nap and you'll be fine...

As for life tomorrow?

Tomorrow's life is to repeat today.

Days like this have been repeated for a long, long time.

He wanted to lie to this "young man" whom he met by chance, saying that he would find out those who bullied him and beat them back one by one... But when the words came to his lips, he could not say a word.

If it was a year ago.

He might comment sharply on the cigar made in South Bay that the other party handed him, and then tell this young man from his hometown who came from afar that he needs to improve his taste while having money.

But now, he won't do that.

"What else?"

Zhao Qi smiled softly, "That's it...that's it..."

An expected answer.

The young man squatted in the corner, took the last puff of his cigar, and squinted his eyes in the smoke and snow dust.

He could clearly see the scene just now. He was trampled on and silently endured... How could such a person be so angry?

Just at a certain moment when I saw that picture.

I felt compassion for myself...

And... I do feel that this guy looks familiar.

"If you don't want to stay here anymore, you can leave." He put out the cigar and said softly, "There is no need to force yourself."

Zhao Qi lowered his head and said nothing.

How could he not know this truth?

Those guys hope they can get out of Luoyin City, preferably Beizhou... Of course I think so too!

But...I can't do such a thing.

He would always think of that old guy Zhao Xilai, lying on the bed in the ward, looking at him for the last time.

He would always think of every fist Gu Shen hit on his face.

When he was beaten, when he fell, when he woke was obvious that he was telling himself to give up every moment, but in the end he gritted his teeth and held on until now.

"Don't want to leave?"

The young man chuckled softly.

He lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: "Since you are from Dongzhou... When you come to Beizhou, try to make some appearance and don't let these guys look down upon you."

Zhao Qi was startled.

He was about to say something just now, but when he raised his head again, the young man had already left.

Gong Zi left Luoyin City and walked in the snow in the wilderness.

He thought back to the poor guy squatting in the corner just now, with that unshaven, weathered face. The more he thought about it, the more familiar it seemed to him... He felt that he had seen this face before somewhere.

"This guy...can't be named Zhao, right?"

Gong Zi stopped and looked back.

The snow was so heavy that I couldn't see anything clearly.

He whispered softly and continued to move towards the final destination... It had been a full year since he came to Beizhou to practice. This year's practice had given him a lot of gains.

Other than that.

The biggest purpose of his trip to the north was to go to Qiancheng and find Grand Duke Duoyang.

Break off the Gong family’s engagement.

This matter must be hidden from the Gong family.

So, along the way, he went through twists and turns in order to get rid of the "protector" who was secretly following him... Traveling and trekking between remote fortresses in Beizhou, drinking snow and frost, hunting wild beasts, Although such days were painful, they gave him a sense of excitement and freshness that was unmatched by the stable life in the Snow Forbidden City.

No one knows what will happen on the journey tomorrow.

This year of dedicated practice.

Gong Zi threw away her identity as the young master of the Gong family.

He told himself that this year, he was just an "extraordinary person" pursuing his true self, and all he had to do was practice... Now that his practice was complete, it was time to arrive at Qiancheng.

Gong Zi did not use the family's sealed artifacts, nor did he use the family's money. He found a private pawn shop in a small snow mountain town in Beizhou, and then had a pleasant conversation with a very interesting local uncle and drank heavily. In one incident, the "absolutely safe" cargo transaction popular in Beizhou was carried out.

Gong Zi exchanged the rare animal skins obtained from hunting for Beizhou "common things" of unknown origin.

If these "vulgar things" are used, the source will not be traced by the family.

It can be said that...since last month, Gong Zi has completely disappeared from the family's sight and gained so-called "freedom".

And the last part of the journey to Qiancheng was also very smooth.

Three days later, Gong Zi arrived at Qianqian City.

This is the most prosperous core capital in Hokkaido. Under the care of Her Majesty the Queen, this giant city demonstrates unparalleled discipline. It is an ancient city of human culture with a long history like Nagano.

six hundred years ago.

A giant wall was built in Beizhou.

Those who led the legion to resist the collapse of order outside the giant wall gathered here. Six hundred years passed, and groups of think tanks weaved a grand future for Beizhou in Qianjin City, and put their dreams into practice one by one. Make it come true.

This is the "city of progress" for mankind.

The airship is suspended in the air, the floating board blocks the sun, and the controllable source energy fusion led by the [Deep Sea] brings inexhaustible and huge energy to Qianqian City... This city seems to be a rising new life. Even though the sun is consuming billions of equivalents of energy every moment, there is still no need to worry about the day it runs out.

Because compared with the thermal effect feedback brought about by source energy fusion, the consumption of this city is not worth mentioning.

Gong Zi stayed in Qiancheng.

He washed and showered first. If he wanted to meet the "Grand Duke Duoyang", then he must not go there with such a sloppy and bad image... otherwise he would be turned away directly.

Gong Zi, who had changed into decent clothes again, did not follow Beizhou's rules and contact Duke Duoyang in advance.

The family lost the news that they were in Beizhou.

He should be searching for his whereabouts now...

Contacting Grand Duke Duanyang may make the family realize what they are going to do.

Gong Zi decided to pay a visit.

He planned to go directly to the manor where Duke Duoyang was located.

"What are you kidding about?!"

Inside the manor.

Following an angry shout, the sound of a broken porcelain cup was immediately heard.

The steaming tea splashed all over the floor. Grand Duke Duoyang accidentally knocked over his favorite tea cup. He had no time to pick it up, so he just looked at his daughter who was kneeling in front of him with a calm expression.

His expression was half angry.

The other half is helpless.


Lin Sheng, the daughter of Grand Duke Duoyang, knelt on the ground and refused to get up no matter what. She said softly, "If you don't agree, I will keep kneeling here."

This scene attracted the attention of many servants in the manor.

Outside the hall, it was suddenly crowded with people.

Some people have already begun to discuss...why the young lady is kneeling here.

Grand Duke Duoyang's wife died very young, and she never married again after that, and she only had an only daughter.

He treats young ladies very well on weekdays.

Almost obedient.

What happened to make the lady kneel for such a long time?

"You get up first... let's talk in another place."

Seeing that there were more and more people, Grand Duke Duoyang squatted down subconsciously and went to help him personally, but found that he could not help him.

There was a stubborn and stubborn look in her daughter's eyes.

"Okay...if you want to kneel here, just kneel here!"

He almost said this through gritted teeth.

But when the Grand Duke Duoyang was about to leave, he suddenly softened his heart.

He shouted to disperse the crowd of spectators.

Then close the hall door.

In order to ensure that the rest of the conversation would not be heard by outsiders, he took off his finger and threw it into the air. The finger sent out a spiritual ripple, sealing the entire hall tightly.

"What are you doing...what are you doing?"

The Grand Duke of Duoyang came to his daughter, "In front of so many people, something like this happened... If word gets out, how should I explain to my father?"

Lin Sheng said in a hoarse voice: "I don't want to either... I just told you dozens of times... you never took it to heart..."

"Your engagement was made twenty years ago! How can you go back on it so easily?"

Grand Duke Duoyang said anxiously: "What's so bad about the eldest son of the Gong family that you want to cancel the engagement with him? What does this make the Gong family think of us?"

Lin Sheng lowered his eyes: "I have never even met him. I will not marry him."


Such a cold and hard attitude made Grand Duke Duoyang's anger reignite, and he raised his palm.

Lin Sheng closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate.

After just waiting for a moment, there was still no movement.

She didn't open her eyes again, but just heard her father sighing.

"Silly girl...some things don't work out that way."

The Grand Duke of Duoyang really can't be cruel.

He looked at his daughter, his eyes filled with distress.

How could he bear to take action when he was just such a flesh and blood person?

"Use your brain and think about it..."

"In the past few years, Beizhou has been in turmoil. How many titles have been withdrawn and how many manors have been demolished? Why can we still live decently?"

"Without the silent support of the Nagano Palace family over the years, Duoyang, the hereditary and irreplaceable title of Anle, would have been removed by His Majesty long ago. Where would there be the clothes you are wearing now, the tea you drink, and every meal you eat? "

Grand Duke Duoyang said anxiously: "You have to find out... who gave you everything you enjoy now. This is the blessing gained by the friendship between the ancestors of the two families for nearly a hundred years."

"I would rather not have this blessing..."

Lin Sheng took a deep breath and said, "I heard about what happened in Guangming City... Since the Meng family can regret their marriage, so can I."

Guangming City?

Meng family!

Duanyang reacted for a moment and then realized what his daughter was talking about... This was a matter that had caused a lot of trouble recently, and the entire five continents had heard about it.

The Meng family, the largest family in Guangming City, caused a "scandal".

The daughter of the Meng family is also making noises about breaking off the engagement.

And the most important thing is that the reason why she broke off the engagement was to marry an unknown "little person" from another continent.

Duanyang laughed angrily at his daughter.

"The old man of the Meng family is known as the 'Iron Fist'. After this incident came out, the 'Iron Fist' was so angry that he fell ill. The entire Meng family was in a state of gloom and gloom. Do you also want me to be like that?" The Grand Duke said. He rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his arms, "Lin Sheng, look at it, take a good look... A father is not as good as that iron fist. A father's arms are made of flesh!"

"If the eldest son of the Gong family is disabled and you insist on not marrying, I can understand. But he won the championship in the Nagano rookie competition last year. He can be said to be a dragon and a phoenix among people. I don't know how many people want to catch up..."

Speaking of this, Duanyang immediately reiterated, "Even if he is disabled, as long as someone treats you well, you must not let him down. You must take good care of him and be considerate..."

The remarks are not finished yet.

Lin Sheng said: "I have a sweetheart."

She simply showed her cards and spoke very seriously, "I don't care what kind of person Gong Zi is, how outstanding she is, or how closely the Gong family has the title of Duanyang... I have my heart, and I don't want to marry Gong Zi. .”

The Grand Duke Duoyang was stunned.

These few years.

The two families have always exchanged letters.

He also wanted the juniors from both sides to meet earlier.

But the last time Gong Zi and Lin Sheng interacted was ten years ago. At that time, the two were still young. They met across a screen and started playing together after a while. In his opinion, this was considered "interest." "Like each other", but at that time both parties did not know about the engagement, nor did they know how their future destinies would be connected.

As time goes by, Gong Zi becomes the young master of the Gong family, and his time becomes more and more precious.

If the two parties want to match up again, Gong Zi will use "time is tight" as an excuse.

And now...

Time flew by.

Duanyang fell silent, and then he realized that times had indeed changed very quickly, and a thin piece of engagement paper could not tie two people who did not love each other together like they did in their time.

"Your Majesty the Duke!"

A voice came from outside the hall.

A servant came to the front of the hall, not daring to disturb him, and whispered: "There is a guest outside the manor... He said his surname is Gong!"

(PS: This plot is quite important. I didn’t want to break the chapter, but I have to post it before 12 o’clock, so I can’t help it. There is still content at the end of this chapter, and I probably won’t be able to finish it tonight. I will complete it tomorrow morning. )

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