Barrier of Light

Chapter 409 Xu Yan, really annoying

The surname is Gong?

The Grand Duke Duoyang's heart dropped, thinking that things are always like this in the world. Whatever he is afraid of will come... The visitor is probably someone from the Gong family, but he came all the way to Beizhou, and he didn't even say hello in advance. Of?

This is bad.

Grand Duke Duoyang quickly ordered his servants to entertain the visitors well and find a place to settle down for the time being. He would arrive soon.

The Grand Duke closed the door and took a deep breath.

"The Gong family... someone is here!"

He looked back at Lin Sheng and asked coldly: "Are you still going to kneel here? At least you have to go with your father to receive him, right?"

Got no response.

Duke Duoyang sighed softly.

He came back to his daughter, "Tell me... who is the man you like?"

Lin Sheng said softly: "He is also a little person. You must have never heard of him."

This word is also used in an intriguing way.

Because Meng Xizhou of the Meng family fell in love with a little person.

Meng Xizhou was extremely talented and charming, and her talent in cultivation was astonishing. She even had the opportunity to become a disciple of the God of Guangming City. Such a woman bore the hopes of the entire Meng family. She wanted to regret her marriage, and the entire Xizhou was shaken by this.

Lin Yu, the Grand Duke of Duoyang, looked at his daughter with complicated eyes.

Obviously, his silly daughter regarded her as "Meng Xizhou". No matter how you looked at it, she was far from Meng Xizhou... And of course, he couldn't compare with the Meng family.

It has been a hundred years since the title of Duoyang was conferred. Three generations of his ancestors have been deeply favored by His Majesty the Emperor of Beizhou. But even so, he still put in unimaginable efforts and made great contributions to achieve the peace and happiness he has today.

When Lin Yu was young, he had been stationed at the front line of the fortress for nearly ten years. He was responsible for garrisoning the Gubao Fortress at the main point of the wing. It was an extremely difficult and dangerous snow-covered city and the most important giant wall of defense in the northern part of the human world.

In Gubao, he met Gong Qing, the equally young head of the Gong family.

Extraordinaries from all five continents were proud to arrive in Beizhou to perform missions... At that time, [Deep Sea] had not yet been created, and many extraordinary people would come to the fortress and apply to join the legion.

In this way, Lin Yu became close friends with the boy named Gong. At that time, neither party knew that one was a descendant of the Gong family and the other was Lord Duoyang. The two families had already had a profound friendship for a hundred years. Perhaps this It was destiny. It was not until the end of the first year of being stationed in Gubao that the two "unknown" young people became famous people. It was only when they chose to continue to stay that they discovered each other's true identities.

Later, Beizhou ushered in the most turbulent era of war in the past fifty years. Lin Yu blocked a fatal strong logical bullet for Gong Qing, while Gong Qing carried Lin Yu behind his back when the Source Energy Armor was in pieces. , spanning dozens of miles of battlefield, both young men thought that they were bound to die. Lin Yu smiled and cursed as his last wish, he was the only one in the family, if he died, no one would inherit the title, it was a pity to enlist in the army It's too early, I haven't given birth to a son yet.

Gong Qing said, if you live, you can have a child.

Lin Yu cursed again, but it was a pity that even if he gave birth to a son, he would not be able to take away the Gong family's cabbage.

Gong Qing said, if you survive, you will be able to do it.

Then...the baby marriage was decided.

Then, the two of them really survived.

In the passing bullets, the war in Beizhou came to an end. Her Majesty the Queen calmed the flames of war and brought the final peace.

Gong Qing and Lin Yu also said their final goodbyes after completing their residency.

The fate of life is unpredictable.

At that time, both young people believed that even if they were separated, there would always be opportunities to get together.

It's just that... for many things, you can often only guess the beginning, but not the end.

From that day on, the two families continued to communicate, but the two rarely got together.

A few years later, Lin Yu and Gong Qing were no longer young. The two of them were very drunk, and then they discovered that something unexpected had happened to their childhood relatives. Lin Yu had a beautiful daughter, while the Gong family had a child. Got a big fat boy.

Lin Yu was so angry that he slammed the table.

But in fact... during the final clink of glasses, both of them laughed happily.

They all recalled the desperate scene of lying in the heavy snow when they were about to die. Being able to survive was the greatest luck.

Lin Yu was very lucky in the first half of his life.

And now.

He was old and retired from the front line. Her Majesty the Queen gave him the greatest consideration and respect, allowing him to enjoy his old age in the manor. In the final turbulent battle, there were too few lucky ones, and they got There are only so many people in the entire Beizhou who have been conferred the title of "Grand Duke", and you can count them on your fingers.

Lin Yu has nothing to ask for now.

He just hopes that his daughter can live happily.

Gong Zi was taken to a side hall of Duoyang Manor.

He was in no hurry.

During this visit, I did not say hello in advance, nor did I reveal my identity directly. I just said my surname and was taken to the side hall. It was reasonable... No matter what, just because of the surname "Gong" , the Grand Duke will also meet him, and at that time, he can tell him about breaking off the engagement.

Gong Zi took a sip of tea.

He looked calm and composed, but in fact... he was quite nervous deep down.

As far as Gong Zi knew, Grand Duke Duiyang and his father were close friends of life and death.

Back then on the battlefield, we owed each other several lives.

This marriage is the link between the Gong family and Duiyang's title.

Now that she had rashly come to visit and announced her intention to break off the engagement, she might misunderstand Grand Duke Duoyang. Gong Zi silently thought to herself how to explain so as not to hurt the relationship between the two families.

And...not to hurt that girl from the Lin family.

If I remember correctly, a few years ago, when I came to Beizhou as a guest, I played with Lin Sheng. In my impression, the girl's face was already a little blurry.

Later Gong Zi didn't have time to come to Beizhou again.

The contact between the two families...has become less and less.

He rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little headache.

No matter what...when the news of the break-up of the engagement reached Dongzhou, his father must have been furious.

Waited for a while.

Gong Zi finally waited for Grand Duke Duoyang to arrive. In the distant side hall, a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes came quickly with his daughter.

Gong Zi and Duke Duoyang were both startled when they saw each other.

"Gong Zi?"

Grand Duke Duoyang never expected that the person who came to visit this time was not the messenger of the Gong family.

But Gong Zi himself!

The reason why Gong Zi was startled was... He saw that the Lin family girl's face was full of pear blossoms with raindrops, and there were still traces of tears. She had obviously cried just now.

"Uncle Lin."

Gong Zi quickly stood up to greet him, and then saluted.

"No need to be polite..."

Lin Yu's eyes were a little complicated, which was really unexpected... All the words he had originally thought of were no longer useful after seeing the person coming.

I stayed in the hall for a while before.

He planned... when he saw a visitor from the Gong family, if the other party didn't mention the engagement, he wouldn't mention it either, so he would put the matter on hold for the time being. After he had finished handling it, he would find a good time to contact Gong Qing and consider opening the door.


Gong Zi is no ordinary person.

It is almost certain... that he came to Beizhou just for the "engagement".

The two parties were drinking tea in the side hall.

First, they exchanged a few words of greetings. If someone was listening in the side hall, they would definitely notice that both sides had their own thoughts and were distracted.

Finally... Gong Zi couldn't hold it any longer.

After serving tea several times, he straightened his body and said cautiously: "Uncle Lin... I took the liberty of visiting you this time because of the 'engagement' matter."

Lin Yu sighed deeply in his heart.


What is supposed to come will still come.

He assumed a posture of listening intently.

next moment.

Gong Zi took a deep breath, mustered up her courage, and whispered: "I came to Beizhou... because I want to cancel the engagement..."

Lin Sheng, who had been keeping his head silent, suddenly raised his head.

She looked into Gong Zi's eyes and became surprised and stunned.

And Duke Duoyang was also stunned.

"Forgive me for being presumptuous and rude regarding this matter. This visit is also my own intention."

After Gong Zi spoke, his expression was solemn. He no longer hesitated and said all the words he had been holding back. He solemnly said: "I am not belittling the title of Duanyang, nor is I belittling Miss Lin Sheng..."

The following words are no longer so important in Duke Duoyang's mind.


Breaking off the engagement this time was his own decision. He already had his heart set on his own, and he hoped that the Grand Duke would make it happen.


I hope that the relationship between the Gong family and Duoyang will not be interrupted... This time the engagement is broken off, he will be responsible for the work alone, so don't ruin the friendship between his parents.

Hearing this, Lin Sheng could no longer hold back, and tears welled up in his eyes.

Having knelt in the hall for a long time, my father didn't let go, but it was obvious... that he had softened his heart.

However, this visitor to the Gong family was Gong Zi himself.

When she saw Gong Zi, she had given up hope of breaking off the engagement and was ready to consider how to elope with her sweetheart.

But I didn't would take a turn of events.

The Lin family girl's tears shocked Gong Zi.

He stopped quickly, his voice a little ashamed, and said: "Miss Lin Sheng... what's wrong with you..."

Did he break this woman's heart by breaking off the engagement this time?

"She's fine."

Duke Duoyang's voice sounded slowly.

Lin Yu rubbed his eyebrows. His gloomy expression slowly relaxed at this moment, but looking at his face... he seemed to have aged several years.

"Gong Zi...I know your purpose of coming."

Lin Yu was silent for a long time.

He said softly: "Thank you, a young man, for traveling thousands of miles to come to Beizhou to find me... If this matter is reported back to Nagano, your father will be furious. If I remember correctly, you won the Fire Dream last year , has become the future heir of the Gong family, right?"

If this matter is reported back to Nagano.

The position of the head of the Xiaogong family may be subject to many shocks.

Gong Zi was slightly startled.

"Let's do's up to me to break off the engagement."

Grand Duke Duoyang looked at his daughter, sighed softly, and said slowly: "I will make it clear to Gong Qing, so that you will not suffer in vain."

Having said this, how could Gong Zi still not understand?

I am not the only one who wants to break off the engagement.

Duoyang Lin also wanted to break off the engagement... This girl Lin Sheng, probably not a single tear she shed at this moment was for herself.

The big stone hanging in Gong Zi's heart finally fell to the ground.

The scene in the side hall was a bit awkward at the moment.

Lin Sheng kept crying.

I wanted to laugh, but I didn't dare to laugh out loud.

Your luck seems to be good?

Going to Beizhou, the thing I was most worried about was solved!

"Brother Gong?"

Gu Shen looked at the picture that appeared on the communicator.

"it's me."

A year away.

Gong Zi's face has become slightly weathered. A day ago, he was still unkempt, but because he came to break off the engagement, he shaved off his beard and carefully repaired his face. At this moment, he still looks as handsome as ever. Compared with when he left Nagano, Can't see much change.

"Why did you contact me?"

Gu Shen was a little surprised.

Going north, Gong Zi did not tell the second person about Duoyang's breakup of the engagement... and if he wanted to visit, he naturally had to avoid the Gong family's attention and look for a good opportunity. There was no doubt that before returning to Dongzhou , Gong Zi probably won’t use the deepwater network.

"you guess……"

Gong Zi tried her best to hide her smile, but the slight movement of her eyebrows raised still did not escape Gu Shen's attention.

Gu Shen chuckled softly and said, "Congratulations, you successfully broke off the engagement."

"It's so boring talking to someone like you."

Gong Zi clicked her tongue and asked, "Isn't this calculated through divination?"

"Where does this kind of thing require the use of divination?"

Gu Shen asked with a smile, and said slowly: "I think you shouldn't be eating and drinking in Beizhou this year, wearing fine clothes and fine food... If you didn't come to the house to break off the engagement, you wouldn't be as carefully dressed as you are now."

Gong Zi touched her cheek and said helplessly: "Okay, is being handsome also a sin?"

Say it.

He lowered his voice and said, "Actually, the divorce was a little too smooth this time."

When he said these words, he had not yet calmed down.

Gu Shen glanced at the background of the image displayed on the communicator.

He reminded: "You should still be in Duanyang Manor, right? You should be careful what you say."

"It doesn't matter."

Gong Zi smiled and said, "The Grand Duke of Duoyang will stay with me for one night. I will leave tomorrow and return to Dongzhou..."

The two families have a deep friendship, but they are too far apart.

Gong Zi finally came here.

The Grand Duke of Duoyang must stay for one night, or at least entertain him well.

Putting aside the marriage contract, this is also the young man I admire most.

"The daughter of Grand Duke Duoyang also wants to cancel the engagement." Gong Zi lamented and said, "If I hadn't come to visit this time, this matter would have become very complicated..."

What a coincidence!

Gong Zi came to express her feelings this time.

By chance, the situation was clarified, and at least the two families would not have any misunderstandings.

This marriage originated from the friendship between the parents of the two families.

It was also because the two descendants separated because they each had their own aspirations.

It would be the best outcome for the Grand Duke of Duoyang to speak out personally.

"It's a happy event."

Gu Shen was sincerely happy for Gong Zi. He smiled and said, "Do you need me to tell Miss Mu Ya?"

"No need!"

Gong Zi was in high spirits and said: "When I leave to return to Dongzhou, I will give her a surprise!"

It can be seen that Gong Zi is in a good mood now.

"Then I will wait for your return in Nagano."

Gu Shen smiled and shook his head, seeing that the other party hung up the communication.

I spent a day meditating at Chunyu Temple.

Waiting for news from Gong Zi.

This should be considered a good sign?

Before Gu Shen could think more, there was a knock on the door outside Chunyu Temple.

Luo Yu's expression was solemn. He pushed the door open, sat opposite Gu Shen, and drank a large sip of tea.

"bad news."

Fatty Luo looked at Gu Shen, "Xu Yan... passed the review."

"The new S-class—Xu Yan!"

"The most gifted dream interpreter Nagano has ever seen."

"No - the most talented psychic psychic."

Posts like this are constantly being refreshed in the Snow Forbidden City Deep Water Forum, like snowflakes. Today, the Judgment Hall Gym has opened up spectator rights so that everyone can watch Xu Yan pass the S-level review.

A large number of extraordinary people came in, and the seats were packed.

It was comparable to last year's rookie battle finals scene.

And many people can only wait outside the gym.

So after the complete video of Xu Yan's enlightenment was uploaded, it immediately attracted a large number of clicks.

The spiritual geniuses in the Snow Forbidden City all sighed with emotion...

Xu Yan set a new record!

It only took him an hour and a half to unlock the three nightmare-level sealed objects from the review team. This was faster than Gu Shen's file. After completing three dream interpretations, Xu Yan applied to observe the interior of the Judgment Office. "Jingzhe Volume".

As the first volume of Breath of Spring.

This is a secret book that should not be taken out and given to people for enlightenment.

But... Xu Yan’s teacher’s name is Zhu Wang.

Zhu Wang used the privileges of the "Grand Adjudicator" to take out the Jingzhe Scroll, so Xu Yan started the second performance in front of everyone in the Snow Forbidden City. It took him fifty minutes to complete the parameters of the Jingzhe Scroll. Enlightenment!

Before that, the fastest enlightenment record was one hour and forty-five minutes!

Comprehending the Jingzhe Scroll within two hours... In a sense, it is considered to have "S-level" potential, and a fifty-minute comprehension record is simply unheard of.

This news is even more shocking than the previous continuous comprehension of three nightmare sealed objects!

Xu Yan's name successfully shocked the entire Nagano.

It also managed to draw attention to another long-lost name.

That Gu Shen.

"Everyone remembers how you got your 'S-level'." Luo Yu looked a little annoyed and said angrily: "Because of Xu Yan's appearance, many people now think that you are an 'unworthy' S-level."

It’s normal to have this thought.

The challenges Xu Yan made were too targeted.

This is to compare with Gu Shen, he has done almost everything that Gu Shen has done... This is to follow the path that Gu Shen has taken!

He just needs to walk faster than Gu Shen!

People will only remember Xu Yan’s name!

"I immediately contacted my friends from the Safety Committee, but unfortunately... Du Wei told me that Xu Yan's mental state is very normal and extremely stable."

When he said this, Luo Yu punched the table hard.

How he hoped that this Xu Yan was the same "pseudo genius" who used illegal authority to force a breakthrough like Zhu Wang's former disciple Lian Zhou!


The power Xu Yan showed was real.

Gu Shen smiled helplessly and shook his head.

He was about to say something.

"Brother Gu, you don't have to comfort me. I just don't like Xu Yan, no matter how I look at it, I get angry..."

Luo Yu said dullly: "Xu Yan, I'm really annoying!"

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