Barrier of Light

Chapter 688 The translator who lost his memory

The Gu family's temporary base is now heavily guarded.

Since the "second explosion", the "containment type" sealed objects have been urgently strengthened outside the iron wall to prevent another accident... and the place with the most intensive patrols now is the temporary ward built for the ghosts.

"He has been unconscious since the explosion."

Mr. Xue said: "The impact of the fragments of the sky sheath is very powerful. If the Gu family's night watchman hadn't blocked it for him... then he would have been dead."

Gu Shen stood in front of the bed and looked at the pale Xing Yun.

His mental power slowly flowed through Xing Yun's body, checking the latter's injuries.

Because of the characteristics of the sky sheath.

The surge of extraordinary energy in this guy is so weak that it is difficult to detect... As mentioned before, he will lose his "extraordinary ability" for a long time in the future, but the greatest luck is that he has retained life.

Looking at the unconscious man on the hospital bed, Gu Shen's eyes were a little complicated.

According to my previous guess——

The giant carrying the "fire" is probably just an apostle who has received a great gift of divine power, and is not the traveler himself.

The "real purpose" of that big guy coming to this world cannot be explored after his body dies... No one can read its true spirit from such a top-level life form, not even Her Majesty the Queen. You can only see what it sees, not what it thinks.

If it's not a traveler, then who is?

He used the blazing fire to carefully feel the spirit of the Tsuka ghost... Previously, he could still see the spirit sea of ​​the Tsuka ghost, but now the fragments of the scabbard directly "purified" him.

Tsukauki's mind was clean and empty, like an ordinary person who had never unlocked his extraordinary power.

He saw nothing.

"How long will this situation last?" Gu Shen asked.

"He may sleep for several days... You are also a psychic transcendent. You should know how dangerous and serious it is to have direct contact with the sky sheath." Mr. Xue was silent for a moment and said: "The medical treatment at the temporary base Our abilities are limited, we can only guarantee that Tsukauki will wake up, but we cannot guarantee that his mental strength will be able to maintain the previous level."

This guy has the attribute of "vehicle killer".

After falling asleep, he was destined to receive treatment at the Gu family's temporary base.

After this incident, Gu Nanfeng had invited the best medical doctors in Nagano to set off overnight and rushed to Xuelong——

The ancient text of "Heavenly Sheath" needs to be deciphered by Tsukauki!

The Gu family will do their best to treat him!

"I see."

Gu Shen nodded. The encirclement and suppression plan had not yet begun. As one of the eight leaders of this plan, he only needed to accept Mr. Gu's "order". Before the official battle began, he decided to stay in the snow cage and wait for the tomb. The ghost awakens.

He had a lot to say to Tsukauki.

A training room was prepared for Gu Shen in the temporary base.

This place is also thoughtfully equipped with the "simulated battle cabin" newly developed by the Beizhou Underground Research Institute, but Gu Shen's mind is not on cultivation. He always feels that the secondary explosion of the sky sheath is a bit weird.

"Everything must have its cause, but I really can't figure out what caused the second explosion of the Sky Sheath."

Gu Shen's spirit entered the deep water area, and a burst of codes condensed. He came to Ling Ling Yao and sighed in distress.

At this moment, Chu Ling was sitting cross-legged, three feet above the ground, floating in the air in the carriage, with his hair full of waterfalls, like seaweed swaying on the bottom of the sea.


Billions of data spread at her fingertips, converging into hundreds of screens. This is what the source code computing power looks like, running at full capacity.

Chu Ling's eyes wandered across countless screens, as if he had read thousands of lines of messages in one second.

In fact, the "eye scanning" action has no meaning. It is like a loading cutscene. The deep water area is deeply linked to her spirit. Even if she closes her eyes, she can "quickly read" the data.

While processing the data, she responded softly: "You are right, everything must have a reason... So when you eliminate all impossible options, the remaining one, no matter how ridiculous, must be the truth '."

"Exclude all impossible options..."

Gu Shen stood in the carriage in a daze.

An "object" of the caliber of a sky scabbard cannot even shake the giant that is suspected of being a traveler. How could it successfully produce a secondary explosion?

"It is actually not difficult to explore the truth of this incident."

Chu Ling's voice slowly sounded: "First of all, do you think that the explosion of the sky sheath was because it was too old and a long reaction occurred inside the stone shell, resulting in the explosion, or because... someone triggered it? "

"I think it's the latter."

Gu Shen only thought for a second before giving his answer.

It's been less than a year since he drew his sword.

This can no longer be described as "coincidence".

He believes that this is most likely a "calling"...

"Put aside your identity, what kind of person do you think is qualified to 'invite' Tianshe?" Chu Ling continued to ask.

"If you want to summon and produce such an explosion, you need to have at least 'fire level' power." Gu Shen frowned, "At least you have to be an apostle, and an apostle under the 'god's presence' situation."

In the presence of God, the apostle can burst out unparalleled terrifying divine power in a few short moments——

If we really want to screen out "suspicious people", then all the apostles of God in the five continents must not be let go.

Theoretically, they all have the power to cause such visions!

"So, is it here?"

Chu Ling continued to ask.


Gu Shen fell into a brief thought.

If it was three years ago, it would not be impossible for the apostles to cause chaos in Tianshe.

Today, it is impossible.

Dongzhou is the land where Douzhan shelters!

Once the apostles who carry the "will of the alien throne" set foot on this land, they will be captured by Douzhan's divine thoughts and expelled!

And he knew very well that Mr. Bai Shu had just achieved the status of a god, and now there was no apostle under Douzhan's command... so the answer was obvious.

He murmured: "There...are no apostles here."

Chu Ling said: "Since there are no apostles here, there is only one possibility left. Summoning the 'Heaven Sheath' was done by God."


Gu Shen fell into silence.

"Since this is what God has done, do you still need to forcefully explore it now?"

Chu Ling asked calmly: "This is not a puzzle that you can solve, at least, not yet."

"Well-founded and convincing."

Gu Shen sighed. This time he came to Linglingyao because he wanted to find Chu Ling to solve his doubts.

Finally, the purpose of clearing up doubts was indeed achieved.

The source code is really awesome.

The perspective of solving problems is different from ordinary people.

As long as you don't think about the problem, the problem will no longer exist...

But thinking about it carefully, Chu Ling was right. This was beyond the scope of his ability. No matter how much he thought about it, it was meaningless. If this was really something done by "gods", then Dongzhou should be responsible for it. The tallest one takes care of it.

Put aside these details.

The "secondary explosion" of the sky sheath still made Gu Shen have some doubts in his heart.

For such a major incident, the top executives in Nagano, such as the heads of the five families, had no urge to investigate the case. They did not even dispatch an "investigation team."

All everyone did was patch things up again.

Except for himself, no one seems to be investigating the root cause.

The next three days were spent in the Tundra Prison in total peace.

Gu Shen retreated in his room, patiently waiting for Mr. Gu's "combat instructions" and the news of the Tomb Ghost's awakening... Although this place did not have as much "disordered source material" as the Shenci Mountain, which could be absorbed by the Blazing Fire, It is also a good place for spiritual practice.

After entering the eighth level of the deep sea.

Gu Shen has been thinking about his next step and how to move forward.

The ability of "Fire of Vitality" is extremely unnatural.

For now.

It can bring order to chaos and give life to dead things. Even if the "Black Flower of the Temple" is completely out of order, the fire of life can revive it and feed it back to oneself. Even some simple minor injuries do not need to be treated by the Holy Light Sealed Artifact. It heals quickly.

If only he had understood the "Fire of Life" when he fought with Meng Xiao.

Then the damage received by pulling the [Extinguished Candle] bow can be recovered quickly... Of course, the level of strength is not enough, and the internal injuries caused by forcibly activating a powerful weapon higher than the current level will continue to accumulate.

But at least, I can pull [Candle Extinguishing] two more times!

Judging from the original situation, if the activation situation is suitable, it is not impossible to shoot Meng Xiao directly!


The stronger the embryo, the greater the price it has to pay for its growth!

In the future, if you want the "fire of vitality" to condense into a field of great success, you must have a very solid foundation... Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. This step is not an epiphany, it can be made up for by a sudden inspiration.

On the eighth level of the deep sea, the "realm embryo" was condensed.

The center of Gu Shen's eyebrows is the source of the blazing fire. Starting from the source, the fire of vitality needs to cover the whole body first and then be released outwards...

The ninth layer should cover the whole body.

If you want to break through the third level and achieve your true "fourth level", you need to fill up the "spiritual sea" in your body. This is where Gu Shen has a headache.

He crossed the border three times!

The strength of the spiritual sea can be compared with that of a fourth-level transcendent.

There are many extraordinary beings who have broken through the tenth level of the deep sea, and the size of the spiritual sea is not as powerful as Gu Shen!

He wanted to fill it up.

It's... too difficult.

This difficulty can be said to be ten times or dozens of times that of other people in the same situation!

If you want to "promote", then you have only two options: One is to maintain the quality of the "fire of vitality", accumulate slowly, step by step, steadily, fill the spiritual lake with the "fire of vitality", and complete natural promotion.

The second is to give up the purity of the "vital fire".

It is too slow and too difficult to refine the pure "fire of vitality".

As long as the "field embryo"'s ability source fills up the spiritual sea, it can be regarded as being promoted to "fourth level"!

This is the reason why many geniuses have comprehended extremely powerful "embryos" but do not have a matching "field"... It is too difficult to advance from the third level to the fourth level, so they chose to compromise and use something slightly weaker. The power of transformation to replace part of one's own "embryo".

There are many extraordinary people in this world who are willing to practice slowly.

But filling up the spiritual sea is not something you are willing to wait for... Some people spend a long time and practice to 90%, and find that the last 10% is their "limit". No matter what, they can no longer break through. Under this situation, they have no choice but to downgrade and choose the most unwilling way to break through.

This situation is very helpless.

After being downgraded and breaking through the realm, they will not be stronger than those extraordinary beings who were willing to give up long ago just because they have practiced for a few more years... A rich foundation means strong strength. This truth has been fully confirmed at the fourth level.

The spiritual sea will continue to expand.

Those extraordinary beings who have long been promoted to the fourth level have a huge spiritual sea and complete "field" power. Some geniuses among them have found new ways to develop the second ability of the field, achieving another step in strength. leap.

And the most unfavorable ones, after staying at the fourth level for a long time and expanding their spiritual sea to the limit, the strength they exerted is far superior to those extraordinary people who were stuck at the third level and pursued perfection but failed.

Pursue perfection and once you succeed, you will receive generous rewards.

Can fail...

Fate will not be moved by your persistence and grant you extra rewards. On the contrary, all persistence that ends in "failure" can be called stupidity and stubbornness.

This is why many third-level transcendental beings have clearly understood the top-level "field embryos", but when they reach the ninth level of practice, they find that it is too difficult to condense the top-level fields, so they choose to give up.

They would rather step into the fourth level smoothly and then seek a stable "breakthrough" than make wrong choices and waste time.

"Now I'm still far away from being promoted to the 'Fourth Level'. I don't need to worry at all..."

Gu Shen sat quietly all night and figured out many things.

He doesn't need to rush to improve his strength.

Due to the "good fortune" given by Mr. Gu Changzhi early on, the "Pure Land Domain" in his spiritual sea, after absorbing countless sources, completed the most basic accumulation and directly reached the top "Complete Domain".

He already has countless things that the fourth level dreams of.

If you want to go further, reach perfection, and control "birth and death", then Blazing Fire cannot lose to Dahan.

He needs a second top field.

The fire of vitality is best able to maintain top quality and complete promotions.

"After being promoted to the eighth level, my spiritual sea has already expanded once... After being promoted to the ninth level, it will expand again..." Gu Shen murmured: "Due to three transcendences, I have reached the level of spiritual power at the ninth level. It is likely to be equivalent to the top transcendent on the eleventh level of the deep sea. If Blazing Fire wants to condense a complete domain, it needs to fill the spiritual sea of ​​the eleventh level of the deep sea..."

This is really a huge project.

Even Gu Shen didn't have much confidence that he would be able to achieve "perfection".

Only when I got to this point did I realize that "fate" was really fair - because of the gift from the throne of God, I had achieved three transcendences, which was considered a shortcut.

But if you want to go one step further and own a second "top realm", the price you need to pay is dozens of times that of others!

Even if Gu Shen takes a step back and lowers the purity of the "Fire of Life", he still has to fill the extremely large "Eleventh Level of the Deep Sea Spiritual Sea"!

This predicament is likely to keep people trapped in Level 3 for the rest of their lives.

But to Gu Shen, it was not a blow.

"Since you have no choice, there is no need to be anxious." He took a deep breath, "No matter how anxious you are, you still need to walk this road slowly."

Others are on the path of spiritual practice.

But he is taking the path of becoming a god!

How can it be easy to achieve the throne of God?

Just three days passed in a flash.

Gu Shen was waiting for the first news while he was meditating.

"Boom, boom."

A night watchman knocked on the door.

The night watchman's voice was very cautious, and he said cautiously: "Mr. Xiao Gu... good news, Mr. Xing Yun has woken up. Do you want to go and take a look?"

"Awake? So soon?"

Gu Shen glanced at the time.

It's only been three days... He didn't expect the ghost of Tsukasa to wake up so early.

After all, being seriously injured by the Sky Sheath stabbing to the ground is not easy to recover from.

Gu Shen quickly quit meditation.

When he arrived outside the Gu family base, he was blown away by the cold wind and instantly became more alert.

Gu Shen asked casually: "How is the situation of Zhonggui now?"

"Mr. Xing Yun..."

The night watchman next to him looked a little strange, and he hesitated in speaking. Finally, he said helplessly: "You will know after you go over and see."

Gu Shen frowned slightly.

When people wake up, what else can happen?

It wasn't until he walked to the window of the ward and looked at the sick man with dull eyes on the bed that he realized something was wrong... The familiar look in Tsukauki's eyes completely disappeared at this moment.

This guy turned out to be the kind of person who would always be silly and cheerful no matter what bad luck happened to him.

"Mr. Xiao Gu, he has been sitting like this since he woke up..."

The night watchman sighed and said: "If you ask him anything, he won't respond. The prepared food is placed there, but he won't eat it either..."

Gu Shen patted the night watcher on the shoulder and comforted him softly: "Okay, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. You can go back without any worries and have a good rest."

These night watchmen, guarding in front of the Tomb Haunted House, have not slept for a long time.

Their spirits were a little tired.

After dismissing the others, Gu Shen arranged a simple "shielding pattern" in ancient Chinese, and then entered the ward. However, the man sitting on the bed did not look at him at all.

He opened the door, closed the door, sat down... none of these actions attracted Tsukaki's attention.

Tsukauki just looked out the window blankly.

There was nothing there but the tundra's feathery snow.

Gu Shen knew that the young man named "Gu Qiang", in order to protect the tomb ghost, withstood the violent impact with his body during the explosion... and eventually died.

This incident must have had a great impact on Tsukauki.

"Gu Qiang's funeral arrangements have been arranged..."

Gu Shen sat next to the bed of the ghost, and whispered: "Nanfeng brought his family to Nagano. He is not an unknown person. I know that you must feel guilty for his death..."

There was nothing he could do but whisper comfort.

But that's half the story.

The pale patient on the bed slowly turned his head, and his dull eyes fell on Gu Shen's face. His pupils slowly contracted and then expanded, as if he was adjusting the distance of vision, and at the same time seemed to be adjusting the sight distance. Identify something.

There was a hint of pain in Tsukauki's eyes at first, and then he pressed his forehead, and the veins on the back of his palms and temples bulged.

After a few seconds.

He raised his head, his eyes full of confusion.

Zhonggui asked confusedly, "Who is Gu Qiang?"

"Gu Qiang... is the night watchman who saved you." Gu Shen's voice was complex.

It was different from what he expected.

Tsukauki did not show any expression of "sudden realization", his eyes were still blank.

He asked his second question: "What is the Night's Watch?"

Gu Shen was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the man sitting on the bed began to ask questions, and these questions burst out one after another.

"Where am I now..."

"Who are you?"

"The people who just left, who are they?"

"Also, I...who am I?"

Gu Shen opened his mouth but hesitated. These questions caught him off guard and forced him to fall into a long silence.

He looked at the guy sitting on the bed again, with a confused face.

The loss of luster in the eyes is not necessarily due to sadness.

There is another possibility.

He even lost his "personality". When the memory dispersed like running water, this person returned to his original state. Of course he would not be sad. He would not have any emotions, only confusion.

Gu Shen stretched out a hand.

The Tsuka ghost did not hide.

Gu Shen's palm was pressed on his forehead, and the blazing fire was quietly immersed in it... Zhonggui's spiritual sea was empty, just like the result of the last exploration.

It turned out that fate had given him a reminder before. This guy had lost not only his extraordinary abilities but also his most precious memories due to the heavy damage from the "Sky Sheath".

He didn't lie.

He doesn't remember anything.

Gu Shen explained patiently: "Your name is 'Xing Yun', your nickname is 'Zhonggui', and you are currently recovering at the temporary base of the 'Gu Family'. My surname is Gu, and my name is Gu Shen. Those people just now are Night watchmen, they are responsible for protecting your safety."

This short sentence contains a lot of information for a person with amnesia.

Tsukasa was stunned for a long time.

He thought for a long time, pointed to himself, and asked in a daze: "I... am healing?"

"Not long ago, you encountered an accident." Gu Shen said: "You are still covered with bandages in many places on your body... It is best not to get out of bed without the doctor's permission."

Tsukauki looked down at himself.

Although the fragments of the sky sheath that hit him were small and not fatal, they still pierced many places on his body. Now these "stone fragments" have been cleaned up, and his body is wrapped in dozens of bandages, large and small. .

Fortunately for Gu Shen, Zhonggui still remembered some things in his mind.

At least, he didn't ask himself what a "bandage" was.

"Am important person?"

Tsukauki became nervous, "You, you...there are so many people out there protecting me?"

"That's right." Gu Shen smiled and said, "You are a very powerful 'translator'..."


Tsukauki knew the meaning of this word. This was not a powerful position. He breathed a long sigh of relief and smiled: "It seems that I am not a really important person..."

"You seem happy?" Gu Shen was a little surprised. After this guy lost his memory, his brain circuit seemed to be different.


Tsukauki covered his head, his voice hoarse and intermittent: "I can't remember anything clearly, I just remember... I seemed to have hurt someone. If I am a very important person, the current situation must be very bad."

If you lose your memory.

He would rather be a bastard fish.

The world would still function without him.


Gu Shen's eyes became complicated. This was the first time he had seen such a tomb ghost.

He stood up and looked meaningfully at the poor patient.

After getting up and going outside, Gu Shen dialed Gu Nanfeng's communicator.

"Xiao Gu, I heard that the ghost of the tomb has woken up. How is he doing?"

Before Gu Shen could speak, Gu Nanfeng asked with concern.

After Tsukauki woke up, the night watchman at the temporary base immediately reported the situation to him.

"He's not in a good condition..."

Gu Shen stood outside the window, with heavy snow falling. He looked back at the skinny patient in the room who looked bewildered. His eyes met for a moment, then he immediately looked back and sighed softly: "He has lost his memory."

"Amnesia...may be a side effect of the 'Heavenly Sheath'."

Gu Nanfeng pondered for a moment and said, "As long as everything is fine, as long as you wake up, it will be better than anything else."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"But can you estimate the time it will take for him to recover?"

Gu Nanfeng paused for a moment and said with emotion: "Amnesia... it's really a headache."

Many people in the Gu family hope that the Tomb Demon can decipher the "ancient text" in the core area of ​​the Sky Sheath... Especially after the second explosion, this "Sword of Stone" has caused a lot of controversy in the deep water area.

Many people believe that by deciphering the ancient text at the bottom of the sky sheath, they will have a chance to figure out the true origin of this "extraterrestrial object".

Maybe, this is really the will left behind by the "old world"!

A traveler is just an "activator"!

Now that Tsukauki has lost his memory, the task of deciphering the ancient text of the Sky Sheath will be postponed.

"I can't estimate." Gu Shen said frankly: "He may lose his memory for a long time, and the time for Tianshe's deciphering needs to be extended further."

"All right."

Gu Nanfeng accepted the status quo. He paused and reminded: "The timing of your call is just right. The old man has completed the task assignment. The task of encircling and suppressing criminals has just been advanced. Some 'young leaders' have already started taking action. About you The task will be sent to the mailbox soon. If nothing else, we will meet soon."


After hanging up the call, Gu Shen returned to the house.

Now that the Tsuka ghost has woken up and confirmed his safety, there is no need for him to stay any longer... In this situation, what he wanted to say is meaningless.

Gu Shen was ready to say goodbye and leave.

"That...Xiao Gu?"

The voice of Tsuka Oni made him pause.

This guy called out a familiar name, but it wasn't because he had recovered his memory, it was just because the name was so close.

At this moment, he was holding the sheets, a little shy, and asked nervously: "You just went out to make a phone call, I heard some, you seemed to be chatting with a very powerful big shot, you... are not trying to drive me away?"

Because of amnesia, it is completely worthless.

If you are not an important person, you will not delay things.

But if you are not an important person, you will probably be kicked out!


Gu Shen looked at the cautious look on Zhonggui's face and couldn't help but want to laugh in his heart.

Although this guy has lost his memory, the blood flowing in his bones is still the same.

Instinct is still as vigilant as ever.

"Just live well, don't worry too much, just take care of yourself three times a day."

He patted Tsukauki on the shoulder and said softly: "People here are very..."

Halfway through, Gu Shen's words stopped abruptly.

At this moment, he suddenly realized something was wrong!

Before he entered the house, he had clearly deliberately arranged the ancient text formations in the Qingzhong Cemetery. The only purpose of these formations was to block sound and create a quiet environment.

So how did this guy hear the sound of making a phone call when he went out just now?

His expression immediately became serious, and he frowned and asked, "Did you just say that you heard my call outside?"


Zhonggui looked innocent, and when he saw Gu Shen's expression, he stepped back nervously.

"Can't blame me."

He pointed in the direction where the "ancient text formations" were suspended outside the door, and said in a very soft voice: "If you improve the words you wrote down earlier... then the 'sound shielding' effect will be better, then Then I probably won’t be able to hear you very well.”

This sentence made Gu Shen's expression become extremely complicated.

He quickly took out an ancient drawing from his arms and waved it in front of the ghost.

"Do you understand?"

Tsukauki blinked and whispered, "You understand... right?"

Ancient prose can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

Therefore, the communication between Gu Shen and Zhong Gui could only be carried out in this slightly thin way, because even if Zhong Gui understood it, he could not say it... Then Gu Shen took out another invalid one that smeared his own spirit. The "text" on the waste paper was scrawled by him at will. He is also a "student" who has practiced thousands of ancient inscriptions. This inscription looks like ancient inscriptions, but in fact it has no meaning.

He asked again: "What about now, do you understand?"

"I can't understand." Tsukauki became nervous again and asked, "Should I understand this word?"

"You don't have to worry about that. It doesn't matter whether you should understand it or not. You just need to tell the truth and express your true inner feelings." Gu Shen guided carefully, tested carefully, and asked: "When you see this drawing, do you see it?" What does it look like?"

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

Tsukasa was silent for several seconds.

After Gu Shen nodded.

He scratched his head and answered very frankly, but subconsciously said the usual words that he had subconsciously used before: "I look like... relying on the defense."


Gu Shen was silent.

He took out a few more ancient drawings, mixed them with his ghost drawing talismans, and conducted some tests.

After the test is over.

He came outside the house again, dialed the communicator, and said to Gu Nanfeng over there: "The latest news, one good news and one bad news."

"Listen to the bad ones first."

"Bad news, Tsukauki has indeed lost his memory, and I don't know how long it will take to recover."

"What's the good news?"

"The good news is that he hasn't completely lost his memory... It seems that this guy only has information related to the 'Ancient Wen' left in his head."

(A big chapter with 8,000 words, please vote for me~)

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