Barrier of Light

Chapter 689 Black Grinding

When Gu Nanfeng heard this, he fell completely silent.

At first, he was quite worried about the safety of the ghost. After knowing that this guy was fine, he began to worry about the deciphering of ancient texts.


There's nothing to worry about anymore.

Zhonggui, a perfectly chosen worker.


Gu Nanfeng hesitated for a moment and asked, "Did Tianshe's injury have any other negative effects?"

Gu Shen stood outside the window.

Looking at Xing Yun on the bed, gnawing his fingers in a daze.

"For example, is his brain still functioning well?" Gu Nanfeng asked tactfully.

"It doesn't work very well."

Gu Shen said frankly: "But the impact is not big. He was almost like this before."

"Yes." Gu Nanfeng smiled.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Shen returned to the house.

This time, Tsukauki couldn't hear the call, because he not only used the array pattern, but also used his Great Cold Pure Land to envelope himself in the realm.

"How about it?"

Tsukauki looks like a nervous examinee waiting for his results.

After reading those drawings, he was waiting for what Gu Shen and Gu Nanfeng would do to him.

"Very good, stay here with food and accommodation included." Gu Shen took out a stack of blueprints and said seriously: "If you have nothing to do, take a closer look at this thing. It will come in handy in the future. I will come here regularly for random inspections. Did you read it? No matter how much, how much you understand, I will check."

These drawings are ancient texts scattered in Ian's house.

Perhaps it has something to do with the "lostness" of forbidden ancient arts. Although Ian has lived for a long time, his talent for ancient writing is limited. I am afraid that he does not understand the true meaning of many of the drawings in the house.


Zhonggui, who was still counting the money after being sold, held Gu Shen's hands firmly with a grateful look on his face: "Little Gu Engong, thank you very much!"


This seems to be the first time I have been called that... Gu Shen coughed lightly, feeling a little embarrassed in his heart. He remained calm on the surface and said calmly: "You're welcome, take a good rest during this time."

Above the snowfield, the wind is like a cold knife.

Although [Deep Sea] links the entire five continents, due to technical limitations, there are still many places that are not under "monitoring".

For example, the tundra in the far north of Dongzhou.

The climate here is extremely cold, and current technology is unable to stabilize the spiritual network in the tundra area.

For this reason, the "Sky Eyes" deployed by the Eastern Continent Council in the tundra also have a high failure rate... Therefore, in the past few years, many extraordinary beings from other continents have chosen to come to the tundra to take root and carry out some "unspeakable" things. activity.

The "Evening Bell Church" back then sent a large number of believers to the tundra, secretly excavated mountains, built bases, and conducted missionary activities while mining ancient tombs.

Nagano and Central City have reached an agreement. This time, they will cooperate in an "encirclement and suppression" campaign. The Hokkaido military will move from north to south, while Nagano will move from south to north. They will gradually wrap up and complete the killing in both directions.

The first thing the two parties did was to set up bases.

When it comes to killing, we don't seek speed, but completeness... These criminals who have escaped from the [Snow Cage] must complete all counts, and no one can slip through the net.

Therefore, both sides dispatched several heavyweights to blockade half of the tundra area.

Here in Nagano, there are four titles involved in this mission——

Gu Jia, Gu Qilin, Gu Nanfeng.

Bai family, Bai Chen.

Li family, Gao Tian.

Among these four titles, Gu Qilin and Bai Chen are tasked with stabilizing the rear. With these two titles stationed at the law enforcement base, the blockade on the southern line of the Tundra will not be broken through.

Similarly, the Beizhou military also dispatched powerful enough people to take charge of the northern front.

Ziyu, commander of the Survey Corps.

She alone is enough. Her strength is enough to stop any prisoner from escaping from [Snow Cage]. It is definitely an insurmountable iron wall——

In addition, the Beizhou military pays more attention to the speed of elimination.

The overall strength of the "enforcers" they sent was higher than Nagano.

The "Three Dogs" under Zhuxue dispatched two of them, the Tengu and the Wild Dog. These two people were already killing towards the hinterland of the tundra.

In addition, Beizhou's famous generals also appeared on the mission list... Many "captains" who had performed restart missions appeared again and resumed their duties as captains.

They are indeed the most suitable candidates.

South of the snowfield, a five-man team was patrolling.

This is the exploration team sent by Nagano.

This kind of team usually does not have too many people, and will be equipped with an extraordinary person with "powerful perception", because their primary mission is not to fight, but to mentally scan the barren mountains and wild ridges that expose large areas of the tundra to make up for it. [Deep Sea] The shortcomings of surveillance.

The biggest difficulty in this kind of large-scale encirclement and suppression campaign is to find the "criminals".

Those extraordinary beings imprisoned in the [Snow Cage] are all crazed lunatics... They will use all their strength to escape from the tundra, and will never come back here in their entire lives.

The fear of being dominated by the "Sky Sheath" is the nightmare of all extraordinary people.

They may live in the snow, huddle under the ice lake, and restrain all the extraordinary breath. There are even some extraordinary people with special abilities who can reduce their "breathing" to the extreme.

They don't trek, they don't fight.

They endure, they avoid, they suffer... Of course they know that the snow in the tundra will never thaw, but once the joint arrest between the two continents is over, they will have the opportunity to usher in their own spring!

What the exploration team has to do is to "scan the wasteland" to ensure that the next "kill" will not miss the hiding person.

The spiritual extraordinary people this team is equipped with are very young.

He was surrounded by four combatants on his front, back, left and right. The formation spread out in four corners, sparse but not dense. The distance between everyone was about ten meters... This distance is not too far for an extraordinary person. If In the event of an emergency, everyone has time to respond and can support each other.

The forehead of the spiritual extraordinary person exudes a faint silver light.

Countless snow winds, following the flow of extraordinary origin, poured towards the center of his eyebrows.

[Episode of the Source], this is the most popular and versatile "spiritual ability" in team battles!

The young man opened his silver eyes, and under the protection of the team, he slowly climbed up a raised snow slope. He scanned the entire snowfield... his spiritual power spread and passed silently across the land. .

Then he closed his silver eyes and walked down the snowy slope.

The entire ice and snow world seemed to have become silent——

"Directly north, seven miles away, there is one hidden under the rocks at the foot of Zhamu Mountain."

His voice sounded in the spiritual channel.

When the exploration team discovers the target, they will not take action immediately... This snowfield is too big and quiet. There are no living creatures coming and going on weekdays. The spirit of the law enforcement officers passes by, and the hiding criminals will naturally feel it. .

The wisest way to deal with it is to withdraw the spirit after completing a comprehensive scan of the entire area.

Make the target lose their vigilance and think that the storm has passed.

At the same time, mobilize manpower...



A reply came immediately from the five-person team. One of the combatants wearing a black long knife asked: "Can you detect the approximate mental strength?"

"It's about the level of the seventh level in the deep water area."

The silver pupil holder thought for a while and said seriously: "Belonging to the weakest category among the [Snow Cage] escapees."

If it is too strong, his mental scan will feel great pressure.

Once you notice this situation, you need to notify the superiors... They will not be equipped with too powerful combatants, and their number is very small, so their main task is to be responsible for detection and to protect their own safety.

Today is the first day of the encirclement and suppression mission. The southern edge of the tundra area is the "high-voltage line" close to the base, so there should not be too dangerous people encountered.

"Do we need to take action?"

Among the five-person team, one person asked cautiously: "After reporting, has the task been completed?"

"According to the manual, after confirming that we are fully confident, we can act directly without waiting..."

This knife-wielding man is very militant, and he has already been eager to try.

Although they are a team of five, they are just exploring, but each other is not weak in strength. At worst, they are all on the eighth level, and there is one person on the ninth level. With five of them, what is so scary about dealing with a mere seventh-level target?

While talking.

There was a "sudden" sound on the snowfield!

Seven miles away, at the foot of Zhamu Mountain, which is not far away, a layer of snow mist exploded, and countless snow flakes were thrown away. After being detected by the "Eye of the Source", the hiding person who was supposed to be unaware suddenly emerged at this moment. Come out and flee into the distance!

"He guessed that we were going to take action! He stopped hiding!"

The atmosphere in the five-person group suddenly became tense.

"What should I do? Do I need to take action now?"


Before the five people could discuss the next step, the knife-wielder rushed out. He was the most powerful "ninth-level" in the group, and was only a tiny bit away from breaking through. The reason why his fighting spirit was so strong, I just want to use this encirclement and suppression mission to break through the situation in the battle.

It's a pity that the superiors sent him to the exploration team!

If nothing else happens, he won't encounter any battle at the end of the mission!

The distance of seven miles is not too far for an extraordinary person... The difference in strength between the seventh and ninth levels is still too big. The criminal's tragic fate was already doomed from the moment he chose to escape.

With the blessing of the domain embryo, in just a few dozen breaths, the knife-wielding extraordinary caught up with the escaping criminal.

After he caught up with him, without hesitation, he pulled out his long sword and slashed it down.


One knife!

The extraordinary criminal who tried to escape was cut in half, blood flew everywhere, and the snow was suddenly stained with a large red... This scene was quite shocking.

After the beheading, the dust settled.

The sword-wielding master raised his black sword high to show his achievements to his companions.

"You are too cowardly."

His laughter rang out from the spiritual link, "Five people, facing a seventh floor, what are you worried about?"

Among the five-person group, the only female transcendent spoke at this moment.

She lowered her voice and said angrily: "Zheng Qiu, don't act without authorization... The mission of the five of us is not to kill criminals."

"Yes, but we are also part of the 'encirclement and suppression mission'."

Zheng Qiu smiled and put the long knife on his shoulder and said: "Isn't this guy scary? It only took me one second to kill him. We can't deal with the high-level criminals in [Snow Cage], but the seventh floor... Don't worry, they are really weak. Follow the method required above, 'scan' bit by bit, and report. How long do we need to be busy? Do we still have to spend half a year searching bit by bit to deal with some jailbroken criminals? ?”


These words made it difficult for the other four people in the group to say anything.

"Mr. Gu Shen will definitely be angry if he knows you are like this."

The spiritual extraordinary person spoke seriously, "He is responsible for commanding all our explorer teams...According to the regulations in the manual, if you are absolutely sure of 'capture', do not kill."

These criminals themselves are unpardonable.

Many of them should have been killed long ago... It's just that their spiritual sea is too powerful, which is really a wealth that cannot be ignored, so the Eastern Continent Council took them into the "Heaven Sheath Core Area".

They will inject a lot of precious spiritual power into the [Deep Sea] of Dongzhou.

This situation.

Being alive is no different than being dead.

Therefore, if the escaped criminals can be captured this time, they will be thrown back into the cage.


If you encounter a crisis, don't hesitate...prioritize killing!

"Mr. Gu Shen...Mr. Gu Shen?"

Zheng Qiu carried the black knife, and in the spiritual connection, he deliberately re-read the word "Mr."

"Sorry, no disrespect intended."

Zheng Qiu asked with a smile: "I know that Gu Shen is very respected in Nagano, but our extraordinary people in Jiuning District say that he is only twenty years old... Is such a young man qualified to be our leader? ?”

The woman's face was expressionless and she said coldly: "I'm only twenty, but I'm much better than you."

Zheng Qiu raised his eyebrows.

He held the knife, shook his head and said: "Yes, this S-level practitioner is very fast. But now his strength is only level three... They are all level three. Are you sure he is much stronger than me?"

Zheng Qiu finished speaking and waited for a response.

There seems to be something wrong with the mental link...Why are my teammates silent?

He frowned and looked into the distance.

The mental power of extraordinary people in the power attack system is generally not too strong.

This is fair. All his power is gathered in his body and will only explode after close combat. Since his body is strong, his spirit must be weaker.

Seven miles apart, Zheng Qiu's spirit stretched to the extreme, and he could only see the four blurry figures above the snow slope.

Those four people seemed to be waving to themselves.

What are they talking about?

Zheng Qiu was slightly startled.

An ominous premonition welled up in his heart. The moment he raised his head, he saw countless broken and huge black shadows, slowly rising and spreading in the snow at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, he had completed "gathering momentum", just like a tower. As majestic as the mountains.

"Crash, lala, lala -"

The blizzard roared wildly, and this huge black mountain, like a collapsed building, rumbled down in the snow tide, and landed on Zheng Qiu's head.


This crisp sound was drowned in the heavy grinding of the flying snow.

Just once.

Crush it cleanly.

Zheng Qiu, a transcendent person on the ninth level of the deep sea, was crushed into a pulp.

(PS: Thanks to the leader World Hall for the reward, I will update it tomorrow to thank you.)

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