Barrier of Light

Chapter 710 Stars, Underground

As long as the extraction problem can be solved, it will really be possible to make the "sky sheath fragments" into weapons...!

Although a large amount of explosive debris remains in the tundra prison, there is no host body to "parasitize" it. These skysheath fragments have lost their vitality at this moment and cannot be used.

So the remaining raw materials are on these escaped prisoners.

Next, Nagano will carry out an encirclement and suppression mission——

"Very good! Next, all the bodies of criminals will be handed over to you." Mr. Gu's eyes were shining brightly. He got up to take the case, completely forgetting about the pursuit mission. His original intention was to bring these criminals to justice. Caught and sent back to prison.

Now, these people who deserve to die can really die.

Kill them and you can extract the "Sky Sheath" fragments!

This is much more meaningful than being sent back to prison to absorb mental computing power!

"no problem."

Gu Shen also smiled. The "valuable" things on these criminals were not just the fragments of the sheath!

I happen to need a lot of source matter... Well, through this task, I can not only refine the sky sheath, but also absorb the source matter, killing two birds with one stone!

"It's just...can these fragments be stored only with 'black silver'?"

Mr. Gu frowned and thought of a question.

Black silver is not an easy material to get.

Even for a person like him, there is no guarantee that he can obtain enough black silver in a short period of time.

If the material is degraded, the vitality of the Skysheath fragment may be lost.

"I have a solution for this."

Gu Shen said solemnly: "I have a channel where I can get 'high-grade mithril' of sufficient specifications."


The more Mr. Gu looks at Gu Shen, the more he likes her.

This boy, why are there so many surprises?

However, at this moment, he still didn't know what the material Gu Shen was talking about.

Joy overwhelmed his head. The old man waved his hand and said with a heroic smile: "In that case, thank you for your hard work. The more high-grade mithril that can accommodate the fragments of the sheath, the better. No matter how much, the Gu family will support you. I will pay in full!"

Frozen lake.

The belly of the tundra, an extremely deep desolate place.

In this world of ice and snow, there is no way for the ordinary people who have not awakened to the extraordinary to survive. According to the speed of the encirclement and suppression by the law enforcers... it will still take some time to penetrate deep into the heart of the tundra.

The criminals who escaped from the [Snow Cage] were forced to gather inside due to the general situation of the north-south suppression.

Everyone knows that escaping to a place like this can only provide peace of mind for a while.

It's just that... they have no good choices in front of them.

There were also some fugitives who chose to give it a try and try to break through... to gamble on whether they could regain their freedom. They walked towards the location of the law enforcement team and then disappeared into the snowfield.

Due to Han Dang's "call", many extraordinary criminals came to this frozen lake. There are two powerful people with titles here. In theory, even if the law enforcement team knows the location of the frozen lake, they will choose to launch a general attack at the end. .

So... this is the safest place right now.

The conditions for joining the frozen lake are very simple - either you must bring the extracted fragments of the sky sheath; or you must be the carrier of the fragments of the sky sheath.

Hundreds of miles of frozen lake, silent.

But under the thick ice, there is a completely opposite scene.

A huge blue field spread out at the bottom of the frozen lake. With the burning of extraordinary source matter, this field opened up the cold ice water in the frozen lake, making this dead place rejuvenate.

A skinny man with long, disheveled hair was standing by the frozen lake.

He trudged all the way with bare feet and finally arrived here.

Looking at the icy lake, the skinny man walked up slowly, his feet burning with a burst of green smoke. The next moment, the solid ice of the frozen lake he was standing on melted directly, swallowing him with a pop!

This scene is very strange.

From a distance, it didn't look like the ice was breaking, but rather like a big fish jumping out from the bottom of the water, opening its mouth and swallowing him.



There was a sound of dense water bubbles surging and bursting.


Soft laughter sounded in front of the skinny man. He saw a pile of old and decayed bones paving a long road at the bottom of the frozen lake. Not far away was a man in ragged clothes but with a gentle appearance.

The gentle man gently stroked his palm and said with a soft smile: "I never expected that the second-ranked will-o'-the-wisp 'Qizhou' in [Snow Cage] would also come to Frozen Lake... I'm really flattered."

The high-risk list of [Snow Cage] is only for level four.

As for the existence of banned titles above the fourth level, there is no point in being included in the list.

Among this list, those who can be ranked in the top ten are all top-level fourth-level experts from the eleventh level of the deep sea, who are only one step away from being banned.

Han Dang, of course, is among them.

However, when Han Dang was imprisoned, he had already suffered serious injuries, and due to his special status, he was directly escorted to the core area of ​​​​the Sky Sheath... Various factors led to his ranking in the list given by [Deep Sea]. Not high, only fifth on this high-risk list.

Only one in front of Yuan Zhong.

"Han Dang..."

Qi Zhou looked at the gentle man in front of him and frowned. The moment they met, he felt a burst of pressure in his heart.

The top level four believe in their own premonitions!

The ranking of the [Snow Cage] list does not represent everything.

He ranked second, and Han Dang ranked fifth... But the look in their eyes just now made him convinced that this guy's strength was by no means as simple as what was said on the list.

"Have you brought anything?"

Han Dang smiled and looked at Qi Zhou, who threw out several pieces of clean flesh and blood. The will-o'-the-wisp protected these fresh corpses, greatly reducing the loss of activity of the sky sheath.

Han Dang caught it with a smile. Under his feet, there was a dark spiritual realm about a foot wide.

[Mantra] Accept these pieces of flesh and blood with a smile.

Only then did he truly bow, stretched out his hand to make an invitation to come in, and said in a complaining tone: "You are also a super criminal imprisoned in the core area of ​​​​Tiansheath... How come there are no injuries at all from an explosion as big as Tianshe? "


Qi Zhou looked at Han Dang, a little uneasy. He did not take a step directly, but looked up at the "dark world" in front of him.

"Don't worry, this is Mr. Jingshan Yan's [Blue King Power Realm], it's very safe."

Han Dang reported a very ancient name.

Jingshan Yan.

This time the [Snow Cage] was broken, and there were two people who escaped...Zhu Wang and Jing Shanyan.

Needless to say, the former's reputation is enough to shock the entire Grand Adjudicator of Eastern Continent.

No one knows it, no one knows it.

After Zhou Jiren went to the [Old World], Zhu Wang went through a long struggle and finally sat on the supreme leader's seat of the Judgment Hall as he wished, becoming one of the tallest mountains in Nagano.

The other one, Jing Shanyan, has been forgotten by people over the years.

Many years ago, Kageyama Yan was also one of the mountains in Nagano.

He is an old man of the same generation as Gu Qilin, and was the first person in power when the prison was first established, but in the end... he committed an unforgivable crime, was stripped of his power, and was thrown into the "Snow Cage" middle.

Qi Zhou narrowed his eyes.

Zhu Wang and Jing Shanyan were the biggest reasons that attracted him to Frozen Lake!

The list of law enforcers in Central City and Nagano is too terrifying. It is impossible for him to escape alone!

Relying on the two titles and gathering strength, there might be another chance!


Qi Zhou laughed self-deprecatingly and whispered: "The former chief judge of the prison and the former chief judge of the adjudication office are all here... Who would have thought that these two top men who once created the judicial rules of Eastern Continent, Now he has become the biggest rule breaker?"

"Yes, fate is so absurd."

Han Dang also laughed.

He turned around with a smile.

Qi Zhou followed and walked, and the dim world in front of him gradually became clear. Under the frozen lake, a pure realm was opened up by the [Blue King Power Realm]. This place did not look like a place of exile for escaped criminals at all.

On the contrary, it’s like a resting place!

There are hundreds of old and intact nutrition cabins located on one side of the frozen lake bottom... These nutrition cabins can also be activated, and even consume internally stored materials under the link between source matter and spirit.

Qi Zhou looked strange. He even saw someone sleeping in the cabin!

"Jing Shanyan once carried out a mission for the Dongzhou Federation... called the 'Stars' Project." Han Dang wrote lightly: "Almost no one knows about this plan. The parliament has tried to think of the worst outcome for mankind. If Beizhou The fortress cannot withstand the storm of the old world, so our last home will eventually be destroyed."

"If that day comes, then humans will have no choice... either to escape or to stay."

Han Dang paused, looked back at Qi Zhou, and said calmly: "Escapers can only head south, cross from the 'Sangzhou Cave' in Nanzhou, and try to cross the forbidden sea of ​​origin. But even the throne of God has not seen the end of the world. We mortals, no matter how much we spend our lives, can never see the coast."

Qi Zhou felt very ridiculous.

He was silent for a few seconds and said: "So...these nutrition cabins are actually left behind by the East Continent Federation?"

He knew that people were burying things beneath the tundra snow.

But he really couldn't think of it.

Someone will bury the nutrition cabin.

The Star Project... was actually prepared underground?

"Yes, but this is only part of the Stars Project." Han Dang said calmly: "Maybe it was because at that time, Gu Changzhi and Turing had not yet been born and became famous, and the Federation was very insecure... The purpose of the Stars Project is to maximize the To preserve the 'fire' of human civilization, the Eastern Continent Federation attempts to use extraordinary power to establish an 'underground city-state' deep underground. As long as humans hide deep enough, the storms of the old world will not be able to kill this civilization."

Qi Zhou was silent again.

These nutrition cabins are the so-called fire residences in the Star Project.

If the plan gets off the ground, a lucky few will live here.

No's so old but still well preserved.

How ironic.

They are called stars, but they bury their hopes deep underground.

"If we can keep future generations alive, even if we fall from the sky, lose our dignity, and be buried underground, it is worth it."

"And now we have become the first users of the 'Star Project', right?"

Han Dang said lightly and sarcastically: "Look, it's good to live as long as you can. Everyone has forgotten about the Star Project... But Mr. Jing Shanyan still remembers that after he left the prison, he immediately found the Those nutritional cabins buried under the tundra, now this is our biggest trump card.”

"So, our way to fight against the law enforcers is..."


Han Dang looked at Qi Zhou and said with a smile: "If you can't beat me, you can only hide. You don't think that with two titles, you can fight against the guys outside, do you?"

Qi Zhou shook his head.

He won't be that stupid... The top criminals in [Snow Cage] are all figures who have seen the actions of strong men from three or five families. The reason why they were arrested was because of the huge gap in strength.

Giants rule the land.

They escaped from the snow cage only by luck.

As a fugitive, you must have the awareness of being a "rat crossing the street". Once discovered by the strong men in Nagano... Whether they are on the list or off the list, they will definitely be shot.

There is no suspense and no controversy.

Even those with titles like Zhu Wang and Jing Shanyan cannot resist the power of law enforcers!

"The [Bi King Power Realm] is taking us down slowly at a speed of about one meter per hour."

"It is expected to reach a thousand meters underground in one month."

"At this distance, the probability of being discovered by law very small."

Han Dang finished.

Qi Zhou was thoughtful.

Although the plan proposed by Han Dang was absurd, it allowed him to see the theoretical "possibility"... In the past years, he had indeed never heard of the Star Project.

But the nutrition cabins in front of us are enough to confirm this buried history.

As the former person in charge of the Dongzhou Federation's Star Project, Jing Shanyan only needed to slightly modify the previous plan, and he would have the opportunity to take these defectors... deep into the bottom of the frozen lake.

The law enforcers from Nagano and Central City searched the tundra, but no matter how much they searched, they could not reach the level of the so-called "underground city-state" in the Star Project.

"I do not understand."

Qi Zhou suddenly thought of something and asked, "What is the connection between these things and your collection of 'Sky Sheath Fragments'?"

"Brother Qi."

Han Dang said calmly: "You have to understand that everything in this world has to pay a price... If you want to step into the [Blue King Power Realm], you always need some threshold, otherwise anyone can enter, and these nutritional cabins are still Is it enough?"

"That's what I don't understand."

Qi Zhou was still puzzled: "What good will it do to you to use the fragments of the sky sheath as a threshold?"

Such fragments can only disperse the essence and weaken the power.

Collect the fragments, what else?

This time, Han Dang did not respond.

He just looked at Qi Zhou calmly.

Qi Zhou continued: "What I can't understand even more is that most of the escapees were stabbed by the sky sheath... Their source of essence is overflowing. In this case, they came here and followed [Ji Wangquan] World] absconding, there is only one final outcome——"

Being fragmented by the sky sheath, all the source matter was removed.

Become truly mortal.

Han Dang smiled.

"Do they have a choice? Do you have a choice?"

He looked at Qi Zhou with a smile and said: "We don't have a choice... living is more important than anything else."

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