Barrier of Light

Chapter 711 The second rule of [Mantra]

Living is more important than anything else!

Under the strong oppression of law enforcers from both continents, these escaped [Snow Cage] criminals have no choice——

"Of course, you are different from them."

Han Dang said softly: "All extraordinary people who can get the 'ticket' and are not injured are the honored guests of Frozen Lake. You don't need to enter the nutrition cabin, [Jade King Power Realm] will always leave a door for you." Door."

"Will King Jade's Quan Realm hold the door open for me?"

Qi Zhou frowned.

He finally got here, is he still going out?

"I'm sorry... In this world, there is no reason to get something for nothing. Even if you are a distinguished guest, you still need to do something to prove your worth."

Han Dang said slowly: "These 'Sky Sheath Fragments' you brought are enough as admission tickets. But if you want to survive, you need to bring more... Before the law enforcers closed the suppression net, Qi Zhou Sir, you need to hunt down those fools who refuse to enter the lake and bring back all their sheath fragments."

Pause slightly.

Han Dang added understandingly: "In addition, I know that your 'will-o'-the-wisp' cannot be extracted without injury... So it would be fine to snatch them whole, or cut off the key parts, and pack up the vital flesh and blood." Can."

"You mean, I still have to go out... to work for you?"

Qi Zhou's expression became a little ugly.

The reason why he accepted the call in the first place was to find a quiet place... If he could successfully block the account before the law enforcement team arrived, then maybe there would be a glimmer of hope in the future.

But now that he has just arrived at the frozen lake, Han Dang is about to order himself to "hunt" in the tundra?

"Not for me."

Han Dang said calmly: "It's for us."

"You were curious before...why I collected a large number of Sky Sheath fragments."

Han Dang slowly expanded the domain and said softly: "Do you think that you can just rely on the [Blue King Power Realm] and hide three thousand meters underground to sit back and relax? With the methods of Central City and Nagano... they really can't be found. our position?"

The field of mantra slowly spreads.

Countless dark spiritual auras permeate and spread in the field!

A fourth-level expert who wants to be promoted to a title needs to meet a necessary condition.

In one's own field, one can comprehend more than one "field law" and integrate them——

Han Dang was promoted to the fourth level because he condensed the complete [Mantra].

In the realm of mantra, all dreamers cannot deceive him.

This is the law of his field.

And why are there so many differences between some people who are both at the fourth level? It's because the truly top level four have more than one "field law".

"No make me feel dangerous."

Qi Zhou narrowed his eyes, looked at the realm spreading to his feet, and said coldly: "So you have also condensed the second law of the realm..."

The words fell.

His long hair burned and turned into pale flames, and his tattered clothes also burned.

In the snow cage, Qi Zhou ranked second, which is enough to prove his strength...

He is preparing to be promoted to a title because he also has more than one domain law!

Pale will-o'-the-wisps, lingering around Qi Zhou.

Looking at this scene, Han Dang just smiled.

The [Mantra] he spread was actually not malicious. It just expanded in front of Qi Zhou and stopped there. In this dark spiritual realm, countless crazy and trembling tentacles spread out, crackling and dancing, and these tentacles held With pieces of flesh and blood.

When the sheath is separated from its host, it will gradually become inactive.

But in the [Mantra], these sky sheaths actually retain "activity"!

Qi Zhou knew that his "will-o'-the-wisp" could protect and isolate the vitality of flesh and blood in a short period of time, which was an efficient way to preserve the sky sheath... But he couldn't complete the actual extraction.

Extracting the sheath is like covering fire with water.

It is hard to imagine that there are extraordinary people who can do such "unbelievable" things... Of course, it is even more impossible for non-extraordinary people to do it. The mental pressure emitted by the sky sheath itself is not something that unawakened mortals can bear. .

Once the mundane becomes contaminated, it will most likely collapse directly.

All "things" that carry extraordinary qualities can only be touched by extraordinary beings.

"These... are the 'Heaven Sheath Fragments' I collected."

Han Dang said in a leisurely tone: "These fragments can conceal the extraordinary aura of [Jade King Power Realm] to a certain extent, but if you want to hide it from the eyes of those in the Judgment Office, these fragments are far from enough."

"Put this disgusting realm away."

Qi Zhou said in disgust: "I don't want to see these... dancing tentacles of flesh and blood."

Han Dang smiled and raised his hand.

The mantra instantly retracted, leaving only a small shadow like a cold pool on the soles of his feet.

"I understand. During this period, I will try to go out as much as possible."

Qi Zhou said in a cold tone: "But I need time to practice... collecting the fragments of the sky sheath can only be ranked second in importance to me."

Han Dang's eyes were calm.

He knew what Qi Zhou was planning.

This [Xue Long] secondly wants to attack the ban... Once he becomes banned, his situation will be different.

Han Dang didn't say much, let alone expose it. He just smiled and said: "In that case, on behalf of my master and Mr. Jing Shanyan, I would like to welcome Brother Qi... During this period, in the [Blue King Power Realm], You can find a place to live as you please, but don’t forget the previous commitment.”


Qi Zhou nodded.

He looked around... How could there be any shelter in this ghost place? They are all old nutrition cabins from decades ago.

But for him, this was enough.

Qi Zhou randomly selected a nutrition cabin and opened the cabin.

Before taking his seat, he suddenly thought of something.

"Han Dang, why didn't I see Zhu Wang and Jing Shanyan when I entered the frozen lake?"

Not far away, Han Dang, who had his hands in his sleeves, smiled and asked, "What, does Brother Qi want to see the two of them?"

"Not really."

Qi Zhou thought for a while, he was now in the [Blue King Power Realm], so Jing Shanyan, the leader of the realm, must be here.

There are not good people in this place.

The most important thing is to practice quickly and break through as soon as possible.

Qi Zhou fell into a "false sleep".

Although his eyes were closed, he seemed to be mentally exhausted and full of weaknesses...but in fact, that was not the case.

The practice he was doing was not selfless immersion in the true sense.

If there is any disturbance in the outside world, he will sense it immediately and respond to it——

In the [Jade King Realm], those extraordinary beings who are too weak can heal their wounds wholeheartedly.

Because their lives, life or death, are in Han Dang's hands.

When you come to Frozen Lake, you abandon your dignity and everything, and only pursue the illusory hope.

But Qi Zhou is different from these people.

He was afraid that Han Dang would stab him in the back, and he was also afraid that the [Blue King Power Realm] would suddenly have murderous intentions... Even if he came to the frozen lake, he would not trust anyone, and he would hold his fate in his own hands.

Outside the nutrition cabin, Han Dang watched Qi Zhou "fall asleep".

He didn't take action, just stood quietly for a few minutes, and then slowly left... [Bi Wang Quan Realm] is taking hundreds of nutrient cabins for submersion. This realm is like a big fish emerging from a frozen lake. Enter and drive desperately towards the center of the earth.

Most of the time, the "living environment" in this field is terrible.

Only where people are, will there be some "optimization".

When Han Dang left, these nutritional cabins were shrouded in darkness.

Many years ago, when Nagano was planning the "Stars" plan, he must not have imagined that one day a few years later, this plan would actually be implemented... and would be used against him by a group of desperadoes.

Han Dang actually didn't go very far.

He just reached the end of the [Blue King Realm]. If this realm is really a big fish, then the place where Han Dang is now is the head of the big fish.

When diving, the fish faces head down.

This is the deepest point of the [Blue King Power Realm].

Boundless darkness, pitch black.

There was a sound of dripping blood falling here, but there was no echo in the hundred-meter cold abyss of the frozen lake.

The territory on the soles of Han Dang's feet spread again.

This time, his [Mantra] only spread a little, and connected with the boundless if this darkness was already part of his domain.

Opposite him, there were several sky-reaching chains spreading out.

At the end of the [Blue King Realm], there is actually a prison.

The sky-reaching chains that spread from the depths of endless darkness were of unknown length. After a while, they swayed and penetrated a skinny body, locking it firmly in the prison.

Han Dang sat down cross-legged.

He looked at the slumped figure in front of him and said in a sincere voice: "Senior Jing... I'm back. Have you thought about it this time?"

With the sound falling.

Han Dang's raised palm ignited a weak light.

This ray of light illuminated the slender face of the skinny old man in the prison. His hair was whiter than dry snow, and his energy had collapsed. The experience of being imprisoned in the [Snow Cage] for thirty years made him look... He is very old and does not look like a titled transcendent at all.

He was extremely weak.

The culprit that caused all of this... were the "shards of the sky sheath" that were densely inserted into his body.

Under the open black prison shirt, there are nearly a hundred slender stone sword fragments, penetrating the skin and piercing into his bones. Each fragment of the sky sheath is dispersing his extraordinary source. …

A person with a banned title is imprisoned in his own domain.

This is simply unreasonable.

But... now it's really happening.


Jing Shanyan's dry lips moved slightly, but in the end he didn't say a word.

"It seems you need more time to think about it."

Han Dang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, we still have time... I will accompany you on this last stretch of the road."

He reached out and unbuttoned his clothes...

An even more shocking picture emerged.

Previously, Qi Zhou only saw the fragments of the sheaths stored by Han Dang in the field of [Mantra], but he ignored one did Han Dang achieve perfect extraction?

I saw the thin clothes unbuttoned.

The sounds of "crashing" sounded intensively.

Countless squirming "flesh" come alive——

Han Dang's skin was lined with thousands of holes, which looked like eyeballs at the moment. The fragments of the sky sheath had long been submerged in them, leaving only a small tail at the end, like a flexibly rotating eye pupil. .


After all, I have seen this scene many times.

At this moment, the old man in the prison still felt sick.


This is something only a madman can do - using the body as a container to raise the fragments of the Stone Sword!

Han Dang stretched out his finger and pulled out a slender fragment with a simple gesture!

Jing Shanyan looked pale and took a deep breath.

next moment.

This slender fragment was held down by Han Dang and sent to his shoulder blade.

There is one more "curse" on him!


The old man with a skinny body endured this wave of severe pain.

He stared intently at the young man whose body was covered with holes in the sky. The latter was smiling, very relaxed, and even enjoying himself... as if doing these things was a kind of joy!

He's not crazy, who is?

Looking at the injuries alone, Han Dang's injuries were more serious than his own.

It's just that these "Sword of Stone" fragments can suppress the title of extraordinary, but they have no suppressive effect on the fourth level...

There was only one explanation he could think of.

Han Dang's domain law has a special effect.

"Senior do you feel?"

Han Dang asked with concern as he pulled out fragments of the sheath one after another from his body and stabbed them into the old man's body.



The cruelty of this kind of torture lies not only in the physical stimulation.

more importantly……

The passage of extraordinary power.

Jing Shanyan's spirit was on the verge of collapse... It was a pity that Han Dang would not give him a chance to have a mental breakdown.

The ultimate goal of this mental torture is to force him to speak.

When you die, there is nothing.

Jing Shanyan once thought about "committing suicide" in humiliation, but he found even more humiliatingly that he couldn't even commit suicide.

This is in its own field.

The power of [Jade King Power Realm] is still operating...but my own will cannot be conveyed.

Therefore, this domain followed the original will of the owner and continued to go deeper and deeper into the frozen lake.

In the dark.

Jing Shanyan struggled to maintain his last will. He stared at the madman who was savoring happiness in pain.

This torture, unlike the previous one, did not last long.

Perhaps it was because he was considering that Jingshan Yan was too old and if he continued to be tortured... he might actually die.

Han Dang stopped in time.

He stabbed twenty-nine fragments of the sky sheath into Jing Shanyan's body.

This is the real reason why he collected the "Sky Sheath Fragments" that he has not announced to the public... If he wants to suppress the ban in the prison, he needs to consume a lot of fragments...

Of course, this thing has other wonderful uses.

Han Dang licked his lips and asked with a smile: "Senior Jing, it seems... you have made up your mind not to speak. Is the Star Project really that important? These cabins have been dug out, what else is there? What’s hard to say?”

Jing Shanyan's voice was hoarse and trembling: "I have nothing to say to you."


Han Dang sighed.

He lowered his head and asked in a soft voice: "Senior... I have always admired you. In fact, I don't want to torture you... I just want to live. Is this wrong?"


There was silence on the other side.

Han Dang's tone became softer. He looked at Jing Shanyan and asked seriously: "Why don't we play a game? Guess what my second domain law is? Can you give these secrets to me before you die? Dig them all out?”

The old man looked up palely.

[Mantra] The first law of the realm is that no one can lie.

This is a very common rule and doesn't seem to be anything serious.

What is Han Dang's second law... that makes him so powerful that he can even ignore the curse of the Sky Sheath?

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