Barrier of Light

Chapter 86: Blackmail (please subscribe, please vote)

"The Sincerity an underground supernatural organization that is tacitly approved by most officials."

After Gu Shen calmed down a little, he felt some cold sweat break out on his back.

Most of them are like a mirror, with dazzling white on the front and pitch black on the back. If an uninformed person wants to turn the mirror over and find out the truth, they will find that black and white are entangled and symbiotic... ...No wonder Hu Danian warned himself not to provoke Chengxinhui, because at the end of the investigation, the official would be blamed.

And the real situation is probably far more complicated than I imagined.

Gu Shen noticed that Cui Zhongcheng had just mentioned the name "Chen San" twice.

If the Chengxin Association is an underground organization established under the will of a big shot, then "Chen San" who can seize half of the control from Mr. Zhao must also be a dangerous person.

"I only exposed the news of your landing in Dadu to a handful of suspects, and Shi Li took the bait."

Cui Zhongcheng said lightly: "He doesn't know that he has been exposed yet, but the news of the failed assassination should have been received. Unsurprisingly, he will think that your escape is not due to luck, but because you really have the ability." With his secular potential, he may become a quite threatening existence in the future. If given some more time, he will definitely plan the next assassination against you."

Gu Shen silently stared at Shi Li's photo on the file: "What are you going to do?"

"Actually, judging from Shi Li's status, he can only be regarded as a small fish. He is definitely not the big fish I am looking for. Over the years, I suspect that the Jiujiu Foundation has buried a heavyweight official undercover agent in Dadu... "

"Maybe this is just my illusion, but if I guess it right, this person is like a bomb that may explode at any time, far more threatening than Shi Li." Cui Zhongcheng took his time and took a sip of tea, which was moist and dry. lips, "It might be a pity if we close the net now."

"...You want to keep him and find out the big fish behind the scenes." Gu Shen said softly: "And as a price, I have to deal with the second assassination arranged by Shi Li."

Cui Zhongcheng was silent briefly.

He noticed Gu Shen's dissatisfaction and asked softly: "So... what are you going to do?"

"Before you speak, I think I need to remind you... The extraordinary believers of the Long-lasting Foundation will kill themselves without hesitation once they learn that they have been exposed. Before they carry out their mission, 'high-voltage wires' are set up in their minds. ', once someone tries to hypnotize, the extraordinary consciousness will explode... For them, turning themselves into out-of-control people is also a means of counterattack." Cui Zhongcheng said slowly: "So... don't try to use mental hypnosis. With this method, even if you invite a 'Tian Pu'-level titled Chaotic, you won't be able to get the slightest bit of information from the dead soldiers."

Is this a guess that he will ask his senior sister to be a foreign aid?

"Since it's about my own trouble... I won't involve other people." Gu Shen shook his head and said, "Like you, I also want to catch that big fish hiding in the dark. But even if A fool will not let a target that has already appeared continue to make an assassination plan for himself."

"So, do you want to kill Shi Li? You know, the fire case... and the self-destruction of the Sumu stone sculpture were not the source of these two assassinations." Cui Zhongcheng held the tea cup and looked at Gu with interest. Be careful and wait for the next article.

"Yeah... there's no point in killing him."

"I just read Shi Li's file... As a superpower of the attack system, he tested his strength on the third level of the deep sea." Gu Shen said: "If he had personally come to kill me at the Sleeping Speaker Clinic yesterday, the outcome might have been... It’s different... Since you decided to kill me, you only chose to arrange for an ordinary person to do it with a sealed artifact. Why is this? It is completely inconsistent with the style of the Jiujiu Foundation. "

The Long-term Foundation is full of lunatics who are willing to give up their own lives!

Cui Zhongcheng blew the hot air from the rim of the cup: "Continue."

"There is only one explanation I can think of... Shi Li is lurking in the Chengxin Association and has a higher mission." Gu Shen said calmly: "Assassinating me was a temporary message sent by the big fish, but the priority is not high. Because of the previous he chose this method to complete the mission. Even if he failed, it didn't matter. The person who died was just an ordinary person who could not be traced. He only needed to plan the next assassination. But he did not expect that, This mission exposed his identity."

"So..." Cui Zhongcheng said with a smile.

"So even if he dies, you can still look for the next clue from the higher-level task."

"Well said, but the problem is back to the original starting point." Cui Zhongcheng slowly adjusted his sitting posture, looked at Gu Shen, and asked word by word: "What are you going to do?"

"Give me some time, I want to enter the Chengxin Society to investigate." Gu Shen took a long breath and said, "If we can find out what task Shi Li is performing, then we can naturally close the network in advance."


Cui Zhongcheng did not object.

He just nodded, hummed slightly, and said nothing more after that.

"You have no objection?" Gu Shen raised his eyebrows.

"Why do you object?" Cui Zhongcheng raised his head and said softly: "I am not the one being targeted for assassination... If you are willing to give it a try on your own time, what can I object to?"

Gu Shen suddenly felt like he had been deceived.

From when Shi Li's files were taken out to when he laid out his own ideas for action, Cui Zhongcheng seemed to have done nothing, but in fact he had been guiding himself.

His goal is just to catch big fish.

It doesn't matter which method you use to catch the big fish, as long as you achieve the ultimate goal.

However...for Gu Shen, the current situation is also the best situation that he can choose.

If possible, who would be willing to be the bait?

But it has become a bait, and the task of eradicating evil is over!

Gu Shen sat on the chair and fell into thinking.

"Now that you've finished talking, why haven't you left yet?" Cui Zhongcheng wrote the eviction order lightly.

Gu Shen frowned and asked this question thoughtfully.

"After the Sumu Stone Sculpture Incident, my mission in Dadu...has been completed?"

"The mission in Dadu has just begun." Cui Zhongcheng glanced at Gu Shen and said calmly: "Do you want to put forward conditions? When the mission is over, I will apply to the parliament for whatever you want."

"As expected of Mr. Xiao Cui, he is like a roundworm in my stomach. It's just that I talked to you by the lake last time, and when I think about it afterwards, I always feel that I have lost something." Gu Shen's brows slowly relaxed, and he smiled: "What's past is past. I can only blame me for being too young and not understanding the ways of old foxes like you, but fortunately, every step of the way makes me wiser, and I learned it this time."

"You... learned..." Cui Zhongcheng couldn't help but smile: "What did you learn?"

"The recovery of the solemn stone sculptures and the treatment of mass insomnia can all be regarded as the supervision tasks of the adjudication office. But due to the intelligence errors on your side... I was almost cut into pieces on the river beach last night." Gu Shen said leisurely. : "We are only talking about this account now... How do you think this account should be settled?"


This time it was Cui Zhongcheng's turn to be silent.

He had a headache.

This kid is much smarter than he thought.

When Hu Danian sent Gu Shen here last night, he began to worry about the aftermath of the incident... On the surface, his attitude toward Gu Shen was that he didn't care about his life or death at all.

But in fact, Gu Shen passed the "S level" evaluation by the review team!

The purpose of the Sumu Stone Sculpture Incident and the mission that led to Shi Li was to lead Gu Shen to face the Jiujiu Foundation. All the developments so far in this mission that had landed in Dadu were firmly within his control.

But last night on the river beach... an unexpected and uncontrollable incident occurred.

Cui Zhongcheng's fleeting expression of helplessness was keenly captured by Gu Shen.


I just said this tentatively.

If Cui Zhongcheng still had the cold attitude of having nothing to do with me before, there was nothing Gu Shen could do, but now he was sure that the other party felt wronged.

"Did you learn from Zhou Jiren... You are actually ripping me off." Cui Zhongcheng looked at the young man, sighed, and said: "I am indeed responsible for last night's incident. You can tell me what compensation you want. look."

Really...hit it!

Gu Shen's face remained calm, "I want the highest authority to investigate the files at will..."

Seeing Cui Zhongcheng’s smooth cheeks.

"Plus a top-notch breathing technique."

Look again, still no change.

"Plus an extraordinary sealed object..."

There is still no change, but if you look carefully, you can see that the corners of Mr. Cui's lips are twitching.

But Gu Shen still wanted to raise the bet, but unfortunately he could not think of any more requests. At this moment, he felt very regretful that he did not learn more from senior brother Zhong Wei.

When the book is used, it will be less regretful.

It was a great opportunity to rip off the money, but I was actually at a loss for words.

"You want too much!"

Cui Zhongcheng interrupted Gu Shen and said angrily: "Let me talk about the first point first, the highest authority to investigate files at will. You see clearly, my surname is Cui, not Zhao... and even the old man himself cannot do it. You can move any files at will, Deep Sea has extremely strict division of authority over certain files, and even members of parliament have various restrictions."

So that's it, I did go a bit too far...

Gu Shen blinked and immediately asked: "Then how high the authority can you approve?"

"If it is to compensate you this time... the file investigation authority of the ninth floor of the deep sea will be opened at most once." Cui Zhongcheng glanced at Gu Shen's expression and said: "If you have passed the trial of the ninth floor of the deep sea, or the file confidentiality level is judged to be low The file information on the ninth layer of the deep sea... you can investigate it at will."

The ninth layer of the deep sea?

Gu Shen silently calculated... If the senior sister is the title of the twelfth floor, then Han Dang should be the person next to her.

Han Dang's level of confidentiality should be at the eleventh level of the deep sea.

"Eleventh floor." Gu Shen bargained.

"Nine floors, don't get out." Cui Zhongcheng has seen through the negotiation style of the guy opposite him. He is typically shameless and aggressive. As long as you take a small step back, he will take a big step forward with his head held high and swear not to bite off a piece of meat. Don't give up.

"The ninth floor is fine...but I need a good breathing technique and a good sealing object!" Gu Shen bit the piece of meat he was interested in, determined not to take a step back: "Think about it Well, if the teacher knew that I was almost killed on the river beach last night, how would he react?"

Cui Zhongcheng, who had been suffering from facial paralysis for many years, had a vague urge to gnash his teeth at this moment.

As soon as Gu Shen mentioned "teacher", he immediately thought of the scene of an old guy boarding the Huazhi Building——

When Zhou Jiren heard the news, he would have put on a grand outfit with great joy, and then took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rush to the Huazhi Building bravely and "ask" for justice for his students with a righteous face.

The old guy is just more difficult than the little guy.

Cui Zhongcheng stared at Gu Shen: "I can give you a sealed object. As for the breathing should not be lacking, right?"

Seeing Mr. Xiao Cui's reaction... Gu Shen felt extremely emotional. He had witnessed with his own eyes the scene where the Zhao family's only son asked someone to withdraw money and was rejected.

As soon as the teacher was mentioned, Cui Zhongcheng backed down. It seemed that the teacher's "reputation" outside was quite bad.

So Gu Shen said solemnly: "I lack everything."

"Don't think I don't know... Your senior sister is the only person in the tribunal who reproduced "Jingzhe". She must have taught you this breathing method before the review began."

Cui Zhongcheng put his hands on the table and almost stood up. He lowered his voice and said angrily: "Gu Shen, you have just awakened to transcendence. Isn't one Jingzhe training enough for you? Do you think you are Gu Changzhi, who can practice several breathing methods at the same time? "

"Mr. Xiao have lost your temper."

"I can be regarded as someone who has worked hard for the Zhao family. The Zhao family is rich and powerful, so a breathing technique is not an excessive reward, right?" Gu Shen reminded him softly, and then said seriously: "What's more, having many skills does not weigh you down. Everyone’s surname is Gu, what if I can do what Gu Changzhi can do?”

Cui Zhongcheng and Gu Shen looked at each other.

He calmed down and smiled softly, "Okay... I promise you."

The conversation at Huazhi Mansion was the second conversation after Lakeside. The two of them each revealed their "true colors" and each knew that... neither of them was easy to get rid of.

Huazhi Building has a dedicated elevator that goes directly to the tenth floor underground.

Cui Zhongcheng pressed the button on the seventh floor underground.

When the elevator opened, Gu Shen saw a scene that shocked him——

The seventh underground floor of the flower banner is illuminated by intertwined dark white lights, which is quiet and serious, solemn and sacred. This place is like a museum with rich collections. There are bronze altars with utensils placed about five meters apart. The transparent cover above the altar is coated with a very light coating. Under the light of the dark white stream, the reflection is A secret red diamond-like light.

"These are all...sealed artifacts?"

When Hu Danian was storing the Sumu stone carvings, Gu Shen had already seen this kind of strong logic material. Red silver can resist the erosion of extraordinary power to a great extent, and is specially used to store sealed objects, and these altars are all painted with red silver... …


Cui Zhongcheng calmly uttered two words.

Gu Shen rubbed his eyes to make sure he was not blind, then his expression became strange.

Looking around, in this spacious "collection hall", there are bronze altars one after another at staggered intervals... How many are there? One hundred seats? Two hundred seats?

"Red silver is the most common and widely used secret coating." Cui Zhongcheng said: "These sealed objects are all of the same level as Sumu stone carvings...the strength rating ranges from C to E. You can choose one from them. Bar."

Gu Shen slowly recovered from the shock...these sealed objects were only C-level at most.

But this is the right thing to do.

The number of these sealed objects was truly astonishing, and the strength of the solemn stone sculptures was already unbelievable... He once again marveled at Zhao's wealth of assets.

This is only the seventh underground level of Huazhi, there are also the eighth, ninth and tenth levels.

"Thank you Mr. Xiao Cui for your generous gift...I won't be polite!"

Gu Shen looked indifferent and walked forward directly to the altar, walking back and forth.

Every bronze altar here has an electronic tag. If you touch it from a distance, the detailed information of the sealed object will pop up.

He began to select his own "sealed object".

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