Barrier of Light

Chapter 87 The Gluttonous Disciple (Third update)

There are hundreds of sealed objects on the seventh floor underground of Huazhi Building.

The strength of these sealed objects ranged from C to E... Gu Shen directly ignored the two levels of sealed objects, D and E.

I don't have much experience in selecting sealed objects, but I can never go wrong by comparing them horizontally and choosing ones with high ratings.

Choose the expensive one first, then the right one.

"I already have the Ruler of has both a spear and a shield. Which type of sealed object should I choose?" Gu Shen silently analyzed in his heart.

The Ruler of Truth can transform one's spiritual power into material combat power!

Gu Shen didn't know the rating standard for sealed objects... but he guessed that it was at least an A-level strength sealed object, and it was also quite perfect. The only drawback was that the load it used was too large, and his current mental power , using the ruler once can paralyze him for half a day.

The shortcoming is not in it, but in yourself.

"The assassination attempt by the Jiujiu Foundation has not been completely solved yet...compared to attack-type sealed objects, I may need a piece of self-defense gear with strong life-saving capabilities." After Gu Shen thought carefully, he eliminated several inappropriate C-level items. Sealed objects.

Finally, his eyes rested on the two bronze altars in the front.

On an altar, an extremely thin silver vest lay, glistening under the white light.

This C-level sealed item is called Snow Wind Soft Cocoon, and it looks like a simple silver vest.

But in fact, this vest retains the extraordinary origin of the natural "frost-cold" quality... If the host is an extraordinary person with similar attributes, it can enhance the frost range. If not, it doesn't matter. The defensive attributes of this vest are excellent. Use Mental power can summon a very strong small snow shield, and it is extremely difficult for non-supernatural powers to leave scars on the shield.

Based on the description in the file, Gu Shen vaguely simulated it in his mind. If he encountered high explosives in Sleeping Whisperer, this sealed object should be able to easily help him withstand the bombardment of the frontal explosion...

This is a very good self-protection device.

On another altar, there is a small hand bead lying on it. There are eleven beads in a string, but nine of them are dim in color, and only two are emitting green fluorescence.

"The Six Blessings Hand Beads... are broken A-level sealed objects and consumables. Each hand bead contains incredible blessing power. Each time the blessing power is consumed, it can offset any impact of the material and spiritual systems. The current number of times remaining, 2 times."

Snow Wind Soft Cocoon and Luk Fook Hand Beads are both good choices...

However, the quality of the Liufu hand beads is obviously better than that of the vest. Even if it encounters a mental shock, it can still resist. After all, it was once an A-level sealed object, but it fell down the level due to severe consumption.

"I choose... the Six Blessings Hand Beads."

After thinking for a moment, Gu Shen made a choice.

Cui Zhongcheng, who was watching from the side, watched Gu Shen choose, his expression always calm. When he rejected Zhao Qi, he used an impeccable reason. Jinshan has a lock, and he is just the one holding the key. But in fact, he The person holding the key has terrifying authority.

At least in this fancy building, he has absolute say.

Giving away sealed artifacts is just a trivial matter.

There are hundreds of sealed artifacts in the collection hall on the seventh floor underground, but no matter how Gu Shen chooses, he is spoiled for choice, and the best ones are only C-level.

In fact, he also wanted to see Gu Shen's vision in selecting sealed objects.

"Are you sure?" Cui Zhongcheng opened the red silver protective shield, took out the hand bead, and praised without any fluctuation in his tone: "You have a good vision. Although it is a C-level sealed object, it actually has A-level strength, but... This string of beads only has the power of two prayers left.”

"Twice is enough."

Gu Shen directly put the bead on his wrist. If Shi Li's mission was not full of unknown dangers, he would prefer to choose a sealed object containing a huge amount of extraordinary source matter, and then swallow it and digest it with blazing fire to enhance his own strength. strength.

I chose this string of bracelets for no other reason than safety.

It's enough if you can save your life at a critical moment.

"Thank you!"

After Gu Shen put on the hand beads, he thanked him perfunctorily, and then without stopping for a second, he extended his palm like a debt collector and said seriously: "There is also a breathing method."


Cui Zhongcheng looked at Gu Shen with a complicated expression.

It is definitely not a coincidence that Zhou Jiren accepted Gu Shen as his student... This little guy has the potential to become an old gangster.

"What kind of breathing technique do you want?"

Cui Zhongcheng sighed softly. Seeing Gu Shen's somewhat blank eyes, he patiently explained: "The better the breathing method, the harder it is to reproduce. Only by watching the original and completing the dream interpretation can you understand the artistic conception... Some breathing methods They were carved on the paper, and some were imprinted into the sealed objects. As far as I know, those who have mastered the Jingzhe spiritual system in the Judgment Center to great perfection and continue to practice the second volume of breathing methods often choose to observe the Grain Rain left by Gu Changzhi. roll."

"Wait a minute...Gu Yujuan?"

Gu Shen was stunned.

"You mean, Gu Changzhi left more than one volume of breathing techniques?"

"Jingzhe, Guyu." Cui Zhongcheng said: "These two volumes are the guidance methods that Gu Changzhi publicly left to the young people of the Dongzhou Council before he fell asleep. They were left in the adjudication office and the prison respectively. The two volumes of breathing methods have different artistic conceptions. , the order of viewing does not matter, the two together... are the famous 'Breath of Spring'."

Only then did Gu Shen realize that...the picture he saw in Jingzhe's dream was just a residual mental fragment.

Jingzhe is the beginning of the change of seasons and the beginning of the breathing method.

"Gu Yu is in prison..." Gu Shen's eyes were burning and he said, "Is there any rubbings of this breathing method that I can observe?"

"Is Gu Changzhi's breathing method so easy to imprint? In so many years, there has only been one 'Celestial Eye'!" Cui Zhongcheng shook his head, "If you want other breathing methods, I can think of a way. But this volume of Guyu is not in Dadu. If you want to see it, you need to apply for it yourself. The prerequisite for the council's default approval is that the applicant has at least the strength of the sixth level of the deep sea."

"Sixth level of the deep sea?" Gu Shen smiled bitterly and said, "The requirements are so high?"

"As I said before, you can't bite off more than you can chew. It may not be a good thing to come into contact with the other two volumes before you have mastered the Jingzhe Breathing Method." Cui Zhongcheng said lightly: "The Breath of Spring, an ordinary person can understand one volume, is already a good thing. What a great blessing. Therefore, the rule set by the parliament is that extraordinary people with strength below the sixth level of the deep sea are not allowed to apply for access to the second volume. This is both a restriction and a protection."

"That's true..." Gu Shen was helpless.

Cui Zhongcheng suddenly said: "How long did it take you to comprehend Jingzhe?"


Gu Shen quickly laughed, "Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

Is this kid still hiding him at this juncture?

Cui Zhongcheng didn't say anything. Since Gu Shen didn't say anything, he didn't bother to ask any more questions.

After a while, Gu Shen circled around the bronze altar again.

He slowly stopped at the most remote altar.


Gu Shen leaned down slightly so that he could see more clearly. There was a slender pointer lying inside the red and silver cover of the bronze altar.

"This is...?" He pointed at the red silver cover.

"A clock hand of unknown origin." Cui Zhongcheng said: "As you can see, the seven underground floors of Huazhi Building are Zhao's collection hall specially used to hold low-level sealed objects. Many of them cannot be traced. The sealed objects that are also unrecognizable are all stored and managed here... In my impression, this pointer was sent many years ago. Because it has been too long, it no longer has active ability, but it embodies a strong extraordinary power. Essence, if the object touches this pointer, whether it is human skin or an object, time will be frozen."

"Freezing time?"

Gu Shen immediately thought of Zhou Yexin's broken pocket watch.

"Well... it's only a part that fits the pointer. It's very small, a very small part. It can be completely ignored." Cui Zhongcheng stretched out two fingers and rubbed them gently, "So its rating is only E. A Sealed Artifact that is on the edge of the rating system and is not considered a Sealed Artifact."

"Interesting..." Gu Shen smiled: "I don't want the breathing method anymore. Give me this pointer."

"Are you...sure?" Cui Zhongcheng frowned.

This kid who looks like a monkey with his hair on does not look like someone who can do business at a loss.

"I feel like I'm at a bit of a loss... The breathing method is replaced by a pointer of unknown origin. How about you give me another sealed item as compensation." Gu Shen turned around, rubbed his chin and said, "I want that small silver piece." Vest."

Cui Zhongcheng: "???"

"It's a beautiful idea, take this pointer and get out of here." Cui Zhongcheng made a quick decision and made a decision.

He used special tweezers to take out the pointer and put it into a thin bag coated with red silver.

"Okay... we've written off what happened at Jiangtan last night."

After completing the transaction, Cui Zhongcheng breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression was obviously a little tired. He really didn't want to see Gu Shen anymore, so he personally sent him outside the Huazhi Building and repeatedly warned, "Don't let that old guy come to the building to cause trouble! "

Gu Shen nodded and promised to keep it secret, and then trotted to a remote and deserted alley with the two sealed artifacts.

After confirming that no one was around and no one was chasing him... he let out a long sigh of relief.


The bright and blazing fire flew out uncontrollably from the center of the eyebrows, and instantly hit the surface of the red silver bag, splashing into flowing and burning liquid flames, covering the bag with no blind spots at 360 degrees.

If it weren’t for the red silver plating blocking it, I’d probably have swallowed the “pointer” by now.

"He's really a glutton... he's eating what's in the bowl and thinking about what's in the pot, and he's completely unsatisfied."

Gu Shen now gradually understands the meaning of the deep sea trial.

The path for an extraordinary person to advance is to continuously develop and control his own abilities... Not every extraordinary person can perfectly control his own abilities.

Under the Huazhi Building, after feeling the extraordinary essence contained in this pointer through the red silver coating, the fire between his brows immediately burst out with strong mental fluctuations, guiding himself forward, even ignoring the essence he was digesting. , conveying a ray of firm will.

If Blazing Fire could talk, what he would probably say at that time is...

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I want to eat it!"

Gu Shen found out now.

This seemingly weak and harmless flame between his eyebrows is actually an insatiable glutton.

In the pocket watch dream, I saw bloody flames of unknown origin...the blazing fire also conveyed a strong will to annex.

"You are quite good at eating..."

Gu Shen looked at the pointer through the red and silver bag. After Blazing Fire awakened, the color of the world in Gu Shen's eyes changed. The blue sky was no longer clear blue, and the white clouds were no longer as white as snow. If you truly open your "mind's eyes", you will see that the flow of the entire world is The disordered and extraordinary sources of matter that redefine order are like scattered and erratic winds.

This thin bag contains quite pure and huge extraordinary source of energy.

No wonder Blazing Fire has such a strong desire to devour... From the perspective of devouring the essence alone, the exchange he made with Cui Zhongcheng is definitely not a loss.

But if you look at these extraordinary sources aside, this forgotten pointer is just a mortal object. It is indeed a heaven-defying ability to freeze time, but it can only freeze a contact area of ​​less than 1 square centimeter. It is true. It's the worst of the worst.

But...if I just eat it like this, wouldn't it be a waste of resources?

After thinking about it, Gu Shen decided to keep this pointer well.

"can not eat!"

He used his mental power to convey his will to the blazing fire.


The open-mouthed flames quivered in the wind, sounding like whimpering. They gathered back pitifully, like a puddle of mud, pulling away from the red and silver bag bit by bit, and finally re-condensed into flames. I looked back pitifully at the center of my eyebrows.

This blazing fire is connected with my own mind. This feeling is very if I have a second soul.

Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy all become double.

Feeling aggrieved, Gu Shen felt helpless.

"Be good and be obedient...there will be more delicious food in the future."

He felt like he was coaxing a child.

However, this child was quite easy to coax. After Gu Shen comforted him, he nodded like a chicken pecking rice with the little flame between his eyebrows, and settled down.

"If Blazing Fire is just a baby now... then its final appearance is closely related to every choice I make." Gu Shen recalled the scene of the Ghost Cage, and his expression gradually became solemn.

In the dream, my evil thoughts are almost overwhelming!

After awakening to the extraordinary, he and Blazing Fire have formed a symbiotic state.

The emotions it generates will be directly affected by it... In fact, Gu Shen has had strong desires in his heart several times, wanting to open the red silver bag and manipulate the blazing fire to swallow the pointer directly... However, they were all blocked by the strong will. Press down hard.

Never allow the spontaneous emotions of the extraordinary source of matter to dominate your behavior.

"I am the master of this body... If I cannot suppress my own extraordinary power, I am not far from losing control."

After suppressing his restlessness, Gu Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

He gently stroked his eyebrows and whispered: "Little guy, you have to remember... a gluttonous person will not end well."

This is the first time to publish a VIP chapter. I am not very skilled in the operation. I have been working on it for a long time. Everyone has been waiting for a long time.

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