Barrier of Light

Chapter 89 Crow

Song Ci was very familiar with the alley map of the old city of Dadu, and ten minutes later the two of them arrived at a noodle shop with a simple store.

Xuji Beef Noodle House.

The boss was tall and thin, with a white towel hanging around his neck. When he saw Song Ci coming, he greeted with a smile, "Here he comes."

"Bringing friends here."

Song Ci greeted the boss with a smile and said, "Two big bowls, add meat, eggs and dried braised pork."

He lowered his voice and said: "I have lived here for more than 20 years, and this noodle shop has been open for more than 20 years. This shop has a lot of beef and the taste is good. The price has not increased in 20 years."

It is difficult to find such a shabby store in Dateng City, let alone Dadu.

Every inch of urban land is at a premium, and everywhere you look there are brand-new signboards, uniform franchise stores, centrally prepared food that can be heated in one minute, and fast food. The pace of this era is getting faster and faster, and few people will Sitting in an old shop waiting for the chef to spend ten minutes hand-pulling noodles, everyone is more willing to accept fast food, mechanical preparation, industrial flow, and cleanliness.

"I like this place."

Gu Shen spoke seriously.

In this shop, he saw a side of the city that had been obscured by the passing times.

After arriving in Dadu, the reason why I got used to running alone in the night alleys was because I liked the smell of fireworks that remained in this huge mechanical city.

Talent is the key component that makes up a city.

This criss-crossing alleyway is the only place to slow down in the cold city.

Sitting here, Gu Shen felt that his mood had calmed down...

"Seriously, why are you running away?" Song Ci raised an eyebrow and asked curiously: "The reason before was too bad. Even if you are lying to me, you have to make up a decent one."

"I just made a deal with a guy in Huazhi Building. I'm afraid he will regret it." Gu Shen said, "Whether it's me or not, run away first."

Song Ci was startled after hearing this, and then couldn't help laughing and said: "Then you should run. There are no good people in that building. They look gentle and polite, but in fact they are all ruthless people who eat people without spitting out their bones." Characters... people who make deals with them usually don’t end well.”

"Actually, I'm okay. I took a huge amount of money off that person." Gu Shen smiled, "It's possible that he really sent a team of people to find me, but there's no use going back on my words now."

"Hey..." After saying this, Song Ci became interested. He asked for two bottles of Big Green Stick and handed one to Gu Shen, "Tell me more?"

"No story, that's all."

Gu Shen shook his head and said, "But the people in that building are all wealthy people with big businesses, and they don't care about the gains and losses at all... What's more likely is that he has forgotten about it now."

He asked again: "What about you? Why did you run?"

"What I told before was the truth." Song Ci said seriously: "If they chase me, I will run away. There is no special reason."

Gu Shen held out his middle finger disdainfully, "Bah."

"If I have to find a reason... it should be that there is a certain big shot who wants to see me, and I don't want to see her now, so I can only choose to run away." Song Ci scratched his head and said with a bitter smile: "But you also know that running away The road is always a slow stop, most cities are so big, where else can I run? The most I can do is run out to the alley next door to have a bowl of ramen, and we still have to meet in the future."

"Big shot, tsk tsk, how big is it?" Gu Shen smiled and changed the subject, "Don't brag too much when we meet for the first time."

Song Ci took him on a run and treated him to a meal. Gu Shen originally looked at this guy's face with the look of "don't give me a hard time". Gu Shen planned to go their separate ways after the run was over, but after a few words of conversation, he didn't expect that Song Ci was completely a Self-cooked.

After chatting casually on the way, the two of them became so familiar with each other.

Speaking of which, Gu Shen and Song Ci's life experiences are quite similar. They were both orphans, but one lived in Qinghe and the other in Dadu, and each worked hard on their own.

Perhaps it was this similarity that gave Gu Shen a strange feeling.

Maybe...Song Ci will become his friend?

He didn't want to pry into Song Ci's secrets, nor did he want to get information from this person who might become his friend.

"Big shot, really big shot."

Song Ci narrowed his eyes, held up his chin and stared at Gu Shen, and said seriously: "Do you want to hear it?"

"Not interested in."

Gu Shen waved his hand and asked with a smile: "I said I just ripped off Cui Zhongcheng in a big way. Do you believe it?"

"You're just farting." Song Ci looked at Gu Shen with both laughter and tears, and said helplessly: "You can brag decently. Everyone in the area knows that Cui Zhongcheng is a person who will never engage in loss-making business. The person he ripped off was still unborn in his mother’s womb.”

Gu Shen chuckled and said sheepishly: "Sorry, sorry, I didn't play well. Mainly because I just came to Dadu, I am ignorant, and I know Cui Zhongcheng is a powerful person."

Song Ci sighed and said, "Okay, I don't know what to say to you... The noodles are here, let's eat them first!"

The boss held two bowls of noodles and asked with a smile as he put them down: "Crow, last time you said you brought Xiao Lu to eat noodles with you, hasn't she come back yet?"


Gu Shen raised his eyebrows, is this guy Song Ci's nickname?

He noticed that when he heard the word "Xiao Lu", a trace of sadness flashed across Song Ci's eyes, but the sadness dissipated in an instant.

Song Ci took over and said with a bright smile: "Next time, Xiao Lu is too busy, I will eat more for her!"

The boss turned and left, sighing softly and in a low voice, "I haven't seen Xiao Lu for several years... I don't know how she is doing..."

"Tsk, tsk, there is a situation."

Gu Shen looked at it, leaned closer, and said, "Brother Crow Crow, may I ask, who is Xiao Lu?"

"I'm a childhood sweetheart. I'm very handsome and have a good personality."

Song Ci raised her eyebrows triumphantly, blew the hot air on her face, and deliberately played loudly.

Then he quietly raised a finger to signal Gu Shen to keep quiet.

Song Ci lowered her voice with some embarrassment: "I have secretly had a crush on her since I was a child, but we haven't seen her for a long time... I grew up with her in this area when I was a child, and then she was no longer in Dadu. Every time I come back to this noodle shop, the boss will ask Me, when will Xiao Lu come? When will Xiao Lu come? One time I drank too much and was bragging, so I said that Xiao Lu is my girlfriend and I will take her back to Dadu next year."

Gu Shen looked at each other.

"Next year after next year... there are so many next years..." Song Ci covered her forehead with tears in her eyes, "I kind of regret bragging about this now... What if she really comes back?"

"I'm afraid, just say it if you like it!" Gu Shen said the first two words loudly subconsciously, and noticing Song Ci's sudden change in expression, he quickly lowered his voice and said: "Since we are both childhood sweethearts, feel free to pursue her boldly."


Song Ci let out a long sigh, drank the entire bottle, and wiped the corner of his mouth vigorously.

Bitter wine enters the throat and causes pain in the heart.

Now he feels more and more that Gu Shen, whom he met by chance, looks more and more blind: "I would rather she not go back to Dadu... How about I tell the boss that we have broken up?"

"No," Gu Shen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "What's this? You don't like her?"

"The situation is complicated, and I can't explain it in just a few words." Song Ci opened his mouth, stopped talking, and said with a wry smile: "Also...crow is a nickname, don't mention it, it's unlucky."

"You also know that I am an orphan...well, it's delicious!" He took a big mouthful of noodles and said vaguely: "At that time, I grew up eating Baijia rice, and kind-hearted people in the neighborhood would occasionally take me in. Every day Send some food, but suddenly one day they stopped sending me anything. It turned out that some people said that I was a disaster star who killed my parents. Now they want to kill the person who delivers food. Whoever adopts me will be unlucky... Later, no I know who called me Crow first, and then word spread slowly, and everyone started calling me Crow.”

The crow symbolizes an ominous person.

"But... the name is just a title. I secretly wiped away my tears for this matter countless times when I was a child. It doesn't matter now." Song Ci finished the entire bowl of noodles in two mouthfuls, burped happily, and smiled. Said: "Children who grow up with someone poking their backs tend to be stronger and don't care about rumors, right and wrong. The sky is big and the earth is big, and the belly is the biggest if it is full."

After a pause, Song Ci secretly glanced at the boss at the door of the shop, and carefully added to Gu Shen: "Actually, Lao Xu is a very good person, but habits are terrible things. Everyone calls me Crow, just like Crow Crow." He shouted, but Song Ci couldn't speak smoothly..."

He scratched his head again, "If one day I come here to eat noodles and he doesn't call me Crow, he must have Alzheimer's disease."

Seeing Song Ci's tender and nostalgic expression, Gu Shen was startled.

Song Ci smiled dumbly and said, "Why are you looking at me like this? Are you conquered by my tolerance and open-mindedness?"

Gu Shen was silent for a while, then stepped back slightly.

Across the table, he looked at Song Ci again from head to toe.

The sharply shaved head, the fierce face, the exaggerated shirt, and the time-honored flip-flops with dirt filling the tattered gaps.

If you want to sum up the image of this macho man in two words.

Probably the most appropriate word is: sloppy.

"I can't tell..."

Gu Shen clicked his tongue and sighed with a complicated expression: "Before I met you, I never thought that there would be a person with such a rough and tough appearance, hiding such a delicate and delicate heart."

"Much praise, much praise..."

Song Ci smiled humbly, then suddenly his expression changed, and he said with a sad face: "Oops... I drank too much and I need to urinate urgently."

Gu Shen was a little suspicious of his gaze.

How come Brother Song can't be serious for more than three seconds?

Song Ci apologized and pointed to the wine bottle: "Brother Gu, we hit it off right away today. I'll drink another three hundred rounds later... But you have to wait for me first, I need to go to the toilet."

Gu Shen waved his hand helplessly.

As if he had been granted amnesty, someone covered his crotch and ran wildly with his legs crossed without any manners at all.


Never came back.

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