Barrier of Light

Chapter 90 Old City Story

"Go to the bathroom...why can't I see anyone?"

Twenty minutes later, Gu Shen realized something was wrong.

He went to the toilet and confirmed that Song Ci had urinated and escaped, and there was no one inside.

"This unethical bastard is bullying me, a foreigner?"

Gu Shen was so angry that he went back to the noodle shop to pay. He saw the tall and thin boss with a towel around his neck, sitting in front of a wooden bench, smiling and looking into the distance, and then he realized... This boss maintained It seems like I have been sitting in this position for a long time.

"Boss, the bill is settled."

The tall and lanky boss heard the sound and turned a blind eye. He just slowly moved his head to look at Gu Shen, smiled and nodded.

This boss...seems...not very smart?

"Two big bowls, add meat, eggs and marinated dried meat, right? Thirty-six, including wine, a total of forty-four. No credit for small business." The sound of people going downstairs came from the second floor of the small shop. , the proprietress came downstairs in a hurry, looked at the empty seat, frowned and said: "You are a friend brought by the crow, and this guy ran away alone after dinner?"


Gu Shen was startled. Isn't this the first time such a thing happened?

"Old Xu! Remember! Next time, let the crow pay first before eating!" The lady boss scolded loudly while clearing away the dishes. The tall and thin boss still pressed his hands on his knees, sitting on the horse like a primary school student, looking into the distance with a smile. He nodded slowly.

The landlady finished it neatly, took the big bowl into the kitchen, and explained to Gu Shen calmly: "I'm sorry, Lao Xu's brain is not very good."

Gu Shen understood immediately.

After thinking about it again, he suddenly understood the other meaning of the words Song Ci said to him...

"He didn't run away, he just had something to do temporarily, so he left first." Gu Shen said softly.

The proprietress who was washing dishes in the kitchen looked at Gu Shen in surprise after hearing this.

The young man standing outside was clean and neatly dressed, and he looked like he knew he was not the same person as Crow.

She wiped her hands on her apron and said, "You are the first to speak like this for him. How long have we known each other? One day?"

"..." Gu Shen thought for a while and said awkwardly: "Including this meal, it's two hours."

"Then don't believe his lies, and don't treat him as a friend." The proprietress wrote lightly: "Crow has no friends, and he doesn't tell the truth... A good boy like you shouldn't be with him. Anyone who hangs out with him is in trouble."

Gu Shen was silent for a while and then asked softly, " the little Lu girl he just mentioned true or false?"

"Xiao Lu?"

The landlady smiled and said, "Xiao Lu does exist. Didn't he take out photos from his wallet to show you off and brag that Miss Lu is his girlfriend?"

Gu Shen scratched his head. Only then did he feel that he had actually been deceived. He thought that he had at least had a drink with Crow, but he didn't even see Xiao Lu's photo.

"What a bullshit girlfriend, can Xiao Lu like him?" The landlady raised her eyebrows and sneered: "I have been bragging about it since I was a child for a few years. Even Song Ci knows that he is a toad every time he pees and looks in the mirror. , how can he be worthy of Xiao Lu? Everyone in the eight streets can see that he has a crush on someone else, and he blows it up after drinking too much, so only Lao Xu will believe such nonsense. "

Speaking of which, I got angry.

The landlady slapped Lao Xu on the head.

"You get angry when you mention him!" She scolded fiercely, "Don't let crows in next time!"

Lao Xu nodded aggrievedly, "The crow... isn't bad."

"No, no, no, no!" The landlady was so angry that she slapped her forehead again. Lao Xu was so beaten that he picked up the pony, put it upside down on his head, and ran away.

Gu Shen looked at this scene, angry and funny.

"Xiao Lu is not from here."

The landlady sighed softly, grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and babbled: "That little girl Bingxue is smart and good-looking, but a little withdrawn and stubborn. But no matter how you look at it, you can tell that she is not a child that can be cultivated in our old city. I know what her family was thinking, keeping such a beautiful girl here alone for two years."

"What's Xiao Lu's name?" Gu Shen asked curiously.

"Xiao Lu's name..."

Hearing this question, the landlady was a little confused. After thinking for a while, she shook her head, "Everyone calls her Xiao Lu. We only know her surname is Lu. No one knows her name, her parents, and why she came here." , why did you leave?"

The proprietress leaned against the window and lazily looked at the sunlight shining on the mottled alley walls of the old city. "But we all know...she will leave. This is not the place for her to stay."


Song Ci shaved his teeth and lazily answered the phone.

"Raven, where are you?"

The woman's voice on the other end of the phone was full of anger, "If you dare to cause trouble, don't disappear! Give you another hour, and don't force me to use my 'Spiritual Eyes' to find you!"

If Gu Shen were here, he would definitely feel familiar when he heard the voice on the phone.

"Sister Liu, calm down, the fire will harm your body."

After hearing this, Wu Wu remained calm and said with a smile: "But beating Chen San's precious nephew is not a big deal, right?"

Liu Yi suppressed his anger and said coldly: "Just a beating? You broke eight of his ribs and lost half of his life to the Lord of Hell. The Nantang used the sacred artifact of redemption to hang him up. The whole Nantang is looking for you now. Chen San is very angry now and says he will skin you."

"It's so scary..." Crow laughed: "You're going to skin me, how dare I show up?"

Liu Yi fell silent for a moment.

"You have to give Chen San an explanation for this matter." She sighed weakly.

"Explain? It was Chen San's nephew who made the gestures, so I'll do the gestures." Song Ci shrugged and said nonchalantly: "Who knew he was so impatient, I only punched him and he fell down.'s not a case of porcelain, right?"

"As I said before, there is a boundary between the north and the south of the Association of Honesty, which cannot be crossed. If someone wants to cross the boundary, I will follow the rules... Now I have beaten the younger ones and provoked the older ones. If you want me to give an explanation, I can What's the explanation? I'm just doing things according to the rules set by Mr. Zhao and him." Crow's voice suddenly became very soft, and he said with a smile: "Why don't you ask Chen San if you dare not bring that title to Jiang. Tan, I will definitely show up and give him an explanation personally."

Liu Yi didn't dare to answer the question, there was already some desperate ferocity in Crow's tone.

"Let me take it."

A slightly gloomy voice sounded.


Liu Yi handed over the phone, and the voice was changed to that of a man. He sounded young, but not too young, about thirty years old, gloomy and angry.

"Crow...I am discussing business with the Chen family."

"You beat someone up, what do you want me to do?" the man reprimanded in a low voice, "You are a stinky errand boy, can you afford the losses to the Zhao family?"

" turns out to be Mr. Zhao Qi Zhao."

After hearing the sound, Crow smiled brightly, "Long time no see, long time no see. Have you stopped living and drinking outside these days and switched to business?"

Zhao Qi snorted coldly: "You show up now, and everything still needs to be discussed."

"I didn't realize that you still have a talent for business...and you are still doing business with the Chen family. It's really a big deal." Crow interrupted him, and then asked with a smile: "In the name of Huazhi?"

Zhao Qi on the other side of the phone fell silent for a moment.

"This matter... has the old man nodded? Did Mr. Cui agree? What about her?" The smile on Crow's face disappeared in an instant, showing no respect for the only son of the Zhao consortium, and finally said coldly: " As you said, I am just a stinky errand boy...but the person I am running errands for is not you, I only listen to my wife."

There was a pause.

"So...your business is in trouble," Song Ci said expressionlessly, word by word, "Is it none of my business?"

hang up.

Ring again.

Don't even look at it, then hang up.

Shut down by the way.

Song Ci felt that the whole world was clean for him. He climbed over any wall, found an abandoned rooftop where no one lived, moved a worn-out rattan chair, and just lay there in the midday sun, lazily humming a little tune. , closed his eyes to rest, but his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and his heart was still haunted by inexplicable irritating emotions.

I don’t know how long it took.

The sunlight moved from his face to his feet.

The scorching temperature seemed to drop.

Song Ci woke up from an irritable state with his eyes closed, and slowly opened his eyes, feeling energetic for a moment.

A big umbrella was opened to block the sun. The person holding the umbrella was a beautiful woman in a white dress. She was jeweled and had a sacred aura that could only be seen from a distance but could not be desecrated.

Song Ci shook his head.


He quickly sat up from the recliner and spoke quietly.

Who dares to believe that this man, who is extremely guilty at this moment, dares to directly scold the ruthless person who challenged Zhao Qi on the phone.

The lady held an umbrella and stood on the dilapidated rooftop. This rooftop had long been abandoned and was littered with mechanical components and obsolete old-era electrical appliances. The only thing that was still visible were the scattered pots of green. Trapped, stubbornly surviving in the wind and rain, but it has also given birth to cobwebs.

Because of Madam's arrival, the dilapidated rooftop seems to have become a unique and beautiful place to enjoy, and these shabby components and machinery seem to have become ingenious decorations.

"I sent someone to pick you up, but you didn't want to come. I called, but you didn't want to answer."

There was no anger in her eyebrows, but peace.

"So I had to come in person."

Wu Wu quickly opened the phone and saw a series of dials popping up at the back. He said helplessly: "It's because of Zhao Qi and Liu Yi..."

"Well, I know everything, you don't have to say it anymore."

The lady whispered: "The matter has been resolved."


Crow was startled, he was suddenly at a loss and stared blankly at the lady who was as white as the moonlight. Only then did he realize that he might have really gotten into trouble, and said anxiously: "I just wanted to did the matter be resolved?"

"Chen San personally apologized for crossing the line, but Zhao Qi's business has also declined." Madam said lightly, "During this period, the relationship between Nanbeitang and Nanbeitang will be tense. Try not to show your face, Zhao Qi." I'll take care of it over there, and he won't dare to embarrass you."

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