Basketball Myth: Super Guard

Chapter 1692: earned a lot

The cooperation between the two parties was reached. Although Coca-Cola paid a lot more money than expected, Dawson was relieved after signing Qin Hao.

Later, Dawson invited Qin Hao to a dinner, but Qin Hao refused.

Martin grabbed Dawson's shoulders, smiled and comforted: "You know, Qin is too busy. Don't worry, the contract has been signed, and you will definitely not suffer." He said, he smiled mysteriously and whispered: " Let me tell you, Qin has a good impression of you, so I am so happy, and the asking price is not very high. I change to another company, ha ha..."

Dawson took a breath of air, is this still called the asking price?

Martin didn't explain much, he didn't fool Dawson, because he had talked with Qin Hao, since these gangsters are so rich, it's a pity that there are not many points.

Anyway, all the lions opened their mouths. It was normal to have the first time and the second time. Who made Qin Hao particularly popular now.

The next day, the Coca-Cola Company announced that it had reached a cooperation with Qin Hao, successfully renewed the contract, and said a lot of beautiful things, what to make progress together, what to move towards the future, what to work together... ..

Qin Hao didn't even bother to read this kind of news.

But for some other companies, the stimulus is not small.

"Sheet, Shett."

There were waves of curses in Morgan's office, and the secretary who was holding a pile of papers ready to find Morgan to sign was shaking all over, standing at the door not daring to enter.

It took a long time before it became quiet.

The secretary took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and knocked on the door. Morgan's voice came from inside. The secretary pushed the door in, shrank his neck, and whispered: "Boss, this is..."

Before she was finished, Morgan raised his hand and interrupted. Without even looking at her, he quickly ordered: "Help me make an appointment with Qin. It is better to get Qin with him, so I want to treat them to a meal. Eat, go quickly."

The secretary was stunned for a moment, took a look at the file he was holding, then thought about it, and said embarrassed: "But boss, your two-day itinerary..."

"Go!" Morgan had lost his patience and interrupted directly, pointing to the door, "immediately, immediately."

The secretary was silent, and retired in embarrassment.


At the same time, Martin was sitting in his office, the phone was ringing non-stop, he put his foot on the desk and didn't even look at the phone.

It's not that he doesn't want to pick up, but that he is endless, picking up one after another. If you really have to deal with them one by one, don't do anything today, just answer the phone.

So he simply didn't bother to pick it up.

Anyway, if you can't get through here, you will naturally call the secretary. Then the secretary will sort out the records and report it to yourself.

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect the news of the contract renewal with Coca-Cola to come out, the effect is so good." Martin smoked a cigar, tut admired, with a smile on his face.

When the news of the contract renewal with Coca-Cola came out, many companies were anxious.

Especially Pepsi and Gatorade.

The two had also talked to Martin before and wanted to sign a contract with Qin Hao, but the offer from Pepsi was not as tasty as it was, which made Martin very unhappy.

Gatorade’s offer is good, but Gatorade, as the third in the industry, has its own limitations.

Advertisers sign a player, the two sides are a cooperative relationship, but also a win-win relationship.

Such as Qin Hao.

Advertisers need to use Qin Hao's reputation to promote their brand products and make more products, and Qin Hao can also use advertisers to further expand his reputation.

Of course, for this kind of endorsement relationship, most audiences still know the product and brand through a certain celebrity, but there will also be some people who know the celebrity through a certain product.

So in general, players still prefer to sign with big brands.

Therefore, after the other party agreed to 35 million dollars in three years, Martin and Qin Hao did not think much about it, and agreed very happily.

This is bad news for Pepsi and Gatorade. At this moment, they are all regretting it. They would have to pay more if they knew it.

In addition to these two, other companies are also anxious.

Where is the lesson from the past? The first move is strong, and then the move suffers. He hesitates and will lose. The top priority is to sign Qin Hao as soon as possible.

As for the comeback of more money for this, there is no alternative.

In commercial competition, sometimes it is not necessary to spend money to buy what you need, but to prevent opponents from buying it.

The same is true at this time.

In the next few days, Martin became more and more busy, negotiating with various advertisers.

On the contrary, Qin Hao relaxed a little, because he simply didn't participate, and now they have the absolute initiative. It doesn't matter whether he goes or not, he only told Martin-just let the lion open his mouth.

Martin also followed Qin Hao's instructions, no matter who he was speaking to, the lion opened his mouth and asked for prices.

Despite the previous experience of negotiating with the Coca-Cola Company, Martin was a little shocked by the results of the past few days. These advertisers are crazy, asking for prices, and they are also paying for money. Money is not a problem. The only thing is to sign as soon as possible.

A few days later, Qin Hao successively signed contracts with Coca-Cola, BMW, Omega Watches, and Versace Apparel.

Without exception, these contracts are sky-high prices.

Among them, the contract signed with BMW was a four-year $46 million contract, which surprised people even more.

Some gossip originally came out, saying that the negotiations between BMW and Qin Hao had broken down, but within a few days, the two parties renewed the contract.

In fact, Qin Hao was also very helpless, the other party gave too much.

Hey, business is still taking advantage of things. The unpleasantness in the past is nothing, so don't care about these details.

After spending more than a week before and after, Qin Hao basically resolved the signing of the endorsement matter.

This time Qin Hao didn't ask advertisers to pay 60% first, because "Tianyu Investment" was already strong enough and it was unnecessary.

Qin Hao signed a dozen endorsements in just one week. Although he was busy, he also made a lot of money.

With a dozen endorsements together, the annual endorsement fee exceeds 100 million U.S. dollars. In addition to taxes and commissions for Martin, Qin Hao can still get nearly 70 million U.S. dollars.

Of course, Qin Hao's endorsement income is still invested in "Tianyu Investment" and let Jiang Xue operate.

After that was the shooting of various advertisements, Qin Hao still couldn't relax.

And, while shooting the advertisement, Qin Hao has to accept interviews from various media, such as espn, sports pictorial, domestic sports media, etc...

By this time it has entered July, the NBA free market is about to open, and many NBA teams have begun gearing up, and a restless atmosphere is brewing.

The 76ers are also not calm.

The management held many meetings to discuss some things, but they waited until the free agent trading market opened and there was no result.

Stefansky, who had a headache, had to call Qin Hao, and decided to ask Qin Hao for advice...

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