Batman In MCU

Chapter 21 - Just a Butler

"well well that was interesting." Eve clapped as she saw the police drag out Kraven, the live feed had cut of when the vats appeared so the exact details of what happened in the building when unknown to them both but the end result was known.

"Seems I was underestimating the batman." She turned to Sebastian with a sweet smile on her face which Sebastian ignored as he turn away.

"oh Sebastian, this doesn't cancel the deal though I do expect my tech." Sebastian looked at her with a frown etched on his face don't worry you'll get it by tonight.


Later that night at a warehouse.

Sebastian had packed across the building looking at the people guarding the place, he hated what he was about to do but after a deep breath he pulled down hus hat covering his face a bit as he pulled out his glock with a silencer.

Taking another deep breath he walked out his car and began heading over, the guards caught sight of him in a few minutes but were taken out before they could sound the alarm.

Sebastian walked in confidently as though he owned the place one shot was all it took to take someone down. He killed about twenty people before the gang was aware of his presence as they began firing at him.

Sebastian ducked behind a pillar fir cover as he reloaded his gun. One unlucky sob got too close and was grabbed and made into a human shield as Sebastian continued to walk forward shooting down the thugs, at this moment Sebastian went back to his times in the S.S.R where he would barge into Hydra bases like this. He never thought he would be doing something like this ever again.

Sebastian kept emptying his gun into them until he was finally out. He began rushing towards them with his human shield changing the battle to a close combat one where his experience was made clear.

A well timed kick sent one of them into a crate, turning around to avoid a punch from behind before flipping the ȧssailant and proceeding to snap their neck. Sebastian got to his feet grabbing an ȧssault rifle from the ground he looked around realising the tech along with the boss was no where to be seen.

Hearing the revving from an engine, he rushed out right in time to see a car drive by but with one shot to the tire the car skidded of and right into the wall. Sebastian then calmly walked over to the car.

The gang leader struggled to make his way out of the car with a briefcase only to come face to face with a barrel *bang* with one shot his life was over. Sebastian went down picked up the briefcase and left the scene.


Matt was with George, reading the news paper which was about the events which had just taken place "Can't believe these people they make it seem as though the guys some hero their even calling him some Dark night the captain America of our time... please captain America was a hero this guy is just some masked vigilante." " But he did save the kids" George argued.

"who were in trouble because of him in the first place, what's up with you? you seem to be on his side" "There are no sides Matt" George spoke up to Matt. " Oh really cause the papers make it seem like there are... like here 'the NYPD stood helpless whilst the batman saved the children' no sides huh", Matt slammed the paper before George who took a closer look at the story.

"he is just trying to help." "well we don't need his help."


At the club.

"well lookie here you're back early." Sebastian ignored Eve's comment as he placed the brief case before her. Eve opened the Briefcase and seeing her tech safe and sound she wore a smile like a child on Christmas morning.

"you never fail captain." "I'm retired, remember" with those words he turned to leave " we might have retired from the S.S.R but you started all this. " Sebastian to one last look at her before walking out "I'm just a Butler."


*thud* thud* Sebastian walked into the batcave to see Jeffery going through the combat simulation harder than ever before. " if you don't mind me asking sir, are you alright " Jeffrey came to a halt taking a minute to catch his breath " the fight with Kraken earlier today made me realise something."

"And what would that be sir." Sebastian came over with a towel, " it's not enough. Soon enough I'll be going against people who make what captain America could do look like child's play I need to be stronger I need to be even better.. " Turning to look at the image on the screen "if this ring is what I thin it is then I need to get even better if I'm going to take him down."

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