Batman In MCU

Chapter 22 - Of bats and Dragons pt 1

"how was the meeting sir?" a woman's voice came over from the phone of a private yatch, a man laughed twirling a wine glass at hand "great of course is there anyone in this world who can refuse me".

As he laughs he stares at a ring on his finger. The ring was his most prized possession he had first obtained the ring by chance but ever since he found out what it could do, he had never taken it of.

With the ring no one could say no to him. "how long till we arrive?" "a few minutes sir." Hearing the captains words he got ready.

As they arrived at the docks, he felt something was wrong he was ready to head back when he heard a thud turning around his men were down with bullet holes in their heads. His eyes widened in fright men in suits arrived with guns aimed at him, his back was immediately drenched in sweat and the only thought in his head was 'is this how I die'.

A band interrupted his thoughts as smoke seemingly came out of nowhere obstructing everyones view. The men with guns came alert with their fingers on the trigger ready to fire at a moments notice.

The smoke began to clear but the one they saw was not who they were expecting... before them was none other than the batman. In that moment when they were temporarily stunned Batman yanked forward and a crate came flying cracking the skulls of a few of the men and causing the others to scatter.

Batman leaped up dropping a few flash bangs disorienting the men even further more. The getting close to them turning the fight to his advantage as he began disarming them and breaking a few bones whilst at it.

Moving to the side Batman bȧrėly avoided a gunshot for his head, he moved quickly grabbing the guys arm and delivering quick jabs to his ribs before moving around him and snapping his neck causing the ȧssailant to drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes and just like that a group of over 30 were taken out within mere minutes without so much as a scratch.

*clap*clap*clap* a slow clap resounded throughout out the empty docks. Batman turn to the source to see a man he really didn't want to see. Atop of a container was a man of Asian decent who was in a neat black suit with a white shirt and a red tie. He had a goatee with long black hair but what drew the batman's attention was the ring on his left index finger.

"Hello Batman, I have heard a lot about you." He began with a smirk on his face "let me introduce myself, I am...." "the mandarin." Batman interrupted him causing the Mandarin to raise a brow in surprise. " I see you have heard of me."

Batman remained silent watching the Mandarin he had a feeling it would be him but he hoped he was wrong but no such luck. The Mandarin moved and then threw down something, taking a closer look,Batman realised it was the corpse of the business man he thought he had help esacape.

The mandarin continued speaking, "You see I came to this city in search of something I lost, but it was a pleasant surprise to encounter someone of your caliber. I'll tell you want give me my ring and swear your allegiance to me and I will let you live." Batman just stared at him, he had indeed taken the ring from the business man earlier on. He had no idea how the Mandarin lost his rings but he was not handing it over to him.

Seeing his silence the Mandarin had inferred his answer, " I see... such a shame " he moved his arm sending a ball of fire down at the Batman who rolled away just in time.

At the NYPD.

"Alright boys we have information that a shootout is going on at the docks and the batman has been spotted. move out" The captain spoke out George put on his vest grabbing his gun as he rushed out as well.

Back at the Docks.

Batman looked up just in time to see the mandarin raising his arm at him firing a fire blast at him. Bats shot his grappling hook above flying out of there just in time rolling unto a container.

Batman got up in time to see Mandarin leaping unto the container. Batman waisted no time sending a sweeping kick to the Mandarin which swept him off his feet for a second but he managed to transform it to back flip and then sending a kick to the Bats jaw but he got his arm up in time to block it.

Seeing that the Mandarin began to smile and then moved in unleashing a flurry of attacks. Batman avoiding them managed to place a tazer on him and activated it but it seemed to do nothing to him. He pulled it of him, " if that's the best you can do..." he crushed it " then you are better of dead."

To be Continued

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