Batman In MCU

Chapter 23 - of bats and dragons pt2

Mandarin had his arm raised and ready to fire, when he heard a sound, turning around to see a container which was sent flying straight for him by an explosion.

Batman had jumped away just intime to watch the whole thing happen. Bats let out a breath of relief thinking it was over when suddenly *boom* another explosion was heard and out of the flames came the Mandarin his clothes were all but destroyed leaving him half nȧkėd but otherwise he was okay.

"Xiànzài wo zhěn de hěn shěngqì." The Mandarin spoke in Chinese then appeared before the batman and delivering a punch straight to his gut while releasing a fire ball sending Batman flying away.

The Mandarin began walking to the batman his smile no longer visible and his rage clear in his eyes. Mandarin rose his hand to finish the job only to now realise he no longer had the ring, looking at Batman once more he saw Batman had the ring aimed for him receiving a fireball aimed straight for his face.

"Arrrrgggh" He screamed in pain. Batman took advantage moving in and releasing a flurry of punches not letting up the least then aiming a well timed low kick to the Mandarin resulting in a sickening crunch as one of the Mandarins legs broke.

The two were now at the edge of the docks but the Mandarin was refusing to give up. He stood picking up a sword from of the dead bodies nearby and began limping towards the batman, batman got in his fighting stance as they rushed at one another.

One could not even tell Mandarin was fighting on one leg from the way he was moving but Batman wasn't leaving any openings and neither the fight moved all the way into the Yacht which belonged to the business man.

Batman was now decorated with sword cuts with fresh blood oozing out of the many openings, the Mandarin was not any better with a few cuts here and there and few more broken bones.

"You can't defeat me I am the Mandarin when I was conquering armies your father was yet to be born, I'll give you one last chance hand over my rings or else..." In response to his threat Batman rose his hand and fired a ball.

Mandarin moved to the side managing to avoid it just in time but turning to the Batman he saw him jumping out the window looking back at what the flame made contact with all he could say was " oh sh*t."

The NYPD had just arrived at the docks the captain stood ready to give out their plan if action when *Boom* a loud explosion was heard and a bright flame rose into the night sky making it seem as though it was midday.

"Dammit, move! move!" The NYPD rushed in to see men laying dead with weapons laid all around. Anyone could tell a war just happened, amongst the bodies one one George, Matt and the Captain recognised it was none other than the business man "sh*t! spread out! find the batman."

George knew that whatever happened was something big these many bodies and the business man as well... people were going to want answers.

They soon found the source of the explosion it was a yacht but with the intensity of the flames they wouldn't be able to head in until the fire service got there.

George was still watching everything when he got a call, after a few minutes his eyes opened wide as he cut the call and headed towards the captain and pointed his gun at him and pointed his gun at him shocking all present.

"What the hell are you doing Stacy?!" "yeah Georgie what is up with you?" ignoring the looks from everyone else George began, "captain you are under arrest for murder, corruption, conspiracy to murder and a whole slew of charges you have the right to remain silent.."

"What the hell Stacy!" The captain was fuming mad and every one just stood there in stunned silence " It's over your crimes are being broadcastesd citywide as we speak. " he words causing the captain to be stunned and faint.

Batman bȧrėly managed to make it in before falling to the ground as Sebastian run to him.

The entire city was unable to sleep that night as evidence kept coming from an unknown source ending the criminals careers of many in New York.


Detective George Stacy had just finished a press conference when he received a call "hello Detective" George's eyes opened wide hearing the voice " where have you been, I have been trying to get hold of you for a whole week. " " I had somethings to take care of, how did you like the gift."

" you did this"George ask shocked

"my friend did."

"you have friends?" George asked genuinely shocked.. The line went dead.

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