Batman In MCU

Chapter 54 - My Turn

Tony full of grief now slowly walked out of the cave in his Mark I armor coming face to face with his captors, who had formed a line and opened fire immediately they saw him.

Tony stood still taking all their fire as they caused him no harm and only produced Sparks. The men after while stopped firing and stared wide eyed.

"My turn" Tony spoke as he spat fire at them, incenrating them as well as his weapons with each step.

Some of the men who managed to avoid the flames, screamed out in fear. Tony's steps were soon halted as a man a bit farther away fired his submachine gun, with others following suit they seemed to suppress Tony as he fell to all fours.

Tony continued to fight back blowing stuff up, before activating his thrusters to fly away. leaving a flaming mushroom cloud behind.

Unfortunately his suit didn't last long as he screamed all the way down falling into the desert. The suit fell to pieces with the impact but Tony survived, Taking off his helmet he looked around before muttering to himself "not bad".

Minutes later, Tony wandered through the dessert before helicopters arrived and he screamed in joy as he fell on his knees.

Rhodey run up to him with other soldiers in tow, " how was the Humvee?" Tony responded with a smile as he heard that. Rhodey stretched out his hand to Tony's shoulders before coming down to eye level with him, "next time you ride with me okay" and hugged.

A plane arrived at the airport with Pepper, Happy and Jeff standing waiting for Tony to get off.

Tony was escorted by Rhodey down, before Tony waved away paramedics who arrived with a stretcher.

"hmm your eyes are red, a few tears for your long lost boss?" Tony came up and spoke to Pepper who was all smiles seeing Tony. "tears of joy I hate job hunting"

"yeah well vacations over" Tony said as he turned to face Jeff "you missed me buddy?" Jeff smirked as he answered " first few weeks nah, then I thought what the hell".

Tony scoffed at that smiling before they all entered the car, " where to sir?" Happy asked as they were all seated "to the hospital" Pepper spoke but was rejected by Tony.

"No" Jeff turned to Tony, "No, what do you mean no?" "exactly Tony you need to go to hospital-" Pepper continued but was cut of by Tony "I don't have to do anything, I've been in captivity. There are two things I want to do, I want an American cheese burger and the other..."

Both Jeff and Pepper cut him off, "no" by Jeff and "that's enough of that by Pepper" "it's not what you think I want you to call for a press conference"

Both Pepper and Jeff turned to face Tony with incredulous looks. Jeff new what Tony was about to do but pretended to be as clueless as Pepper.

"Tony, that's to early Press can wait", Jeff tried to convince Tony knowing it would be futile "yes, what he said. Tony, press conference what on earth for"

People began applauding as they arrived, with Obadiah even getting the door for Tony before hugging him as Happy brought the burger which Tony grabbed as he headed in with Jeff and Pepper following after.

Jeff stood by Pepper as Tony made his way through the swarm of reporters. "excuse me" a voice from their side caused them to turn when Pepper spoke ȧssuming it was another reporter "yes, we're not apart of the press conference but it's about to begin right now."

"I'm not a reporter I'm agent Phill Coulson with the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Department" The man spoke up and Jeff almost burst out laughing but held it in "That's quite a mouthful" Pepper spoke as she took the card he handed.

"Almost as though someone wanted to spell out Shield." "I know" Coulson responded with his smile ever present.

"you know we have been approached by the DOD the FBI, CIA" "we are separate division more of a specific focus, we need to debrief Mr.Stark on the circumstances of his escape"

Jeff began paying attention to the press conference as Tony made all the reporters sit and then talk about his father before speaking about what he saw before standing and making his way back to the podium "... that is why effective immediately I'm shutting down Stark industries weapons manufacturing program" with those words it was pandemonium.

head over to my Ko-fi where we are four chapters ahead

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