Batman In MCU

Chapter 55 - Get him out now!

Obadiah screamed as he caused damage to the office supplies in a fit of rage.

"Thing's aren't going your way are they?", a voice interrupted his raging causing him to turn around. There stood Chris with a broad grin evident on his face clearly enjoying this.

Obadiah let out a deep breath calming himself before speaking up, "What are you doing here?" "your lovely secretary let me in... love her by the way" Chris replied his smile not disapearing for even a second.

Obadiah face remained stoic, clearly not in the mood. Chris saw this and went straight to the point, "I saw the news, your boy created such big news immediately he returned."

*crack* Obadiah snapped a pen in his hand when he heard that again, "that brat, idiots the whole lot of them. I get them to do one thing and they fail miserably and now his back apparently he seen Jesus or some sh*t, damn it all!"

"calm down, your aging you know, stress isn't really good for your health", Obadiah nearly burst a vein hearing that. "you're not here just to annoy me, so why are you really here?" Obadiah questioned him.

"Your little side project is failing, miserably might I add. let's work together you help us with the bat problem we help you with the kid aren't you the least bit curious on how he escaped." Obadiah rose a brow hearing that and before he could ask.

"I care about each member and might have some monitoring in place. so what say you? I help you retrieve it and study it and you help deal with a certain flying rodent."

There was but silence in the office for a minute or two before Obadiah spoke up, "deal".

At the batcave Jeff had returned to Sebastian and Gwen, who started firing of questions as soon as she saw him. "Tony Stark is alive? how did he escape? how did you even get to know him? what happened to him over there? why is he shutting down the weapons program?-"

"Gwen" Jeff cut Gwen off "today's training is over go home". "wait what?" Gwen spoke about to argue but was cut off by Jeff "see you tomorrow." walking away with those words leaving Gwen who stood still for a while before relenting.

"How was master Stark sir?" Sebastian spoke up after seeing Gwen huff and storm out. "Tony is... Tony " "so what now sir?"

"I have gotten information on a club apparently a lot of the courts money is hidden there." Jeff spoke as he began to suit up "hmm, when I was in charge I left the financials to Chris so I'm not exactly sure, but if it really is there then this would cripple them and force them out of the shadows."

"exactly and when they do come out, I will finally be able to deal with this threat once and for all. What?" Jeff asked as he saw Sebastian with a concerned look on his face.

Sebastian hesitated but eventually said, "nothing sir, do come back safely".

Music was blaring at full volume as people kept moving their body to the best with some others indulging in alcohol and drugs. A typical scene at a club was happening but this scene was soon interrupted as the lights and music suddenly went out.

The people were confused with some grumbling out in annoyance and some thinking something was wrong.

A gunshot resounded soon after and chaos ensued as people screamed as they tried to escape the place. The gang bangers and security rushed in with their guns to deal with whatever was going on, but unfortunately for them in the cover of darkness, the Batman was invincible.

Batman picked them off one by one before soon arriving in an office an taking out a man who tried to ambush him.

The manager at this point was scared as sweating bullets as he raised his hands in surrender. "Where is it?" Batman questioned in his distorted voice.

"I... I... I don't know wh-what your talking about." The man stuttered as he responded. "where is the money?" Batman questioned as he took a few steps forward.

"don't... don't know" he shook his head vigorously but his eyes kept shifting to one side. Batman followed his eyesight before punching him and knocking him out.

He turned his attention to a book shelf which the guys eyes kept shifting to, pushing it away a secret entrance was revealed.

At this moment Sebastian received a call. "hello" "Sebastian hurry, call the Batman back Chris has a set a trap, I wasn't told anything my spy just got information. You have to get him out now!"

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