Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 145 Who is Lupin?

Animagus is a very difficult magic.

According to Dumbledore, learning this kind of magic requires a cautious attitude.

There are many wizards who have gone crazy due to a small mistake during the learning process, and have never been able to turn back into human beings.

Although Bruce believed that Dumbledore's teaching would be foolproof.

But he still has a question——

Can animals transformed by Animagus really not be controlled subjectively?

If he really just turned into the so-called most suitable creature for wizards, then there is no doubt that Bruce would turn into a little bat.

This effect is a little too small.

"Katum, do you think there is a possibility that this kind of magic can be improved after in-depth study of Animagus?"

Bruce asked, "When the time comes, you can become any animal you want, and there will be no restrictions?"

"What about these seventy-two changes?"

Katum thought for a while and said, "But if you really say that, it's not impossible, after all, you have more than one teacher.

"Speaking of which, Grindelwald has a special transformation technique that can transform into anyone's appearance. Not only does it not require compound potions, but it also lasts longer."


Bruce was about to ask what the magic Grindelwald knew had to do with him.

But then I thought about it, Professor Gale seemed to admire Grindelwald and was always studying the magic Grindelwald invented in the past.

What kind of red broom star and empty magic spell?

If he knew this kind of transformation technique, it wouldn't be surprising.

After figuring this out, Bruce was still a little confused.

"I admit that this kind of transformation is very powerful, but is it still fundamentally different from Animagus?"

Bruce said, "In the final analysis, Grindelwald used some kind of disguise technique and did not turn into another creature."

"So I just say it's possible."

Katum said, “Perhaps combining Animagus with this transformation technique will have a different effect.

“When we study magic, don’t we just have to make bold assumptions and be careful to verify?

“If you can’t even think about it, then it’s really impossible.

"As for whether the research process will be dangerous, there is no need to worry, we still have this mouse!

"Although it's not a guinea pig, it's okay to use it."

Having said this, Banban felt a hint of chill again.

Ever since he fell into Bruce's hands, he hadn't been able to relax for a moment.

I always feel like this kid is thinking of some evil idea to hurt himself.

As for that owl, it's even more hateful.

His eyes never left his own.

At this moment, Katum is drawing cakes for Bruce.

"If you can succeed, you can transform into Batman in various biological forms in the future."

He said, "By then, ancient species and fantasy species will no longer be a problem."

Bruce handed Scabbers back to Ron.

When the mouse was back in his hands, Ron clearly felt that the guy's whole body had become weak.

“I’m going to buy an owl next!”

Hermione said from the side, "Or some other animal, anyway, I can't wait any longer."

"There's a magical beasts shop over there."

Harry said that he was already familiar with Diagon Alley, "Let's go directly there!"

They paid for the ice cream and walked across the street towards the Fantastic Beasts store.

The place inside the store is small, the walls are densely covered with cages, there is a smell in the air, and the sound is noisy.

Because the guys in the cage were squeaking, chirping, screaming, or hissing.

"I feel like I've arrived at Hagrid's hunter's hut."

Ron pinched his nose and said, "The smell is very similar, Hagrid's hut is even stronger."

Hermione looked carefully at the cages on display in the Shop of Magical Creatures.

There are terrifyingly large turtles, orange snails, fat rabbits that can be turned into hats, cats of various colors, noisy ravens, and buzzing fluff balls.

All this made Hermione hesitant, and she felt like she wanted to buy everything.

"Buy a mouse!"

Ron came to her side and pointed to a large cage.

Inside, a group of sleek black mice were playing a jumping game with their long bare tails supporting the floor.

"Although Banban is stupid, he is still a respected elder in the mouse world."

Ron said, "You buy a little mouse, and Scabbers can teach him some useful life lessons."

"Like sleeping on your stomach all day?" Hermione shook her head without thinking, "Sorry, I will never consider mice!"

"Then what can you consider? What pet is better than a mouse-ouch!"

Suddenly, a big ginger guy jumped out from the top of the highest cage and landed on Ron's head, almost knocking him down.

It was a big cat with fluffy and soft fur, but its feet were obviously a bit boxy. It had a weird persimmon face and seemed to be angry all the time.

Hermione's eyes instantly lit up when she saw the cat.

"That's it!"

Her eyes sparkled with joy, "What a beautiful little guy, right Bruce!"

Bruce didn't know how to answer.

But Hermione's mind was made up, and she bought the cat without hesitation.

Everyone was happy when they walked out of the Magical Creatures Shop——

Except Ron.

"One or two of them are like this." He muttered, "Cats eat mice, and owls also eat mice. Spot, it's not that I won't help you, but you will really have to ask for more blessings in the future."

At this moment, the only good person Ron could think of was Neville.

His pet is a toad, and toads don't eat mice.

The big yellow cat's name is Crookshanks.

Compared with ordinary cats, its size is indeed a bit larger.

It's big enough for an owl and a rag doll to sit on its back without affecting any movement.

At this time, Katum was sitting on Crookshanks, lowering his head and chirping at him.

"Now that you've joined us, I'm going to teach you something important."

He brainwashed Crookshanks and said, "Since the beginning of the world, this family has been divided into four major castes. The owl is the noblest, and then there is you. I will accept you as a protector and treat you as the second caste."

The price Katum offered to the big yellow cat was very generous.

One person is inferior to ten thousand people.

Crookshanks didn't look very interested in this, and he snorted and ignored it.

But its eavesdropping ears revealed the true attitude.

Crookshanks also seemed to want to know what the other two grades were.

"The third one is an egg. I'll introduce it to you when you get home.

"As for the fourth class, that's this guy."

The owl kicked Munn who was lying on Crookshanks, "She is an alien from another world who invaded our earth!"


Munn called weakly and hugged the owl, as if he wanted him to change this arrangement.

"Get out of here!"

Katum kicked Muen away, then turned to Crookshanks and said kindly, "Okay, from today on, you are also my little brother."

Crookshanks quickly adapted to life at Hermione's house.

After shopping for school supplies, back-to-school day arrived before I knew it.

This time, due to Mr. Granger's mistake, they set off an hour late.

I hurriedly rushed to my destination. The train was about to leave and the seats were almost full.

Bruce and Hermione could only drag their luggage and look for empty seats.


Hermione opened the door to a cubicle and said to the person inside, "Can we squeeze in with you?"

There were two adult wizards in the compartment.

One of them looked sickly. Although he still looked young, his light brown hair was already a bit gray.

A big black dog was lying at his feet, eyes closed, sleeping.

As for the other person, he was holding a pile of snacks and stuffing them into his mouth.

Hearing Hermione's request, he immediately nodded: "It doesn't matter! Sit anywhere you want!"

Not only that, he also stood up and gave up his seat.

The two wizards originally sat facing each other, but now they sat in a row so that the two children would not sit with strangers.

Bruce looked at the two people opposite him, one of whom looked more and more familiar.

Where have you seen it?

Bruce thought for a moment and immediately thought of it.

"Dark wizard Gibbon?"

The dark wizard who once appeared on the side of Jason and the Big Three in the Hogwarts collapse plan?

How did it become like this?

Don't blame Bruce for not recognizing him right away, the main reason is that Gibbon's change is indeed a bit big.

The original Gibbon had a skinny figure, a gloomy expression, and a huge wart on his nose. He looked like a typical bad wizard with a hooked nose in fairy tales.

But now, Yoshimoto's figure has obviously gained weight. Although he can't be called fat, his voluptuousness has also increased a lot.

The most important thing is his nose. The original warts have disappeared and the big nose has also shrunk a bit.

It looked like he had used some kind of magic to give himself a slight plastic surgery.

Bruce became interested in this magic, and his nose shrank so naturally!

I wonder if I can learn how to help Hermione shrink her front teeth when the time comes, so there will be no need to trouble Mr. Granger.

"What grade are you in?"

At this time, Gibbon asked, "I am the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher -'s assistant. You can call me Professor Gibbon!"

When he said these words, he could clearly feel that his whole body was floating.

It seems that he didn't expect that one day even a wizard like him would be able to call himself a professor.

"Hello, Professor Gibbon."

Hermione greeted politely, then looked at the other professor, "Hello, Professor Lupin!"

She recognized it from the overhead bin, and Bruce saw it too.

R.J. Lupine?


Seeing this name, Bruce suddenly thought of what Jason had asked him to do.

He has a friend named Lupine and hopes that Bruce can help him change his life.

Although it was Katum who originally promised Jason, after experiencing so many things, Bruce still took it seriously.

Jason is also his family, don't let your family down easily.

Thinking of this, Bruce smiled and wanted to establish a good relationship with Lupine first.

"Hello Professor Lupine!"

Both he and Hermione greeted Lupine.

However, Professor Lupine just snorted with his nose and did not make any reciprocal polite response at all.

The smile on Hermione's face suddenly froze.

This professor...

How should I put it? He is so cold, so cold that he is a bit inhumane.

On the other side, even Bruce felt something was wrong.

Didn't Katum say that Lupine is a very approachable and easy-going person? How could you have such an attitude towards students?

Could it be that something happened in the past year or so that he didn't know about?

Bruce confirmed to the owl: "Katum, are you sure what you said to me at that time was right?"

"That's right."

Katum also didn't understand, "Even if Lupine has been in jail for a year, his character won't suddenly change like this, right?"

Act like a villain.

At this time, Gibbon noticed the embarrassment of the two students, and he immediately came to the rescue.

"Professor Lupine is just a little tired. Don't worry about it. By the way, is this your pet? It's so cute!"

He looked at Crookshanks and said something against his will.

Hermione walked down the steps and said with a smile: "Your big black dog looks very majestic too!"

She is also saying things that are against her will.

This dog is actually not impressive at all.

Its body is thin, its fur is dull, and it feels malnourished.

At this moment, Katum suddenly jumped on Bruce's shoulders.

"Bruce, be careful not to get attacked because of your carelessness. I am here to remind you."

He said, "This big black dog is Sirius, and he is also an Animagus."

Bruce couldn't help but look at the big black dog.

Katum had explained Sirius' grievances to him before, and after that, Bruce no longer regarded Sirius as a dangerous person.

At this moment, he only had one thought.

Are Animagus wholesale?

One for Peter Pettigrew and another for Sirius.

How many are you going to meet this school year?


Bruce said to Katum telepathically, "I will try not to provoke him in the future."

Whether Sirius sneaked into Hogwarts to see Harry or to kill Pettigrew, it had nothing to do with him.

Bruce just needed an Animagus to experiment with.

As for who this Animagus is, it's not very important.

If Peter dies, it will be Sirius.

While Bruce was still thinking this, he saw the big black dog sleeping on the ground suddenly open his eyes.

Its eyes are gray and contain extremely complex emotions.

The big black dog looked up and saw Bruce.


"Woof woof woof woof!"

The big black dog suddenly barked at Bruce. He was so excited that he seemed to be seeing a long-lost relative.

Bruce was confused for a moment.

You don't have much of a relationship with Sirius, right? Why was it so excited when it saw him?

The sudden barking of the big black dog also scared other people in the carriage.

Hermione tightened her body in her seat, fearing that the black dog would break out and hurt someone, while Gibbon jumped up and hugged the black dog tightly.

Gibbon held the black dog's mouth and kept shouting: "Stop barking! Stop barking!"

His tone sounded strange, not like reprimanding, but more like pleading.


Suddenly, Professor Luping coughed lightly. When he heard this sound, the black dog trembled all over and immediately lay on the ground, daring not to move again.

Bruce was stunned.

Didn't Katum say that Lupine and Sirius were friends?

Is this how friends get along with each other?

He once again cast suspicious eyes on Katum.

This time, the owl flapped its wings, signaling Bruce to take it easy.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, let me handle the rest!"

He said, "Let me ask the big black dog why he looks unhappy."

He was obviously going to see Harry soon, so how could Sirius be like this?

Speaking of which, Katum realized that something was wrong.

This time, Harry stayed on the train obediently, and he and Sirius were in the same carriage.

According to Sirius's character, he would definitely use his identity as an animal to run to see Harry.

Take a look at the face that looks exactly like the good brother you have longed for.

But why didn't you go?

Katum flew to the big black dog, ready to communicate with him.

"Cuckoo!" he said.

The big black dog raised his eyelids and said feebly: "Woof!"

The owl nodded: "Cuckoo?"

The big black dog shook his head: "Woof!"

The owl was shocked and said: "Gu!"

Bruce looked at Bird and Dog's performance and felt like he was being fooled.

"I've never heard of an owl and a dog communicating."

Bruce said as tactfully as possible, "Katum, it's okay if you really don't know the reason. I won't blame you."

The owl came back with fluttering wings.


He let out a long sigh, "I've already asked clearly. What happened this time is really a bit evil. Even I didn't expect it."

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked.

"I just communicated clearly with Sirius. He is indeed Sirius."

Bruce's head suddenly became filled with black threads, thinking to himself, you guys have been talking for a long time and this is what happened?

Isn't this a waste of one's feelings?

However, Katum then said——

"But at the same time, he felt like he had another identity, not just Sirius."

"What identity could it be?" Bruce asked.

Then, Katum said a name that Bruce never expected to hear in this world.


Katum said softly, "The big black dog told me that while he is Sirius, he is also James Gordon - wait, you should know this name, right?"


How could you not know!

Bruce's memory suddenly returned to the time when he was eight years old. After the tragedy in the alley, he was left alone and kneeling on the ground helpless.

Later, the Gotham police arrived, and the first officer who came forward to comfort him was James Gordon!

"It's impossible..."

Bruce still couldn't believe it, "You mean, the pursuer sent by Barbatos this time is Officer Gordon?"

That good police officer who never goes along with Gotham and sticks to his own bottom line?

He is Gotham's last conscience, how could he become a pursuer?

And he's still chasing himself?


Absolutely impossible!

"I didn't say the pursuer this time was Gordon."

Katum sighed, “It’s my fault too, actually I should have expected it.

"Martha has already said that the fifth metal does not require pursuit, as long as it is delivered.

"Now the problem has indeed arisen, Bruce, have you ever thought about a question -

"If Sirius were Gordon...

"Who is Lupine?"

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