Batman's Owl Godfather

Chapter 146 Homotopy

"Who could it be?"

Bruce thought for a long time, but he never thought about the causal relationship between what Katum said just now.

What did he think of?

The owl sighed and said to Bruce: "Well, I didn't mention this before, because I didn't think it was important at all.

"Bruce, what you need to know is that in the DC parallel universe, there is the concept of sibling.

"Just like you are Bruce, in the parallel universe of DC, there will be another Bruce. He may have a completely different fate from yours, but there is no doubt that he is you in a different world.

“And when the scope is expanded even further, from the DC multiverse to the entire universe, the concept of homotopes still exists, but the corresponding relationship is no longer so obvious.

"Take an example of someone you are familiar with, your mentor, Professor Gail Green——

“In this world, he is an immortal wizard, but in other worlds, he may be a pirate roaming the sea, a robot with scissor hands, a chocolate factory manufacturer, or a mad hatter in a fairy tale—

“Even a certain Hollywood actor.

“These are all peers of Gale Green, and now it’s the same thing if it’s Sirius and Lupine.

“Sirius’s counterpart in DC is Commissioner Gordon of Gotham City.

"And Lupin's counterpart in DC..."

At this point, Katum paused for a moment.

It wasn't until Bruce's interest was all raised that he said slowly: "It's Ares, the God of War!"

"So -" Bruce said at this time, "Is there really a god in my original world?"

"What are you surprised about? Haven't you seen Barbatos before?" Katum said.

"That's not what I meant."

Bruce organized his explanation, "I have never regarded Barbatos as a god, only as a relatively powerful creature, but Ares is still different. After all, I grew up listening to his stories. "

He considers himself not a religious person, and his respect for gods is very limited.

Katum nodded and said: "Your idea is correct. Gods are just stronger people. At least the existence of one of your future teammates proves that there is no reproductive isolation between gods and humans.

"Okay, let's go back to Lupine, or Ares.

"Honestly, it's hard for most people to imagine that Lupine, a bad boy, would be so highly ranked in the DC world.

“Ares is the God of War, Wonder Woman’s brother and arch-enemy. He often transforms into a mortal to instigate wars in the world, causing killing and bloodshed wherever he goes.

"As a result, now he has arrived in the world of Harry Potter..."

And it also happens to be a critical juncture in the Second Wizarding War, where the storm is about to come.

Katum thought to himself that his previous guess was indeed correct. When the power related to time appears, everything seems to be undone.

Something irreversible will happen.

The atmosphere in the cubicle was getting a little tense now.

Even Hermione, who had no idea why, felt this abnormality.

She lowered her head and asked softly: "Bruce, what happened? I see your expression is a little strange."

"It's nothing." Bruce shook his head, "I just feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach and want to go to the bathroom."

Hermione was speechless for a moment.

"Then go quickly!" she said. "If you hold it back, who are you competing with?"

It’s just a trip to the bathroom, so what kind of idol baggage is there?

Bruce left the compartment as a matter of course, and Katum flew out immediately after.

"What now?"

Bruce was walking in the corridor, "Can Hogwarts really be able to deal with a mythical figure?"

"It definitely can't be dealt with."

Katum concluded without hesitation, "Although Ares is the God of War, in modern times, he likes to fight proxy wars.

"If he wants to take action against Hogwarts, he doesn't even have to leave the field himself. With a few provocations, Hogwarts will be in civil strife.

"But the problem probably hasn't reached this level yet. I always feel like there's something wrong with Ares.

"For the specific situation, we can just ask it!"

After Katum finished speaking, Bruce saw a big black dog following him and Katum.

Sirius followed him out at some point.

"Go to the bathroom first," Katum said.

A person, a bird, and a dog just hid in the bathroom together.

Entering the bathroom, Bruce immediately cast the whispering spell and other spells to prevent anyone from eavesdropping or peeping.

After all this was done, the big black dog turned into a man in front of them.

Dirty messy hair hanging down to his elbows, sunken eye sockets, and skin as white as a skeleton.

"Bruce, it's really you!"

Sirius, or rather Gordon, immediately stepped forward and grabbed Bruce.

"I heard that you left Gotham and went to study at Princeton, but why are you here..."

He wanted to express his thoughts, but when he got closer, he realized something was wrong.

This Bruce seemed a little different from the child in his impression.

Just the looks are different.

But Gordon clearly felt that this person was Bruce.

What's going on?

"Chief Gordon?"

Bruce first confirmed the man's identity.

"It's me!"

Gordon was overjoyed. It seemed that the weird feeling just now was just his illusion.

"You are indeed Bruce! Then you must know where this is? Why am I here?"

"Chief Gordon, don't worry!"

Bruce considered the words, "I may not be the Bruce you remember, but it doesn't matter. I will help you answer your doubts, but before that, I want to ask you a few questions."

Gordon nodded repeatedly: "It doesn't matter, just ask!"

Thirty minutes later, a big black dog quietly slipped out of the bathroom.

Bruce walked out right behind him.

When leaving, he did not forget to remove the spell cast in the bathroom.

Back in the cubicle, Hermione's head was full of black lines: "Have you been there for so long, did you fall in?"

"I went shopping elsewhere."

Bruce said nonchalantly, "Let's chat with other students by the way."

There was nothing wrong with this reason, and the problem was quickly confused.

Bruce sat in the car seat, trying his best to calm down and not look at Lupin's face opposite.

Lupine didn't pay attention to Bruce, he just leaned against the car window and closed his eyes to relax.

"When he opens his eyes again, he should turn into Professor Lupin."

Bruce thought to himself, "After all, according to Gordon, this state can last no more than two hours a day."

Just now, Gordon explained the current situation.

Although there were some inaccuracies in the narration, Bruce still made everything clear through his own sorting.

Be it Sirius or Lupine, they are still the same as before, they have not been replaced by peers from the DC world.

There is just one more person's memory in my mind.

Most of the time, this memory was in conflict with them. Lupine and Sirius could even actively read this memory, just like watching a movie.

However, occasionally for an hour or two every day, memories will cover them like a tide, making them occasionally mistakenly think that they are another person.

In other words, during this period of time, they will act and behave according to the memory and thinking model of Gordon or Ares.

As time passes, it will recover.

There will be no gaps in the intermediate memory.

This is undoubtedly good news.

This shows that Lupine does not have the power of Ares, he is still at his original level of strength.

Average, neither weak nor strong.

There is no need to worry about the risks like that of Zur Ena, who always wants to take the initiative in his body.

Not to mention there is no need to worry about the whispers that may appear in their ears, instigating them to do strange things.

"What a great opportunity, Awei!"

Katum said, "You can learn some of the methods of the gods by gathering wool from Lupine."

"This is not something we should be considering now and we cannot take it lightly."

Bruce shook his head, "Even if you are just an ordinary person, having the knowledge of a god is scary enough."

As a war madman, Ares cannot use normal people's thinking to reason. In addition, he has many methods. Even if he only appears for an hour or two every day, he can cause a lot of trouble.

"Keep an eye on Lupin first."

Bruce thought to himself, "If Ares really has any evil intentions, he can strike first while he is Lupin!"

The only thing he can be sure of now is that the two of them are not Barbatos' pursuers. There are other reasons for the memory to appear.

Not that it's about Ares.

Why should Gordon be a pursuer?

An hour later.

Lupine suddenly let out a long yawn.

His eyes were full of exhaustion, then he looked at Hermione and Bruce and smiled.

"Sorry, kids."

He said, "I have been a little down lately and I was not very polite to you just now. I apologize to you."

Looks like he's Lupin again now.

"It's okay, Professor Lupin." Hermione said with a smile, "I can understand this situation. Sometimes when I have too much study but not enough time, my whole state will be wrong."

Bruce had experienced what Hermione said.

During the final exam of every school year, Hermione didn't know where the pressure came from, and she couldn't wait to throw herself into the pile of books every moment.

At that time, she would become extremely anxious and irritable, and the slightest trivial matter might make her hairy.

After hearing this, Professor Lu Ping nodded: "Indeed, I usually eat some chocolate at this time, and I will share this experience with you."

After that, he actually took out a large piece of chocolate from his pocket, broke it into several portions, and distributed it to everyone.

Hermione took it, thanked the professor and took a bite. She suddenly felt a wave of heat rush to the tips of her toes and fingers.

This is obviously no ordinary chocolate.

Bruce took the chocolate in his hand but didn't eat it.

He is very particular about what goes into his stomach, and Katum does all the sweets for him.

Then, Bruce watched helplessly as Lupine finished dividing the chocolate and stuffed the last remaining piece into the big black dog's mouth.

At this time, the big black dog also lost interest in Bruce, and was obviously Sirius.

It swallowed the chocolate without hesitation.

One dares to feed and the other dares to eat.

"I don't know what the fatal dose will be after Sirius turns into a dog."

Bruce thought to himself, "Such a piece of chocolate is enough to poison an average dog."

He continued to observe and found that there seemed to be nothing unusual about Sirius.

It seems that people who turn into dogs are still a little different.

Bruce did not continue to pay attention.


The train continued to rush north, the rain was getting heavier, the windows turned into a watery gray, and gradually darkened.

Finally, the lights in the aisle and on the luggage racks all lit up at once.

The train clanged, the raindrops pattered, and the wind whistled outside the window.


The train stopped with a thump, and then for no reason, all the lights went out, and they fell into complete darkness.

"What's going on?"

Bruce stood up suddenly, and then motioned Hermione not to move.

"I'll go see what's going on."

Now the whole carriage was very noisy, and it seemed that no one understood what was going on.

Bruce suddenly heard Sirius whimpering slightly.

With a slight pop, a trembling light illuminated the compartment.

Professor Lupin seemed to be holding a flame in his hand, illuminating the entire compartment, and Bruce saw that Sirius's whole body was shaking.

"I'll go check it out, Bruce, you stay in the compartment."

He said, "It's not right for a professor to let his students take risks."

"Professor, your dog!"

At this time, Bruce still had the mind to care about Sirius.

"Is he okay like this?"

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry."

Lupin had already opened the compartment, "Every time I feed it chocolate, it's like this, it must be a bit picky, it will get used to it after a few times."

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