Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 194: Trial from the mechanical family

Just when the entire neighborhood was just mad, there was an untimely sound.

"Mechanical law enforcement, everyone retreats, keep quiet!"

Out of the crowd, twenty faceless mechanical family creatures, the voice of the mechanical family in the gods can stop the children's nightingale, the excitement of the surrounding voices abruptly stopped, I saw that the twenty mechanical families went directly to the king Heavy before.

An unusually tall machine family showed him a lawful arrest warrant: "Wang Zhong, suspected of being a street fight, destroying public property, please take a trip with us."

"What do you mean? The first thing to fight is the haze and the Magnus! The ones that pick things up are also haze. If you want to catch them, you must catch him first!" Someone who had just quieted down couldn't help but yell.

"Yes! Why do you first grab the king!"

Standing in the middle of the field, Magnus, the giant python, is still a sorcerer in the morning. Now he is a Magogso. If he wins, he will become a bear.

"Keep calm!" The unusually tall mechanical family looked around, and a horrible moment spread, so that everyone who came into contact with him would be ashamed: "There are more people to hinder law enforcement!"

The surrounding people are silent, this mechanical family is too horrible, much stronger than the mechanical family of the ordinary law enforcement team. Just a glimpse of the eyes gives people an absolute sense of oppression, not to mention the law enforcement of the family, others are dissatisfied, at most Is it moving the mouth, who really dare to stop?

The mechanical family stopped everyone, turned to look to the side, and again commanded: "Take the haze and Magsoso together!"

Wang Zhong smiled and did not resist. He made a confrontation with the mechanical family in the gods. Even if he came to the gods for a few days, he knew that it was definitely looking for death. Moreover, he was not illiterate. The law of the Star Alliance also had a bad time during this time. Some small mechanism loopholes may not be understood by him, but at least in terms of the nature of the incident, his behavior today should not be a big deal.

He followed the tall mechanical family in front, and behind him led Magnusso, squatting with the haze, acting, and even the scattered scales and blood on the ground were packed in just one minute. Clean, so that those who want to miss something, disappointing, followed by twenty mechanical family with three people, in the entire street thousands of gaze gaze out of the block neatly out of the block.

The face of Shana Li, who has been standing on the roof, has a faint smile, full of interest, a little tiptoe, and goes behind the machine family. Thousands of people in the back area face each other. A reaction came over and swayed the old cow's arm: "The boss! We are also going to see it!"

"Right right!" Waiting for the old cow to answer, the numerous sellers on the street spontaneously raised their enthusiasm: "Go all go!"

"Many people can also be a witness! It is obviously a sinister provocation, and the master is forced to fight, and does not violate the law of the Star Alliance! As for the broken houses, they are on our street, let us recognize ourselves!"

"Mom, it’s not your house that is bad..." The owner of the store that was knocked down on the third floor was shaking.

"The interest! Just a few dollars worth of your broken house? Everyone will pay for you! I will go to you with money!"

"If you want to prove that we are going to testify, we must lose money, let's make up the money!" No one is organized. All the vendors are standing on the same line this time: "Can't let our heroes suffer, and they will bleed!"

A group of people are so vast, that the situation can be ten times more exciting than when the Tianbao Chamber of Commerce organized everyone to go to the law enforcement team to protest. It is necessary to rush to the law enforcement team and not be blamed for the crime of agglomeration. At the time, I was afraid that Wang Zhong’s sin would become sinful.

"Quiet! Quiet! Don't mess!" The old cow is one of the leaders of the Chamber of Commerce. He is still quite prestigious in Tianbao Street. He shouted: "There are too many people, but it is easy to go wrong. Choose a few representatives to go with me!" Everyone is waiting for news at Tianbao Street. If there is any situation, we will inform you as soon as possible!"

The Katangla District is built around a Tianhe tributary node numbered TH43. All the top forces in the entire area and even the major departments of the Star Alliance are located near the TH43 tributary node.

Such a node center and those sand fields that are dredging around the Tianhe River are completely different. The Tianhe itself contains a great aura, but also contains acute poison and radiation, but at such a node position, because of some strange Tianhe rules, from The spread of radiation and highly toxic in the Tianhe River will be reduced to a minimum level, almost harmless, and the level of aura that spreads will greatly exceed the average level. In such a place, the pressure and gravity will undoubtedly be greater, and correspondingly, the world Aura will also be softer, richer and more pure.

Going here, Wang Zhong has a feeling that the heavens and the earth become clearer in the perception. There is no doubt that practicing in such an environment is definitely more effective. It is no wonder that the big sects and big people hold the gods and rivers, and the closer they are, the closer they are. In these places of the Tianhe node, the land price is more and more expensive. Don’t look at the same area. The land price at the center of this node can be dozens of times on the side of Tianbao Street.

The people were directly brought to the law enforcement team. The seven-level mechanical life body quickly left. Some people from the mechanical family came to handle the law enforcement procedures for several people. According to the rules of the Star Alliance, any crimes suspected of being imaginary and powerful were To be convicted or released through a formal trial in the law enforcement hall.

After completing the formalities, Wang Zhong was taken to the lounge for trial.

There are four people in the room. In addition to Wang Zhong, Magso and the haze that just woke up, the Shana Li of the Cloud Zong is also there, but unlike the identity of Wang Zhong, they are guilty. This is free. As a member of the Tianmen sequence, there is great freedom in the land, and free entry and exit of any place in the law enforcement team is just a trivial matter for them.

There is a slight embarrassment on Magso's face. This is a bold person. I can see that Wang Zhong always remembers the last time at the old cow's house, let him panic and say hello to Wang Zhong. After that, he sat on the side of the rules and adjusted his injuries, and he did not say anything.

The haze has also woke up, frankly speaking, his injury is not too heavy, and the resilience of the scorpion is amazing. Shanaly gave him a healing remedy. Although it seems to be dying, the spirit is already It has recovered a lot. Looking at Wang Zhong’s eyes is full of hatred and killing: “Garbage, you will pay for it all! My father will definitely want your life!”

"The dog with a fangs doesn't bite," Wang said with a smile. "If you can't hit it, you can go back to find you. You can really have a good future."

The other side of Shana Li couldn't help but laugh out loud. This guy is so funny and his mouth is too bad.

The haze was first, but when I heard Shanna’s laughter, I was so angry that I was awake, and I was almost awake. He pointed to Wang Zhong and his voice was a little trembling: “You ,you……"

Wang Zhong was too lazy to take care of him. Instead, he turned his head and rushed over to Shana and said hello: "You just fed him that healing medicine is very powerful. He suddenly woke him up. What is Dan? ”

"Qing Shen Bai Yun Dan, specializing in anger and anger, and confusion." Shana Li said with a smile: "Be strong and healthy, and make people calm."

"Then you can feed him a few more." Wang shook his head: "I see him is not very calm now."


The old blood of the yin squirted directly, humiliating himself not to say, even in front of his own face to play the woman he saw, more critically, this woman actually responded! He was also eyebrows and talked with him. It was simply, he was... he was a cultivation madman. After joining the Tianmen sequence, he was also exposed to the diligent geniuses of the various ethnic groups. The gang may not lack the mind. But there really is no one who has nothing to do with others. This is really not good at it, let alone the lighter haze. In the face of Wang Zhong’s sharp mouth and various invisible blows, it’s just a feeling of one. Hundreds of mouths can only say that he, the kind of grievances that are hard-pressed and difficult to apply, are not under the shame of being defeated by him in public.

But before he could put the most vicious words he could think of on the earth, the door of the lounge had been opened, and a mechanical family came in with a blank expression: "Please ask Tianbao Street." The person entered the law enforcement hall for trial!"

The Law Enforcement Agency is also known as the trial center of the mechanical family. Those who can be brought here to judge are those who have a certain status in the domain of the gods. Ordinary people are not qualified to work for the trial judge to conduct trials.


When everyone just came out of the lounge, they heard a scream of anxious anger in the law enforcement hall outside. There was a strong horror atmosphere that filled the madness from the stand there, not only the eager concern for the dying haze, but also It is directly locked in Wang Zhong, that breath and gaze, I just want to immediately devour Wang Zhongsheng.

Yin Jiuli, the lord of the Yin dynasty.

After all, it’s a sect. Although there is no such dazzling talent as a son, the breath that comes out of Yin Ji’s body is undoubtedly much more terrible than the yin, so that Wang Zhong’s heart is secretly stunned. Too much room for improvement, but often has its own uniqueness, just like Magso, if it is not a strategic choice mistake, or too care about the street is broken, as long as he has been standing on the ground, borrowing the land Forced to be down to earth, with the thick skin and the natural power, you may not be able to fight again with the haze.

And this Yin Jiuli, from the momentum that broke out under the anger at this time, its strength is only more on the haze and Magso.

Wang Zhong’s eyes are slanting, not only Yin Jiuli and a group of sinister sinister sinisters, sitting in the stands of this law enforcement hall, there are still old cows, little foxes and Lingjie Haiye, etc. The face of the person is full of worry at this time, but when he sees Wang Zhong, the little fox is cheering: "Wang Zhongwang is heavy, are you okay? We are all here!"


"Silence! Quiet!" A mechanical family sitting in the middle of the law enforcement hall knocked on the table and shouted seriously.

Unlike the ordinary mechanical family, the head of this mechanical family is huge, the skull of the hindbrain is transparent... It seems to be a universe inside, and the shape of the face is quite normal. Obviously, this person has a different status in the mechanical family. The mechanical family is particularly respectful.

Drinking the cockroaches in the field is a series of processes.

The law enforcement team with the mechanical family took out the battle projection playback on Tianbao Street today. The light of the projection flashed in the hall. The old cow and others watched and their faces were very difficult to see.

The law enforcement team of the mechanical family apparently arrived at the block early in the morning. The video recorded was extremely complete, starting with the battle between the haze and Magso, until Wang Zhong fainted the haze. Frankly speaking, this is very strange. The law enforcement of the mechanical family often waits until the incident occurs, but it has already arrived at the incident before the accident. This is in line with the law enforcement style of the mechanical family. It can be different. If you say that there is nothing in the middle, who is it?

The ruthlessness of the law enforcement of the mechanical family is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but there is no absolute thing. Now that it feels that it is stingy, can the mechanical family help a group of civilians to deal with a nobleman? Even if the mechanical family really has such a lofty consciousness, there is no such thing as a secret intersection between the whole Tianbao Street and the mechanical family. The fart relationship is not there. Is it normal for people to help you?

Quiet in the hall until the entire projection process is finished.

"The judge is an adult, things are already obvious!" Yin Jiuli stood up.

He can tolerate the arrogance of the haze in front of him, because the haze represents the future of the yin yin and is the continuation of his own life. But this does not mean that others can bully his heirs like this!

"Through the law enforcement video, the public property destroyed by both sides, we succumbed to Yinzong to pay compensation! However, this untouchables hurt the nobility, and it is still a special aristocrat who entered the Tianmen sequence!" Yin Ji Li is mainly the guest, the law of the Star Alliance is for them. These people who are in charge of a large gate are really familiar with it. The Star Alliance is so much more civilized than the strong sea of ​​the Yinzong, but it can be firmly rooted in the Katangla District. At its root, it is precisely because of the thorough understanding of the rules of the Star Alliance that they can often make them ruin.

Telling the king to damage the public property or something, it is all the crime of fart, this guy who dares to humiliate his child in public, Yin Jiuli wants him to die, he must die!

Just listen to him and sigh: "According to the law, at least 10 years in prison, or sent to the arena!"

"I now formally apply for civilized arbitration in the name of the sect of the sinister sect, and these extremely bad cases must be subject to the highest sentence!"

The courtroom was quiet, and the old cow and other people were shocked. They only felt the palms of their hands sweat.

Applying for civilized arbitration is the right that all major leaders have, and once civilized arbitration is proposed, it is no longer a simple private incident, but rises to the height of the Star Alliance civilization, and sentencing is often quite heavy. This is the rule written into the law of the land. Even the mechanical family can not ignore it. The privilege is also a means of stimulation. What the heavens want is not a land of stagnant water.

This is simply to be a heavy life.

"Yin Zongzhu, you eliminate the gas," waited for the judge's response, the old cow next to it has quickly lost the smile and said: "It's just a private fight, you don't need to apply for civil arbitration. So, if you say a number, I will go bankrupt. and also……"

"Hey." Yin Jiuli coldly glanced at him: "What are you? A squatter who is doing business, is also standing in this courtroom and bargaining with me?"

The old cow glimpsed, to be honest, in front of Yin Jiuli, there is really no qualification for him to speak, but Wang Zhong is for everyone to fall into this step, in order to save the king and help the king to get rid of the crime, the old cow is also going out, letting Don't want an old face, how ugly you are, how ugly it is: "The Yinzong Lord said that the villain can bargain, but he is begging you..."

"In the current courtroom, what kind of garbage can you mix in?" Yin Jiuli simply looked at him even if he didn't even bother to look at him: "The presiding judge, a low-ranking citizen like this, is not worthy to enter the trial hall, please ask him. Expelled."

"How do you like this person? If you are a good person, you will be arrogant."

The old cow was shocked, but before he could hold the mouth of the little fox, the following Wang Zhong had already said with a smile: "Niu Ge, you don't need to whisper to the guy. If you didn't take me, I might I have been starving to the streets for a long time. It doesn't matter if you have little things. You don't have to worry about it. How can I judge how to judge? I want to go to a sinister sect and still can't affect the mechanical family."

"Hey, there is a kind." Yin Jiuli's eyes flashed a bit of vicious killing: "I admire you a little bit of this kid, it depends on whether you can be so hard when you die!"

"You are dead, little bastard!" The haze is already a roaring roar below.

"Silence! Quiet!"

The chief of the giant mechanical family was knocking on the table again. The law enforcement hall suddenly quieted down. I saw that the star of the judge's head was shining, and it seemed to be sharing some information with other mechanics.

The communication mode of the mechanical family can not be imitated by any other ethnic group in the domain. They have a unique communication platform. Each mechanical family can communicate with any other family in any place, anytime, anywhere, even some people say that all The mechanical family and the soul share the same soul, that is, the heart of the machine, only the mechanical family can achieve complete family synchronization, sharing all knowledge, and even all emotions.

The presiding judge is obviously communicating information with other to determine the outcome of the trial.

Although the results have not yet come out, the face of Yin Jiuli is calm as water, and the haze below is already showing the expression of victory.

The civilized arbitration has a high legal level and has many special powers. Of course, there are many restrictions. For example, a six-level civilization can only apply for one at most within ten years. That is a privilege granted by the Star Alliance to these higher civilizations. .

Yin Jiuli applied for civilized arbitration in the identity of the sect of the Yin dynasty. Unless there is another civilization of the same level that uses civilized arbitration to refute it, it is impossible to revoke it or change it. Used to deal with a king, frankly, it’s a bit of a chicken knife, but Yin Jiuli saw the video of Wang Zhong and Haze, the earth’s fighting power is terrible, even if it’s not too big. Winning, and if you don't kill him as soon as possible, with his terrible growth rate, where is the place where the yin yin is in the Cartanley area?

The price is big, but the value! Wang Zhong, must die!

(Partners, I really insisted on it recently, I want a monthly ticket, thank you!)

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