Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 195: Peak circuit

The haze obviously knows this rule, but what about you? What about genius? You can crush you with power! Who told you that you are just a person with no background?

He looked at Wang Zhong with a bad look, and his eyes were full of grievances: "Wait for being sent to the arena, little bastard, I will see you being torn apart by the savage fighters in the gladia!"

Wang Zhong does not say anything. The old cows and other people in the stands are already in the face of ruin. In the face of a civilized arbitration of formal sectarian applications, they simply cannot do anything about it.

In just a dozen seconds, the presiding judge on the main station seems to have made a decision. The glittering stars on the back of the brain are slightly dark, like cutting off communication with other mechanical life, and turning their attention to the king of the audience.

There was a smile on the face of Yin Jiuli in the stands. The old cows and other people were nervous and stood up. The back was full of cold sweat.

Wang Zhong calmly right, only listened to the judge who did not hesitate to declare: "Wang Zhong, Haze, Magso, suspected of destroying public property, fighting in the streets, all damage to public property, three shares, each person pays compensation ""

Yin Jiuli smiled slightly: "You don't have to be so troublesome. I am also wrong with this sinister sin. In terms of compensation, it is up to me to negotiate with the affair, and I will bear it!"

The only thing that broke the bad was some shops in Tianbao Street, and Tianbao Street was originally bought and removed. Is this a thing? This little money is not important at all. It is sold to the mechanical family for a face, and it is a gesture of impartiality and confession. This is what the mechanical family would like to see.

The presiding judge looked at him, Yin Jiuli smiled and responded, and the surrounding people were silent. The old cows and others were unable to refute, and everyone knows that this compensation is not the focus at all, and the focus is on Wang Zhong’s trial.

"But," he only listened to the judge's long turn, and announced aloud: "The haze roars in the law enforcement department, ignoring the majesty of the mechanical family, arbitring the battlefield for one year, depriving Tianmen of qualification!"

"What?!" The underworld, which was already ready to celebrate, had a big eyes and jumped up from his seat with disbelief.

Yin Jiu Li on the stage is a little stiff, not only him, even Wang Zhong, Lao Niu, Magso, and Shana Li and others on the other side, all doubt whether it is a problem with his own ears, he got it wrong. Sentence judgment.

Wang Zhong has not yet decided, first sentenced Yin into the corner field for one year? Because of the roaring court?

But this trial is only an appetizer. The presiding judge has no intention of delaying. Just continue to pronounce: "Yin Jiuli, ignoring the majesty of the law enforcement department of the mechanical family, interfering with law enforcement, civilized arbitration was dismissed, and sentenced to one year in prison. Not bail!"

"What?!" Even if it was a savage tycoon, a calm and sturdy Yin Jiuli, it was really unbearable. It stood up and angered: "You are crazy, for a citizen who goes, I Don't go to the border!"

The place where the masters of exiles are exiled, a place where life is not as good as death is not as good as the arena.

"Roaring Judgment Hall, sin plus one, the sentence was extended to two years." The presiding judge's eyelids did not move. Of course, it did not have any eyelids: "As for the dismissal of civilized arbitration, it is our mechanical family, just now I Already confirmed in the heart of the machine, 93% of the mechanical people agree, do you have any opinion on this?"

"Machine, machinery, machinery family..." Yin Jiuli only felt a bang in his head.

The mechanical family is an eight-level civilization. Of course, there is a power to dismiss the six-level civil arbitration in his district. However, the civilized arbitration of the mechanical family? How many years have not appeared? The mechanical family is notorious for not counting other people. They themselves have laws that represent the boundaries of the land. What do they need to use civil arbitration rights? But now, even for an earth person? !


The heavy iron wood sounded on the table, and the presiding judge's majestic and low voice sounded: "Take the Yin and his sons away! In addition, since Yin Jiuli just took on all the compensation costs for destroying public property, then there is no Wang Zhongli. And Magsoso’s business, the court pronounced that the two were acquitted!”

Innocent release... don’t even lose money...

Lao Niu, Ling Jie, Xiao Mi Hu Haiye and others all open their mouths: Is this the mechanical family that everyone is familiar with? So thinking about a free people, have you encountered a fake mechanical family?


The blood of the haze spurted out, and the scene fainted on the spot. Several powerful mechanical life entered the hall. Yin Jiuli immediately squatted down, and he was unable to rest on the chair. He was not his heart. The son, who has been crawling in the Star League for too long, he has lived too fine. When he looks at the attention of Wang Zhong below, it is no longer resentment and anger, but has a deep Fear and jealousy.

Only when he understands the habits and styles of the mechanical family, and only understands the laws of the Star Alliance, he knows how incredible it is today.

This earth man is afraid of having a big backing that he can't imagine, and it is a big backing that can shake and control the judgment of the machine family! What can it be? Only the four kingdoms of heaven!

I heard that the earth used to be an amusement park for the gods. Is this king heavy...

Yin Jiu Li is a guess, but the more he guesses, the more he is afraid, the less he dares to guess again, but he knows that the 蠡 宗 宗 is completely finished!

But he obviously guessed wrong, let alone him, even if Pharaoh himself is a strange look, although he is not familiar with the rules of the Star Alliance, but today, the best result is expected. I lost a lot of money, and then I went to the battlefield to do a few years of hard work. I didn’t expect that my own fart was not there. Instead, Yin Jiuli and Haze were sentenced to severe punishment.

What is the place? It’s no exaggeration to call it a Shura Purgatory. Don’t say it for a year or two. Many of the virtual Dan’s strong people can’t live for a month.


In addition to the Yin and his son who were quickly taken away, everyone in the hall was still squatting. Shana Li had already taken the initiative and smiled and said to Wang Yu’s hand: "You are very interesting. My name is Shanali. Yunwu Zong is my home. You are welcome to come to our cloud sects at any time."

Wang Zhong’s mentality is adjusted quickly, perhaps because of the mechanical family that was saved? It shouldn't be too late, it seems that it is not worth mentioning the life of a mechanical family, and they can return to the furnace. What else can he bring to the mechanical family?

I don’t think about it when I can’t figure it out. This is his usual style. It’s just after the short-term mistakes in the verdict, it’s actually restored to normal. Who doesn’t like to be acquitted?

Wang heavy smile, stood up and reached out and Shanna Li shook: "Is that guy not your boyfriend? He was sentenced to the arena, are you so happy?"

"What boyfriend, he is self-proclaimed." Shana Li smiled: "But if you want to be my boyfriend, I might give you a chance."

"Haha." Wang Zhong haha ​​smiled, did not respond, he did not feel that he has such a big charm, this chick wall wind is serious, at first glance is the type that is very good at communication, it is best to keep it away.

"Wang Zhong!"

Waiting for Shannai to pick up the words, the little fox above has already rushed down and hangs directly on Wang Zhong. It’s too exciting. This girl won’t care about Shanna’s identity: “Great, you’re fine. Alright! We can sell flowers together again!"

Next to the old cow and Ling sister and other people face each other, Ling sister quickly pulled a small fan: "What stupid, you Wang Zhongge is like someone who sells flowers..."

The little fox spit out his tongue, she is not stupid, just simple.

Next to the old cow dry cough, frankly, he now does not know how to face Wang Zhong, so powerful and strong, can defeat the virtual Dan like the haze! And today, in the courtroom of the mechanical family, even if the old cows don’t understand the rules of the high-level, they can see that the judgment of the mechanical family is obviously toward the king. It can help the iron-faced unselfish mechanical family. What a great big man?

But this is a mysterious big man. He actually told him to do this all day, and he didn’t know if this kid would avenge his vengeance. Then, even if Wang Zhong really didn’t care about those little things, where can he go now? Is it really kind to let Wang Zhong continue to go back to the flower shop to sell flowers?

In the heart of the old cow, all sorts of miscellaneous thoughts came in. I felt awkward at the same time. I didn’t know what I should say. The five big three thick bodies were actually twisted, but I didn’t wait for him to open. Wang Zhong had already taken it. Shoot his shoulder: "Cow brother, what are you doing? Go home!"

"Go back, go home?" The old cow is again.

"Yeah, the flower shop is my home." Wang said with a smile: "Unless you don't want to take me."

The old cow was also stunned and reacted. He was also a bold character. He was a little tangled in his heart. He was completely dispelled by Wang Zhong’s two words. Haha laughed: "What! Keep it! Absolutely!" No, no, no, no, what is your stay, that is your home, have been staying for so long, don’t want to accept it? Go, let’s go home!”

"Wang Zhongwang is heavy," the little fan fox came over and lowered the voice. Mysteriously said: "I tell you something, in fact, I kicked you to break the flower pot that day, the boss asked me to do it..."

Wang touched her little head, and he actually knew it.

It was Ling’s last time telling him when he was chatting. The old cow not only took him in, but also took in many people. This is not a secret to some old vendors in Tianbao Street.

Those who were taken in by the old cows were similar to Wang Zhong. They came from the lower civilizations of the lower bounds. They didn't have the skills, and even the survival was very difficult. The old cows took them, but there was very little hospice. Most of the lower-ranking people who come from these lower civilizations are very proud. There are very few people who can work hard in the old cattle shop, or they stay for a while. They are a little fascinated when they are familiar with the gods, or they are yelling outside. The thing was killed, and even some thoughts, stealing the things in the old cattle store, the old cows have actually lost a lot of money.

But this usually incomparable guy has never complained about it. As long as he sees a wanderer like Wang Zhong, as long as he feels that the other party is not a real bad person, he will try to take it again and again.

Wang Zhong had been on Tianbao Street for several days at the time. The old cow had always been in his eyes, letting Xiaohuo deliberately hit him to break a flower pot, but it was an excuse for the old cow to find him casually. Only. This guy has never admit that he is a good person. In his words, in the domain of God, good people are not long.

This is why Wang Zhong regards the flower shop as his own home. It is because of the old cow, not just because of the old cattle.

Back to Tianbao Street, there has been a lot of joy and thunder, and a rich banquet has been prepared in the largest restaurant in Tianbao Street.

Although Wang Zhong is the hero of everyone's mind, but a group of people did not completely ignore Magnus, but also asked him to sit next to Wang Zhong, Suo Ge began to be a little embarrassed, can wait for a few cups of yellow soup, The arrogant attribute broke out again, pulling Wang Zhongchang often sighed, on the ancient road today, called the brother and brother, and suddenly there was no depression in the day when the face was overcast.

Wang Zhong took the opportunity to ask about the concise method of virtual Dan.

To be honest, if you calculate by the spiritual value, you have already reached the level of virtual Dan. When you fight the haze, you can already explode more than 100,000 spiritual values. There is no reference standard before. Wang Zhong thinks that he may be himself. It is not enough to accumulate. But after a big war, I found the threshold of the virtual Dan, but let him re-examine himself and enter the virtual Dan. This must be his own imperative.

Margaux’s answer made Wang Zhong a little speechless.

"I am a demon family..." Margaux said: "It is still a very good demon family born in a bloodline. I was born with a vain, otherwise my savvy and talent, how can I enter the patrol demon? The opportunity for a big gate."

"I didn't have the experience of consolidating the virtual Dan. The time spent in the Zongmen was not too long. With my own understanding, I really didn't learn too much."

"But I know a little, condense the virtual Dan, the situation of each ethnic group is not the same. Some races have no way to consolidate the virtual Dan. Attention, I am not talking about the exercises or methods, and the virtual Dan is not practicing with any exercises. Out of it, but relying on their own sentiments, or the talent of race, all ethnic groups actually have different ways or different perceptions on the condensate."

"The level of civilization of your earth people is too low. It has only been two years since joining the Star Alliance. The race is different, the body structure is different, and the practice system is different. There is definitely no ready-made method of condensate that can be directly used by you. Even if there is, you have to If you want to get it, the price will be great, so you still have to try it yourself."

"I can provide an idea," Magso looked at Wang Zhong: "Alchemy!"

“Do you know why the medicinal herbs are round? Do you know why all the stars in the universe are round? Do you know why the dan dan is called Dan?” He pretends to throw a lot of questions, and finally concludes :

"There are common things! Many pioneers of lower civilizations rely on the sentiment of alchemy to sum up the method of condensing their own race. This may be your best choice."

Wang Zhong is immersed in meditation. Magso is a typical heroic second generation, alchemy. He has heard countless times from the sea boss. It is the same taboo as the exercises. It is the secret of each sect. Will let outsiders know.

There is no virtual Dan, Aura is meaningless, and his goal is not to be a snake in Tianbao Street for a lifetime.

The Crystal Arena is a well-known place in the world.

Here, at any time, blood is in the carnival, releasing the degenerate nature of civilization. The newcomers are called "meats". They walk into the circular battlefield, quickly lose their lives in them, and the blood of various colors gather together. The resulting color is rich and deep black, reminiscent of dirty coke, and their original living body, because of death, exudes unwillingness and fear.

In the cage, on the third day of the arrival, Aeolos saw the owner of the arena in the cage. It is a powerful crystal strong. Like humans, the crystal family is also a typical human race. Different from human beings, on their foreheads, a symbiotic crystal grows naturally, which is the source of their strength. Compared with the four-level civilization of human beings, the crystal family is a seven-level civilization that is in the midst of a strong life.

Human beings are not unique, and they are not the center of the universe. The only narcissism of human beings in the gods is the lowest civilization.

When Aeolos looked at the crystal man called "burning holy", the crystal man omitted him and put his appreciation on the silver-titan Titan. "Zali Luo, you deserve a reward, please Be prepared, tomorrow, your opponent will no longer be the idiot of those low-level That is the opponent I have carefully selected for you, I hope you can survive, the audience likes you, indeed, who Will you not like the Titans? Especially the high-end silver-powered Titans."

Zaloli dazzled his eyes and looked at the face of the crystal man. The dignified atmosphere seemed as if he could rush to the bottom of the crystal man's face at any time.

However, in the next second, there was a cold sneer on the face of Zalli. His lips were slightly raised. It was a smirk, and then he used a nail to break into the flesh and said: "Come to my sister." Say hello, Burning Division."

Obviously, there was a festival between them, and in the past it was the tie-up, but now he is in the hands of the Burning Division.

Therefore, the Burning Division was not angry at all. He coldly slammed his last look and turned and left. Now, he has time to let the Titan learn how to respect the master here, the dominator of the arena, the burning division. Burning holy.

"Do you have hatred? Is it related to his sister?" Aylos licked his dry lips. Here, everything must be obtained through battle, food, water, and even various women. Enjoy the standard treatment to maintain a minimum survival. In the eyes of the managers of the arena, this is the same reason that the wolves who have been hungry for seven days and seven nights will be more bloody.

Victory can get what you want, even women can offer.

As for "humanity", from the moment of becoming a gladiator, whether it is a crime or a volunteer for the star currency, it is no longer a "person."

Zalilo swayed Aeolos. "Do you human beings, are they so gossip?"

(Sorry, I missed it at 6 o'clock yesterday and got up again, and I fell asleep accidentally)

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