Battle Frenzy

Vol 9 Chapter 213: Dandao

Under the praise of the master, the winged cloud worm also proudly looked up and opened his legs, eyes were watching the sky, a pair of proud statues, and Jonas was really a mold printed.

"Yes, Not Bad."

"Haha, boss, you don't know, in this day, the messenger is a person's status symbol! You have to get a messenger on the top grade, you are embarrassed to say hello to people when you go out..." Jonas said suddenly Shut up, it seems to be a little over, there is no messenger next to it... At this time, I quickly turn around and take a shot: "Reassured, boss, mine is yours! You have to send a letter to the outside, I am all inclusive! The two brothers have the same blessings!"

Pharaoh smiled. "This little thing can only pass simple messages."

"Oh, enough, good quality!" Jonas said. "Right, there is a joke today. I heard that a martial arts brought an elf from the Elf Garden, and it depends on it. Is it a matter of spectrum, the elves can come out one or two every year, all of them are Dan Xiu Bao Yuan, Wu Xiu can have it, can I have this repair?

Lao Wang glanced at this guy, timid and love to show off, but willing to be bigger.

Jonas did not forget the right thing. When he came back, he carried a big bag on his back. At this time, he screwed the big bag and opened it. He saw that the bottom of the big bag was a layer of black metal. It was their device. Repairing the active metal of Agadas, and above the black gold, it is full of all kinds of dying, and there is no spiritual remnant of the flowers.

"Boss, look at this!" Jonas said as he took out all the medicinal materials and, together with the active metals of Agadas, divided them into two on the table: "Haha, you are a copy." I am a child, all live together! Don't be polite with me, this is the return of the token, let us help each other."

Wang Zhong carefully smashed it, and saw that most of the flowers and plants were low-grade defective products, and their vitality and intrinsic aura were extremely poor and extremely thin. "Are you sure that this can be alchemy?"

I have learned some common sense of pharmacology in Haiye. The most basic one is that he understands that only good herbs can improve the success rate of medicinal herbs. This time, the seven medicinal herbs are arranged to make everyone Learning refining, that is the first step to really contact Dan Dao. Even if someone can really practice, it is graded.

In general, as long as Cheng Dan has the most basic effect of the medicinal herbs, but the kind of reluctance to become a Dan, the effect is very poor. Achieving 50% can be regarded as passing, 60% or more is considered excellent, and the best Shicheng Dan, also known as Yuandan Dan, wants to refine a 10 product of 10%, which is really no better than refining six The difficulty of Pindan and even Wu Pin Dan is one and a half.

Like this? Don't say Cheng Dan, if it's a better Dan furnace, then throwing them in is a kind of dregs for Dan furnace.

"Boss, we just make a mess, it is difficult to make a real alchemy, you have the basis of alchemy, come up to Qi Pin Dan, simply did not give us a way to live." Jonas said, a face of experts.

Flying pigs are also speechless. Pharaoh stares at the medicinal materials in a daze, making him feel that Pharaoh seems to have tried to make alchemy: "You don't really want to make alchemy? That stuff doesn't even have fun for us." ...I said that we are still realistic and willing to give a task."

If you can't play, you don't just have to look at how much money you have. You have to look at talent. If you have talent, if you have dozens of furnace materials, you can at least train a nine-character teacher. Many of the forces can be cultivated. . But if you don't have talent, tens of thousands of furnace materials will break in, you can't even see the slag, then it is not enough for you to play like this. Other industries are good, and there is a practice that makes perfect, dripping water and stone.

But alchemy? This can't be cooked, it's a gift, there is talent, there is no talent, no talent? You are still a **** for 10,000 years.

The lower civilization wants to learn the shellfish. There are many people who come from the alchemy. But since the creation of the domain, there is only one shell, and that is not without reason. Talent, wealth, these are not the grades that lower civilizations can get, but Pharaoh is different...

Lao Wang waved his hand and measured the medicinal materials in his hand. It was the last one, not only the variety, but also a slap in the face, and a pair would soon be unable to survive. Jonas could not bear to see it completely. It is the kind of defective product that cannot be sold.

But Lao Wang has a light in his eyes, an inspiration, a broken medicine, maybe...

Since the self-improvement of spiritual power reached the upper limit, Pharaoh did not have to deal with the debris world anymore, not because of money. The lower elixir has not helped him a lot, but in Tianbao Street, good high-level elixir is rarely seen, even if it is obtained, the extent of the fragmented world can not be planted at that time. The world of debris is related to the geographical location of Wang Zhongzhong. The more the outside world is rich, the better the effect of the debris world.

Before coming to Tianmen, he had thought about using the superior geographical environment of Tianmen to start experimenting with the cultivation of higher-level elixir. He just came to work hard these days and actually forgot about it, but now he looks at it. The incomplete medicine that filled the table, the mind was completely alive.

"It's okay, I want to order something." Pharaoh has recovered from meditation, laughing and happily putting everything in a bag: "Thank you!"

After all, it’s just started, and the first month is always a few more hours.

There is a class on the second day of the alchemy hall. It is different from the other two classes in the two classes. This time, almost all the staff are still there. Even those who know that they have no alchemy talent at all, they are reluctant to fall down. The opportunity of the elders to preach.

Practice and practice, all said that all roads lead to Rome, alchemy is the most central and most mysterious kingdom of all practices, can feel more, can experience more, always have great help to other practices.

Under the furnace, 1,500 disciples gathered, and they came to the scene early. No one wants to be late for a second, just like a grand ceremony.

First, the materials were submitted. The three supervisors opened the table next to them. The materials were only checked and not collected. The supervisor’s expression was indifferent, but each disciple was quite excited, and they all looked at each other’s materials. Was robbed, the same medicinal herbs, at least 1,500, where there are so many top reserves, this time is to fight for the financial strength, but also fight for status.

The best material is definitely for the strongest person.

Pharaoh and Jonas are in the dragons. Looking at the disciples in front of them are all kinds of fragrant materials. Jonas’s goods are obviously a bit nervous. When it’s their turn, the supervisor has been expressionless. The face is stunned.

Looking at the things that the goods came out of the bag, the disciples next to them all had the feeling of wanting to turn their eyes.

"Is this a dregs?"

"Look at the ghost kiss orchid... My God, it is not easy to grow into this."

"Rely, is there such an operation? These things are the garbage that goes to the elixir market? Can this also pass the task?"

Around the jaw-dropping snoring, that is, Pharaoh and Jonas, the two skins are invincible. The supervisor responsible for collecting the materials checked for a long time, and finally registered them with a roster, but the eyes of Jonas, Wang Zhong and others were a bit cold, and the contempt from the bones was obvious to these hybrids. Not waiting to see.

According to some statistics, the 100 people in the alchemy hall must have completed the quality and quantity of each person, and almost all of them have paid more than three copies, and the most have paid fifty copies. The other auditors are uneven. In particular, Xiuwutang, the nine hundred disciples, also turned over more than three hundred, not unwilling to earn this very much, it is really shy, a medicinal material of Qipindan is really not available to anyone, enough to make A six-level sacred door has been suffering for several months. And there are still a few things like Jonas who get some of the goods, but it doesn't matter. There are always loopholes in the system. Tianmen does not oppose the disciples to move these thoughts and brains. You want It’s your ability to be able to get through the scams and confuse the points.

After a while, a long elder appeared on the stone stove on time.

A list appeared in his hands, which was the roster registered before the people handed over the materials. He raised his name.

"Alchemy is sacred, serious, and unforgettable. Materials are the foundation of all Dandao. Without resources, it is best to give up early, so as not to mistake others." Although the voice of the elders is very easy-going, there is no Named after the surname, but many people immediately turned their attention to a few people such as Jonas, Wang Zhong, etc. These people shattered the materials to shoddy, but many people have seen it before, this also It was counted as a elder.

All kinds of contemptuous, ridiculous, disdainful eyes came over. Jonas did not hear it at all. He couldn’t see that the goods were quite cheeky. As for the pharaoh, it’s even more indifferent. The eyes smiled.

"No shame!" Someone whispered.

The medicinal materials that were turned over will be returned. The alchemy hall will not be able to see the disciples’ things. It is just to warn the disciples who hold the unrealistic dream of alchemy, a reality, no money, no waste. time.

Since the preparation of the seven materials, it is necessary to explain the refining system, naturally it is also the seven medicinal drugs, which obviously needs a very good foundation, the people who can enter the refining Dantang are obviously qualified, and other students are poor. Far away. However, Emo elders are not interested in going to the audience to listen to them. At this time, the avenue of the banquet is open, and it is directly about the refining method of Qipindan.

"Seven Pin Xuan Jing continued Ling Dan, this Dan..."

The sound of the elders is still so good, but the progress of this course jumps too much. A large group of students will be a little dumbfounded when they listen to their students. They can quickly figure out. The last time the elders explained that the foundation of Dan Dao is actually very The big exception is that it is impossible for people to teach their hands from scratch. The bishops of the people are still the genius children who have a good foundation in the alchemy hall. They listen to these, no one cares, they look at luck and realize their own.

Listen and understand, you can make your own experiments and do it. After all, this is not a charity hall.

Emo elders have already introduced some of the functions and characteristics of Qipin Xuanjing continued Lingdan: "Everyone knows four steps in alchemy, gathering materials, cooking furnaces, melting souls, and alchemy."

"The so-called poly material, the proportion of materials, the age of the material, the level of medicine, the degree of freshness in various details. Take Qipin Xuanjing continued Lingdan as an example, the main medicine has eleven flavors..."

"The furnace, as the name suggests, the ignition furnace. The furnace is important, but the furnace is not enough, but also needs a good fire..."

"Break the soul, match the soul with the Dan furnace, let the soul blend with the Dan furnace. This is a further extension of the furnace. Any Dan furnace is spiritual, it is the embryo that breeds everything, you are sincere to it, it also Will give you the corresponding return, beginners may be difficult to reach the realm of letting the soul melt into the furnace, but there is a rather stupid but very effective way, bathing incense, meditation and even sorrow, as long as you are enough Devotion, you can also establish a relationship with Dan furnace, this is a process that beginners must go through..."

"Alchemy, it can be said that the above three steps are all prepared for the most crucial step of alchemy. In the four major steps, the word 'refining' is the most important, with its own spiritual power as the lead, with the soul as the thought. Feel the process of spiritual gathering in the Dan furnace, and constantly adjust the direction of the accumulation of medicinal aphrodisiac..."

"The method is very simple. Some steps that can take shortcuts can only be regarded as auxiliary. The real 'refining' can only be understood and cannot be said. It requires a lot of experience. Ten thousand people will have the same kind of Dan, there will be 10,000. A different kind of experience and process, the world will not have exactly the same Chengdu, and absolutely can not find the same two brilliant, even if it is produced in the same furnace."

"Some people say that every panacea is unique. This sentence is not exaggerated. Everyone must find their own way of their own way. The master leads the door and practices in the individual..."

The voice of E Mo’s elders screamed on the stone platform. It was different from the various embarrassments in the previous lesson to explain the foundation of Dan Dao. Most of the lessons were detailed.

One elder said that it was quite transparent. He said that the avenue can only be said to be unspeakable, but for a powerful person like Mo elder, they can always find the most accurate statement to express some 晦涩The unreasonable truth, coupled with the kind of picture that comes with the avenues of the sacred sacred sounds, is incomparably vivid and stereoscopic in the whole class, so that the princess is really fascinated.

Quite thorough, very understand!

But this is obviously only the feeling of being the old king. The former disciples of the alchemy do not have to say that the following people can listen to the students. Almost nine of them are listening to the fog, and the second monk is puzzled.

This is not only a matter of natural savvy, but also because of the influence of civilization.

The earth is a very special existence. It is known as the Gods Amusement Park. There have been countless gods' footprints. The civilization inheritance is really a fusion of hundreds of rivers. For example, although humans have not yet mastered the so-called method of condensing dan, it is ‘ alchemy,’ which was already in the early days of the dark ages of the earth, and it has existed and has been clearly documented. Even the earth and the holy places have been studied, but because of the lack of aura, it is limited to the development of alchemy, and it has not become a climate.

In theory, in some cognitive aspects, it is not lacking. The so-called pork has always imagined running pigs. This makes Wang Zhong feel very easy and transparent when accepting many common senses of alchemy, especially one. The elders are taught in such a avenue, and the inspiration is quite strong. He understands it at a glance and makes people feel incredible.

Next to Jonas, she was completely asleep. Yesterday, I listened to the outline. Today, when I talked about the details, I heard that his brain hurts. The others who listened to it were also stunned and their hair was caught by themselves. I feel the same as listening to the Bible. Don't say them, even the disciples of the alchemy halls in front of them are constantly asking questions in some details.

It is also a feast for the audience.

Pharaoh is very satisfied. Since entering Tianmen, he feels that listening to the elders is the most interesting and the most essential. The little old man on the stone platform who looks dry and thin and never releases any pressure field is not only In the eyes of the old king, in the eyes of this thousand and five hundred new disciples, it has already become extremely stalwart.

By the end of the course, many people have been in groups.

Tianmen’s three churches are of course the most important circle, but in fact there is a more important part of the entire Tianmen That is the organization meeting, initiated by Tianmen disciples, according to habits and status Such an organization that spontaneously condenses together is the closer unity of the entire Tianmen.

To be honest, it’s not easy to come here. Learning and progress are just one aspect. Not everyone can have a chance to fly. Here is more of an upper circle, playing relationships, making friends, and mixing the top circles. It is the focus of more people entering Tianmen. Even in some people's eyes, the circle of confusion is more important than academics.

More famous, like the eight-level fraternity, only accept the disciples of the eight-level civilization to join, the circle is full of heroes in the realm of the land, and is also known as the 'Prince Club' by other people in Tianmen. Children.

In Lei Meng, for example, only the best practitioners of Leifa can join. It is not only martial arts that will practice Leifa. In fact, many of the repairs will be done. Lei Meng is very strong inside Tianmen. Leifaben is known as the attacking The fierce representative of one, the Leymen ally is a former Jin Taitan senior, and it is said that he has already condensed Jindan, preparing for the opportunity to fly soon.

Another example is the alternative ‘Dan Yihui’. Only the top masters in Dan Xiu can join. This is fair, not watching the civilization without looking at the background, only watching your strength.

Even the special arrogant flying pig Jonas has a meeting, but it is very straight, ‘Tianmen Chamber of Commerce’...

There are some old disciples on the scene, they can also be called predecessors, and they are absorbing new members. Of course, this kind of old disciples who take the initiative to absorb new members are basically slag-organizing organizations, like the eight-level brotherhood. This, Lei Meng, Dan Yihui, it is impossible to recruit people at all, everyone breaks their heads and wants to squeeze into a circle, enough to qualify for the team to wait for others to pick.

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